Vibro-Impact Dynamics of Two Rolling Balls Along Curvilinear Trace

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Procedia Engineering 199 (2017) 663–668

X International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2017

Vibro-impact dynamics of two rolling balls along curvilinear trace

Katica R. (Stevanović) Hedrih *
Mathematical Institute
Institute of
of Serbian
Serbian Academy
Academy of
of Science
Science and
and Arts
Arts (SANU),
(SANU), Belgrade,
Belgrade, Serbia
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Niš, Niš, Serbia
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Niš, Niš, Serbia


Using this
this extended
extended theory
theory of
of impacts
impacts and
and new
new results
results of
of kinematics
kinematics and
and dynamics
dynamics ofof central
central collision
collision of
of two
two rolling
rolling bodies
bodies (balls
or disks)
disks) dynamics
dynamics of of vibro-impact
vibro-impact systems
systems isis investigated.
investigated. TwoTwo rolling
rolling bodies
bodies are
are rolling
rolling along
along curvilinear
curvilinear rolling
rolling trace.
trace. In
considered case
case rolling
rolling trace
trace consists
consists for
for three
three part
part of
of circle
circle lines
lines with
with different
different radii.
radii. In
In dynamics
dynamics ofof rolling
rolling bodies
bodies appears
appears series
of the
the successive
successive central
central collisions
collisions depending
depending of of initial
initial kinetic
kinetic conditions
conditions and
and geometrical
geometrical parameters
parameters ofof rolling
rolling bodies
bodies and
curvilinear rolling
rolling trace.
© 2017
© 2017 The
2017The Authors.
TheAuthors. Published
Publishedbyby Elsevier
byElsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of EURODYN 2017.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committeeof
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee ofEURODYN
EURODYN 2017.2017.

Keywords: Central
Keywords: Central collision
collision of
of two
two rolling
rolling bodies;
bodies; curvilinear
curvilinear rolling
rolling trace;
trace; vibro-impact
vibro-impact dynamics.

1. Introduction

In previous published papers and conference presentations, an extended theory of impacts with new results of
kinematics and dynamics of central as well as skew collision of two rolling bodies is founded by author.
Using this extended theory of impacts [1] and new results of kinematics and dynamics of central collision of two
rolling bodies (balls or disks) dynamics of vibro-impact systems is investigated. Two rolling bodies are in kinetic
states of rolling along curvilinear rolling trace. In considered case rolling trace consists for three part of circle lines
with different radii. In dynamics of rolling bodies appears series of the successive central collisions depending of
initial kinetic conditions and geometrical parameters of rolling bodies and curvilinear rolling trace.
Differential equations of motion, and also, corresponding equations of phase trajectories of both rolling bodies are
derived. Also, expressions of times of rolling bodies in function of coordinates are defined by series of elliptic

** Corresponding
Corresponding author.
author. Tel.:
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+381 18
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1877-7058 ©© 2017
2017 The
The Authors.
Authors. Published
Published by
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Peer-review under
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of the
the organizing
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committee of

1877-7058 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of EURODYN 2017.
664 Katica R. (Stevanović) Hedrih et al. / Procedia Engineering 199 (2017) 663–668
2 Katica R. (Stevanović) Hedrih / Procedia Engineering 00 (2017) 000–000

integrals. Based on these results positions on the curvilinear rolling trace and times of each of the successive
collisions between rolling bodies are defined. Phase portraits of each rolling body are graphically presented. In the
phase portraits representative points which correspond to kinetic states and positions of rolling bodies collisions are
Use variations of the kinetic and geometric parameters, properties of vibro-impact dynamics of this system are
investigated. Velocities and kinetic energies jumps of each rolling body after each collision are visible from phase
portraits and portraits of constant energy curves.
Using presented approach, theory of collision of two rolling bodies and method of phase plane a complete
methodology for investigating other similar vibro-impact system dynamics is founded.

