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The power of lean operations

has transformed
manufacturing. Jefferson
The Lean Service
Pilot Financial proves that
service companies can use the
same principles to push their
performance to new heights. by Cynthia Karen Swank

Reprint R0310J
This document is authorized for use only in Prof. Rajendra Todalbagi's Lean and Green Management 2022-2023 at SDM Institute for Management and Development (SDMIMD) from Dec 2022
to Jun 2023.
The power of lean operations has transformed manufacturing.
Jefferson Pilot Financial proves that service companies can use the
same principles to push their performance to new heights.


The Lean Service

by Cynthia Karen Swank

Jefferson Pilot Financial was typical of many choice for these advisers and motivate them to
U.S. service companies at the end of the 1990s. drive more and more revenue to JPF. It identi-
After making four acquisitions that more than fied superior service to them as a key ingredi-

tripled its size, the full-service life insurance ent of that strategy.
and annuities company was searching for new To determine where improved service
ways to grow in a fiercely competitive busi- would have the greatest impact, JPF under-
ness. Rising customer expectations had led to took an in-depth analysis of the operations of
a proliferation of new insurance products as its New Business unit. The study unearthed
well as an increase in product complexity and considerable variation in the quality of existing
costs. At the same time, specialized niche play- services. For example, processing new policy
ers touting lower premiums and faster han- applications that required a statement from an
dling of policies were forcing full-service in- attending physician took from one to two
surance providers to both improve service and months. The processing times for applications
reduce costs. that didn’t require such a statement were even
The top managers of Jefferson Pilot Finan- more variable (they had a standard deviation
cial (JPF) recognized that the company needed of more than 35%), which undermined the
to differentiate itself in the eyes of its custom- value of these policies’ generally shorter turn-
ers, the independent life-insurance advisers arounds. Because of errors, up to 10% of all
who sell and service policies. Accordingly, in policy applications had to be reworked. The
2000 it instituted a Premier Partners program, problems were not limited to service quality.
which targeted the several hundred high-per- There was a significant cost-per-application dif-
forming advisers who were delivering the ferential between JPF’s two primary locations:
lion’s share of JPF’s revenues. The company Greensboro, North Carolina (the headquar-
wanted to establish itself as the partner of ters), and Concord, New Hampshire.

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The Lean Service Machine • T OOL K IT

It was clear that management could signifi- marized in the exhibit “Setting and Surpassing
cantly increase revenue by improving opera- Goals”). These outcomes contributed to a re-
tions. Indeed, the company estimated that it markable 60% increase in new annualized life
could increase the paid annualized premium premiums in the company’s core individual-
for its Premier Partners by 10% to 15% if it life-insurance business in just two years. Simi-
could issue all policies within three weeks of lar results are being recorded in other depart-
receiving the applications, offer periodic appli- ments as the company rolls out the new sys-
cation status reports, simplify the submission tems across the whole organization. In the
process, and reduce errors to 1%. following pages, we’ll draw on JPF’s experi-
For inspiration, the company’s managers ence to explain what an effective lean-produc-
looked to their counterparts in U.S. manufac- tion system looks like in a service context and
turing, who 30 years ago had faced compara- how companies can go about building one.
ble challenges. Many of the firms that had sur-
vived the competitive challenge from Japanese Building the Model Cell
manufacturers had done so by imitating them. The great advantage of lean-production initia-
They had adopted the practices and tools of tives like JPF’s over other types of business
“lean production,” a term James Womack, process reengineering is that companies can
Daniel Jones, and Daniel Roos introduced in introduce a lean system without significantly
their 1990 book, The Machine That Changed the disrupting operations. The key is to adopt
World, to describe the production system pio- what most lean-production advocates pre-
neered by Toyota. By using less space, capital, scribe: the “model cell” rollout, in which a
and labor to make better products that more company sets up, in one area of its business, a
accurately met customers’ demands, some U.S. fully functioning microcosm of its entire pro-
manufacturers were able to double the pro- cess. This approach allows managers to con-
ductivity of their assets. duct experiments and smooth out the kinks
JPF believed that its business could benefit while working toward an optimal design. It
from lean production because its operations also gets people throughout the organization
involved the processing of an almost tangible excited about the process, paving the way for
“service product.” Like an automobile on the the broad transformation effort that will fol-
assembly line, an insurance policy goes low.
through a series of processes, from initial ap- As the area for its model cell, JPF chose the
plication to underwriting, or risk assessment, section of the New Business unit devoted to
to policy issuance. With each step, value is processing policies that came from a specific
added to the work in progress—just as a car group of JPF’s independent advisers, some of
gets doors or a coat of paint. them Premier Partners and some of them not.
In late 2000, on the advice of a consulting The unit, which had ten employees and han-
firm, JPF appointed a five-person “lean team” dled policies that required physician state-
to reengineer the New Business operations ac- ments and those that didn’t, was large enough
cording to the principles of lean production. to be representative of the full range of JPF’s
The team included the assistant vice president New Business operations.
of New Business administration and a special Lean production is built around the concept
project manager who reported directly to the of continuous-flow processing—a departure
senior vice president overseeing New Business from traditional production systems, in which
operations. They were supported by three large batches are processed at each step and
lean-production experts from the consulting are passed along only after an entire batch has
firm. Thus the team combined in-depth knowl- been processed. At any given time, most of a
edge of JPF’s processes with an understanding batch in a traditional system is sitting waiting
of lean-production principles. to be processed—in other words, it is costly ex-
The initiative has delivered impressive re- cess inventory. And errors cannot be caught or
sults. The company halved the average time addressed quickly, because if they occur, they
from receipt of a Premier Partner application tend to occur on a large scale. In the model
Cynthia Karen Swank is a vice presi- to issuance of a policy, reduced labor costs by cell, the team was able to create a small-batch
dent at Jefferson Pilot Financial in 26%, and trimmed the rate of reissues due to flow that greatly minimized the buildup of
Greensboro, North Carolina. errors by 40% (some of these results are sum- work in progress. To redesign the cell’s work

