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A Talk About My Life

“People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.” Is it sounds familiar to
you? Well, it's the first line of a well-known poem by an unidentified author (though it's
sometimes attributed to Eleanor Roosevelt or Brian A. "Drew" Chalker). Not all friendships can
last a lifetime. Some friendships get off to a good start before fading away. Some friendships
serve a very specific purpose for a short period of time—a few months or even a few years—
and then they slowly come to an end. However, what differentiates a friend for a reason, a
season, or a lifetime?

When I was a kid, I really love going to playground and making friends with kids that I will
meet there. It was Moira, a girl I met. She is a sweet and generous friend of mine. She had her
birthday the day after we met, as I recall. My mother bought me a stuff toy but I gave it to
Moira as a gift for her special day. Every Friday, she visits me at home, and we play with my
dollhouse, Barbie, Play-Do, and Lego toys. Move on, we parted ways. We have a different group
of friends. But one thing that I am sure of, she is my first best friend and she taught me how to
treat friends well, and I gained important life lessons from her. I called that friendship as friend
for a reason.

I remembered when I was in grade school, I am always bestowed as the “most friendly”
student in our class. Maybe because I am easy to approach or because I have a lot of friends. I
knew in my heart that together we learned, laughed, cried, and grown. We thought that our
friendships will last for a lifetime because we taught each other something we have never done
and shared amount of joy that tickled our stomach. But as the years went by, we continuous
our paths and aims our goals separately. Those happiness and love are genuine but it is only for
a season. I called that friendship as friend for a season.

In my sixteenth year of existence, I can say that I already found a friend for a lifetime. She is
my closest friend and our family

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