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Analysis of periodic synthetic turbulence generation and development for

direct numerical simulations applications

Article  in  Physics of Fluids · December 2021

DOI: 10.1063/5.0071002


7 294

5 authors, including:

Daniel Martínez Sanchis Andrej Sternin

Technische Universität München Technische Universität Dresden


Daniel Sternin Oskar Haidn

Technische Universität München

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Analysis of periodic synthetic turbulence
generation and development for direct
numerical simulations applications
Cite as: Phys. Fluids 33, 125130 (2021);
Submitted: 10 September 2021 • Accepted: 01 December 2021 • Published Online: 21 December 2021

Daniel Martinez-Sanchis, Andrej Sternin, Daniel Sternin, et al.

Phys. Fluids 33, 125130 (2021); 33, 125130

© 2021 Author(s).
Physics of Fluids ARTICLE

Analysis of periodic synthetic turbulence

generation and development for direct
numerical simulations applications
Cite as: Phys. Fluids 33, 125130 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0071002
Submitted: 10 September 2021 . Accepted: 1 December 2021 .
Published Online: 21 December 2021

Daniel Martinez-Sanchis,1,a) Andrej Sternin,1,2 Daniel Sternin,1 Oskar Haidn,1 and Martin Tajmar2

€ t Mu
Chair of Space Propulsion Technische, Universita € nchen, Boltzmannstraße 15, Garching, Germany
€ t Dresden, Marschnerstraße 32, Dresden, Germany
Chair of Space Systems/Technische, Universita

Author to whom correspondence should be addressed:

The generation of periodic synthetic turbulence through superposition of Fourier modes is investigated. The introduction of directional
biases and mismatches in the second-order statistics associated with the enforcement of periodicity is analyzed and quantified. Two strategies
for mitigation of these disparities are proposed. The suggested approaches are subsequently validated and compared with the original meth-
odologies using direct numerical simulations. The proposed strategies are capable of neutralizing the disparities in the second-order statistics
at the injection region. The development from synthetic to realistic turbulence is evaluated through the resulting flow statistics and spectral
analysis. It is found that higher-order statistics and other indicators converge to the expected results with sufficient length.
C 2021 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://

I. INTRODUCTION separated simulation that is initialized with artificial turbulence during

Scale resolving simulations are steadily gaining relevance due to a development time to obtain more realistic data. This precursor veloc-
the increase in computational capabilities. These methods can address ity field is fed as the inflow values in the main simulation afterward.
scenarios where the classical assumptions of turbulence are challenged. Such an approach can provide very realistic turbulent fields but lacks
Such is the case of reacting flows in the combustion chamber of a adaptability and is not able to produce specific anisotropy. Optimizing
rocket engine. Intermittency, interactions between anisotropic vortical the synthetic turbulence generation is an intensive research area3–5
structures, and reversed spectral energy transfer are examples of pro- since improving the features of the imposed fluctuations will be benefi-
cesses that cannot be captured in such a context with conventional cial regardless of the approach. The present paper aims to advance in
models. Unsteady inflow boundary conditions are required to investi- this direction by studying the generation and the development of syn-
gate these sorts of phenomena by numerical simulations. To recreate thetic turbulence for researching the statistics of flows in extreme
the desired turbulent conditions, inlet regions must enforce a velocity conditions.
field with fluctuations that match a set of prescribed statistics. The methods discussed herein are derived from the foundational
Stochastic equivalence is a necessary but not sufficient condition for concept introduced by Kraichnan.6 The basic premise is to reproduce
accurately representing a realistic turbulent flow. Artificial turbulent a turbulent velocity field through the superposition of a finite number
fields lack complete physical motivation since they do not originate of spatial Fourier modes with random amplitude and phases. The
from a solution to the Navier–Stokes equations.1 As a consequence, main benefit of this sort of approach is that the amount of required
spatial-temporal development is required to beget a physically mean- statistical information is minimal. Although further refinement is pos-
ingful turbulent flow. sible, basic parameters such as the turbulent kinetic energy and the dis-
There are two main approaches to produce turbulent inflow con- sipation rate suffice to apply a synthetic turbulence algorithm based
ditions: Synthetic Turbulence Generation (STG) and Precursor on Fourier modes. This feature is advantageous when addressing flows
Simulations (PS).2 Synthetic turbulence generation creates a turbulent in extreme conditions that prevent their complete observation,
field introducing randomized elements. Precursor methods run a and there is a lack of available data. In this context, the application of

Phys. Fluids 33, 125130 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0071002 33, 125130-1

