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In order to augment the basic training input which the national security guards and watchmen are
being exposed to, a list of 'Do's and Dont's' in English and Arabic is being published in a booklet
form which will be issued to all the security personnel. This will serve as an aide-de-memoire for
the security guards. The most important ones will be depicted pictorally or by caricatures to have
a better impact (a picture is worth a thousand words !). These 'Do's and Dont's' are not
comprehensive by any means and have been framed keeping in mind the local conditions and
practices prevalent here. The said list is as follows :

DO’s (What to do)

1. Keep this booklet/pamphlet with you while on duty.
2. Always obey and follow the policy of the college/security department.
3. Wear your proper uniform.
4. Your uniform should be neat and properly ironed.
5. Your shoes should be neat and polished.
6. Shave daily/keep mustache trimmed.
7. Ensure that you have a proper haircut.
8. Wear decent dress in case uniform is not issued to you.
9. Display your identity card on your person while on duty.
10. Be punctual.
11. Be alert and vigilant.
12. Be polite and courteous.
13. Be enthusiastic.
14. Be respectful to all staff/students and visitors.
15. Be aware of the College locations.
16. Greet and reply the greetings in a friendly way.
17. Keep yourself healthy and fit.
18. Stay calm while on duty.
19. Deal respectfully with everyone.
20. Know your senior staff and respect them.
21. Inform your supervisor/superiors about any unexpected or emergency situation.
22. Ensure secrecy of College information.
23. Make sure you know your duties/responsibilities at every post.
24. Proper duty handing over should be carried out.
25. Be cooperative and build a good relationship with all.
26. Be available and flexible for any Emergency duty.
27. Do simple stretching exercises every hour while on duty.
28. Keep yourself updated about functional processes and procedures.
29. Maintain your cool while speaking over telephone.
30. Be aware of the vulnerable areas, security threats and emergency exits at your location.
31. Ensure that the premises are secure after business hours.
32. Carry a big torch with you for night duty and charge it very well.
33. Keep a list of important telephone numbers with you.
34. Be aware of the actions to be taken in case of any emergency.
35. You should know how to frisk and check visitors if required.
36. Keep an eye on the movement of personnel and vehicles in your area.
37. Be aware of hiding places in vehicles which have to be checked.
38. Carry out regular patrolling of your area of responsibility.
39. Ensure that all security gadgets in your area are working properly.
40. Report any breaches of Security to your superior immediately.
41. Ensure proper key management.
42. Ensure that display vehicles are secured.
43. Barriers to be down/gates to be closed when not in use..
44. Make sure you know the types of fire extinguishers and how to use them in case of an

DON’T’s (What you should not do)

1. Do not leave your post unless permitted by your supervisor or for patrolling.
2. Do not allow entry to any unauthorized person into the premises without permission.
3. Do not come to work under the influence of liquor/narcotic substances.
4. Do not smoke while on duty.
5. Do not chew gum or tobacco while on duty.
6. Do not sleep on duty.
7. Do not engage in unnecessary conversation while on duty.
8. Do not take leave without permission.
9. Do not argue with or shout at staff.
10. Don’t be busy in secondary matters while on duty.
11. Don’t indulge in rumour mongering.
12. Do not use college property or services for personal gain.
13. Do not entertain your friends/relatives in the guard post.
14. Do not listen to music while on duty.
15. Do not bring your laptop/electronic devices to the work place.
16. Do not leave your duty post and claim you went to charge your phone
17. Do not leave your duty post and claim you went to buy foods or fetch water


Security guard duties and responsibilities- There are many sorts of duties and responsibilities
of the security guard depending on the client needs but the primary duty of the security personnel
is prevention and deterrence of the crime and enforce the rule and regulation where they are

A security guard has huge responsibilities because many lives of people may be in his/her hand.
In a company, security personnel are trusted employees the reason for that they know some
secret information that other people do not allow.

Security guard not only keeps classified matters secret but also he/she is responsible for
protecting property which is millions of dollar worth that is not own. The general duties of the
security guard are as following:


1. Observing and reporting 

Your duty can change site to site and between the area within a sites. Observing not only seeing
but paying careful attention, noting to them on your notebook and repost to the right person is

You must familiar with the surrounding area where you work, it helps to identify the unusual
thing happened while you are on duty. The security guard must note down the event what
happened in their duty and pass the information to the related person.

