AS PGed Activity 1

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Ipil External Studies Unit

Purok Corazon, Ipil Heights, Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay

AS PGed Activity of Unit 1


1. Peace through the power of communication is termed as :
a) Power Politics
b) World order
c) Conflict resolution
d) Non violence
2. Peace education can be taught in :
a) Formal education only
b) Informal education only
c) Both informal and informal education
d) Schools only
3. The Nobel peace prize winner in India :
a) Tagore
b) Gandhi c
) Indhra Gandhi
e) Amerthiya sen
4. The major objective of Lion and Lamb peace Arts center is to promote peace education for
a) Teachers
b) Children
c) Women
d) Special need Child
5. What do you call is the key to raise the inner self of the individuals?
a) Education
b) Peace Making
c) Law and Order
d) All of the above

1. Identify the appropriate events and world institutions for promotions peace making.
2. Collect a list of pacifist and brief their contribution to the field of peace making.
Criteria 5 points 4 points 3 points Score:
Focus & The sentences The sentences are well The topic and main ideas
Details are well supported by details are not clear.
supported by information but the main
details and idea is somewhat clear.
Order of The progression The progression follows a The progression follows a
Ideas follows a logical more or less logical order more or less logical order
order which can which is not easily but there are unjustified
be easily identified(wrong used of ommissions
identified connective words)
( connective
words are used)



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