2. Dynamics of the central collision of two rolling balls along curvilinear trace

Let’s start with application of mathematical analogy of classical theory of dynamics of collision to the dynanics of
collision between two rolling balls, with mass m1 and m2 , and with axial mass inertia moments J P1 and J P 2 for
corresponding instanteneous axis of the rolling along trace with pre-impact (arrival) angular velocities
   
ω P1,impact = ω P1 (t0 ) and ω P 2,impact = ω P 2 (t0 ) . Mass centers C1 and C 2 of the balls move transtator with pre-
     
impact (arrival) velocities vC 1.impact = vC 1 (t0 ) and vC 2.impact = vC 2 (t0 ) . Angular velocities ω P1,impact = ω P1 (t 0 )
 
and ω P 2,impact = ω P 2 (t0 ) we denote as arrival, or impact or pre-impact angular velocietis at the moment t0 (see
Figure 1a). At this moment t0 of the collision start between these rolling balls, contact of these two balls is at point
T12 , in which both balls posses common tangent plane –plane of contact (touch). In the theory of collision, it is
proposed that collision takes very shorth time period (t0 ,t0 + τ ) , and that τ tend to zero. After this short period
τ bodies-two rolling bals in collision separate and outgoing by post-impact-outgoing angular velocities
   
ω P1,outgoing = ω P1 (t 0 + τ ) and ω P 2,outgoing = ω P 2 (t0 + τ ) . Mass centers C1 and C 2 of the balls move transtator with
   
post-impact (outgoing) translatoor velocities vC 1.outgoing = vC1 (t0 + τ ) and vC 2.outgoing = vC 2 (t0 + τ ) . These
translator velocities are possible to express, each by corresponding outgoing post-collision angular velocity and
radius of the corresponding ball.
Elements of mathematical phenomenology and phenomenological mappings between rolling balls and translator
bodies (balls), which are analogous dynamical impact systems (similar as electromechanical analogy between
electrical oscillator with one degree of freedom and mechanical oscillator with one degree of freedom; for detail see
Refs. [2-5]) are used.
On the basis of Petroviċ’s theory [6,7] and qualitative and mathematical analogies considered in previous
published author’s papers [1] is possible to introduce hypothesis of conservation of angular momentum sum
(moment of impulse for corresponding instantaneous axis of rolling) of two rolling balls pre-collision and post-
collision rolling motion in the following form:
   
J P1ω P1 (t0 ) + J P 2ω P 2 (t0 ) = J P1ω P1 (t0 + τ ) + J P 2ω P 2 (t0 + τ ) (1)
and the coefficient of the restitution of collision between two rolling balls in the form:
ω r (t0 + τ ) ω P 2 (t0 + τ ) − ω P1 (t0 + τ )
k= = (2)
ω r (t0 ) ω P1 (t0 ) − ω P 2 (t0 )
as ratio between difference of angular velocities of rolling balls post-collision and pre-collision kinetic states. In
present paper coefficient of the restitution k by expression (2) is introduced by angular velocities after and before
collision of the two rolling balls and is new definition introduced by author.
Also, in analogy with the expressions of post-collision –outgoing body translator velocities is possible to
write expressions of post-collision –outgoing rolling balls angular velocities in the following forms:
Katica R. (Stevanović) Hedrih / Procedia Engineering 00 (2017) 000–000 3
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a b
Fig.1.a. Kinematic plan of the velocities in the collision of two balls in rolling motion along curvilinear line; b. Phase portraits and phase
trajectories with jumps of the ball’s representative points from one to other phase trajectory in vibro-impact motion along circle line: b.1. for first
rolling ball and b.2 for second rolling bal

