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Chitragupta Temple(Kanchipuram) : According to the scriptures, Chitragupta is the assistant of Lord Yama, the God of Death.

It is believed that when a person dies his soul first goes to Lord Yama, where Chitragupta reads out the good and bad deeds of the person. There is only one temple in South India for Chitragupta at Kancheepuram. Chitra Pournami is a very auspicious day here which is considered to be the birthday of Chitragupta. Airavateshwarar Temple (Darasuram) : Lord Shiva is known here as "Airavateshwara", because he was worshipped at this temple by "Airavata", the white elephant of the King of the Gods, Indra. The temple was built by King Rajaraja II (1146-1173 AD) in the late Chola period. Chandra Mouliswarar Temple (Tiruvakkarai) : Vakrasura ruled this place and made many poojas to Lord Shiva. After giving problems to Devas and Thabasvi, he was killed by Lord Varadha Perumal. Hence this holy place is called by his name Vakrapuri as well as THIRUVAKKARAI. Among 32 holy places of Lord Shiva, here Lord Shiva has three faces. Thirukoteeswarar temple (Thirukodikaval) : Thirukodikaval is situated on the northern bank of the Cauvery on the KumbakonamMayiladuthurai route. It is about five km from Suryanarkoil (Navagraha kshetra for Sun God) and two km from Kanjanoor (Sukhra kshetra on the east) and five km west of Kuttalam town. Thirukoteeswarar is the presiding deity in this temple. There are seperate sannadhis for Chitrgupta and Yama. Chitra Pournami festival is celebrated in a grand manner every year.

The Hindu festival going by the name of Chitra Pournami is observed on the full moon day in the month of Chithirai or chaitra corresponding to the English months of April-May, when the asterism Chitra( virginis) holds sway. It is a festival observed to propitiate Chitragupta the chief accountant of Yama, who is believed to record the commissions and omissions by men in order to punish or reward them after their death. The conception of Chitragupta and his functions is highly allegorical and needs explanation. The word 'Chitragupta' means a collection of pictures. It goes without saying that the application of this name to the chief accountant of Yama, the god of death, is pregnant with meaning. The present day gramophone proves that though a man may cease to exist, his voice can be preserved and reproduced any time. By stretching our imagination we can see the possibility of reproducing the thoughts, feelings and actions of each and every one of the individuals during their lifetime if one but knows how to do it. In fact, there is an arrangement in nature by which every incident in the life of individuals, mental, emotional and physical, is recorded in a kind of very fine plastic matter in space and linked to the centre from which it emanated. The aggregations of these incidents are infact the account of each jiva in the cosmic ledger so to say. At the time of birth and death of an individual,

adjustments in his accounts are made, either in the shape of fresh entries or by the removal of certain entries already in existence. The consciousness controlling this adjustment is Yama, the god name of death; and his accountant Chitragupta stands figuratively for the cosmic ledger of the accounts of jivas' commissions and omissions -- physical, emotional or mental. In this month, the sunshine in its entire splendor, and the moon, which borrows its luster from the sun derives the same in full. Hence this day is said to be conducive to the happiness of humanity in general. Further, if the occasion happens to be a Thursday, Saturday or Sunday, it is considered specially auspicious and important. There is also a myth to emphasize the importance of observing this festival at Madurai and it is as follows: Brihaspati, the spiritual adviser of the gods, threw up his appointment, since Indra, the celestial king, failed to show proper respect to him. In the absence of the advice of his preceptor, Indra became a great sinner by his commissions and omissions. After some time, Brihaspati relented and returned to duty. He forgave Indra and pointed out to him how he may be purged of all his sins by visiting several holy places. Indra, acting accordingly, came to a forest where he found that all his sins were removed. Looking about himself to find out the cause of his happy deliverance, he found a linga near a tank. Being convinced that the influence radiating from it was the cause of the joy of his heart, he at once sent for Visvakarma, the celestial architect, and with his aid he erected a splendid shrine for the linga . He also got another shrine erected nearby, containing the figure of Iswari, Siva's wife. Indra then thought of worshipping the god Iswara and the goddess Iswari, but had no flowers. He then prayed to the linga and the image of Iswari, when lo! there suddenly appeared beautiful golden lilies on the surface of the pond. As the day of Indra's worship of Iswara and Iswari happened be the Chitra Pournami day, this festival came to be celebrated at Madurai in a befitting manner. Even now people believe the statement that Indra visits his former place of worship on the Chitra Pournami night every year to worship Iswara and Iswari. The river Chitra that originates in the hills at Kuttalam in the district of Tinnevelly is said to have appeared first on this holy day. So a bath in that river on this occasion is said to confer special merits on people.

