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E-mail from Shipping Line

Before the empty container reaches KDP, the shipping line will send an Acceptance Letter
(Delivery Order) via email related to the container with instructions.

We should check :

 Validity period of Delivery Order

 Container Number
 Container Size & Type
 Addressed Location


Update in Capella

Capella is a web base system which control all operation in KDP. After receiving an empty
acceptance email from shipping line and its details should enter to the Capella.

1. Login to Capella using your user ID & password.

2. Select Portal Booking Portal

3. Use your username & password to login Booking Portal

4. Select New Booking Details

5. Select following items in order.

a) Booking Type Shipping Line

b) Booking Sub Type Empty Movement In

c) Customer / Billing Party Select Shipping Line Name

d) SL. Booking / CRO No. Type D/O number after Shipping Line Name.
Ex :- CMA DOCL00045296

e) CRO Date Select current date

f) From Terminal

i) Select “Sohar Port” if unit direct receiving from Sohar Port

ii) Select “Consignee Premises” if unit receiving from factory etc.

g) To Terminal Select KDP

h) Container Details
i. Container Check Digit Yes

ii. Container Count Enter the container size, count and submit

iii. No. of Container Enter the container count

iv. Container Type & Size Select Type & Size of the container

i) Select Save and Approve


Container Inspection


If no damage is found on the container

1. Capella system Select Empty Vehicle


2. Fill the driver details

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