1+ k 1+ k
ω P1 (t 0 + τ ) = ω P1 (t 0 ) − (ω P1 (t0 ) − ωP 2 (t0 )) and ω P 2 (t0 + τ ) = ω P 2 (t0 ) + (ω P1 (t0 ) − ωP 2 (t 0 )) (3)
1 + P1 1 + P2
J P2 J P1
Previous obtained expressions (3) of post-collision –outgoing rolling balls angular velocities are new and
original results obtained on the basis of Petrović’s theory of elements of mathematical phenomenology (see
Reference [6,7]). Also expression (1) for the hypothesis of conservation of sum of angular momentum (moment of
impulse for corresponding instantaneous axis) of impact dynamics of two rolling balls pre-collision and post-
collision motion is new introduced relation in impact dynamics as well as expression (2) for the coefficient of
restitution in collision of two rolling balls with different size and in central collision. All these results are analytical
and can be applicable in other type of collisions.

3. Principal models and equations

In the Ref. [8] a model of a moving heavy rigid ball along curvilinear trace in the form of circle in vertical
stationary plane is presented. Ordinary differential equations describing dynamics of a heavy rigid ball rolling along
curvilinear trace consisting of series of three circle arcs are in the following forms (see Fig. 2.a):
g g J i2
ϕi + sin ϕi = 0, i = 1,3, and ϕ2 + sin (ϕ 2 + π ) = 0 , where κ i = Ci2 + 1 = Ci2 + 1 (4)
κ i (R − r ) κ 2 (R0 + r ) Mr r
where κ i , i = 1,2,3 coefficient of ball (disk) rolling and J Ci axial mass inertia moment for instantaneous axis of
Corresponding equations of the phase trajectory branches of a heavy rigid ball rolling along curvilinear trace
consisting of series of three circle arcs are in the following forms:
2g 2g
ϕi2 = ϕi2, 0 + (cos ϕ − cos ϕi , 0 ), i = 1,3, and ϕ 22 = ϕ22,0 + (cos ϕ − cos ϕ 2, 0 ) (5)
κ i (R − r ) κ 2 (R0 + r )
i 2

In Fig. 2.a, a model of a rolling heavy ball (or disk) along curvilinear trace consisting of the series of circle arcs
666 Katica R. (Stevanović) Hedrih et al. / Procedia Engineering 199 (2017) 663–668
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in vertical stationary plane is presented. In Fig.2.b, c and d, different compositions of the phase trajectory portraits
of different phase trajectory branches in phase plane (and curves of constant total mechanical energy branches) of a
rolling disk in intervals along different arcs of curvilinear traces composed by three coupled circle arcs with
different radii are presented [2].

r C2 ωP2
O1O1 P2 O3
K1 Mg 0 K 2
R ϕ1 R
r C3 r
P1 ω P1 ω P3 P
a b
ϕ ϕ
ϕ ϕ

c d
Fig. 2.a. A model of a rolling heavy ball (or disk) along curvilinear trace consisting of the series of circle arcs in vertical stationary plane; b, c
and d Different compositions of the phase trajectory portraits of different phase trajectory branches in phase plane (and curves of constant total
mechanical energy branches) of a rolling disk in intervals along different arcs of curvilinear traces composed by three coupled circle arcs with
different radii.

4. Vibro-impact dynamics of multiple collisions of two different rolling heavy balls along circle trace in
vertical plane

Let us to consider vibro-impact dynamics [3,4,5] of two rolling heavy balls along curvilinear line consisting by
three circle arches in stationary vertical plane. Using listed, in previous part of the paper, the ordinary differential
equations of ball rolling and the equations of the phase trajectory branches of two separate rolling balls along
curvilinear line consisting of three circle arches, we can consider as dynamics of two rolling balls in vibro-impact
dynamics. Taking into account that these equations, which are valid for the balls dynamics between two successive
collisions of balls.
Central angle coordinates of positions of the balls in state of the collisions are in the following relation:
ϕ 2,impact ,k = ϕ1,impact ,k + β , where angle β depend of geometrical parameters of circle line radius R , and of the
both balls radiuses: r1 and r2 and is defined by expression in the form:

