HRM Questions

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Can you give an example of the steps you took to reduce costs, increase
revenue or increase efficiency in your previous office support role?

- Improve facilities
Investing in workspaces that are more energy efficient may help reduce utility costs in
the long run.

- Reduce physical inventory

Temporarily reducing physical products in inventory can reduce storage costs.

- Reduce waste
Reducing waste can improve both the environment and your finances. Check the
waste output of each department, e.g. reduce paper waste by increasing digitization

- Improve administrative efficiency

In administrative processes, shorten or eliminate approval steps and meetings. Move
departments that need frequent communication closer together. This allows employees
to spend more time on productive, profitable work.

2. What is your career plan for the next three years?

(Tips: By emphasizing your own ability to learn and work, tell HRM that you look
forward to deepening these professional skills in the new work environment and
taking your knowledge base to a new level so that you can contribute more to the
company. )

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