C Author(s) 2021
Physics of Fluids ARTICLE

sophisticated methods such as Synthetic Eddy Method (SEM),7 High where k ¼ 2p=l is the spatial frequency for a given eddy size l, and L
Order Data Decomposition (HODD),1 or Digital Filtering (DF)8 can is the length scale of the largest eddies, which is a function of the tur-
be challenging since more detailed statistical information is required. bulent kinetic energy q and the dissipation rate e
The original Kraichnan’s idea heralded a series of works, which pffiffiffiffiffi
successively refined the initial concept.9–11 The upgrade introduced by L ¼ q3 =e: (2)
Shur et al.12 is particularly interesting for addressing scenarios where This value is roughly twice the integral eddies length scale K:16
the standard assumptions of turbulent flows can be challenged. This The constant p0 in (1) determines the order of the power spectral den-
approach has the capability of representing anisotropic vortical struc- sity in the region of the largest length scales ðl  LÞ. For this parame-
tures in a realistic way, which is a common feature in turbulent bound- ter, values of 2 or 4 are used, with the latter option leading to the
ary layers and reacting flows. Although the model was conceived for celebrated von Karman spectrum.17 The factor fg accounts for the
hybrid Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes (RANS)-Large Eddy steep decrease in energy in the dissipation domain as the eddie’s size
Simulation (LES) simulations, its validity for Direct Numerical approaches the Kolmogorov length scale g. A general formulation of
Simulations (DNS) has been recently studied.13 The ease of implemen- this factor is also provided by Pope,16
tation coupled with its high adaptability endows this method a huge   
potential for its future use in Large Eddy Simulations (LES) and DNS.  4 1=4
Despite its advantages, this procedure has exhibited remarkable hin- fg ¼ exp b 16p4 k=kg þ c4g  cg ; (3)
drances in the achievement of the targeted second-order statistics. In
where kg is the spatial frequency of the Kolmogorov eddies, and b and
this sense, Morsbach and Franke14 observed an increase in the turbu-
cg are model parameters. Finding an adequate expression for fg is far
lent kinetic energy in the periodic directions following the enforce-
from being trivial. The smallness of the involved scales poses signifi-
ment of periodicity. Significant deviations in the targeted Reynolds
cant challenges, and there is no extended consensus concerning a uni-
Stress Tensor (RST) were also observed by Patterson et al.,15 which
versal formulation. For b, a value of 5.2 has been suggested by
could add up to 30% if no countermeasures were adopted.
Saddoughi and Veeravalli18 based on experimental results. Martinez
In the present study, the origin of the directional biases associated
et al.19 found that the value ranges from roughly 7.5 to 5.5, decreasing
with the enforcement of periodicity of Shur’s method is investigated.
as the Reynolds number of the Taylor eddies Rek grows. The factor fg
The introduction of random elements for the generation of synthetic
departs from unity later as cg grows for high Reynolds number, a value
turbulence is analyzed, and strategies to minimize the discrepancies in
of 0:4 leads to a good match with the integral characteristics of turbu-
the targeted statistics are proposed. The suggested schemes are vali-
lence.16 For the particular case cg ¼ 0, (1) becomes a first-order expo-
dated through the simulation of spatially decaying turbulence and
nential decay as suggested by Kraichnan.20 For such cases, b  2:1 is
compared with the original approach.
more convenient due to the sooner appearance of viscous damping
II. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND effects. A second-order exponential decay has been found to provide a
better agreement with experimental data in other research.21,22 This
This section introduces the theoretical concepts that are needed sort of modeling is indeed the one recommended in the original Shur’s
to discuss the improvements proposed later in the text. The first method.
Subsection II A provides a general description of a model for the spec- The expression in (1) tends asymptotically to zero when k tends
tral turbulent kinetic energy. In the second Subsection II B, the genera- to zero or infinity, meaning that there is no turbulent energy neither in
tion of Fourier modes based on this spectrum and randomized infinitely small eddies nor in large length scales. It is possible to analyt-
elements is presented. The components responsible for the introduc- ically derive the size of the most energetic eddies l  , where the spec-
tion of randomness are identified and described in Subsection II C. In trum peaks in (1). If fg is neglected, differentiating and setting to zero
Subsection II D, the conditions necessary to meet the requirement of (1) leads to the following result:
periodicity are introduced. Only the aspects which are relevant within  
this paper’s scope are presented in detail. The reader is referred to the l 2p
¼ sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
  ffi 2 ½1:56 ; 2:2; (4)
original works6,12,14 for a comprehensive illustration. L 3
p0 cL
A. Spectral energy function
where cL  6:78 has been assumed, as suggested by Pope,16 for large
The power spectral density function of the turbulent kinetic Reynolds numbers.
energy is a key element that defines the spatial characteristics of the
turbulent structures. Ideally, this spectrum is acquired from experi- B. Harmonics generation
mental measurements. However, this is unfeasible in most cases. Due
The spectrum defined in (1) has to be split into a finite number
to this, model spectra that depend on the integral characteristics of tur-
of elements, each of them associated with a given frequency k. These
bulence have been developed. The following expression is commonly
elements are referred to as harmonics or modes. The energy contained
used for defining the spectrum of the turbulent kinetic energy:16
in each of them can be approximated with the following expression:
0 153þp0  
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi kL ki þ kiþ1
EðkÞ ¼ C e2 =k5 3@qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiA fg ðk; gÞ; (1) qi ¼ E ðkiþ1  ki Þ; (5)
ðkLÞ2 þ cL
which corresponds to the following fraction of the total:

Phys. Fluids 33, 125130 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0071002 33, 125130-2

C Author(s) 2021
Physics of Fluids ARTICLE

~q i ¼ qi =q: (6) the direction (x; y; z). Each of the components is then normalized with
the second norm of the initial random set to obtain a unit vector,
Combining these values with some random elements, it is possi-
ble to determine the harmonics that enable the generation of the tur- *
  2 þ d 2 þ d 2 :
dj;n ¼ dj;n =jjd jj ¼ dj;n = dx;n y;n z;n (9)
bulent fluctuations field,
0 1 If the norm of the initial random set jjd jj is greater than one, the com-
B x0 C XN pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi bination is discarded. This ensures that the points are uniformly dis-
B uy C ¼ L ðRij Þ 6~q i
@ A tributed over a spherical surface.24 If this step is not followed,pa ffiffibias
ffi is
u0z created by increasing the concentration of values around 61= 2.
0    1 The following step is to obtain a random vector perpendicular to
rx;i cos ki dx;i x þ dy;i y þ dz;i ðz  U0 t Þsn þ /i d j ; this can be achieved with the following expression:
B    C
@ ry;i cos ki dx;i x þ dy;i y þ dz;i ðz  U0 t Þsn  þ /i A; * * *
rj;n ¼ cosðhn Þv1;n þ cosðhn Þv 2;n ; (10)
rz;i cos ki dx;i x þ dy;i y þ dz;i ðz  U0 t Þsn þ /
* *

(7) where v1;n and v 2;n constitute an orthonormal basis of d n , and h is a

* random angle,
where dj;i and rj;i are the components of random unit vectors d i and
r i which are normal to each other and /i is a random angle. These hn ¼ 2pn: (11)
three random elements are calculated for each ith harmonic. L is the Following this strategy ensures that a set of randomly generated values
Choleski decomposition23 of the Reynolds stress tensor Rij ; and it ena- *
for d and r are uniformly distributed over a spherical surface with a
bles the recreation of anisotropic fluctuations. U0 is the bulk, i.e., mean constant probability density of 1=4p sr 1 , ensuring the absence of dis-
flow’s velocity. sn ¼ ln =maxfle g is the ratio between the eddy size of crepancies concerning the targeted statistics.
the nth harmonic and the maximum length of the most energetic
eddies over the interface. This sort of expression enables the introduc-
tion of the time-dependency with the “wave-convection approach.”12 D. Enforcement of periodicity
In this example, it is assumed that the flow propagates in z, but the The method described until this point does not provide a peri-
expression in (7) can be conveniently adapted for any other case. odic turbulent field. To do so,
it is necessary to specify the values of the
randomly generated vector d . The components that ensure periodicity
C. Introduction of randomness with a fundamental frequency k0 are
The introduction of randomness occurs in the obtention of ran- m
dp;n ¼ ; (12)
dom phases and the generation of the random orthonormal vectors. ~k n
These processes are crucial for the generation of statistically meaningful
turbulence. The relevance of r in the obtention of the targeted second- where ~k n
1 denotes the ratio between the frequency of the nth har-
order statistics is evident after paying close attention to (7). The turbu- monic’s and the fundamental harmonic’s frequency, i.e., kn =k0 and m
lent kinetic energy of a harmonic in a given direction is proportional to is an integer which allows ensuring periodicity,
the square of the component in that direction qi r2i . If these compo-