If the rules and regulations are not obeyed have to report the supervisor or the person who is your
head of the department.

2. Deterring and detecting crime

Your visible presence will deter the criminals from doing something illegal in your site. When
the criminal see the security is presented on the site, they can change their mind and plan.
However, if you see someone is committing the crime you have to inform the police with
valuable information. This may help them to catch the criminal and stop the crime while it is

You should make a good note while the incident is happening or as soon as possible those notes
can be used as evidence in a court.

3.  Keeping good public relations

Keeping the good public relation is another important duties of the security guard because you
will constantly contact with the public while on the duty.

Your client always expects that you give the information to the public. People can turn to you if
they have a problem, so, you should act in a professional way in these situations.

4. Responding to emergencies
An emergency is an unexpected event which can happen at any time and can be the danger of
lives and property.

Responding it effectively is a part of the security guard duty. In a case of emergency, you may be
the first person to detect, deal and responding it. In the emergency situation, you should play a
leadership role than other people turn to your guidance.

Every company has their own plan and procedure in case of fire, flood, bomb threat. You should
respond the emergency to the right way as per the outlined in the procedure.

If there is a fire you may need to conduct the building evacuation, in this situation if you know
what to do and act quickly you can save the people lives.

Security is more trusted in the worse situation that’s why it is important you handle the
emergency situation without panic.

5. Controlling access and using alarm systems

Security guard often has to control the movement of people, vehicles, and materials coming into
and out from their site. while material “in” you may need a delivery order and “out” may require
a gate pass those things are authorized documents you should check carefully.

To control the movement of the people you may require checking their identification.  sometimes
the client concerns employees are stealing the items you may require inspect the baggage.
The security guard must know how to use the alarm system and other surveillance systems such
as CCTV  camera etc.

6. Patrolling
Patrolling is also an important part of the security job. You have to go around or visit point to
point in your site, by doing so, you can see a large area than staying in one place.

The patrol can conduct on feet, bicycle or vehicle. Patroling help you to see what is going on and
finding the safety hazards at many parts of your site.

When you do patrol many people can see you and they think the security guard is alert if
someone trying to commit a crime they can change their mind.

7. Traffic Control 
Direct traffic control may be a part of your job on some sites such as shopping mall, party places
etc. In the heavy traffic sites, you may have to work in the parking area as a traffic controller. In
an emergency, you may be asked to control the traffic to help the police in the pubic area.

8. Crowd Control 
Crowd control is orderly manage the large group of people. If there is any dispute in your site
you should manage the crowd and deal it with extreme care.

If you deploy duty at large public gathering areas like street fairs, music festivals, stadiums and
public demonstration you should involve controlling the crowd.

9. Finding Safety Hazards

While you are on patrol you can find the various types safety hazards at many parts of your sites
like water leakage, bare wire, overheated boiler etc. you have to note down and report to fix it.

10. Performing other special duties

Some security guards, especially those hired by individuals, do more than their primary duty.

They may be overwhelmed with more responsibilities, such as receiving phone calls, responding
to text and email messages, and running vital errands for their employer.

11. Be Prepared
Make sure you’re prepared to deal with even the worst-case scenario. Although these types of
situations are rare, you should be prepared to handle any situation that might arise. Know the
security procedures and protocols of the sites you patrol. Memorize the exits and how to reach
them quickly from different locations.

12. Understand your Limits

It’s important for security officers to understand what they can and cannot do. So if you notice a
suspicious package at a building site you are guarding, be sure to call in the appropriate
authorities to deal with it, instead of trying to diffuse the situation yourself. Ask your supervisor
for a clear job description for each of the sites you patrol so you know what to do in the event of
an emergency. 
In addition to the 8 safety tips listed above, and there are more, security service companies
should also invest in a solid security workforce management solution that includes safeguards to
ensure their security officers’ safety. Look for a solution that includes officer safety tools
like real-time incident reporting, and other tools like a panic button, notifications, and security
for lone workers.

