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Notable Headlines

We Love the Final Frontier - Even devoted GOP budget-cutters want to keep spending billions on human spaceflight [Natonal Journal, 7/21/11] Gun control groups press Adams on terror vote [Orlando Sentinel, blog, 5/13/11]

Top Quotes Top Videos Editorials

Orlando Sentinel Questioned Does Adams' agenda truly represent her constituents In July 2011, the Florida Today published an editorial that asked the question, Does Adams' agenda truly represent her constituents in northern Brevard? The editorial continued, Or does it clash in a region where water pollution has helped breed layers of fish-killing algae in the Indian River, where former shuttle engineers plan alternative-energy startups, and where Titusville voters recently elected two green-minded council members over more developmentfriendly candidates? [Florida Today, 7/21/2011] Editorial Criticized Adams Hyperpartisan Approach In August 2011, the Orlando Sentinel published an editorial criticizing Adams hyperpartisan approach. The Sentinel explained that In a Congress where bipartisan coalitions still matter in moving legislation, Adams' hyperpartisan approach threatens to marginalize herself and her district. They continued that she has offered few if any meaningful cuts of her own. They concluded by saying that As a state legislator, Adams was respected within both parties for her hard work and low-key leadership. Her turn toward partisanship started showing up when she was campaigning for Congress last fall. It's why we didn't endorse her. We hope this week's vote signals a return to that former approach. Her constituents will be much better off if it does. [Editorial, Orlando
Sentinel, 8/5/2011]

Palm Beach Post: This idea doesn't hold water

In August 2011, the Palm Beach Post criticized the Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act saying: Bashing the Environmental Protection Agency has been a GOP theme since the party took control of the House this year. In July, the House approved a bill sponsored by Rep. John Mica, R-Winter Park, that would leave regulation of water quality to the states. Republican members of the Florida delegation, along with most state politicians, oppose the EPA's proposed standards for the state's rivers, lakes and streams even though the Florida Department of Environmental Protection proposed essentially the same standards in 2009. Given the rhetoric, it's hard to believe that protecting the environment once was a strongly bipartisan issue [] Congress recognized that water and air pollution don't observe state lines, and put the federal government in charge of stopping both. Reactionary revisionists who want to turn back the clock ignore history and reality. [Palm Beach Post, editorial, 9/6/11] Miami Herald: House attempt to gut EPAs enforcement of clean-water rules is dangerous In July 2011, the Miami Herald penned an editorial criticizing legislation in the house to prevent the EPA from imposing stricter water quality standards on states. According to the Miami Herald, Clean water is not a jobs killer certainly not in Florida, which counts on its beaches and natural assets to lure millions of tourists and billions of dollars here. Yet U.S. Reps. John Mica, an Orlando-area Republican, and Nick Rahall, a West Virginia Democrat, have sponsored a bill that seeks to gut the Environmental Protection Agencys ability to regulate water quality, wetlands protection and the removal of mountain tops in coal mining [] Clean water doesnt have state boundaries. The reason the EPA was created and the Clean Water Act was strengthened in 1972 was the confusing patchwork of state-by-state water rules that allowed governors and legislatures to curry favor with big industries in their states and permitted uses with disastrous consequences [] The legislation, HB 2018, is being hailed as a state-federal partnership that will help states create jobs. This is laughable if it werent so frightening [] Make no mistake. This legislation would hamstring the EPA from overruling any states vague water-quality limits or ensuring dredge permits are feasible even when there is evidence of contamination. Under HB 2018, the misnamed Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act, the EPA could not veto a states assessment of a project unless the state agrees. In effect, outdated state rules on water-quality standards, requirements for dumping waste or trash would no longer have to answer to federal oversight [] The GOP-led House, apparently embracing tea-party hysteria about federal overreach, needs a reality check. [Miami Herald, editorial, 7/11/11] Bradenton Herald: House bill restricting EPA water rules wrong In July 2011, the Bradenton Herald wrote an editorial criticizing legislation in the house to prevent the EPA from imposing stricter water quality standards on states. According to the Bradenton Herald, The U.S. House of Representatives took a wrong turn last week with passage of a measure that would restrict the Environmental Protection Agency from imposing stricter water quality standards on states []The bills sponsor, Rep. John Mica, R-Winter Park, argued that the federal agency exceeded its authority in the enforcement of the Clean Water Act. Such government overreach would be too costly on public water treatment plants and private polluters, bill supporters maintain. This is a disservice to Floridas fragile and polluted waterways -- coming at a time when a toxic green slime covered the Caloosahatchee River near Alva. Such disgusting algae blooms, caused by sewage, manure and fertilizer pollution, kill marine life, contaminate drinking water supplies and force beach closures over the public health threat [] While proponents of the congressional measure asserted