nents are not equally distributed, a bias in the Reynolds *stress tensor m 2 Z j m 2  ~k n ; ~k n : (13)
will appear. Imbalances in the distribution of the vector d cannot be In the context of the present text, it is assumed that the flow is periodic
observed through the Reynolds stress tensor. Nevertheless, if this vector in directions x and y. Hence, dp will be used to denote dx or dy indis-
is not uniformly distributed, the spatial organization of vortical struc- tinctively, and df will be used to denote their counterpart in the non-
tures will become less realistic, decreasing the quality of the artificial periodic direction, i.e., dz .
turbulence. To ensure that the second-order statistics of the synthetic
fluctuations matches the targeted ones, it is required that the set of ran- III. ANALYSIS OF STATISTICAL BIASES
domly generated values presents a uniform distribution. For the case of Periodicity enforcement alters the selection process of random
the random phases /, the *
solution is quite trivial. However, generating elements that determine the modes in the STG algorithm. To satisfy
* *
sets of random vectors d and r which are both orthonormal and uni- (12), the components of the unit vectors d and r must be selected in
formly distributed over a goniometric sphere is less evident. In this sec- a different sequence, and their range is limited. Following these modi-
tion, a simple procedure to create random sets of vectors that fulfill fications, deviations from their original uniform distribution over a
these characteristics is presented. The general case without the enforce- spherical surface arise. Consequently, directional biases in the turbu-
ment of periodicity is considered. The obstacles arising in this process lent kinetic energy that offset the aimed features of the synthetic veloc-
after this imposition will be discussed in Sec. III. ity field appear. This section is devoted to the investigation and
First, random pseudo-components are generated with a formula quantification of these effects. In Subsection III A, indicators of the
of the following sort: deviations from the targeted statistics to the expected ones are defined.

dj;n ¼ 1 þ 2n; (8) The rest of this section discusses three main observed sources of irreg-
ularities. The first effect is discussed in Sec. III B and arises from split-
where n is a random number between 0 and 1 with a uniform ting the selection of the components of random unit vectors. After the
Probability Distribution Function (PDF), and the subindex j denotes periodicity enforcement, components are chosen separately, and if it is

Phys. Fluids 33, 125130 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0071002 33, 125130-3

C Author(s) 2021
Physics of Fluids ARTICLE

not done with care, a bias may be introduced. We shall demonstrate This leads to the following Cumulative distribution function:
that this effect can be accurately controlled by introducing convenient pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
geometrical considerations in the selection process. Nevertheless, there F ðr Þ ¼ 1  1  r 2 : (18)
are two additional uncontrollable effects that preclude the generation
This expression can be used to generate random*combinations of dx
of stochastically uniformly distributed vectors. One of them is the ceil-
and dy which lead to uniformly distributed sets of d and subsequently,
ing of the absolute values when kn is not a multiple of k0 . This limita- *
r . Under this consideration, the random value n corresponds to the
tion reduces the range of possible values of dp , which effectively averts
cumulative probability of r. Then, it is possible to define the following
the achievement of a uniform distribution. This issue will be referred
mapping from random values into a random radius rn :
to in this paper as the ceiling error. The other relevant effect interfering
with the obtainment of evenly distributed random sets is the rounding qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
error. This effect relates to the fact that the rounding criteria can intro- rn ¼ 1  ð1  nÞ ; (19)
duce biases due to the finite number of combinations that can generate
where the random value n is obtained using a uniform probability
a periodic field. These two mentioned error sources are discussed in
density function 2 ½0; 1. This ensures resulting random values rn
the following lines, and mitigation strategies are considered.
which lead to a uniform distribution over a sphere. With the genera-
tion of a random angle as in (11), a combination for random values of
A. Bias quantification dx and dy can be obtained. Two possible values of dz result from this
It is necessary to define indicators of the introduced error in the qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
combination corresponding to 6 1  dx2  dy2 . The final value is
targeted turbulence to assess the deviations between the targeted and
the desired turbulent kinetic energy. To evaluate the integral introduc- chosen randomly with equal probability for both options. Following
tion of directional preferences, the ratio between the observed turbu- this procedure, the random set of d is uniformly distributed into a
lent kinetic energy in the non-periodic direction and its theoretical sphere, ensuring the conservation of the targeted statistics.
value will be considered,
N ¼ qf =qf ;theor : (14) C. Ceiling error
To analyze these deviations in spatial frequency domain, the definition One of the consequences of imposing periodicity*
is the limitation
is extended subsequently, in the range of the components for the unit vectors d ¼ dp;1 dp;2 df .
The most obvious limitation is the upper bound in the maximum abso-
ZðkÞ ¼ Ef ðkÞ=EðkÞf ;theor : (15) lute value of dp;1 and dp;2 . This limit is denoted as Dþ
p ; and it can be
expressed as
The subscript theor in (14) and (15) indicates the prescribed value in

the synthetic turbulence generation algorithm. Dþ ~ ~
p ¼ dp max ¼ k n =k n 1: (20)