β = arccos
(R − r1 )2 + (R − r2 )2 − (r1 + r2 )2 = arccos λ1 (λ1 − λ2 − 1) − λ2
2(R − r1 )(R − r2 ) (λ1 − λ2 )(λ1 − 1) (6)

R r
where λ1 = and λ2 = 2 .
r1 r1
In Fig.1b., phase portraits and phase trajectories with jumps of each of the balls’ representative points from
one to other phase trajectory (1.b.1. for first rolling ball and 1.b.2 for second rolling bal) in vibro-impact motion in the rolling
along one circle line are presented. In Fig. 1b. is possible to see basic elements of the vibro-impact methodology
using phase trajectory portraits of two rolling balls. Using phase portraits for the case when curvilinear trace consists
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of three circle arches, and taking into account that two balls are rolling along same curvilinear trace, we can applied
presented methodology for research on a same way as it was applied in the case when curvilinear trace is one circle.
Main problem, in research of the vibro-impact dynamics of two rolling balls (or disks) rolling along curvilinear
trace consists of three circle arches, is determination of the time and positions of the first and next successive
collisions. This task must be solved numerically taking into account analytical expressions of kinetic parameters of
each ball and corresponding approximate solutions of elliptic integrals and roots of nonlinear and transcendent
Relation between duration of time of ball rolling between two angle positions and angle coordinate is in the
form of elliptic integral presented in the form:

ϕ1 ϕ1
dϕ1 dϕ1
∫ ϕ12,0 +ω 21 (cosϕ1 − cosϕ1, 0 ) ϕ∫
ϕ1,0 ϕ1
1,0 1,0
ϕ + 2ω sin
1, 0
− 2ω sin2

2 2
and it is necessary to take into account corresponding geometrical data of each circle arch.
For obtaining the coordinates of ball’s positions at configuration of first collision between rolling heavy
balls at first circle line in vertical plane, it is necessary to obtain time timpact ,1 of first collision at which both balls are
in the configuration of first collision. If we propose that mass center C1,impact ,1 of first ball is in position defined by
( )
angle coordinate ϕ1 timpact ,1 = ϕ1,impact ,1 , then coordinate of mass center C2 ,impact ,1 of second ball is defined by
angle coordinate: ϕ 2 (timpacr ,1 ) = ϕ1 (tompact ,1 ) + β , where angle β is defined by expression (6). Using approximate
expressions (7) for time timpact ,1 duration of balls motions from corresponding initial positions, ϕ1, 0 and ϕ 2, 0 , to the
positions, ϕ1,impact ,1 and ϕ 2,impact ,1 , of the first collision between rolling balls we can write the following:
ϕ1, impact , 1 ϕ1, impact , 1
sin sin
2  1 2 3 1⋅ 3 4 5  2 2  1 3 1 2 5 1⋅ 3 4 7  2
timpact,1 = t1,impact,1 ≈ u + k 1u + k 1u  +  u + k 1u + 2 k 1u  +
ω0,1  2⋅3 2⋅4⋅6 sin ϕ1, 0 ω0,1  2 ⋅ 3 4 ⋅5 2 ⋅4⋅7 sin ϕ1, 0 (8)
2 2
ϕ1, impact , 1
2  1 ⋅ 3 5 1  1 ⋅ 3  4 9 
2 2
1⋅ 3
+ u + 2 k 12u 7 +   k 1u
ω0,1  2 ⋅ 4 ⋅ 5 2 ⋅4⋅7 9  2⋅4   ϕ1, 0
 sin
ϕ1 ,impact ,1 + β ϕ1,impact ,1 + β
sin sin
2  1 2 3 1⋅ 3 4 5  2 2  1 3 1 2 5 1⋅ 3  2
timpact ,1 = t 2,impact ,1 ≈ u + k 2u + k 2u  +  u + k 2u + 2 k 24u 7  +
ω0, 2  2⋅3 2⋅4⋅6 sin ϕ2 ,0 ω0, 2  2 ⋅ 3 4 ⋅5 2 ⋅4⋅7  sinϕ 2, 0 (9)
2 2
ϕ1,impact ,1 + β
2  1⋅ 3 5 1 ⋅ 3 2 7 1  1 ⋅ 3  4 9 
2 2
+ u + 2 k 1u +   k 1u
ω0,1  2 ⋅ 4 ⋅ 5 2 ⋅4⋅7 9  2⋅ 4  
 sin
ϕ2 , 0