tougher EPA enforcement would kill jobs, clean water creates and saves jobs. Polluted rivers, lakes and bays kill jobs in the tourism and fishing industries, which, in turn, kills other jobs that depend on income from those two economic powerhouses. The Clean Water Act came about in 1972 because states spurned pollution regulations. [Bradenton Herald, 7/22/11]

Budget Issues
Adams Called Ryans Plan a Serious Attempt to Control Nation's Finances In April 2011, Adams told Florida Today that Ryans budget plan was "the first serious attempt from either party to get our nation's finances in order for many years." She said, I look forward to studying his plan further, and listening to the debate in committee and on the House floor in the coming week." [Florida
Today, 4/06/11]

Adams Said Government Should Take No Debt In November 2011, Adams voted for the Balanced Budget Amendment. In her statement about her vote, Adams criticized big government spending and debt. I am disappointed the House failed to pass a balanced budget amendment today. After decades of irresponsible spending, the American people know that a balanced budget amendment is the clearest way to ensure that Washington finally lives within its means. Sadly, the resolution was defeated today, even though a nearly identical measure passed the House, and almost passed the Senate, in 1995. Just recently, our national debt topped $15 trillion, adding to the mountain of debt the American taxpayer shares. With 14 million Americans out of work, the only way to get our economy back on track and to create jobs is to address the root of our nations economic crisis: overspending. Its unfortunate that some have chosen to put partisan politics ahead of the interests of the American people. [Adams Press Release, 11/18/11] Hailed Historic H.R. 1 In March 2011, Sandy stated her support for H.R. 1 claiming that the legislation, would reduce yearover-year federal spending by historic levels, defund the government takeover of health care, and stop taxpayer funding of abortion. [Adams Newsletter, 3/21/11] Everything on the Table for Potential Cuts In February 2011, Adams said Everything is on the table for potential budget cuts. We have a deficit. We have a debt. And were going to make responsible reductions where we can. We are in a fiscal crisis. You cant keep spending what you dont have. [Florida Today, 2/24/11] Undecided on Raising the Debt Ceiling At a February 2011 town hall, Adams said she had not decided how she would vote on raising the debt ceiling. According to the News-Journal, Adams said it was more important to cut spending than to shut down the government. [News-Journal, 2/22/11]

Adams A No Vote on Debt Ceiling In May 2011, Sandra Adams voted against raising the debt ceiling saying that After years of irresponsible borrowing and spending, our nation has accrued substantial debt and has now blown past the national debt limit of $14.294 trillion. Instead of continuing to write a blank check to the federal government as proposed by President Obama and Washington Democrats. [Sandy Adams Press Release,

Residents visit lawmakers' offices, websites to register debt-limit concerns [Daytona Beach NewsJournal] In July 2011, the Daytona Beach News Journal reported that Adams office has been swamped with visitors due to debt talks. The News-Journal explained, The latest round in the nation's urgent debt-ceiling debate stalled several congressional websites Tuesday, as a flood of traffic from worried Americans overloaded the House's servers a week before the deadline for a deal []The websites of both Mica and U.S. Rep. Sandy Adams, R-Orlando, were among many that shut down Tuesday morning. In the middle of the workday at Adams' office in Port Orange, about seven people showed up, each speaking of compromise. Adams could not be reached for comment [] There's definitely gridlock, said Erin Strauss of South Daytona, and it can be broken up once people learn to compromise on both sides. I don't know why there cannot be a solution to this problem. There has to be middle ground that can help the country as a whole. Most everyone I know, all my friends, are really hurting over these last couple years from mistakes that Wall Street made, and they're the ones that get to still keep their cushy jobs and their private jets, said Steven Drattell of Port Orange. [Daytona Beach News-Journal, 7/27/11] Adams Nervous About Debt Vote In July 2011, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution explained that When asked to do a quick interview about where she stood on the debt limit plan, Adams seemed nervous and jumpy, her body language making clear she was not interested in extended discussion about her vote. [Atlanta Journal Constitution, 7/27/2011] Voted Against Reid Budget Bill In July 2011, Adams released a statement explaining why she voted against the Reid Budget Bill. Adams said that I voted against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reids plan because it fails to hold Congress accountable for its spending and it fails to address the policies that led to our nations massive debt. Rather than requiring a balanced budget amendment so that Washington finally lives within its means, this legislation gives a blank check to President Obama, allowing him to continue his reckless spending spree that has already led to $3.7 trillion dollars worth of debt. She continued, Our country is drowning in debt, yet Senate Democrats and our President dont seem to grasp the severity of our nations financial situation. [Adams Press Release, 7/30/2011]

