Pukeokahu Newsletter No. 21

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Waiouru Army Museum Visit - Monday 22nd August We are all booked in for our visit so can you

please fill in the permission slip below for your children by Thursday 18th August. Our programme for the day is as follows: 9.20am Meet in the Museum lFoyer 9.30am Tour and Classes begin 12pm Lunch at Museum 1pm Swim at the Waiouru Camp Pool 2.30pm Drive Home Your children will need a packed lunch, filled water bottle, warm clothes and their togs and towel. Please let me know if you have any questions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Thursday 11th August

Family Name: My children have/do not have permission to attend the Waiouru Army Museum Visit. My children have/do not have permission to swim in the Waiouru Army Camp pool. I will/ will not be able to provide transport and supervision on the day. Signed:

I am learning to learn for life!

No. 21

Contact Details: Marama's eMail: principal@pukeokahu.school.nz Office eMail: office@pukeokahu.school.nz School Phone Number: 388 0529 Up and Coming Dates: Term Three: Monday 1st August - Friday 7th October Wednesday 17th August - BOT Meeting 7pm Friday 19th August - School Ski Trip to Turoa Monday 22nd August - School Trip to Waiouru Army Museum Friday 26th August - School Ski Trip to Turoa Monday 29th August - Senior School First Aid Course Wednesday 31st August - Country Schools Sevens Rugby Tuesday 20th September - PTP Begins for Year 7 & 8 Monday 3rd October - Ohingaiti Cross Country From Marama Well, as predicted by dear old Murphys Law, plan a winter sports tournament and it will rain. Never mind, we are working on a postponement date so hopefully we will have our tournament later on in the month. So do you guys remember Leave Me Alone Marama! how I had a little rant about Im Learning! various education challenges and children being confined to desks? Well, we received our new ergonomically correct desks and chairs last week, and do you think I can get the kids out of their desk? No way! They seemed to have bonded to their new desks completely (theyve also arranged themselves into regimental straight lines??!), and blow me down if I suggest that they can sit on the sofa or by the fire?! The looks of total distaste I get are quite amusing. Oh well, I guess the point is that they have options if they choose ;-)

School Desks For Sale $30 We have some extra school desks for sale. If you are interested just let me know. School Skiing Trips Just a reminder that we have booked our trips for Fridays 19th and 26th of August. I will ring everyone directly for confirmation and to sort hire gear etc. The only gear your children require that we cannot hire are sun glasses or goggles and gloves (I think you can get cheap ones from Taihape Sports). Please let me know if you have any questions or any small gear that the juniors can borrow. Thanks. Ka kite ano, Marama and Carol

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