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Teachers -- Another teachers' strike takes place in Scotland on 10 and 11 January

Staff in primary schools walk out on Tuesday and secondary school teachers on Wednesday

A 6.85% increase for the lowest paid was rejected, with teachers arguing for 10%

Why are teachers striking?

It's about pay. In Scotland, teachers rejected a 5% increase, arguing for 10%.

A further offer designed to prevent the strikes before Christmas included rises of up to 6.85% for the
lowest paid. But the EIS - Scotland's largest teaching union - dismissed the deal as "insulting".

Most state-school teachers in England and Wales had a 5% rise in 2022. In Northern Ireland many
teachers have been offered 3.2% for 2021/22 and 2022/23.

But unions argue that inflation above 10% means these increases are really pay cuts.

Teachers' representatives also want schools to be given extra money to make sure that pay increases
don't have to come from existing budgets.

Do schools close if teachers strike? In Scotland, local councils decide. -In England, it's up to head
teachers. There are no minimum staffing rules. -Head teachers are also responsible in Wales, in
consultation with local authorities.

Why have railway workers been on strike?

The unions are in dispute with the government and rail companies about pay, job cuts and changes to
terms and conditions.--- Unions say any pay offer should reflect the rising cost of living.

But the rail industry is under pressure to save money, after the pandemic left a hole in its finances.
Bosses say reforms need to be agreed, to afford pay increases and modernise the railway.

Network Rail is planning to cut 1,900 jobs as part of changes to the way its maintenance teams work -
although it insists most of this could be achieved by people leaving voluntarily.

When are NHS staff striking? ----The RCN in Scotland is also expected to announce strike dates for early
2023. Its members rejected a pay deal which would have seen the average salary rise by 7.5%.

Royal College of Midwives (RCM) members in Scotland also rejected the deal.

Ambulance staff- Some ambulance staff in England will stage two further strikes, on 11 and 23 January.
Unison said the action would affect London, Yorkshire, the North West, North East and South West.

Why are staff striking?

Nurses- The Royal College of Nurses (RCN) is calling for a 19% pay rise.-- The government says this is
unaffordable:----NHS staff in England and Wales - including nurses - have already been given an average
increase of 4.75%. The lowest paid were guaranteed a rise of at least £1,400--- In Northern Ireland,
nurses will receive the same increase, which will be backdated---In Scotland, a pay offer averaging 7.5%
for NHS staff has been accepted by some unions, but rejected by RCN and RCM members

Have any disputes been resolved?

Some workers have settled disputes:-- Criminal barristers in England and Wales accepted a 15% pay rise
in October-- 2,000 Arriva bus drivers in London won an 11% pay deal ---Some BT workers agreed a pay
deal worth up to 16% ----Health workers who are members of Unite and Unison in Scotland - including
some paramedics, nurses, midwives and support staff - accepted a 7.5% pay deal in December

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