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to Jun 2023.
The Lean Service Machine • T OOL K IT

flow, team members applied seven design ble for is receiving and inputting applications,
practices of lean manufacturing. They made and the more I input, the better I perform”—
changes in all seven dimensions simulta- began to fade.
neously, and each improvement in each di- Standardizing Procedures. JPF had given
mension was reinforced by improvements in employees considerable freedom in managing
others. their work. But by doing so, the company had
Placing Linked Processes Near One An- made it difficult for other workers to fill in
other. It is a principle of lean production that when there were absences or transfers. For ex-
all the steps in a process—the “value ample, most employees chose their own sys-
stream”—should be located close to one an- tems for storing files—some did it by policy-
other. Under JPF’s old system, work groups holder, others by policy number, others by
were located by function. Employees who re- date received. When employees were absent,
ceived applications and employees who sorted substitutes sometimes found it hard to figure
them worked on different floors. It could take out where files were stored, so the process was
more than a day for a set of files to shuttle delayed. The lean team insisted that files be
from one group to the other through depart- stored alphabetically and in the same drawer
mental mail. After the team placed the appli- at each workstation. Similarly, the physical
cation receivers next to the sorters, files were work space for data entry was standardized so
transferred between the groups in a matter of that a supervisor passing by could easily ascer-
minutes. There was another benefit, too. The tain the levels of pending and completed ap-
employees developed a more acute awareness plications. Changes of this kind not only made
that they were part of an integrated whole it much easier for others to help when work-
whose purpose was to satisfy the advisers and loads were high or workers were absent, they
policyholders. Once they were no longer toil- also improved the performance of the employ-
ing in functional silos, managers and frontline ees primarily responsible for each job.
workers were less likely to focus only on the Eliminating Loop-Backs. A loop-back, in
activities for which they were personally re- which work returns to a previous step for fur-
sponsible. The old attitude—“All I’m responsi- ther processing, typically creates delays. In a
manufacturing setting, if a machine in a
stamping process is used in a subsequent step
as well, two flows of work feed into the ma-
chine at once, limiting the speed of the overall
Setting and Surpassing Goals process and causing inventory to build up in
Copyright © 2003 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.

front of the machine. When the process in-

Jefferson Pilot Financial, a full-service life insurance and annuities volves humans, not machines, the situation
company with $31 billion in assets and approximately 3,700 employees, may be further complicated by the employees’
applied the principles of lean production to improve operations and choices concerning which tasks to do when. At
increase revenue. The table presents the company’s performance- JPF, the lean team noticed that under the ex-
improvement goals and results on various metrics. The goal on poli- isting system, all the sections of each policy
cies requiring an attending physician’s statement (APS), for example, form were sent back to the employee who had
was to reduce the turnaround time by 60%, but the result was even received the initial application so that he or
better – a 70% reduction. she could physically assemble the policy and
send it to the adviser. It was possible that em-
ployees would spend extra time assembling
Achievement metric Long-term goal Result
policies, leaving teams idle downstream and
APS turnaround time Reduce by 60% Reduced by 70% delaying the flow of application processing.
(receipt of application JPF split the receiving team in half, assigning
to issuance of policy) some of the employees to assemble the poli-
Non-APS turnaround time
cies while the rest continued to receive appli-
Reduce by 84% Reduced by 84%
cations. The change required no additional
Total labor costs Reduce by 28% Reduced by 26% space, equipment, or people, but it eliminated
for all applications confusion on the part of employees about
Reissues due to errors Reduce by 40% Reduced by 40% what they should be doing when, and it sub-
stantially reduced delays and waste.