13. Vary Your Route

Security officers are often assigned to regular routes that they patrol where they use their mobile
phones to inspect checkpoints. It’s important to vary your route regularly though as criminals
often monitor a officer’s movements to commit a crime when a officer is out of sight. So be
unpredictable on your patrols, don’t walk the same route every patrol, and vary your arrival and
departure times if possible. 

14. Wear Protective Comfortable Clothing

Depending on where you are patrolling, and the crime rates in the area, security officers face
certain risks. If your officers are working in dangerous areas or patrolling alone, consider
providing them with protective clothing. In some instances, physical activity like walking or
running might be necessary, so a uniform that doesn’t restrict movement and good footwear is
also extremely important.
15. Be Familiar With Security Measures
It’s important to be familiar with security measures to help you deal with incidents as they occur.
Make sure you know what procedures to follow in the event of an injury, a fire, or a break-in.
Learn what to do if you have to apprehend a suspect, or detain a suspect as you want for law
enforcement to arrive.
16. Get To Know Your Working Environment
Get to know all the potential problem areas in your environment. Walk your routes to learn
where all the stairwells, doors, and exits are. Make wide turns around corners to prevent being
ambushed or harmed. Similarly, be sure to report any burnt-out lightbulbs, broken locks, or gaps
in fencing to supervisors
Security guard duties and responsibilities (responsibilities)

The main responsibility of the security guards is to protect people, property, and information.

1. Protection of People.
The large part of the security guard job is the protection of the people. The security guard does it
in many ways such as patrolling the area and finding the safety hazards, prevent entering the
criminals into the college.

What kind of people is protected by a security guard?

 The students and staffs of the college

 Public: people who use the college property e.g contractors,visitors,the vendors etc.
 Government officials visiting the college
 VIP’s
  Everyone

How the security guard protect people?

 Observation of crime against a person.

 Keeping the people out of danger hazards area.
 Being alert to the dangerous situation of hazards.
  Ensuring a safe environment.

A security guard may be asked to escort employees particularly if they are going to their car late
at night. Security guard always looks for anything that may cause fire and accident.

It is a most important responsibility of the security guard to make sure the students’ and staff
working safely and no one put in danger.

If there is a crowd gathered in the college, dispute and protest against the college management,
security guard will take charge to make sure no one is hurt there and hooligans should not hijack
the protest.
2. Protection of property.

Security guards are responsible for protecting property from stealing or damaging by
someone. Sometimes client concerns employees taking items out of the company at that
time you may be asked to search the baggage and vehicle.

What kinds of properties security guard provide protection?

1. College property (Building and contents)

2.  Staff and students
Tools used to protect properties.

 Barriers
 Surveillance Equipment (CCTV)
 Your observation power (Eyes)
 Awareness of your surrounding
 Patrol
 Searches
 Crowd control
 Alarm
 Locks
Patrolling around the site deters theft, robbery, and vandalism. Damage of property happens in
many ways such as fire can completely damage the building and property, water leakage, flood,
melting snow, and frozen pipe.

If you see while they are small be able to report in time it prevents property damage.

3. Protection of Information.
Protection of information is becoming more important and crucial part of the security job at all
the time. Stealing intellectual property and cybercrime is increasing even though most of the
governmental institutes have fought against this. Security guards protect the information as

Confidentiality- Keeping secrets things secret is called confidentiality. A security guard is a part

of protecting information not part of an information leak.
As being a security guard you are at a place where most people trust you than others. Security
guard knows all access and egress routes of the college and holds the keys and other access

You should not allow anyone to use the keys if they are not authorized to do so. If the camera
and alarm system under repair or not working you should keep this thing secret and report to
whom you have to.

A big part of protecting information is knowing when it is “okay” to talk and when not “Okay”
to talk.

In conclusion: In this lesson, you have learned the main duties and responsibilities of a security
guard. Even though a security guard performs various tasks but the goal is deterring, detecting
and reporting the crime.

The key responsibilities of a security guard are to the protection of people, property and

Do you have what it takes to become a security guard? If you’re thinking of entering this
profession, the following information will be of interest.

