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Estimated Online Time: 14 hours and 30 minutes

Online Activity
Name: Magara, Kathrin Joy A.
Day: Saturday
Log On/ Log Off Device Activity/ies Time Spent Online
7:30-8:30 AM Cellphone Facebook 1 hour
9:00:9:30 AM Cellphone Instagram 30 minutes
11:00:12:00 PM Cellphone Tiktok 1 hour
1:00-2:00 PM Laptop Watching Movies 1 hour
3:00-4:00 PM Cellphone Youtube 1 hour
4:30:5:00 PM Cellphone Tiktok 30 minutes
6:00-8:00 PM Cellphone Facebook 2 hours
6:30 –7:00 PM Cellphone Instagram 30 minutes
8:00-9:00 PM Cellphone Tiktok 1 hour
10:00-12:30 AM Cellphone Watching Movies 2 hours and 30 minutes
7:00-8:00 AM Cellphone Messenger 2 hours
9:00-9:30 AM Cellphone Tiktok 30 minutes
11:00-12:00 PM Cellphone Facebook 1 hour
When you look in a mirror, what do you see?
Whenever I look myself in the mirror, I always see my imperfections or flaws. As a human being,
imperfections are normal and it is important to accept your flaws, because if you don’t, it could lead
you to the wrong set of decisions or the wrong path because you're trying so hard to change your

Answer the following questions:

1. Did your time spent online differ from your estimate?

- No, because I immediately record what I do when I spend time online. But I realized, I need to
reduce my time online, especially if what I'm doing is not important.

2. Were you surprised by the difference?

- Not that much, because I’m aware of the time I spend using gadgets.

3. Do you think the chart offers a true account of your online behaviour?
- Yes, like what I’ve said in question number 1, I immediately record what I was doing.
4. Do you think you should change your online behaviour? Give reasons to explain your decision.
- Yes, because it can have many negative effects on our health, but it’s hard to avoid it because
we're used to holding our gadget.

5. What conclusion can you draw about the online behaviour of people your age?

How long could you probably last without digital technology? Explain your response.
- In my estimation, maybe 6-7 hours. It depends if I'm busy or have a lot to do that day and don't
have much time to touch my cellphone.


Time Spent Activities

2 hours Sunday Service (Church)

30 minutes Transportation

30 minutes Going to mall

1 hour Eating with fam

5 hours and 30 minutes Bonding time with friends

30 minutes Walking with my friends

6 hours Sleeping

1 hour Reviewing notes

7 hours Sleeping

Total Time Spent: 24 hours

Name: Magara, Kathrin Joy A.

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