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Exercise 1
Match the sentence halves.

1. One super cheap way to spruce up - ______

2. Take a week or two and declutter every - ______
3. Physical activity is a good way to keep up - ______

4. Depression often leads clients to ruminate - ______

5. I just nd it di cult to shake o - ______

6. This is a gem of a lm that is - ______

7. When you're in an emotional - ______

8. This marathon will help your jumpstart - ______

9. Lack of sleep can throw o - ______

10.A business coach will help you set attainable - ______

A. your mood and general ability to function.

B. on the past and to feel helpless.

C. negative feelings, and that's okay.

D. slump, it's wise to take a break.

E. the year and set goals.

F. goals for the success of your business.

G. nook and cranny of your home.

H. healthy habits and enjoy quality time.

I. your home is to do some simple painting

and decorating.

J. guaranteed to lift your spirits.

Exercise 2
Put the words into the correct order.

1. enter / this / of / We / holiday / season / madness.

2. you / solid / once / sweat / session / is / week. / a / a / need / All

3. a / Beauty / skin. / better / must / sleep / for / is

4. room. / quick / Zoe’s / sweep / of / I / a / did

5. There's / no / jealousy / for / room / there.

Exercise 3
Complete each sentence with one word.

1. You may ____________ on the past once and again trying to uncover new
perspectives on what happened.

2. How to ____________ your home? Stop buying things you can't nd or don't
remember owning.

3. Knowing how to ______ goals and achieve them is an important process.

4. In a small company like this, there is no ________ for laziness.

5. Tennis can help ____ your spirits and ght various symptoms of depression.

6. Give the front steps a quick _______ to get rid of those fallen leaves.

7. There is something powerful about waking up early and starting

your day with a _________ sweat session.

8. How do you minimise the holiday ____________?

9. Having an argument with a friend will ____________ o your mood

and keep you out of focus.

10. These three tactics will help you ____________ the year.

Exercise 4
Complete the collocations.

Spruce up, shake o , an emotional slump,

keep up, ruminate on

1. _________ healthy habits

1. _________ for the party

2. _________ the good work

2. _________ your home

3. _________ with the latest trends

3. _________ the company image

4. _________ appearances
4. _________ make-up

5. _________ with the younger generation 5. _________ the out t

1. _________ the past

1. Pull yourself out of ___________________

2. _________ the idea

2. Be in ___________________

3. _________ these questions

3. Push into ___________________

4. _________ my chances
4. Su er ___________________

5. _________ problems 5. Go through ___________________

1. _________ bad habits

2. _________ your image as a depressed man

3. _________ stress

4. _________ negative feelings

5. _________ anxiety

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