Gas Hydrate Occurs in The Permafrost and Under Deep Ocean Sediments

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Gas hydrate occurs within gas well production flowline in the permafrost and under deep ocean bed.

This hydrate which contains abundant methane is expected to be a promising energy supply to
mitigate the influence of climate change in the future. In addition, it is also relevant to investigate the
imposing challenges caused by the methane hydrate. However, the commercial or sustained
production of this resource with currently available technology remains a technical, environmental,
and economic challenge, albeit a few production tests have been conducted to date. One of the major
challenges has been sand production alongside due to the unconsolidated nature of hydrate bearing
formations. Understanding the effect of fluids-solid-hydrate spatial distribution on elastic properties
of hydrate-bearing sediments benefits the interpretation of the hydrate formation phase.The simulation
of gas flow regime properties of gas hydrate-bearing sediments has been investigated with various
approaches, such as lab-based measurements and analytical models. But these methods fails to capture
the flow assurance challenges associated with the production of methane hydrate through the surface
flowline. Alternatively flow assurance modelling(simulations) of flowline using both Pipesim steady
state simulation and OLGA multiphase dynamic simulation can be used to critically study the hydrate
formation process, mitigation measures employed with respect to a shut-down and start-up operation
of a gas producing well .

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