Supported Boehners Budget Control Act In July 2011, Adams explained that she was supporting Boehners Budget Control Act because it was consistent with the principles of the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act of 2011. Adams said that Tonight, the House took another historic vote and once again made important steps towards getting our nations fiscal house in order. While this legislation isnt perfect and not the one I would have preferred it gets to the core of our nations deep-seated issues: too much Washington spending. For years, Washington has been spending more than it is takes in; an addiction that has led our nation into the spending-driven debt crisis that we are currently facing. [Adams Press Release, 7/29/2011] Voted in Favor of Final Budget Control Act of 2011 In August 2011, Adams released a statement after supporting the Budget Control Act of 2011. She explained that While this bill is not perfect certainly not the bill I would have written myself it makes tangible changes to the way Washington works, while keeping House Republicans in the drivers seat. For the first time in my life, the federal government will spend less money next year than we spent last year. Over the past seven months, the conversation in Washington has dramatically shifted from how much money the government was going to spend, to how much we are going to cut. For the first time in 15 years we will have the opportunity to hold Washington accountable by voting on a balanced budget amendment, which would ensure that Washington finally lives within its means [] As a result, we passed legislation tonight that doesnt include any new taxes and will cut spending now and control spending for years to come [] While this legislation doesnt come close to fixing Washingtons broken policies, it is a step in the right direction. We didnt get into this fiscal mess overnight and it is unrealistic to think we will get out of it overnight. However, we have to keep moving towards a better fiscal path. We have a long way to go, but I am determined to get our nations deficit and debt under control so that we can get our economy moving again and put people back to work. Americans deserve better, and I will keep fighting to ensure our children and grandchildren have the same opportunities we had. [Sandy Adams
Press Release, 8/1/11]

Business and Consumer Issues Campaign Finance Issues

Adams Registered A Joint Fundraising Committee Called Freshman JFC In December 2011, twelve House Republicans formed a joint fundraising committee called Freshman Class JFC. [The Hill, 12/5/11] Adams Highlighted For Receiving at Least $234,000 from 105 PACs

A joint analysis by iWatch News and the Center for Responsive Politics has found that the 15 freshmen members of the Tea Party Caucus have embraced many of the same special interests that have supported Republicans for years. The fifteen combined have received over $3,450,000 during the first three quarters of this year from almost 700 different PACs [] Overall, this group of freshmen representatives has become just as reliant on PAC money as their counterparts who have been in the House longer. The median Tea Party Caucus freshman brought in roughly 44 percent of their money from PACs, 43 percent from large individual donors, and 4 percent from small donors who gave less than $200 each. Comparatively, the median House Republican got 46 percent from PACs, 45 percent from large individuals and 4 percent from small individual donors. Adams has received at least $234,000 from 105 PACs. [iWatch News, 11/18/11] Seven Corporate Kosmas Donors Gave $18,000 to Adams After the 2010 Election According to the Orlando Sentinel, after the 2010 election, at least seven corporate supporters of former Representative Kosmas, who had given her campaign $40,500, contributed $18,000 to her victorious opponent, Sandy Adams. These donors included Florida Power and Light and Comcast. [Orlando Sentinel, 2/02/11] Adams Filed 2011 July Quarterly FEC Report In July 2011, Sandra Adams for Congress filed its July 2011 Quarterly FEC Report. Adams raised $169,909.04 in the 2nd quarter of 2011 and has $273,514.53 cash on hand. Adams received $78,895.05 from PACs. She reported $111,595 of debt. Contributions of Note: Received $5,000 from House Majority PAC. In June 2011, Adams received $5,000 from the House Majority PAC, which is Kevin McCarthys PAC. [Sandy Adams for Congress Committee 2011 July Quarterly Report, filed 7/15/11] Received $1000 from Haley PAC. In April 2011, Adams received $1000 from Haleys PAC. [Sandy Adams for Congress Committee 2011 July Quarterly Report, filed 7/15/11] Received $10,000 from Eric Cantors PAC. In May and June 2011, Adams received a total of $10,000 from the Every Republican is Crucial PAC, which is Eric Cantors PAC. [Sandy Adams for Congress Committee 2011 July Quarterly Report, filed 7/15/11] Received $1,000 for Paul Ryans PAC. In June 2011, Adams received $1,000 from Prosperity PAC, Paul Ryans PAC. [Sandy Adams for Congress Committee 2011 July Quarterly Report, filed 7/15/11] Other Items of Note:

