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Effective Date:

DATE SUBMITTED: 10/12/2022

How can you describe a good leader? How does a good leader contribute to the overall
performance of the group in achieving their objectives?
Student’s Answer:
An organization or group is only as strong as its leaders. They are the means by which a particular
group can fulfill its requirements, projects, or responsibilities. Naturally, having only one "leader" will
never be sufficient. To ensure success for members who are productive and cooperative, he or she must
be a good or effective leader. In addition, if a person is a good or effective leader, training others to be
good or effective leaders in the future is the same as being a good or effective leader.
These, in my opinion, are the qualities that make a good leader. First and foremost, be a role model.
The actions that will inspire their followers to take their lead are shown by good leaders. The members
would want to be like the leader, so they would adopt the leader's traits and actions. Passion is the
second. Good leaders not only focus on ensuring that the team completes its work, but they also have a
genuine passion for the projects or tasks they are responsible for. In addition, a person will not last long in
the field in which they work if they are not passionate about what they do. Effective listening and
communication is the third. A good leader is able to communicate effectively and effectively with his or
her team, which in turn inspires and motivates them to complete the tasks at hand. Since different people
have different ideas, it's also important to listen well. You should also listen to your employees in order to
convey to them that they are valued and that you care about them. Finally, it encourages individuals to
contribute. A good leader communicates to his or her team that new ideas are always welcome. You
would increase employee commitment and productivity as a result of doing so.
First and foremost, leaders have the greatest impact on a group's overall performance because it is
entirely up to them whether their employees are able to accomplish the goals. On the off chance that one
is a decent and viable pioneer, every one individuals would be roused to arrive at the objective while on
the off chance that you are a terrible and an insufficient one, your kin wouldn't mind assuming the group
will make progress. Since you know each member's strengths and weaknesses, you can assign tasks with
confidence if you know your team well. As a result of their ability to inspire and foster cooperation among
their team members, effective leaders also contribute to the achievement of the goals.

Submitted by: Verified by:

Dela Cruz, Richmond D.


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