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AGT No.____________



Academic Level: Programme:

Academic Year: 2022/23 Date:


What is Goal Setting?

Goal-setting is the process of taking active steps to achieve your desired outcome. Maybe
your overall goal is to perform in a West End musical, have your own dance company, or
play the lead in a Shakespeare play; each of these involves setting and reaching small (and
big!) goals. These major goals can be broken down into smaller, more attainable goals that
will propel you toward success during your time at the IAB.

What are the different types of Goal-Setting?

• Process Goals: specific actions or processes of performing. For example, aiming to
stretch after your last class three times or week, or watching a new play online each
month. Process goals are 100% controllable by you!
• Performance Goals: based on personal standard and the level of performance to be
achieved. For example, memorising a movement sequence or piece of text, and
successfully executing it in class. Performance goals are mostly controllable.
• Outcome Goals: focused on the end-point of an event, or the end result. For
example, playing a lead role in a production. Outcome goals are very difficult to
control because of other outside influences.

If you achieve your process goals, you give yourself a good chance to achieve your
performance goals. Similarly, achieving performance goals may improve your chances of
achieving your outcome goals!

Goal-Setting Tips
• Set both short- and longer-term goals
• Set SMART goals
• Set goals that motivate you
• Write your goals down and put them in a place you can see them
• Adjust your goals as necessary
• Recognise and reward yourself when you meet a goal

Specific – detailed statement on what you want to accomplish
Measurable – how will you demonstrate and evaluate how your
goal has been met?
Attainable – they can be realistically achieved by your own hard
work and dedication
Relevant – how do your goals align with your objectives?
Time-Based – set target dates to guide your goal to successful and timely completion

“Have a stronger core!”

This is not specific! A more specific goal would be to increase your 1-minute plank by 5
seconds a week!

“Be more confident!”

This is difficult to measure! You could instead think about how often (or not!) you volunteer
for activities in class!

“Study for written work for 4 hours every Saturday and 2 hours every Sunday!”
This is probably unattainable for most students! Try to set realistic achievements to avoid
disappointment when you can’t meet them!

“To be a great pop singer!”

This is not relevant to, for example, Level 4 on the MT programme, where the focus is on
legit and contemporary legit singing!

“Be more impulsive as an actor!”

It could be very difficult to put a time-based deadline to this goal!

Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Timed-Based

Improve my vocal By one tone in my I can currently Contemporary By February

range upper range, and I reach an F musical songs Directed Study
can measure by comfortably, but often require Week
singing scales my G is notes higher than
inconsistent an F
Improve my To read 3 new plays I have time to read We will be Before the start
knowledge of by different writers on the train from studying current of next term
21st century Barcelona to Sitges playwrights next
playwrights term

Consistent and I can take videos to I can currently It’s an important Within 2 months
clean double monitor progress consistently skill as a dancer,
pirouettes execute a and will be in my
technically correct assessment

Using this guidance, complete the next table focusing on process and performance goals –
remember to also state your Action Plan for the weeks/months ahead!

Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time-Based Action Plan Outcome
(To be completed at
next AGT)

(Additional space over the page for more goals)

Student Signature: _____________________ Date: _______________________

Tutor’s Name: _____________________ Tutor’s Signature: ______________________

Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time-Based Action Plan Outcome
(To be completed at
next AGT)

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