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PQI6166 Literature in Practice

SEM 2, 22/23

Assignment 1: Gallery Group Project (40%)

CLO2: Develop relevant materials to support the teaching and learning of literary texts

In groups of four, select four texts according to the following criteria:

1) One text from the SPM Literature/Language Arts component

2) One text from the SPM Literature in English component
3) One text from the STPM Literature in English component
4) One text that is not listed in any of the syllabi above

For each of the texts, you are to design one item/teaching learning activity, termed product. These
items/activities could be the production of realia such as a model or puppets as well as activities such as
quizzes, games and so on. Each item/activity will be assessed out of a score of 10 according to the
following rubric:

Score Descriptor
9-10 - The product demonstrates an understanding of the literary text
- The product is well-designed and constructed with attention to detail
- The product is supported by a considered and justified rationale which
demonstrates an awareness of the classroom context in which it would be used
6-8 - The product demonstrates an understanding of the literary text
- The product is designed and complete in its construction
- The product is supported by a rationale which demonstrates some awareness of
the classroom context in which it would be used
3-5 - The product demonstrates some understanding of the literary text
- The product may be lacking in finesse and construction
- The product is somewhat supported by a rationale though it may demonstrate
little awareness of the classroom context in which it would be used
1-2 - The product demonstrates little to no understanding of the literary text
- The product is lacking in its construction.
- The product is barely supported by a rationale which demonstrates little to no
awareness of the classroom context in which it would be used
0 - No product is submitted

DEADLINE: A gallery presentation to showcase all the above products will be organized by the class as a
whole for Week 14
Assignment 2: Individual portfolio (30%)
CLO3: Create informed-responses to and analysis of literary texts using various media

Each student is to produce an individual reader response portfolio. Students have to select THREE
texts, each from a different genre, and produce a response for EACH text. Students are encouraged
to explore different forms of expression, be it digital, visual and so on. Each response is worth 10
marks and will be assessed as follows:

Criteria Mark Descriptor

Relevance to the text 1 Little to no relevance to the text
2 Some relevance to the text
3 Adequate relevance to the text
4 Good relevance to the text
5 Very good and insightful relevance to the text
Quality of 1 Very poor construction/expression
construction/expression 2 Some attempt to achieve quality of construction/expression
3 Acceptable quality of construction/expression
4 Good quality of construction/expression
5 Very high quality and polished construction/expression of


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