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to Jun 2023.
The Lean Service Machine • T OOL K IT

Setting a Common Tempo. The team fur- needing a doctor’s statement fell by more
ther smoothed out work flow by applying the than 80%.
concept of “takt” time. Takt, the heartbeat of Posting Performance Results. Following
lean operations, is derived from the German one of lean manufacturing’s best practices,
word for musical meter. It refers to pacing JPF displayed the cell’s hourly productivity
work according to customer demand. The rates along with the company’s expectations.
team knew that to satisfy demand, New Busi- The numbers were posted on large white
ness needed to process ten applications per boards so that all employees could see when
hour; the takt time was therefore one applica- and where—and therefore why—perfor-
tion every six minutes. A worker producing at mance was suffering. The team also set aside
a slower rate would leave the next person in an area by the boards so that employees could
line temporarily idle and would ultimately meet quickly to discuss ways of solving perfor-
prevent the group from meeting customer de- mance problems that arose. Not surprisingly,
mand. The lean-team members timed each the boards made a few people uneasy. Some
work element of the model cell, such as re- workers feared that the posted results would
trieving an application from an in box and per- be used to assign blame and punish low per-
forming the keystrokes required to get an ap- formers. But as employees grew accustomed
plication into the system. They established a to the ubiquitous boards, the displays became
baseline time for each element by determin- rallying points for celebrating successes and
ing how quickly an untrained person could do encouraging the team to set new performance
it, then challenged employees to make im- records. Employees understood that they
provements and create shorter baseline times. would be evaluated on and rewarded for ob-
As workers found ways to cut unnecessary jective results they could track themselves—
tasks, the lean team determined the minimum rather than by their bosses’ subjective obser-
number of employees required for completion vations.
of all steps.
Balancing Loads. Lean production systems Setting Performance Goals
are designed to balance work evenly among To implement lean production, a company
employees. Although workers appreciate the typically must overhaul the way it measures
fairness of this practice, its greater value is costs, speed, and quality. Indeed, managers
that it eliminates unnecessary delays. JPF had often find that many of their company’s favor-
always allocated incoming applications first ite metrics actually inhibit productivity. For
by distribution channel and then alphabeti- example, if the performance of call-center
cally at each stage. An application from a cus- reps is measured by the length of an average
tomer named Burns would be allocated to the phone call, the center may get a lot of repeat
A–C team even if another team was idle. In calls because customers’ concerns are not
the model cell, the alphabetical method was being resolved the first time. To get around
replaced by sequential allocation, so that this kind of problem, practitioners of lean pro-
every team received the same number of ap- duction follow an important principle: They
plications. This enabled work to flow always measure performance and productiv-
smoothly from one fully utilized employee to ity from the customer’s perspective. For a call
the next without unnecessary delays. center, managers will usually measure the
Segregating Complexity. Anyone who has percentage of customers whose issues are ad-
stood in line at a bank while a single teller as- dressed in a single call.
sisted a customer with a lengthy transaction Among the metrics JPF found it needed to
understands this principle. The key to success- change was processing time. The company had
fully segregating complexity is to cluster tasks traditionally measured the time from when an
of similar levels of difficulty into separate application arrived at the new-business pro-
groups with their own performance goals. cessing center to when the approved policy
Thus the model cell eventually divided into was printed and bound. JPF switched to mea-
two groups, one handling cases that did not re- suring the gap between when the application
quire a physician statement and the other is mailed to the company and when the ad-
handling those that did. Once the separation viser receives a completed policy, which is how
was made, the turnaround time for cases not its customers assess the company’s speed. Cus-

harvard business review • october 2003 page 4

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to Jun 2023.
The Lean Service Machine • T OOL K IT