Those in law enforcement, including police officers, are trained to respond to reports of a crime
in progress or when it is discovered. When violence of any kind breaks out, law enforcement is
called. Security guards, on the other hand, take a preventive approach to crime, working to
prevent risks to the public, deter crime and to be on the lookout for danger. When they do
encounter crime they report it to the authorities. Security companies have one objective and that
is to prevent crime. 

The specific duties that security guards perform on the job are detailed below:

 1. Strong Visible Presence

It is the responsibility of a security officer to make sure he or she is clearly visible to those in the
vicinity of the area they’re guarding. This acts as a deterrent to crime. Most shoplifters, burglars,
muggers and others with crime on their mind would reconsider if they notice a security guard
walking around on duty. Therefore, being highly visible is one way in which security guards
prevent graffiti, damage, theft, personal injury and other criminal acts.

 2. Be On The Alert and Vigilant

A security guards are hired to be on the lookout for any odd or strange behavior or event that
could indicate harm. This is why it is vital that they have a very keen sense of smell as well as
excellent hearing and eyesight. They should be able to smell a chemical leaking or a cable
burning and know which direction the smell is coming from. They should be able to detect when
something sounds off or strange, like if someone is trying to sneak into a secured area. Their
senses should be alerted when someone is attempting to divert them from their job. And most
importantly, they should be able to accurately interpret whatever they see, and do this quickly.
Based on these skills, someone with a short attention span or poor hearing and eyesight wouldn’t
make a very good security officer.

 3. Act Quickly and Correctly in a Crisis Situation

A security guard not only senses a crisis brewing; he or she also acts quickly to quell the
situation. This means a security guard must constantly be on alert so he is not caught off guard.
How he or she responds to a crisis or crime in progress depends on the threat being posed. A
security guard needs to know how to effectively respond to any number of dangerous situations.

 4. Observe and Report

A security guard’s work is still not done even after they’ve successfully averted a dangerous
situation. He or she must continue to observe everything going on in the area to ensure that there
is nothing else brewing and to prevent any more problems. After a crisis occurs, he or she should
report the details of the incident back to their supervisor, to law enforcement or the appropriate
authorities (like the fire department if the incident involved a fire). This way, additional steps can
be taken to prevent a recurrence

 5. Call For Help When Needed

In certain very dangerous situations, like an assault with a deadly weapon or an armed robbery,
an unarmed security guard may not be equipped to deal with the situation on his own. In these
cases, he should immediately call the police. By getting the police involved right away, lives can
be saved and the criminals can hopefully be taken off the streets.

 6. Follow Procedures and Check That Rules are Being Obeyed

Security officers are sometimes expected to follow certain policies established by their employer,
such as screening visitors before granting them entry or denying entry to visitors without a prior
appointment. Also, guards may require employees to show an ID card before they are allowed to
enter the workplace. In these cases, the security guard on duty must monitor things to ensure that
all rules are being followed.

 7. Maintain Order At Large Gatherings

Security guards are often hired to provide crowd management at large gatherings, such as
political rallies, religious assemblies and even parties. This is to maintain the safety of people
and property and to also prevent stampedes, riots or some other dangerous situation from

 8. Access Control
If a security guard is stationed at the entrance of a building or event, he is likely doubling as a
receptionist since he would be the first one to greet visitors and guests and direct them on their
way. This kind of work requires the guard to be approachable, friendly and willing to help.

 9. Offer Security and Safety Precautions

In addition to all the other responsibilities of a security guard, they are often called upon to
advise their employers of security and safety precautions that should be taken. Security guards
should also be prepared to explain the possible consequences of ignoring their advice in order to
persuade their employer to follow their recommendations. Additionally, they should do
everything they can to make sure all security and safety precautions are being followed.

 10. Various Other Responsibilities

 Security guards are often asked to perform additional duties other than the specific ones
they were hired to do, especially when employed by an individual. They may be asked to
take phone calls, respond to email and text messages, run errands and even babysit
children at times. If you are seeking a part-time or full-time position as a security guard,
just understand that you will likely be expected to perform various additional duties.

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