B. Selection sequence error If the range limitations Dþ p are large enough, additional constraints for
non-periodic component
pffiffiffi df can appear. This is the case if Dþ p is
The simplest way to obtain periodic harmonics is to generate ran-
smaller than 1= 2: In such a case, the absolute value of the compo-
dom values for dp that comply with (12) and subsequently calculate
nent in the non-periodic direction has a minimum value of
the value of df to obtain a unit vector. The strategy proposed by
Morsbach and Franke14 is based on this idea. This approach signifi- qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
df ¼ D f ¼ 1  2Dþ2 p
0: (21)
cantly alters the generation process of randomized elements. If the val- min
ues of dx and dy are generated with a uniform probability density, it
This bound corresponds to the best-case scenario, which occurs if
can be easily reasoned that this creates a bias toward low absolute val-
both components dp have the maximum absolute value that they are
ues (inward bias). The cause behind this deviation from uniformity is
allowed to. The net result of the ceiling effect is the generation of an
that the combinations which have a higher radius than unity are auto-
inward bias for dp and an outward bias for df since points at the
matically discarded since no real value dz will be able to provide a unit
extremes and the origin are suppressed, respectively. Consequently,
vector. Therefore, the probability of a value being discarded increases
the turbulent kinetic energy in the periodic directions will be greater
as it moves toward the edges (61). To circumvent this issue, the gen-
since ki r2i di2 . The ceiling is null for frequencies that are a mul-
eration of combinations of dx and dy has to be executed in a way that
a uniform spherical distribution is obtained. To address this matter, it tiple of the fundamental frequency, and it gradually increases until the
is useful to define the norm of the periodic components as next multiple, when it becomes zero again, as displayed in Fig. 1. The
limit ceiling Dþp;min before a frequency mk0 is
r ¼ dx2 þ dy2 : (16) m

p;min ¼ : (22)
* mþ1
It is possible to demonstrate that if the values d are uniformly distrib-
uted over a spherical surface, the following probability density function For low frequencies (m  1), this limitation is very pronounced. A
for r is obtained: particularly problematic case appears if D þ
f > Dp . This implies that
values of dp will always p present
ffiffiffi a lower absolute value than df . Such a
r case occurs if Dþ < 1= 3 , which can only happen if ~k n < 2. More
f ðr Þ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi : (17) p
1  r2 specifically, this effect takes place in the following interval:

Phys. Fluids 33, 125130 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0071002 33, 125130-4

C Author(s) 2021
Physics of Fluids ARTICLE

where it can be seen that the indicator Z ð~k Þ has an error on the order
of 80% as it approaches to ~k ¼ 2.
Figure 2 was elaborated to illustrate further the ceiling effects dis-
cussed in this section. The possible values for the random vectors d
and r are represented for different values of ~k. The directionality of

the turbulent kinetic energy is given by the positions occupied by r .
In the extremely unfavorable case, when ~k ¼ 1:96; the condition of
FIG. 1. Spectral distribution of induced directional biases for planar periodic config- (23) holds. In such a case, the vertical component of r is severely lim-
urations with different rounding strategies. ited, meaning that values of rp close to 61 cannot be balanced with
pffiffiffi  similar values of rf . This condition explains the results obtained by
D þ ~
f > Dp $ k n 2 3; 2 : (23) Morsbach and Franke,14 where higher turbulent kinetic energy in the
direction where periodicity was imposed was observed. For the cases
in which ~k n is an integer, all the components of the vector r are
Such frequencies pose a great challenge to the achievement of unifor-
mity since they impose a substantial constraint on the possible values unconstrained, preventing undesired directional biases. It can be
for the random orthonormal vectors. This can be observed in Fig. 1, observed that the coverage of the sphere grows fast with ~k n which

FIG. 2. Periodic configurations of random unit vectors d and r over the goniometric sphere for different frequencies ratios.

Phys. Fluids 33, 125130 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0071002 33, 125130-5

C Author(s) 2021
Physics of Fluids ARTICLE

implies that the higher the frequency, the easier it is to avoid falsifying
effects. This claim is supported by the results displayed in Figs. 1 and 2.

D. Rounding error
As illustrated in Fig. 2, there is a finite number of combinations
for dx and dy that can provide periodicity for a given ~k n . An ideally
uniform distribution does not imply that all of them present the same
FIG. 4. Introduction of directional biases with varying parameter n.
probability density due to the highly non-linear shape of a spherical
surface. For this reason, the most direct approach to generate a ran-
dom uniform set is to generate values for dp in the continuous domain of directional biases. This section discusses two strategies to compen-
and implement a rounding strategy afterward. A bias toward the origin sate for these effects and preserve the targeted second-order statistics
is introduced if the obtained values are rounded with a conventional of the artificial velocity field.
1D rounding scheme. The reason is that the closer a value is to 61,
the higher is its chances to be discarded after rounding for exceeding A. Integral compensation
the maximum norm of 1. To overcome this effect, a 2D rounding The integral compensation approach aims to generate harmonics
strategy has to be implemented. The simplest approach consists in at all frequencies, in a way the anisotropies of each mode compensate
choosing the closest combination among all the available ones. Such a each other globally. Since the standard method is prone to generate
strategy can partially reduce the bias, but some error remains due to more turbulent kinetic energy in the periodic directions, it is necessary
the differential coverage of the goniometric sphere. This effect can be
to balance this effect with a bias that actuates in the opposite direction.
visualized in Fig. 3 for the case when ~k n ¼ 3. As it can be seen, the
A possible way to generate this variation in the statistics is to define
density of coverage for d varies greatly as r grows. Since points with r
the expression derived in (19) in a more general fashion,
close to 1 are rather sparse, the 2D rounding strategy tends to choose
points closer to the origin. This effect can be circumvented by consid- n n
ering distances in a polar coordinate system. In this case, the points rn ðnÞ ¼ 1  ð1  nÞ ; (24)
with the most similar radius are selected. The angle is only used after- where n is a value that has to be adjusted to achieve an integral com-
ward to break ties due to the symmetrical distribution of all the avail-
pensation of the biases introduced by the ceiling effects. For the case
able combinations. This latter strategy can significantly reduce the
n ¼ 2; we obtain zero bias in the frequencies, which are multiples of
induced directional biases. This is illustrated in Fig. 1, where it can be
the integral one, and negative bias in every intermediate frequency,
seen that when ~k n is an integer, the error of the polar rounding is close
which leads to a negative global budget. As the value of n increases,
to zero, whilst the Cartesian strategy still presents a significant
the deficiency of turbulent kinetic energy in the non-periodic direction
decreases until it becomes null. This effect can be observed in Fig. 4,
IV. CORRECTION STRATEGIES where the introduction of bias in the spectral domain is presented.
Based on the reasonings presented in Sec. III, two main effects The value of n that provides this condition has to be obtained numeri-
impair the generation of periodic synthetic turbulence in the absence cally for each simulation since it depends on the turbulent kinetic
energy spectrum, the Reynolds number, and the frequency in which
periodicity is imposed. The most important factor is the domain
length with respect to the integral eddy’s length. Since the most aniso-
tropic frequencies are the lowest ones, the less energetic they are, the
lower are their global impact. Therefore, the larger the domain, the
lower is the deviation introduced due to the ceiling error. This can be
clearly visualized in Fig. 5. In this figure, the integral anisotropy was
studied for different values of the length with which periodicity is
imposed ‘p . As it can be observed, as ‘p becomes larger in comparison

FIG. 3. Periodic configurations for ~k n ¼ 3. FIG. 5. Integral deviation indicator for several ‘p =L ratios.