Adams Received $78,895.05 from PACs. In her July 2011 Quarterly FEC report, Adams received $78,895.05 in PAC donations. [Sandy Adams for Congress Committee 2011 July Quarterly Report, filed 7/15/11] Adams Has $111,595 of Debt. In her July 2011 Quarterly FEC report, Adams reported that she still had not paid any balance on her $100,000 personal loan made on 3/29/10. She reported that she owes 11595.00 to Revolvis Consulting in California. [Sandy Adams for Congress Committee 2011 July Quarterly Report, filed 7/15/11] Received $4500 from Tobacco and Cigar Interests. On June 17, 2011, Adams received a contribution from the owner of Corona Cigar for $2500. On June 24, 2011, Adams received a contribution from the owner of Thompson Cigar Company for $500. On June 17, 2011, Adams received a contribution from International Premium Cigar and Pipe Retailers PAC for $500. On June 17, 2011, Adams received a contribution from a cigar maker. On June 26, 2011, Adams received a contribution from R.J. Reynolds PAC for $1000. [Sandy Adams for Congress Committee 2011 July Quarterly Report, filed 7/15/11] On May 13, 2011, Adams became a co-sponsor of H.R. 1639 which would exempt traditional large and premium cigars from regulation by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and from user fees assessed on tobacco products by the FDA. [Library of Congress, accessed 7/18/11] Adams: Received 73% from Heritage Action for America Based on 30 key votes from January- August 2011, Adams received a 73% score from the Heritage Action for America. [Heritage Action for America, accessed 9/6/11] Adams Filed October 2011 Quarterly FEC Report In October 2011, Sandy Adams for Congress filed its October 2011 Quarterly FEC Report. Adams raised $118,596.80 in the 3rd quarter of 2011, has $225,039.91 cash on hand and spent $167,071.42. Adams received $68,889.55 from PACs. [Sandy Adams for Congress, filed 10/14/11] Contributions of Note: Received $1000 from Paul Ryans PAC. In July 2011, Adams received $1000 from Prosperity PAC. Received $1000 from NRA. In September 2011, Adams received $1000 from the NRA Political Victory Fund. Received $1000 from the Family Research Council PAC. In August 2011, Adams received $1000 from the Family Research Council PAC. Received $4863.74 from the Florida Young Guns Victory Fund. In September 2011, Adams received $4863.74 from the Florida Young Guns Victory Fund

Expenditures of Note: Paid Over $34,000 to Fundraising Consultant. From July-September 2011, Adams paid $34,000 to her fundraising consultants. Paid $100,000 loan off to herself. In July 2011, Adams repaid herself a loan of $100,000 to the campaign.

Congressional Issues
Spent $78,836.56 on Mass Mailings. From July-September 2011, Adams spent $78,836.56 on mass mailings and distributed 229,437 pieces at $.21 per household. [2011 3nd Quarter Statements of Disbursement, 10/5/11]

Campaign 2012 Issues Crime & Public Safety Issues

Addressed the Judiciary Committee on Improving Tools for Tracking Sexual Predators In a March 2011 letter to the editor, Adams argued that more needed to be done to improve the components of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act. She noted that only four states are in full compliance with the Act, which most employs an online tool to register and track sex offenders, and makes public information on the location of sex offenders in communities that use it. [Roll Call, LTE, 3/01/11]

