Sexual Harassment, Group 7

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group 7

Alyanda Salzabila Dian Ayu wijayanti Muhammad Nauffal

Nadine Aulia Cindy Kusuma Tazkia Pujia Thaufik

mental health aspects
Victims will definitely feel traumatized.
Trauma or long-term impacts that will occur to
victims of sexual harassment include
depression, Rape Trauma Syndrome (RTS), Post
traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Hypoactive
sexual desire disorder (IDD/HSDD),
trust issues, anxiety and others. If someone
experiences it, he will feel afraid, angry, feel
guilty, anxious, have difficulty trusting someone,
have trouble sleeping because he keeps having
bad dreams, eating disorders, and can even
make the victim hurt himself to be able to
commit suicide.
Moreover, most victims of sexual harassment
will be given a bad label or negative stigma in
society, and that is all difficult to remove. The
mental health condition of the victim will be
disturbed in their daily life and also the stress
experienced by the victim can interfere with the
function of brain development.
physical health
Victims of sexual harassment, can be infected with
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). This can happen if
the perpetrator of the sexual harassment is found to be
HIV positive. In addition, Sexually Transmitted Diseases
(STDs) are also a major factor in the impact of sexual
harassment. Victims also have the potential for internal
injuries and bleeding. In severe cases, internal organ
damage may occur.
social impact.
Victims of violence and sexual harassment are often
ostracized in social life, something that should be avoided
because victims certainly need motivation and moral support
to get up and live their lives again. Assistance to victims is
needed to help recover mentally from victims of sexual
The family in this case must be the first discussion room for
the victim, realizing that this is a disaster for every family
member, so that no one blames the victim in this case. Giving
encouragement and motivation will make the victim open to
reveal more about what happened. For the social environment,
it is necessary to explain and understand from the community
that victims of sexual harassment certainly do not want this
Socially, victims of sexual violence will also feel:
- Difficulty trusting other people,
- Often self-isolate
- Reluctant and even afraid to establish close
relationships with other people
from what we have understood, of course there are
many impacts of sexual taking. especially in terms of
physical, mental and social health. we as humans must
be more careful in all aspects to avoid sexual
offenders. and must also be able to prevent this from

1. What is The impact of victims of Sexual harassment?
2. After experiencing sexual harassment, the victim will feel
traumatized. One of the syndromes that the victim can experience
3. can cause intimate organ disease or intimate?
4. why should families provide support to victims of sexual abuse?
5. the most dangerous impact of sexual harassment
Victims who experience sexual harassment usually experience
severe trauma that causes post-traumatic stress disorder. This
disorder makes the victim have excessive fear, anxiety, and stres

Rape Trauma Syndrome

human immunodeficiency virus

Because the family is one of the main keys in helping victims
through social support. Social support is a way to help victims
adapt to the environment and build their self-confidence again.

excessive stress
any questions?
don't hesitate to ask

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