Phys. Fluids 33, 125130 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0071002 33, 125130-6

C Author(s) 2021
Physics of Fluids ARTICLE

with the size of the largest eddies, a lower correction is required to range. This possibility enables the generation of a realistic result. Using
achieve null directional biases. The choice of the constant p0 in (1) has a the polar rounding, this strategy can avoid the introduction of direc-
determinant role as well. Nevertheless, its evaluation is less trivial. For tional preferences in the artificial turbulent field.
p0 ¼ 2, the peak of spectral turbulent kinetic energy takes place at lower The multiple harmonics allocation algorithm shall be summa-
frequencies in comparison with the von Karman spectrum. However, rized as follows:
this peak is higher in relative terms. Due to this, the value of q is lower at
1. Choose nk frequencies of harmonics to be used:
the lowest frequencies for p0 ¼ 2; and it surpasses the von Karman
spectrum at some point before the peak of spectral energy. For very large k0 ; 2k0 ; 3k0 ; …; nk k0 :
‘p =L, the modes are isotropic by this intersection point, and thus the
von Karman spectrum leads to a smaller introduction of directional 2. For each of these frequencies, calculate nh harmonics repeating
biases. This is indeed the most common scenario. However, for lower the same scheme as presented for the integral compensation
values of ‘p =L, the choice of p0 ¼ 2 can become more beneficial. algorithm. Only two differences are to be considered:
Determining the threshold for this to happen depends on the Reynolds • In 2.2, use (19) instead of (24).
number of the considered flow and the parameters involved in the • In 2.9, assign energy ~q i =nh to each harmonic instead of ~q i .
model spectrum. The model of the spectral turbulent kinetic energy in
the dissipation domain presented in (3) can play a significant role too, V. COMPUTATIONAL SETUP
especially for low Reynolds numbers. The harmonics placed at small Three different simulations were performed to validate and analyze
length scales are the ones that minimize ceiling error, as illustrated in the applicability of the discussed methodologies. The simulations differ
Fig. 1. Hence, increasing its prevalence will reduce the required compen- from each other on the turbulence generation method. The first simula-
sation. Under these considerations, it is easy to deduce that spectra with tion (S1) uses the original method proposed by Shur et al.,12 the second
the first-order exponential decay in the dissipation range require a lower simulation (S2) uses the integral compensation approach, and the third
amount of compensation. simulation (S3) employs the multiple harmonics allocation. For S2,
Assuming the ideal value for compensation n has already been n ¼ 3 is used as it is the value that was found to eliminate the directional
obtained, the integral compensation algorithm shall be summarized as biases with the chosen conditions. Synthetic turbulence with its corre-
follows: sponding method is enforced in the region close to the inlet, more specif-
1. Choose nk frequencies of harmonics to be used: ically, in the initial 5% of the domain. Hence, the velocity field in the
near-inlet region is completely synthetic, and it does not originate from a
k0 ; k0 fk ; k0 fk2 ; …; k0 fki1 ; …; k0 fknk 1 : solution to the Navier–Stokes equations. 20 000 harmonics were used to
generate this synthetic turbulence. The energy of these modes was deter-
With fk > 1 mined using the von Karman spectrum with second-order exponential
For each of these frequencies, calculate one harmonic using the decay in the dissipation range as in the works of Shur et al.12
following scheme: Spatially decaying turbulence was simulated in a cuboid domain
2. Calculate random number n1 , n2 , n3 . with an aspect ratio of 2 with 360  360  720 cells. The flow is prop-
3. Obtain a random radius rn1 based on n1 using (24). agating in the Z direction, with X and Y constituting the transversal
4. Obtain a random angle hn2 using (11). plane. For all simulations, the velocity field is initialized using its corre-
5. Calculate periodic components: dp;1 ¼ rn1 cosðhn2 Þ; dp;2 sponding STG method, and synthetic turbulence with a mean velocity
¼ rn1 sinðhn2 Þ. U0 is continuously updated in the region close to the inlet (initial 5%
6. Choose one of the two values for the non-periodic component: of the domain). The flow at the outlet has a Neumann boundary con-
df ¼ 1  dp1 2  d2 . dition. The solver used is EBI (Engler-Bunte-Institute)-DNS which is
Obtain orthonormal basis of d : v 1 ; v 2 .
* based on OpenFOAM25,26 and was developed for direct numerical
8. Obtain a random angle hn3 using (11). simulations of reacting flows.27,28 The properties of the considered tur-
* * *
Calculate r ¼ cosðhn3 Þv 1 þ cosðhn3 Þv 2 . bulent flow were chosen to resemble the results obtained in the injec-
10. Calculate energy fraction ~q i using (5) and (6) and assign it to tion region of a rocket combustion chamber in Ref. 29. These
this harmonic. characteristics are summarized in Table I.
The periodicity is imposed with a domain size of 11 times the
integral eddy’s length scale K0 . With an aspect ratio of 2, the time
B. Multiple harmonics allocation required for the whole flow to renovate is roughly tren  22K0 =U0
One possibility to avoid the ceiling effect is to generate harmonics ¼ 72 ls. When this period of time has elapsed, it can be considered
only at the frequencies, which are a multiple of the fundamental one. that the observed flow is a developed turbulent field. Figure 6 illus-
Since the recommended number of harmonics is on the order of sev- trates the normalized enstrophy and scalar dissipation of S3 for the
eral thousand, this strategy would lead to an insufficient number of same time step after tren . The region where synthetic turbulence is
harmonics in most cases. To address this issue, several harmonics can imposed can be clearly identified at the bottom of this illustration. It
be placed at these frequencies instead of a single one. The differential corresponds to the first 5% of the domain. The spatial decay of turbu-
turbulent kinetic energy corresponding to each of these frequencies lence can be easily noticed through the constant drop of vorticity and
will be distributed evenly among the multiple modes allocated at it. the dissipation rate in the flow’s propagation direction. These results
Although the total frequency of these harmonics is the same, the indi- can be used to visualize the eddies using the Q criterion.30 With
2 2
vidual spatial frequencies in each direction can vary in a considerable Q ¼ 1  jSj =jXj , it is possible to identify the vortical structures.