In Conjeevaram, there is a special shrine dedicated to Chitragupta, the chief accountant of Yama, and the god of death. Both the sculpture in the sanctum and the metallic image of Chitragupta intended for being taken out in procession, bear in one hand a cudjan leaf manuscript and in the other a style, the necessary paraphernalia of an accountant to record the good and bad deeds of men on earth to enable his masterYama to award them heaven or hell after death. On a pillar in the upper rock-cut cave in the hills of Trichinopoly, there is a record of the Chola king Rajakesarivarman (985-1013) gifting land to feed Brahmins and devotees in the nine days' Chitrai festival in the 16th year of his reign. On the west wall of the Ganesa shrine in Nedungalanathaswami temple at Tirunedungulam, Trichinopoly district, there is another inscription about the same king gifting land for feeding 550 Sivayogins during the Chitrai festival.

Chitra Gupta Tracks Your Karma Appeal to Him to Break The Cycle of Your Karma
Chitra Poornima is the name of Full Moon this Tamil month of Chitra.

Chitra Poornima is the name of Full Moon this Tamil month of Chitra. This occurs when our Sun is in its Exalted state of Aries (close to the Earth), and Moon is full and aligned with the bright star called Chitra in the constellation of Libra Remember, Libra is the sign that seeks balance. With the Full Moon here, your mind begins to weigh and balance its own thought forms. And with the Sun energizing your soul from its full strength position in Aries, you are further empowered to make wiser "karmic" choices during this time. The Indian Archetype called Chitra Gupta is celebrated on this day in India. He is known to keep track of your karmic balance and help you to see your errors and correct your ways on this day. Take just a minute to understand two concepts of Karma and Dharma. You will then know how to best use this important Full Moon day.

Karma is the concept of 'action' or 'deed' whichresults in a cycle of cause and effect. There is a big reserve of karma that each soul has, like a bank account, that needs to be cleared out in order for the soul to be released from the endless cycle of birth and rebirth. No more karma, no more lives of suffering on this earth plane. Liberation.

4 Main Types of Karma

1. Sanchita
Sanchita karma is like the Saving Account at your karma bank. All possible karmas for your soul are stored here. It is the main pool from all past lives from the very beginning of your soul.

2. Prarabdha
Prarabdha karma is the selection of karma you have to live through in this life- accrued from other lives- chosen by you to experience this life time

3. Kriyamana
Kriyanmana karma is youradditional actions and karma accrued since your birth. This refers to quickly burning karma items whose cause and effect are realized in this one birth. For example, you eat too much chocolate and as a result you a sugar rush, acne and more weight. The effect is felt in this birth only.

4. Aagami
Aagami karma is similar to Kriyanmana karma in that you create it in this life. However the effects of your action does not have time to manifest in this lifetime and it goes back into the 1st "Sanchita" pool or comes around in the "Prarabhda" into your current life- cycling until you repay.

Dharma is 'right action' like ethical conduct, noble actions, civil and criminal law, and performance of Vedic rites and rituals, chanting of mantras, etc.

The Archetype Chitra Gupta

Chitra Gupta is the Celestial Bookkeeper whose primary duty is to keep a record, a Karma Account, of all souls' doings and misdoings from time immemorial.

He is Also Karmic Judge.

Chitra Gupta has a temple in Tamil Nadu where He is depicted sitting holding a pen in His right hand. In the left hand He holds a palm leaf or the Karma Accounts. Chitra Poornima is considered Chitra Gupta's birthday. On this day you can appeal to Him to rewrite your personal current account and lose the misdoings, or 'bad' karma, mark up the 'good' karma and to bless you to be able to maintain that good karma. That is an important point to this. Good karma attracts more good karma.

Good to Know
Not only are the bad deeds recorded by Chitra Gupta, but any attempt at remedying those sins is taken into consideration. It is known that any sin can be nullified by doing good to the victim, in the case that there is a victim, and even if you do not know the victim random but sincere donations to the poor and the needy will be like compound interest and the blessings of many and your sins will be balanced out. This makes Chitra Poornima the perfect day for reflection on your karma and also in making appeals to an Energetic Archetype to break the cylce of your karma.

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