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Ethical Decision-Making and Planning

Upon the discovery of the conflict of interest between the CEO and the outside contract. A
conflict of interest is when a person has an interest that involves two or more parties but may
benefit the person more. An investigative inquiry was conducted to determine the ethical
grounds of which the decision lies.In the state of Maryland there are laws that protect
whistleblowers, but only in certain job fields and careers. Not all workers are covered under the
laws and it's not without limitations. For example: Maryland's OSHA laws do not protect Federal
employees, Harbor, or employees that may fall into the atomic energy act of 1954. Source:
Maryland's People’s Law Library – © Maryland Thurgood Marshall State Law Library, 2021.”

The decision to report or not is not an easy or straightforward answer, the investigation
of the matter must be thorough and detailed. The consequences of reporting the discovery
impact yourself which in turn jeopardizes the retirement that is so close, not to mention could
close the business or at the least damage it severely which impacts every worker within the
business. In contrast, reporting it brings to light the unethical practises and dealings by the CEO
giving the company the opportunity to re-train and re-educate employees on the policies
regarding deals and ethical practises.

Planning and Organizing

Goals and objectives are to have smooth running operations that place safety first with
quality and productivity following. First and foremost Safety is the highest priority and to
achieve that Lockout/Tagout procedures are set in place and consequences are stated for
violating these practises. Quality standards are studied, tweaked, and perfected to create a
quality product along with a rate of which quality is inspected to ensure products aren’t being
made in volume that fall below quality standards. Productivity follows naturally after these
processes are set into place and productivity is projected to slowly rise in volume as practises
become more habitual and second nature. Safety is the responsibility of not only the employees
but also the safety coordinator to help enforce and educate employees on the safety standards
to create a culture that employees not only believe is safe, but feel it as well. The quality falls
upon the engineers that will determine what the standards need to be and how to achieve and
maintain them. Productivity comes from the employees constant determination and hard work
to safely produce a quality product.


As requested by the company to further educate the employees on the ethical behavior
and practises, and to do this a group training class will take place with at least 30 employees at
a time to help with time efficiently. A power point presentation will be included along with a
printed out version of the company policies and rules of conduct. The cost of this training is
fairly low as the price would be delayed production for an hour, but the overall cost of reinforced
stability in ethicacy will be invaluable in moving forward as a company.

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