Phys. Fluids 33, 125130 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0071002 33, 125130-7

C Author(s) 2021
Physics of Fluids ARTICLE

TABLE I. Characteristics of the simulated turbulent flow. VI. RESULTS ANALYSIS

The results’ analysis for the different methods is separated
Root mean square of injected
into three distinct sections. First, the relevant turbulent character-
u0rms velocity fluctuations 6 m=s
istics and length scales are measured. In the second section, statis-
L0 Size of largest eddies 75 lm tics in the inertial and dissipative range are studied and compared
K0 Integral eddy scale 33 lm against the expected values. Finally, the results of the spectral anal-
g0 Kolmogorov length scale 1 lm ysis are discussed. The turbulent properties presented herein are
Dx Cell size 1 lm obtained after averaging values for 30 initial eddy turnover times
with 100 time steps considered. All the presented data are time-
 Kinematic viscosity 8:35 107 m2 =s
averaged unless otherwise stated. When information is presented
P Pressure 20 bar
spanwise, the data have been spatially averaged in the plane XY
T0 Temperature 300 K
and in time subsequently.
U0 Bulk velocity 10 m=s

A. Relevant turbulence characteristics and length

This value is presented at the bottom of Fig. 6, where the red scales
regions correspond to Q > 0 and hence to places were a vortex is The turbulent kinetic energy k and the dissipation rate e were
present. Here, the synthetic eddies are placed at the left, where syn- obtained, evaluating the fluctuations for all the considered time-
thetic turbulence is imposed. Their transition to “natural” eddies steps. For all simulations, the deviation from isotropic conditions
can be clearly visualized as one moves in z directrion. The analysis is negligible for all positions, and N  1 holds with an error under
of these vortical structures and their statistical properties is 1%. The decay turbulence is displayed in Fig. 7 through the
addressed in Sec. VI. longitudinal evolution of turbulent kinetic energy kðz Þ and its

FIG. 6. Vorticity and scalar dissipation

rate for S3 at the same time step.

Phys. Fluids 33, 125130 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0071002 33, 125130-8

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Physics of Fluids ARTICLE

FIG. 7. Spatial evolution of the dissipation rate (left) and the turbulent kinetic energy (right) for all the performed simulations.

dissipation rate eðz Þ. The observed turbulent kinetic energy gradi- u 2
ent is in reasonable agreement with the expected one according to kg ¼ u
u 2 *  : (27)
u@ g x ; r
theory.31 Figure 8 shows the velocity fluctuations for all the simula- t
tions through the development of turbulence. For z=K0 < 1:1, the r¼0
fluctuations are entirely synthetic, and they do not originate from a
solution to the Navier–Stokes equations. This generates the char- The dissipation rate  can be obtained using this value as
acteristic random distribution that can be observed at the very left u02
of Fig. 8. In these positions, the second-order statistics match the e ¼ 15 : (28)
targeted ones, but there is an imbalance with respect to a natural
field, which requires development. As the flow advances in z direc- The mean dissipation rate can be additionally obtained considering
tion, the fluctuations acquire certain coherence. This feature can the general definition for
be distinguished in the outermost points, which are organized in
clusters rather than being randomly mixed. @u0i @u0i
e¼ : (29)
@xj @xj

B. Relevant scales Both approaches were used in the present work to determine the
dissipation rate. In all simulations, the discrepancy between both
The most relevant length scales were calculated for all the simula-
methods is on the order of 5% after the turbulent flow has been devel-
tions to evaluate the development of turbulence. The integral scale of
oped. This degree of agreement can be considered as an indicator of
eddies was computed using the transversal two-point autocorrelation
the turbulence quality. Since no method is presumably more accurate,
function as suggested by Taylor,32
the dissipation rate used henceforth is the averaged result between
*  *
u0x ðx Þu0x ðx þ rt g Þ
* * (28) and (29). This is indeed the case of the plot presented in Fig. 7.
g x ;r ¼ * * *
; (25) Finally, the size of the smallest turbulent scales, i.e., the Kolmogorov
rðu0x ; x Þrðu0x ; x þ rt g Þ scales, is obtained as
where t g denotes a unit vector contained in the transversal plane  1=4
and r indicates the distance at which the correlation is calculated. g¼ : (30)
In this context, rðA; B Þ indicates the standard deviation of 
the quantity A at the position B . The integral eddies length scale
It is important to note that g has a very weak sensitivity with
is defined the cumulative transversal correlation in terms of dis- respect to . Therefore, the mismatches between (28) and (29), which
tance r; are already very small, become negligible when translated to g; e.g., a
ð þ1   10% error in  leads to a 2.4% error in g. The longitudinal evolution of
Kg ¼ 2 g x ; r dr; (26) all the mentioned scales is represented in Fig. 9. In the synthetic
region, the observed values do not match the expected ones. This error
with the integral length scale K ¼ 2Kg . Note that L11 is often used in originates from the fact that neither K nor kg can be directly controlled
the scientific literature when referring
* to K. The Taylor microscale can with the model spectrum described in Sec. II. All scales present a grow-
be obtained by approximating g x ; r as a concave parabola for ing trend in z direction which is consistent with the Q criterion results
r  0; displayed in Fig. 6.

Phys. Fluids 33, 125130 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0071002 33, 125130-9

C Author(s) 2021
Physics of Fluids ARTICLE

FIG. 8. Example of instantaneous fluctuations for different longitudinal positions for simulation 2. The colors of the scatter plots are related to the transversal position of the
data. Hence, similar color implies that points lay together.