tomer-focused metrics of this kind helped or she inputs per hour, and the input team’s
erode the “My work is all that matters” mind- manager is assessed on the hourly number of
set of JPF’s employees. applications the team inputs. The input man-
Another important principle of lean pro- ager’s boss, the New Business assistant vice
duction is that shop-floor goals should be president, is assessed according to the produc-
linked to the metrics that are applied to the tivity of the input team and all the other steps
CEO’s performance. Toyota calls this hoshin in the process. These productivity rates affect
kanri, or policy deployment, and it is the best the metric for the VP in charge of New Busi-
way to align an organization’s activities with ness, a measure that is the same as the perfor-
its strategic objectives. At JPF, the metric for mance metric for the CEO. Thus, the CEO’s
the CEO’s performance is the ratio of the com- success is directly linked to each frontline
pany’s total acquisition expenses to the value worker’s productivity. In this way, JPF has
of new paid premiums. The cell’s productivity spread accountability and rewards throughout
directly affects this measure—as productivity the system, rather than concentrating them at
increases, the acquisition expense eventually the top.
decreases. An employee inputting applications Companies like JPF whose production sys-
is evaluated by the number of applications he tems rely heavily on third-party vendors also
need to look at their suppliers through a lean-
production lens. What JPF found prompted it
to establish new vendor-selection criteria such
Posting Results for All to See as alignment with Jefferson Pilot objectives,
aggressive annual goal-setting, and the adop-
The measures for each step in Jefferson Pilot Financial’s process were tion of lean processes that fit well with JPF’s. It
tracked and posted on white boards so that if problems arose, employees replaced one of its vendors with a company
could see where and why performance was suffering. that not only provided faster turnaround times
at a lower cost but also was willing to commit
Process step Metric Purpose of metric to ongoing performance improvements.
JPF was luckier than some companies: Most
Input Applications input per employee Individual performance of its existing frontline metrics matched lean-
per hour production requirements fairly well, and for
those metrics, the team immediately estab-
Applications input by the staff Unit performance lished short-term (three-month) and long-term
Copyright © 2003 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.

per hour
(12-month) goals. In areas where metrics
Underwriting needed adjustment, such as productivity by
Number of follow-up calls Performance of unit
support job function and certain customer-satisfaction
for medical tests and records supplying medical
per week tests and records scores, the lean team collected four weeks’
worth of data in the new cell and established
Phone calls answered per day Unit performance baselines from which cell managers could set
goals for the new processes. Toward the end of
the model cell’s first quarter, after the new
Underwriting Number of new cases, follow-ups, Individual performance
suppliers had been integrated into the system,
or approvals per week
the lean team drew on the experience of the
Frequency of physician Cost management (there first few months to establish more aggressive
statements ordered from doctors is a cost associated with second-quarter goals. The table “Posting Re-
each physician statement) sults for All to See” lists some of the cell’s prin-
cipal frontline metrics, which were displayed
Percentage of cases issued, Individual performance on the white boards.
declined, or rated

Policy issuance Policies issued per person Individual performance Rolling Out the New System
per hour Buoyed by its successes, the lean team pro-
posed a six-month rollout of lean production
Policies issued by the entire Unit performance to the rest of New Business operations. The
issue staff per hour company undertook the essential work of doc-
umenting the procedures and standard opera-

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to Jun 2023.
The Lean Service Machine • T OOL K IT

