Hepatic Jaundice

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Jaundice is defined as a medical condition that makes your skin and the sclera (white part) of

your eyes to appear yellowish. Bilirubin is a yellowish pigment that is created as haemoglobin

and is broken down.

Hepatic Jaundice

This type of jaundice occurs when your liver tissue becomes scarred, damaged or dysfunctional.

Therefore, your liver is less effective at filtering out bilirubin from the blood. Since it cannot be

filtered into your digestive system for removal, there will be a buildup of bilirubin in your blood.

Causes of Hepatic Jaundice

 Viral Hepatitis- This is an inflammation of the liver that is caused by viruses. These

viruses can get into the body through infected food, water, blood, stool or sexual contact.

 Liver cirrhosis- In this condition, liver tissues are scarred due to long term exposure to

viral infections or harmful substances such as alcohol.

 Primary Biliary cirrhosis- This occurs when the bile ducts are damaged and bile is unable

to processed. This will cause a buildup of bile in your liver and damage the liver tissue.

 Alcoholic Hepatitis- The liver tissues are scarred due to heavy, long term drinking.

 Leptospirosis- This is a bacterial infection that spreads by infected animals or infected

animal urine/faeces.

 Liver cancer- Cancerous cells develop and multiply within liver tissues

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