Figure 10 illustrates the spatial evolution of the averaged turbu- is displayed in Fig. 11. This figure depends on the microscale Reynolds
lent Reynolds number ReT ¼ u0 K= and the microscale Reynolds number Rek , and it tends to 2.33 for very high Reynolds numbers.16
number Rek ¼ u0 k=. The differences at the inlet between the differ- Figure 11 illustrates the longitudinal evolution of this ratio for all the
ent simulations can be attributed to the incapability of the model spec- simulations. The theoretical value for Rek  30 is L=K  1:83:16 All
trum to impose all the desired length scales. All simulations present a simulations seem to tend to this value although S2 and S3 seem to con-
similar evolution, and they converge to the same values. For verge faster spatially.
z=K0  10, the values seem to be rather stabilized. This effect can be
used to study the development of turbulence since several statistical
parameters of turbulent flows depend only on the Reynolds number. B. Statistics in the inertial domain
Therefore, for a roughly constant Reynolds number, these statistics This section addresses the validity of the turbulence’s statistics in
should not vary. An example of such a parameter is the ratio between the inertial range (g l L). The main tools used are the energy
the scale of the largest eddies and the integral eddies’ length scale, i.e., spectrum and structure functions. Due to the universal properties in
L=K, where L corresponds to the expression defined in (2). This ratio this range,33,34 these mathematical functions can be modeled,

Phys. Fluids 33, 125130 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0071002 33, 125130-10

C Author(s) 2021
Physics of Fluids ARTICLE

FIG. 9. Spatial evolution of the most relevant turbulent length scales for S1. FIG. 11. Ratio between the size of the largest eddies and the integral eddies length
scale for all simulations.

including constant parameters independent of the considered flow. dissipation rate in the longitudinal direction. However, the constant
Hence, it is possible to compare these values against the ones observed C10 can be obtained consistently since the turbulent properties can be
in previous research to assess the integrity of the developed turbulent assumed constant transversally. After a Fourier transform is applied to
flow. the transverse velocity field, an empirical estimation for E22 ðkÞ is
In the inertial range, the one-dimensional energy spectrum can obtained. With this result, it is possible to obtain an estimation of C10
be written with the celebrated 5=3 power law, by fitting the power spectral density with the expression in (33). This
estimation is denoted as C10 . The obtained values for each longitudinal
EðkÞ ¼ Ce2=3 k5=3 ; (31)
position are displayed in Fig. 12. As it can be seen, all simulations
where C is a universal constant according to Kolmogorov’s second experience a significant overshoot at the beginning, but they seem to
similarity hypothesis.33,34 Empirical evidence35 suggests a value of converge to a value close to the expected one (C10  0:65).
C  1:5. For longitudinal and transversal spectral energy functions, Structure functions are an additional tool that can be used to
the following analogous expressions can be used: assess the validity of statistics in the inertial range. These functions are
essentially the covariance of the velocity fluctuations. The general
E11 ðkÞ ¼ C1 e2=3 k5=3 ; (32) expression for the nth order structure function is
E22 ðkÞ ¼ E33 ðkÞ ¼ C10 e2=3 k5=3 ; (33) *   n
Dnij x ; r ¼  ui ðx Þ  ui ðx þ rx j Þ ;
* * *
with C10 =C1
¼ 4=3, and C1 ¼ 18=55 C: The constants C and C1 are
quite challenging to obtain for the current flow due to the strong where x j is the unit vector in the j direction. In particular, the longitu-
dinal velocity structure functions, i.e., Dn11 ðx ; rÞ will be considered. In
the present work, this corresponds to shifts in uz over a separation
* * T *
rx j ¼ rx 1 ¼ ð0 0 r Þ . For a given position x , these functions can be
modeled in the inertial range with the following expression:

FIG. 10. Spatial evolution of the turbulent Reynolds number and the Reynolds num-
ber of the Taylor eddies for all simulations. FIG. 12. Estimated value for the Kolmogorov constant C10 .

Phys. Fluids 33, 125130 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0071002 33, 125130-11

C Author(s) 2021
Physics of Fluids ARTICLE

Dn11 ðr Þ ¼ Cn ðr Þfn ; (35) @uz
where fn is the longitudinal velocity structure exponent that presents @z
Mn ¼ sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffinffi ; (39)
the following general expression:  2
fn ¼ n=3  l: (36) @z

The case of l ¼ 0 is obtained after assuming Kolmogorov’s second where n is the order of the statistical moment. The velocity derivate
similarity hypothesis and performing a dimensional analysis. For skewness S and kurtosis K correspond to n ¼ 3, and n ¼ 4; respec-
low values of n, this assumption is in excellent agreement with tively. These stochastic figures belong to the dissipative range, and
observations although a significant bending is observed for higher hence their values should be universal, according to the Kolmogorov
orders (n > 5).37 For the particular case of n ¼ 2, the original hypotheses.33,34 Empirical evidence contests this claim. Van atta and
Kolmogorov hypotheses hold, and they yield the following Antonia38 investigated these higher-order statistics, concluding that
expression: they grow indefinitely with Rek rather than reaching an asymptote.
For the kurtosis, their results can be approximated as follows:
2 2
D211 ðr Þ ¼ C2 r 3 3 ; (37) (
4; Rek < 40;
where the constant C2 is related to the constant parameters in (31), K 3=8 (40)
Rek ; Rek
(32), and (33). In particular, the value of C2  4C1  2 can be derived
and it is well supported by empirical evidence.35 This coefficient can and for skewness, their data yielded the following expression through
be inferred from the velocity fields obtained in the performed simula- fitting:
tions. To estimate it, the value is averaged over the inertial range.pItffiffiffiffiffiffi
S  0:23K 3=8 : (41)
pffiffiffiffiffiffi that the inertial region spans over lengths ranging from gK
to KL. The estimated value C2 is obtained after averaging the value This expression is significatively more uncertain than the one in
through the mentioned range, (40), and it should be taken with care since the results presented a
ffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ð pLK large amount of scattering. In fact, other researchers39–41 found a
C2 ¼ pffiffiffiffi pffiffiffi pffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi ðr=Þ2 3D211 ðr Þdr:
   (38) decreasing trend of S with Rek for low microscale Reynolds num-
K L g Kg bers (Rek < 70). The models presented in (40) and (41) were used
as reference to assess the results obtained in the present study.
This estimation was computed for all the positions and all the simula- The measured higher-order velocity derivatives and their predicted
tions spanwise. The results are displayed in Fig. 13. This outcome can values are presented in Fig. 14.
be considered as a fairly good agreement since empirical results18 The expected values were obtained considering the average
show discrepancies on the order of 15% with the value predicted for Reynolds number of the Taylor eddies between the three simulations.
C2 following the Kolmogorov hypotheses. This value is chosen to obtain a single value for K and S; simplifying
the graphical representation. Since all simulations exhibit very similar
results for Rek ðz Þ and the sensitivity of K and S with respect to this
C. Statistics in the dissipative domain value is very low, the error is negligible (<1%). All synthetic turbulen-
The higher-order statistics of the simulations are examined to ces present zero skewness and K ¼ 3, which correspond to the
investigate in more detail the characteristics of the developed turbu- expected values for a Gaussian probability distribution. For the region
lence in the dissipative range. The most elementary higher-order sta- where turbulence is developed, there is an excellent agreement for the
tistics are the normalized velocity-derivative moments.16 In the Kurtosis in all simulations although for S the deviation is significant
context of this work, these parameters can be expressed as (50%). Two possible reasons can explain this behavior. First, the model
for K in (40) has better agreement with experimental results compared
with the one in (41).38 Indeed, the obtained values of skewness are
consistent with the trends observed in the range Rek 2 ½10 100 in
other research.39–41 Second, the kurtosis of the synthetic turbulence
field (K ¼ 3) is very close to the one of the developed turbulent flow
(K  4), while the skewness of synthetic to developed turbulence dif-
fers more in relative terms.
Significant differences can be appreciated in the transition from
synthetic to developed turbulence. S1 presents a substantial overshoot
for both statistics. S2 has a large overshoot only for the skewness.
Ignoring the very initial transition zone, all simulations seem to con-
verge to the same result for K. For S, it is unclear if the flow would
tend to the theoretical value (S  0:4) with a larger domain. A nega-
tive trend can be appreciated in the second half of the domain, but it is
on the order of magnitude of the noise due to the limited data points
FIG. 13. Estimated value for the Kolmogorov constant. for averaging. Therefore, no definitive statement can be made.