Economic and Financial Issues

Voted In Favor of Cut, Cap, and Balance Act In July 2011, Sandy Adams voted in support of the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act, which mandated a cut in spending in FY2012, a federal cap on spending as a percentage of GDP, and a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. In a press release, Adams said, Like so many families and small businesses across the country do every day, our nation must learn to live within its means and set priorities [] This is why the House has taken decisive action by introducing The Cut, Cap and Balance Act of 2011, a common-sense plan aimed at getting our nations spending trajectory back on track. House Republicans have responded to our nations economic crisis with a responsible legislative plan for structural spending reforms, while President Obama and Senate Democrats have failed to provide a legislative plan, and have only responded with threats of higher taxes and more spending.

This legislation will help pay down our nations debt, resulting in lower taxes and more jobs for future generations. In addition, much like what 49 states currently abide by, The Cap, Cut and Balance Act of 2011 would require the House and Senate to pass a Balanced Budget Amendment before the debt limit may be increased. I encourage President Obama and Senate Democrats to take responsibility for addressing our nations debt crisis by supporting this common-sense and responsible legislation, so that we can finally get to the root of our nations economic crisis too much Washington spending. [Sandy
Adams Press Release, 7/19/2011]

Adams Received Earful from Critics In August 2011 listening session, Rep Adams received feedback from her constituents According to the Daytona Beach News Journal, In a two-hour listening session before a packed house of about 70 at the Port Orange City Council chambers, Adams got an earful, both from her critics -- and those who were quick to argue with them. [] It's easy to cherry pick facts, one man said. [] Diana Bardyn of New Smyrna Beach told Adams her use of politically charged terms liked failed stimulus, job-killing taxes, and government takeover of health care only further the polarization in Washington -- and Port Orange. This is not the kind of language we need from people in Congress if we are to get past (the divisiveness) in Washington, Bardyn said. [Daytona Beach News-Journal, 8/19/11]

Education Issues Energy Issues

Wanted to Stop Energy Department From Promoting Energy Efficiency to Kids In July 2011, Adams introduced an amendment that would limit funds for any DOE website which disseminates information regarding energy efficiency and educational programs to children or adolescents. Its unclear how much money taxpayers would save from removing the sites, and Adams said she was frustrated with Energy Secretary Steven Chu for not providing her with those details. [Politico, 7/14/2011]

Environmental Issues
Supported Drilling Off Floridas Coast At a February 2011 town hall, Adams said she said supported an all of the above approach to energy issues, including drilling off Floridas shores. She noted it would happen anyway with Cuba making plans to drill. [News-Journal, 2/22/11] Supported Offshore Oil Drilling

In February 2011, Adams supported an all-of-the-above strategy that could include offshore oil drilling and expanded use of nuclear power. [Florida Today, 2/24/11] Adams Voted for Bill that Would Limit EPA Regulatory Responsibilities In July 2011, Adams voted for H.R. 2018, the Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act which was sponsored by Rep. John Mica. According to McClatchy, the House bill would revise the Clean Water Act to prevent the EPA from setting water-pollution standards when it finds that state standards don't protect public health [] The bill was sponsored by Rep. John Mica, R-Fla., who objected to EPA water regulations for algae in Florida rivers [..] The House passed the bill Wednesday night. The 239-184 vote was largely along party lines, with only 13 Republicans opposed. [H.R. 2018, Vote #573, 7/13/11;
McClatchy, 7/13/11]

Adams Voted for Bill that Would Limit EPA Regulatory Responsibilities In July 2011, Adams voted for H.R. 2018, the Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act which was sponsored by Rep. John Mica. According to McClatchy, the House bill would revise the Clean Water Act to prevent the EPA from setting water-pollution standards when it finds that state standards don't protect public health [] The bill was sponsored by Rep. John Mica, R-Fla., who objected to EPA water regulations for algae in Florida rivers [..] The House passed the bill Wednesday night. The 239-184 vote was largely along party lines, with only 13 Republicans opposed. [H.R. 2018, Vote #573, 7/13/11;
McClatchy, 7/13/11]