tions that were by now in place at the model principles of lean production. The team real-
cell so that they could be transferred to the ized that to ensure effective knowledge trans-
new work cells that would be set up in Greens- fer to operational management and frontline
boro and Concord. It then disbanded the employees, it needed to communicate the
model cell. Once the Greensboro and Concord “why” of lean as well as the “how.” Everyone
facilities’ floor plans and telephone systems in the company needed to understand why
were adjusted to accommodate the changes the new process design was necessary and that
and files had been moved, the transformation it would require continual adjustment as the
went live at both locations. business environment changed and additional
JPF divided operations according to the sta- improvements were sought.
tus of the customers and the complexity of the One standard device the team found espe-
tasks. At each site there were now three cells: cially successful in communicating the why
two handling applications that required physi- and how of lean production was the airplane
cians’ statements (one for Premier Partner cus- game. In this decidedly low-tech exercise,
tomers, the other for all the rest), and a “fast teams build paper airplanes to made-up cus-
track” cell handling all applications that didn’t tomer specifications. The winner is the team
require doctors’ statements. The company with the highest profit as measured by output
changed its formal structure, which had previ- minus work in progress and defects. In a series
ously been based on function and adviser type, of rounds, teams typically find themselves
to reflect the new system, in which employees moving from batch production to a continu-
were organized by cell. ous-flow process. Prior to the start of the final
The lean team also identified other JPF op- round, the team is permitted to redesign the
erations that could benefit from the new sys- construction process from the ground up and
tem, based on each operation’s significance to is encouraged to incorporate suggestions for
advisers, the magnitude of the new system’s improvement from all team members. (For a
impact, and the unit’s strategic importance. more detailed description of this exercise, see
The Exchanges and Conversions unit, for ex- the exhibit “The Airplane Game.”)
ample, became an early target because its pro- In just a few hours, the game drives home
cesses resembled those of New Business and, lean production’s basic principles. These take-
like New Business, the unit was a source of aways are then leveraged in the workplace as
frustration for many advisers. Eventually, the people begin questioning aspects of their jobs.
Exchanges and Conversions unit was rolled “How is profitability measured in my depart-
into the existing New Business cells at the two ment?” “Who uses my work once I’m done,
sites. All in all, the rollout to other operations and what do they do with it?” “How close do I
took approximately 18 months. sit to the rest of my process team?” “Is my
The application of lean principles through- neighbor idle while I am scrambling to keep
out JPF is not only delivering direct productiv- up the pace?” “Does work come in batches
ity gains, it is also helping the firm make more that allow a single step to become a bottle-
cost-effective capital investments. For in- neck, or does the work move forward one
stance, all proposals for automating processes piece at a time?” “Are we waiting until the end
now include a lean analysis of operations, and of the process to check for errors, or are we in-
JPF will not introduce automation in an area specting at every point in the process?” “Are
until lean principles have been applied and the there steps that can be eliminated, and am I
new process has stabilized. When the company pushing management to implement changes?”
was considering the introduction of an auto- Questions like these establish a foundation for
mated work-flow-distribution system to Cus- much deeper and more far-reaching changes
tomer Service, the lean team first segregated down the line.
the complex tasks. In this way, JPF ensured Despite its best efforts, the team did en-
that the technology would add to productivity counter some resistance. Managers of various
rather than simply pave the cow path. functional areas were especially skeptical.
How could they be sure this new approach
Convincing the Skeptics wasn’t just a disruptive flavor-of-the-month ini-
As the rollout progressed, the lean team tiative that would quickly come and go? But as
worked with each business area to apply the the rollout advanced, performance improve-

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to Jun 2023.
The Lean Service Machine • T OOL K IT

ments converted skeptics into true believers. importance of the project.

JPF’s managers saw that the aggressive goals •••
were achievable. Staff members realized they Although lean production is usually seen as a
were capable of performing more cross-func- manufacturing concept, many of its tools
tional work within the cell environment, and were developed in the service industries. Take
they were won over by the white boards that the concept of the supermarket. In its lean-
gave their contributions unprecedented visibil- production sense, a supermarket is a storage
ity. They also liked the regular meetings with area where line managers can “shop” for their
area management (daily at first, then less required materials and components. It was a
often as problems dwindled), which ensured big departure from the way mass-production
they had a voice in the change process. Indeed, manufacturers had ordered and distributed
line leaders were the source of a number of im- materials 40 years ago, when material was es-
portant changes, such as modifications to the sentially pushed through the production pro-
work allocation among administrators. The cess and people at each step focused purely on
visible participation of senior leadership (the their own output measures. But of course the
head of operations periodically walked materials supermarket was based on an old
through the areas where the new process was concept in a service industry, namely retail-
in place, and the vice presidents actively par- ing: Customers pulled what they wanted from
ticipated in the redesign) also emphasized the the shelves, which were then replenished for

The Airplane Game

Getting Started
The goal is to produce high-quality
paper airplanes for a demanding Fixing the Process
customer. Each team picks a manager. Teams improve the process through
Workers sit together by function two more rounds. Refinements
(designing, cutting, folding, piloting). typically include seating teams
together if their process steps
are adjacent, eliminating batch
requirements, and building quality
into the process. Productivity and
profitability typically rise 30% to 50%
Digging In with each round.
Teams struggle to produce planes
as a facilitator prevents innovation,
hinders knowledge sharing, and pulls
managers out of the room to explain
how profitability will be calculated.
All work must be passed along in Redesigning from Scratch
batches of four planes. Teams redesign the entire
process and play one final
15-minute round. Profitability
generally increases 200% to
300% over the first results.
Analyzing the Process
A debriefer challenges participants to
identify barriers to speed, quality, and
profitability by asking such questions
as: Who is working hard? Who is Capturing the Lessons
waiting? How are defects handled? A final debriefing reinforces
Who knows how profitability is lessons about lean-manufacturing
calculated? What would make the techniques. The teams immediately
process better? begin applying lean principles to
real-life challenges.

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The Lean Service Machine • T OOL K IT

subsequent customers. In many respects,

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