Taking into account, that both balls start from initial positions, ϕ1, 0 and ϕ 2, 0 , must arrive at configuration of
the first position of first collision, defined by coordinates ϕ1,impact ,1 and ϕ 2,impact ,1 , expressions (8) and (9) have to
be equal. As result of this condition we have a nonlinear transcendent equation with respect to unknown angle
( )
coordinate ϕ1 timpact ,1 = ϕ1,impact ,1 of the mass centre position of first ball at position of first collision..
To find first real root of this transcendent equation, is not possible to solve analytically and it is necessary to use
some of numerical methods as well as some commercial software tool. In this paper we deal with ideas and
analytical approach to defined task and methodology of vibro-impact dynamics. Then, we suppose that we have
( )
angle coordinate ϕ1 timpact,1 = ϕ1,impact ,1 of mass centre C1,impact ,1 of first ball at position of the first collision, and also
6 Katica
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Hedrih et al. / Procedia
/ Procedia Engineering
Engineering 00 (2017)199 (2017) 663–668

( ) ( )
angle coordinate ϕ 2 timpacr ,1 = ϕ1 t ompact ,1 + β of mass centre C2 ,impact ,1 of the second ball at position of the first
collision. With this assumption it is possible to compose pre-first collision impact angular velocities ω P1,impact ,1 and
ω P 2,impact ,1 of the heavy rolling balls. For obtaining post-first-collision outgoing angular velocities
ω P1 (tu ,1 + τ ) = ω P1,outgoing ,1 and ω P 2 (t 0 + τ ) = ω P 2,outgoing ,1 of the rolling balls along circle line, at same position of the
first collision balls, determined by generalized coordinates ϕ1,impact ,1 and ϕ 2,impact ,1 , we use expressions (3) and we
obtain initial conditions for next branches of phase trajectory for rolling each ball. To obtain kinetic parameters of
the successive collisions same methodology [3,4,5] have to be applied.

4. Concluding remarks

At the end, it is useful to conclude that presented kinetic parameters of dynamics of the central collision of
two rolling balls is possible to use in study of the skew collision of two rolling balls that role along two straight as
well as curvilinear line trace with intersection as well as parallel at distance smaller them sum of the balls radiuses.
Aim of this paper is not to present a possibility about generalization of the all results in area of the vibro-
impact dynamics in system containing the collision of two rolling balls with different dimension and collisions. The
paper is focused to central collision of two rolling rigid and heavy smooth balls and to using elements of
mathematical phenomenology and phenomenological mapping to obtain corresponding new expressions for the
post-collision and outgoing angular velocity of each ball and to apply these results for investigation of the vibro-
impact dynamics of two rolling balls along circle trace. This task is fully analytical solved and obtained analytical
results are original and new!
Also, these results can be fundamental for next development and investigation of the special class of vibro-
impact dynamical systems with collision of the rigid and/or deformable balls and also in application in different area
of engineering systems with coupled rotations (in rolling bearings, rolling vibro-impact dampers - mechanisms for
dynamic absorption of torsional vibrations, or other).


Parts of this research were supported by the Ministry of Sciences and Technology of Republic of Serbia through Mathematical
Institute SASA, Belgrade Grant ON174001 “Dynamics of hybrid systems with complex structures.”, Mechanics of materials and
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Niš.


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