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Concept of HMT ( Harmonic Mitigated Transformer) and K rated Transformer which are

complimentary to each other. While discussing about loads and transformer sizing, we often do not
think about non linear nature of loads. The use of so much electronics contribute huge non linearity
to loads particularly in data centres, hospitals , process VFDs, LED lights etc . This creates harmonics
in addition to fundamental sine waves for linear loads that increases heating in Transformer. There
are two remedies.

1. Use K rated transformer as per enclosed write up and select higher rated transformer ( see write
up) decided by factor of non linearity than normal rated for linear loads.


2. Use special winding insulated , harmonic mitigated winding transformer to mitigate the heating
effect due to non linearity.

Whether you choose 1 or 2 depends on cost, Capex and Opex.

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