Ethics Issues
Miller, a Adams Donor, Testified at Judiciary Subcommittee hearing In June 2011, Craig Miller testified at a Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Policy and Enforcement regarding H.R. 2164, the "Legal Workforce Act." Adams is a Member of the Judiciary Committee. Miller contributed $700 to Adams in 2010. [Judiciary Committee Website, Accessed 06/20/11] Adams Voted for Anti EPA Bill In July 2011, Rep. Adams voted for H.R. 2018, the Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act which was sponsored by Rep. John Mica. According to McClatchy, the House bill would revise the Clean Water Act to prevent the EPA from setting water-pollution standards when it finds that state standards don't protect public health [] The bill was sponsored by Rep. John Mica, R-Fla., who objected to EPA water regulations for algae in Florida rivers [..] The House passed the bill Wednesday night. The 239-184 vote was largely along party lines, with only 13 Republicans opposed. [H.R. 2018, Vote #573,
7/13/11; McClatchy, 7/13/11]

Foreign Policy Issues Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea


Gay and Lesbian Issues Gun Issues

Voted Against Preventative Firearm Measure In May 2011, Adams voted in the House Judiciary Committee against a measure that would bar those on the FBIs terrorist watch list from purchasing firearms. The Orlando Sentinel noted that she and other Republicans on the House Judiciary committee killed a proposal that would give authority to the U.S. Attorney General to stop someone from buying weapons if the suspect has engaged in, or is suspected of engaging in, terrorism according to the measures author, U.S. Rep. Mike Quigley, D-Illinois. The amendment, which was to be added to the recent bill extending certain provisions of the Patriot Act, failed 21-11 along a straight party line vote. [The Orlando Sentinel Blog, 05/13/2011]

Health Care Issues

Received Government Healthcare from Florida While Adams rejected Congressional health insurance, she still receives taxpayer-subsidized health insurance through her husband, a Florida judge. According to the Florida Independent, Lisa Boothe, Adams communications director, was hesitant to comment on the matter in a telephone interview saying, I dont understand while youre still writing a story about this issue. Its a little bit tired and old. This is not really an issue we want to be commenting on. [Florida Independent, 2/11/11] Blamed Democrats for Medicare Problems In June 2011, Adams wrote an op-ed in the Florida Today blaming Democrats for their inaction on Medicare, saying that Rather than introducing a plan to preserve and protect Medicare, they voted to put it on a quicker path to insolvency by passing their health-care law. Not only does the health-care law put bureaucrats in charge of cutting benefits, but it took $500 billion from Medicare. Adams also threw her full support behind the Paul Ryan budget plan, contending that The Republicans' Path to Prosperity, which was passed by the House, preserves and protects Medicare. This plan does not make a single change to Medicare benefits for those 55 and older, and it maintains the program's solvency. She also encouraged Americans and Congressmen alike to have a fact-based conversation about the realities facing Medicare. [Florida Today, 06/01/2011]

Immigration and Border Issues

Supported English-As-Official-Language Bill


In March 2011, Adams, along with several other Florida Representatives, expressed support for a bill sponsored by Rep. King of Iowa that would declare English the official language of the United States.
[Florida Independent, 3/17/11]

Adams: Illegal is Illegal At a February 2011 town hall, Adams said she opposed amnesty for undocumented workers. She said, Were a country of laws and illegal is illegal. [News-Journal, 2/22/11]

Israel Judicial Issues

Accused Supreme Court Justices of Creating Disregard for Nations Sovereignty In a March 2011 Letter to the Editor of the, Adams accused Supreme Court Justices of interjecting foreign law into their rulings and creating disregard for national sovereignty. She wrote, Supreme Court justices have allowed foreign and international law to permeate our court systems, interjecting it into their rulings and creating an environment of disregard for national sovereignty. [, LTE, 3/30/11]

Labor and Working Family Issues

Adams Supported Steps to Replace Lost Government Space Jobs In October 2011, during a string of layoffs from the Kennedy Space Center due to postponements of launches until at least 2017, Adams joined fellow Florida legislators in calling for solutions to the problem by finding new placements for the highly-trained, highly-skilled workforce. The Economic Development Commission of Floridas Space Coast and the Space Florida group were actively involved in finding job placements. Adams said, I would say we are all looking toward how we can work on these issues. [Orlando Sentinel, 10/5/11] Adams Office was Scene of Postal Rally In September 2011, U.S. Postal Service union members gathered outside Adams office to urge her vote for HR 1351, which would release $6.9 billion in pension obligations to replenish USPS coffers. Postal unions had targeted Republican representatives who so far had not supported the bill. [Orlando Sentinel,

