Grade 8

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Booy District, Tagbilaran City


Week # 11
(October 17-21, 2022)
English 8
Name: Date:
Teacher: Judy Ann Balatero Score:

Meet the Author:

 One of the greatest philosophers, a great thinker who lived from 551 to 479 BCE.
 He is more popularly known as Kongzi (Kong Zi, literally “Master Kong) in Chinese.
 Confucius is the Latin name of K’ung Fu-tzu, which means “The Great Teacher
In the “Analects,” the Chinese philosopher Confucius is often referred to simply as “the
Master” (Zi),” The Great Sage”, “First Teacher,” and “Model Teacher for Ten Thousand
The Analects are a collection of the teachings and thoughts of Confucius; they also
contain fragments of dialogues between the great Chinese philosopher and his
disciples. The name in English derived from the word "analect" which means a fragment or
extract of literature, or a collection of teachings. In Chinese, the book is literally called
"discussion on the words [of Confucius]." The Analects are believed to have been collected by the disciples of
Confucius and not by the sage himself.
It consists of 20 books; each book is composed of several chapters. Three most
important philosophies can be grasped through the “Analects” – jen (benevolence), yi
(propriety), and li (ritual). The analects teach us that a man of virtue must embrace and
live out the three ethical principles to promote harmony with all his relations.

From the Analects

Confucius (K'ung Fu-tzu)
Translated by Xin Guanjie

1. Confucius said, "A man who speaks with honeyed words and pretends to be kind cannot be benevolent.
2. Zeng Zi (a disciple of Confucius') said, "Every day, I examine myself once and again: Have I tried my utmost
to help others? Have I been honest to my friends? Have I diligently reviewed the instructions from the
3. Confucius said, "At home, a young man should be dutiful towards his parents; going outside, he should be
respectful towards his elders, he should be cautious in deeds and trustworthy in words; he should love
everyone yet make close friends only with those of benevolence. If he has any more energy to spare, let him
devote it to books."
4. Confucius said, "Don't worry about being misunderstood but about understanding others."
5. Kangzi (Jisun Fei, then a minister of Lu) asked, "What can I do to make the people respect and be loyal to
their superiors and try their best in service?" Confucius said, "Be upright in their presence, and they will
hold you in respect; be filial and benevolent, and they will be loyal to you; use the righteous and instruct the
unqualified, and they will try their best in service.”
6. Confucius said, "To be friendly towards someone while concealing one's hostility, this Zuo Qiuming (a
historian of Lu) found shameful. So, do I."
7. Confucius said, "I would pursue wealth so long as 7 it could be obtained legitimately, even by being a
common cart driver. If wealth could not be obtained legitimately, I would rather follow my own
8. Confucius said, "There is happiness in eating coarse food, drinking cold water and sleeping on the floor. Ill-
gotten wealth and rank are just like fleeting clouds to me."
9. The Duke of Ye asked Zi Lu about Confucius, Zi Lu failed to give a reply. Confucius said to him afterwards,
"Why did you not say something like this. He is the sort of person who can be so diligent that he forgets his
meals, so happy that he forgets his worries and is even unaware of approaching old age"
10. Confucius said, "When walking in the company of other men, there must be one l can learn something
from. I shall pick out his merits to follow and his shortcomings for reference to overcome my own." 11
Confucius said, "I am not one of those who pretend to understand what they do not. I suggest that one
should listen to different views and choose the
11. Confucius said, "I am not one of those who pretendto understand what they do not. I suggest that
oneshould listen to different views and choose thesound one to follow, see different things and keepthem
in mind. Knowledge obtained in this way isreliable, though not as good as innate knowledge.

Comprehension Check:
Directions: Answer the following questions briefly and comprehensively.
1. According to Confucius, what are the duties of a young man at home and in the outside world? If he has energy to
spare after he fulfills these duties, what must he do?
2. Why might eating coarse food, drinking cold water, and sleeping on the floor bring happiness?
3. In what ways are Confucius’ opinions on leadership and wealth in conflict with the actions of many leaders and
wealthy people throughout history?
4. How valuable is learning and knowledge to Confucius? How does Confucius learn from other people?

What is Irony?
 Is a figure of speech in which you use words to suggest a meaning that is opposite of what you really think.
 When you say, "Oh, great" after your drink has spilled all over your expensive new clothes, you don't mean
that the incident is positive. Here, using the word 'great' ironically indicates a higher negative implication,
even though the wording is positive.
 "How nice!" she said, when I told her I had to work all weekend.
 A traffic cop gets suspended for not paying his parking tickets. 
Types of Irony
Verbal Irony– Verbal irony takes place when someone says one thing but means another. This is a commonly used
device you can incorporate into your writing to spice up your dialogue with very humorous results.
Situational Irony– Situational irony takes place when things turn out to be the opposite of what your audience
Dramatic Irony– Dramatic irony takes place when you make your audience aware of something that a key
character in your story does not yet know.

Directions: Identify whether the statement states an irony or not. Write I if it is and leave the blanks
unanswered if otherwise.
_______1. She smells like the fragrance of a sampaguita flowers.
_______2. The leaves of the plants are dancing with the rhythm of the wind.
_______3. A man works hard for many years to save for retirement; on his last day of work, he is given a lottery ticket
worth million.
_______4. Many are called, but few are chosen.
_______5. In Toy Story, human characters are not aware that the toys speak and move while the audience is aware
_______6. I can’t wait to read the seven-hundred-page report.
_______7. The camel is the ship of the desert
_______8. Pride goeth forth on horseback, grand and gay.
_______9. A child was laughing on the other child who slipped away but after few minutes when he was walking, he
passed by a banana peel and slipped away.
______10. A marriage counselor files for divorce.

Activity 2
Directions: Indicate whether the following are examples of verbal irony, situational irony, or dramatic
irony. Write VI, SI, or DI. If the statement does not contain an irony, write X.
1. The audience knows the Titanic is going to sink but the actors get on the ship anyway.
2. The princess in Shrek is waiting to be rescued by a handsome prince so she can become beautiful, but
instead of becoming permanently beautiful, she becomes an ogre.
3. Snow White ate the apple the old woman gave her.
4. The bus arrived late so they missed the roll call.
5. "Sure, I want to go hiking in the mountains...with a broken leg"
6. A dog escaped from the pound and while running away was caught again because he got knocked
unconscious by running into the dog catcher's truck.
7. When asked a question, for the seventh time, the teacher said, "Sure, I don't think I've answered that one
enough time yet".
8. The cat sat in the window because the sun was shining in at that place.
9. Romeo thinks Juliet is dead and kills himself, but she is not dead.
10. There is a "No Smoking" sign in the break room for the employees at the cigarette factory.

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