Phys. Fluids 33, 125130 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0071002 33, 125130-12

C Author(s) 2021
Physics of Fluids ARTICLE

FIG. 16. Logarithmic difference in the power spectral density between the three
performed simulations. Top: S1–S2. Middle: S1–S3. Bottom: S2–S3.

simulations. In figure Fig. 16, the logarithmic difference between the

averaged spectral density is calculated. This value is obtained with the
following expression:
FIG. 14. Evolution of the higher-order velocity derivative statistics for the three sim-    
ulations performed and comparison with the expected values. Ed ðEa ; Eb Þ ¼ 20log10 Ea =Eref  20log10 Eb =Eref
¼ 20log10 ðEa =Eb Þ; (42)
D. Spectral analysis
where Ea and Eb are the spectral energies that are being compared.
The power spectral density was calculated for all the simulations Such an approach allows observing the differences between power
at all time steps to analyze the results further. The evolution of the spectra with greater detail. Values below 5 dB can be considered as
power spectral density in space is represented in Fig. 15. In this illus- noise due to the reduced amount of time steps used for averaging and
tration, the time-averaged power spectral density for S1 is presented. the limited grid resolution. Relevant anomalies appear in the region
The initial region where synthetic turbulence is imposed can be clearly close to the inlet for the smallest scales between S1 and the other simu-
observed at the left, with noticeable discontinuities. This result is only lations. The spectral turbulent kinetic energy of these scales is signifi-
shown for S2 since no differences can be appreciated with the analog cantly larger for S1. Furthermore, simulation S1 presents two discrete
graphs of the other simulations. Figures 16 and 17 were elaborated to peaks at high spatial frequencies at the positions z=K0  8, and
circumvent this difficulty and ease the comparison between the three z=K0  17. The authors believe this is a numerical artifact that arises
from the difficulties in performing spectral analyses at scales signifi-
cantly smaller than the Kolmogorov length, where the signal-to-noise
ratio becomes small. Similar results in the dissipation range have been
observed in other research.42,43
Besides these minor effects, spectral differences between the dif-
ferent simulations can be regarded as negligible. These points can be
visualized in Fig. 17 as well, where the energy cascade for each simula-
tion is represented at different positions. The case z=K0 ¼ 0:6 corre-
sponds to the region where synthetic turbulence was enforced. In
z=K0 ¼ 1:2, the development of turbulence is taking place. For
z=K0 > 2, no differences can be appreciated from the energy cascade.
In this work, the performance of the synthetic turbulence gener-
FIG. 15. Power spectral density for simulation 2. ated by Shur’s algorithm was analyzed. The sources of discrepancies

Phys. Fluids 33, 125130 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0071002 33, 125130-13

C Author(s) 2021
Physics of Fluids ARTICLE

FIG. 17. Power spectral densities obtained for all the simulations at different positions.

associated with the enforcement of periodicity were investigated, and ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

countermeasures were suggested. Two main variants of the method
were proposed to preserve the aimed statistics of turbulence while The authors thank SuperMUC NGen for providing the
achieving periodicity. The original method and these enhanced ver- computational resources for performing the numerical
sions were simulated in spatial decaying conditions to investigate and simulations and their post-processing. Special thanks go to
compare the development of artificial turbulence. All simulations pre- Martin Ohlerich for his aid and support that allowed this project
sented a fast decay in turbulent kinetic energy right after the imposed to make the most of SuperMUC NGen’s capabilities. The
turbulent inlet. The original method presented a larger overshoot in authors are also grateful towards PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Xiangyu Hu
the averaged statistics at this region, and the power spectral analysis and Dr.-Ing Stefan Adami for their valuable advice and
revealed a significant positive anomaly in the energy of the smallest suggestions.
eddies. After a distance greater than the integral length scale of the
synthetic turbulence (K0 ), no relevant differences can be appreciated AUTHOR DECLARATIONS
neither visually nor in the spectrum of the turbulent kinetic energy. Conflict of Interest
Nevertheless, a more detailed statistical analysis reveals that a larger The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
space is required for convergence into a developed turbulent flow. The
original formulation required roughly 15 times K0 for stochastic con- REFERENCES
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Phys. Fluids 33, 125130 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0071002 33, 125130-15

C Author(s) 2021

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