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Title Housekeeping Control

Doc. Control # 107
Issuing Dept. EH&S

Issue Date 28/08/2021

Revision # 01

Poor housekeeping results in untidy, overcrowded, and obstructed workplaces and

workplaces which are unhygienic or dirty. Poor housekeeping creates hazards for
yourself and for other people and the results of poor housekeeping are a casual
factor in many incidents.
Key actions- Housekeeping
This is particularly important where:
• Slipping or tripping hazards could result in someone falling from a height.
• Fire exit routes or fire doors become obstructed.
Similarly, do not create hazards for other people by working in ways which result in
an unhygienic or dirty workplace.
This is particularly important where:
• There is risk of infection.
• Chemicals are being used which are harmful to health
Finally, report poor housekeeping whenever you find it, especially if you have not
been able to do anything about removing the hazard.
The Key management activities, so far as housekeeping is concerned, are as
• Identify the housekeeping requirements.
It is essential that you identify what is required to keep the area for which you
are responsible clean, tidy, and hygienic.
• Allocate responsibility for identified housekeeping requirements.
Many of the problems with poor housekeeping arise because everyone thinks
that keeping the workplace clean, tide and hygiene is someone else’s job.
• Provide any resources necessary for good housekeeping.
Doc. Title Housekeeping Control
Doc. Control # 107
Issuing Dept. EH&S

Issue Date 28/08/2021

Revision # 01

This may be relatively simply, for example providing an adequate number of

waste storage containers. However, certain housekeeping problems such as
dealing with fine dusts may require extensive thought and complex
• Provide any competences necessary for good housekeeping.
People must be able to use properly any of the workplace precautions
necessary to deal with housekeeping, for example, people may have to be
trained to use LEV properly.
• Check at appropriate intervals that housekeeping standards are being
This should form part of your normal active monitoring concerned with
checking that workplace precaution and Risk control systems RCSs remain in
the place and acting when they are not.

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