NASA Issues
Supported Cuts to NASAs Climate Change Research


In 2011, Adams signed on to a letter that supports ending funding for NASA to conduct research on climate change. The letter called on the President to end duplicative programs in other federal agencies that overlap in the research that they conduct on specific issues. Congress should put NASA funding towards other things that can help grow the economy like human space flight a proven job creator and an economic driver, wrote Adams. [Sandy Adams Newsletter,

Florida Today: First Responders Took Space-Launch Jobs In February 2011, Florida Today editorialized that budget cuts might lighten the deficit, but they wont create jobs. Especially in the fight for space dollars, cuts will cost jobs. The paper was especially critical of an amendment that cut $298 million from a NASA project fund and diverted it to firefighters and community police officers employed in New York and other cities writing, Those first responders took our potential space-launch jobs. [Florida Today, 2/22/11] Criticized NASAs Climate Research In February 2011, Adams said sending astronauts into space should be NASAs priority, rather than the agency spending $1 billion on climate-change research. [Florida Today, 2/24/11]

Other Social Issues Personal Finance Issues

Filed 2011 Financial Disclosure In 2011, Sandy Adams reported earnings of at least $52,449.02 for calendar year 2010. Adams held assets valued between $2,004 and $32,000. Adams reported no liabilities. In 2010, Adams received $24,996.62 in earned income from the State of Florida, as well as $27,452.40 in retirement benefits from the State of Florida. Her husband also takes an undisclosed salary from the State of Florida. Under unearned income, Adams reported her assets are from a number of banks and credit unions. Adams reported a Bank of America asset valued between $1,000 and $15,000 and two credit union accounts valued at between $1,000 and $15,000. In 2009, Adams assets were valued at between $316,002 and $765,000. Adams reported no positions. [Sandy Adams Financial Disclosure, Filed 05/13/2011] Tax Issues Co-Sponsored the Fair Tax


Adams co-sponsored the Fair Tax Act of 2011 that would eliminate the Internal Revenue Service, repeal the income tax, and establish a national sales tax. [Florida Today, 2/24/11] Tea Party Said That Her Ideals Are In Line With Tea Party In June 2011, Adams told Fox News that her views line up with members of the tea party. Adams said that the ideals that I believe in are a lot in line with the people who relate themselves to the Tea Party so I think its a good mix, it works well together. [Adams in Fox News Interview, 06/06/2011] Said That Her Ideas Match Up With the Tea Party In June 2011, in an interview with Fox News, Adams said that her view mix perfectly with those of the tea party. Adams said that Ive always been a Republican all my life, and I believed in less government is more efficient and more effective government, and the ideals that I believe in are a lot in line with the people who relate themselves to the Tea Party so I think its a good mix, it works well together. [Adams on Fox News, accessed 06/07/2011] Adams a Member of Tea Party Caucus In September 2011, Rep. Adams was a member of Rep. Michele Bachmanns tea party caucus. According to Politico, Only 15 of the 80 freshman House Republicans have signed up for Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmanns Tea Party Caucus, accounting for a quarter of the 60 official tea party Republicans in the House. That also means freshmen, who account for one-third of the House Republican Conference, are under-represented in the Tea Party Caucus []While the 15 tea party House freshmen voted against the partys position more often than all other lawmakers about 13.5 percent to about 12.25 percent the full set of Tea Party Caucus members voted with the party position more often than folks who dont identify with the group. [Politico, 9/14/11; Politico House Vote Analysis, accessed 9/16/11]

Transportation Issues
Declined to Take a Position on Gov. Scotts Rejection of High Speed Rail Money At a February 2011 town hall, Adams declined to take a position on Gov. Rick Scotts rejection of federal funding for a rail line between Orlando and Tampa. She said, At the end of the day, its a state issue and the state will make that decision. [News-Journal, 2/22/11]

Womens Issues


Adams was a co-sponsor of H.R. 374, the Life at Conception Act On August 16, 2011, Adams became a co-sponsor of the Life at Conception Act. According to the Library of Congress, the Life at Conception Act declares that the right to life guaranteed by the Constitution is vested in each human being beginning at the moment of fertilization, cloning, or other moment at which an individual comes into being. [Library of Congress, accessed 11/10/11]


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