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e H AFT E R4= M As H I il E RY€ AN e€ R Gq$, E-ffi .

ffi ,H* ff- ff 5 rygffiS

sontrel during the slosins et the dic
aentrel svstcm se that if {he gaie is gr iBvFrGB the &lesing qyqls'
eriei t0 thc ocmplctien of thc oleElng
the oYelc will otoP ts reversci {,$ FiungEr 6qPtreli
d, Twe=hand esntrels requiring .
a Everv tilr;tigqr qn hPt ghamligr t

srmuitan"cus usc u{ ne$ hands, upi11 ifie

d e.iuliippd uvrth 4 [€'ntrq! ir
iq wlthio Ea"mm et oempl?te. elt1in,q. Tllt
lrmrt swiis-n wiin *re tk wlrien wi\! Ptqqqfl{{fis
eqntrsl shallhavp an inlcrlesXeg iX ine etunqer pricr ts the Elesing
or th€
ih;imeinieins? btess.g oirquit fer the las{ 6i}
mri cf iiie clbsine eyolc' Remeval sr ejther b Evert piUnger en ooid r'hemhPr
#bsth trands n6reie ths aetivatien cr {he ' End4't-e bni;inpefl witlt e nqptrol
[m'T"Hwircn w]lt step er revsrge the eleeine {hF 0[t(
wifn U'o tlis rrln,.n +gtit ;ilpugrrl
Bf {ti6 piiiirqtsr g.iriels {he drc is;yT
Tc aellvate the tilungei,ii' Iu,i,i [i' ,:]*',ptsiaiv "alr.;scd 0r lor
,1.3 Lardfine Operatien,
'sleeve s single aontr'ql $tiell Fa i}rti'-ai 'rf a iiuci{ Flr:g, F oi6td ,6lri
[nc' sF-et ,i]a+rrriiu i**jy f,e e'rluifrFed with tvuo=i
lievid;d, ttis ccnirql pfiall be a tvps wi'ii;h r:frr$rsrs, wtii6h epatqte tls .Flpngql
lteim'ts-lnc $pereler te usc his frp+ han'{ rirr ipao,,l* sirnriilarisptlq iraq Pf trgth nanga'
'tHii-pusn Buficn nonirtl siiati trp
"ny Pr restsssd eb tliat ir
[i:'biiaiiieii bv a shield
#nEet'bp:abiivateg any pqff 0f tie i*qttv d,6 Sliield* HP*wsem Fie Se*ting ,I{
d;idds shetl hc Frevtriad bctwpen "dic
ether than the fingcr, i,ianfiiries tu pratan{ *gainst ffretel iFE
i tiasa ellplds rnall be l.,sdi$d 6t llre W"!i!^9
+:!r Het and gsld Shambsr
-a Machines' HplF*rs
hbtper is cmpleyelJ, iiio ni ffi ;il #d siiaii he rs leFs than 1
ijrtikd*ien, Wnerc wigs and 1 8s{1 mm hiqh.
easitien shallhc PretsPJcd hY:

guard with .eentr$lq' Tpe 4,? *'teldi*rg Fi{rnerPs 4rry ':EF,l lgl{i:g i:1ry
" A flxed=harrier
doniiiil-maf ne foet"cperated and shail tle
wrridH tfreaeures lesq then 7s0 mrrr frern
tep Lhel
rriibiieexed"with the priniery eenlrnl,q,o tfat
$i."w#id;&'ldlbi'ia ii'E turnape
eii;r,{prl [v ffie+nn uf a finfj grrsrd siiJund
inli riaeNne eannot hp siarted urhile thr
ilin';Li i.' a i'airiirl a;f qt io;'*l irinl t
sbcend#i esntrol iq aetiva{ed' i{ iri* [1ia rinCIr uxi 6a1Yf.i1-ig !*vA!.
seticiigarl obntret is activated .durinq tito
e[bslng eyete, the olasing will step 6r
reversei gr Seetign 6,S WgE*S W**kt*g *fiarllirre

b, A sliding'gatc Sjuatd wnieh when eiesed

witl 6,1 *iiauiar niF Saw t$i+es H! Manu*E F+*d:
nieventt6mail 0v the helppr and rlie' i'hts
Saje-snati nb intertooxed -+ith the prinarv d,
- A iilt-qd Strali li6 gspJ iliat will rj,:vef tnq
6ontrel system ss that lhe meohiile odhhdi !r; ai least iha deFiri r:f llie iesth'
h6 biefi€itd"white mc gate is opened and
eanneibe staftcd until it is oloscd: sr b, Sueh heqld str*ll eldr'rtraiit:ally ediuet its€
tfre tnieEneag ,si ans rcR:ain oEntaet wt&
c,, Twa=heRd ocntrels conneeted with +he in*teriai neing eut *rsurld Fteint whorc
gtealt enqountgrq t[Ie Ftiw; rit
eiimarv ocntrsls and raquiring simultaneui'ts
[se ein-sih nahOs sf fi'c helper hefore the
ha-enine-een bc staHed, Remeval cf sne er e, Tha trood itaY he a iisad sr .rffa
iictn'nands during thc olasing syele will stcp ediuctad ti,eed, 01" gga$ ry,19*,9u,"9"ih?,
sr reverse the clcsing evslci or r hp"iitesri tt,e hiittdm et ti:e guard
stset{ daes ii6t &x€aed '12,?CI rnm'
d, A sinelc eontrol of the censtant pre$sure
ivce donneeted with the primerv d, Ttra hono nr sthar guard. "shall be
iflese tenircls shall hc lceatcd at sueri a
oieHnoe irsm tne oafting linc ef the
die that F.rup"U*J* opviu"* +liall h-+ dcsigncd
ieaeh-into the dis.witii hiE eFpetiva fnr all ttrlfkrieul af malenHl'
itrB. nejsci eannct
''* free'n[nd, nemgval 0f the hand fren' thc


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