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Drinking water and human health

drinking water treatment-chlorination

Chlorination may be effective in removing pathogens, including certain viruses and bacteria.

1. Uses
 How chlorination work
 Types
 Capacity
 Equipment option
 Maintenance
 Special consideration
2. Chlorination for Iron, Manganese, and Hydrogen sulfide removal.
 Uses
 How chlorination for Iron, Manganese, and Hydrogen sulfide removal works.
 Capacity
 Maintenance
3. Question to ask before you buy.


chlorine disinfection is a point-of-entry treatment that kills pathogens, including certain viruses and
bacteria. In addition, chlorination can offer residual disinfection throughout the household water
distribution system.

How Chlorination Works

The effectiveness of chlorination depends on various factors, including water temperature, water Ph,
water turbidity, general quality and contact time, the contact time is the time available to complete the
reaction between the chlorine and untreated water, a longer contact time results in more effective
disinfection as the chlorine concentration increase the required contact time decrease. Chlorination is
more effective at a high temperature and a low pH, particles in the water decrease the effectiveness of
chlorination, as microorganisms may ‘hide’ behind particles and avoid disinfection.

The quality of the untreated water affects the chlorine demand. Chlorine readily combines with other
components dissolved in water, including iron, manganese, hydrogen sulfide, microorganisms, plant
material, ammonia, and organic color such as that from decaying peat moss. These things ‘use up’
chlorine so it is important to add sufficient chlorine to meet the demand and still provide residual
disinfection. The chlorine that does not combine with other components is available to treat the water.

Chlorine is available in two formulations, as a dry powder or pellet (calcium hypochlorite), or as a liquid
(sodium hypochlorite) Chlorine solution from powders should be prepared frequently since the strength
of the solution decreases gradually after mixing. To avoid hardness deposits on equipment,
manufacturers recommend using softened or distilled water when mixing chlorine solutions.
Types of chlorination

 Batch disinfection
 Simple chlorination
 Super-chlorination
 Dichlorination
 Shock chlorination

The different types of chlorine disinfection are batch disinfection, simple chlorination, super-chlorination
followed by dichlorination, and shock chlorination.

Batch Disinfection: Batch disinfection treats water in batches when the chlorine demand fluctuates. It is
especially useful for cisterns, holding tanks, or during emergencies or other special situations. Three
tanks, each capable of holding a two- to three-day water supply, are alternately filled. The water is
treated and used as needed.

Simple Chlorination: Simple chlorination maintains a low level (.3 to 0.5 milligram per liter) of free
chlorine residual for the necessary contact time. The residual should be measured at the faucet farthest
from the chlorine source.

When the necessary contact time is unattainable, super-chlorination followed by dichlorination (chlorine
removal) is an option. Super-chlorination produces a free chlorine residual of 3.0 to 5.0 milligrams per
liter -– ten times higher than the residual from simple chlorination. At this concentration, the necessary
contact time is reduced to less than five minutes for water at pH 7. Super-chlorinated water has a strong
chlorine smell and taste that is removed with an activated carbon filter following chlorine treatment. If
the water contains dissolved iron, manganese, or sulfur, it may be necessary to install a cartridge
sediment filter before the activated carbon unit to prevent clogging.

Shock Chlorination: Shock chlorination is recommended when a well is new, newly repaired or
temporarily contaminated. If bacteriological problems persist after one or two shock chlorination
treatments, you may consider a continuous disinfection system or a new water source.

Special Considerations

Both solid and liquid forms of chlorine can irritate the skin and are poisonous in concentrated form.
They must be handled and stored carefully. Chlorine tablets should be stored in a dry location. Both
liquid and solid formulations should be stored in their original labeled containers, away from children
and animals.

Chlorination for Iron, Manganese, and Hydrogen Sulfide Removal

Iron and manganese do not affect health, but they can make water bitter, stain laundry and fixtures, and
discolor water. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has given a Secondary Drinking Water
Standard of 0.3 milligram per liter for iron and 0.05 milligram per liter for manganese. Hydrogen
sulfide is a nuisance contaminant that gives water a ‘rotten egg’ odor

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