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Republic of the Philippines

Tarlac State University

College of Science
Department of Nursing
Lucinda Campus, Brgy. Ungot, Tarlac City Philippines 2300
Accredited Level 3 Status by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines
(AACUP), Inc.

A Family Case Study presented to the Faculty of the

Tarlac State University

College of Science, Department of Nursing

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Subject

Community Health Nursing

Presented by:

(Name of Students)

Presented to

Mr. Jomer V. Manalang, RN, MAN

Presented on


I. INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------------ 1
II. OBJECTIVES ----------------------------------------------------------------- 2
III. INITIAL DATA BASE --------------------------------------------------- 3-28
a. Family Structure, Characteristics, and Dynamics ---------------- 3
b. Genogram -------------------------------------------------------------------4
c. Socio – Economic and Cultural Characteristics ---------------------5
d. Home Environment --------------------------------------------------------6
e. Health Status of Each Family Member ------------------------- 8-40
A. Physical Assessment ------------------------------------ 8-16
B. 13 Areas of Assessment -------------------------------- 16-40
f. Nutritional Assessment ------------------------------------------------ 41
g. Values, Habits, Practices on Health Promotion --------------- 42-43
IV. FAMILY COPING INDEX ------------------------------------------- 44-46
V. Typology of Nursing Problems ------------------------------------------- 47
VI. Ranking of Prioritization of Identified Health Problems ------ 48- 51
VII. FAMILY NURSING CARE PLAN --------------------------------- 52-56
VIII. Summary, Evaluation, and Recommendations ------------------- 57-58
IX. DOCUMENTATION -------------------------------------------------- 59-62
X. GROUP PROFILE --------------------------------------------------------- 63

Community is a collection of people who interact with one another and whose
common interests or characteristics form the basis for a sense of unity belongings
(Famorca 2006)

Public Health Nursing and Community Health Nursing refers to a service

rendered by a nurse with communities, groups, families, individuals at home, in
health centers, in clinics, in schools, in place of work for the promotion of health
centers, prevention of illness, care of the sick at home and rehabilitation. (Public
Cuervas, RN, MAN 2007)

Family is a basic unit in society, and is shaped by all forces surround it. Values
beliefs and customs of society influence the role and function of the family. (Maglaya
A. 2004)

Tarlac is landlocked province located in the Central Luzon region in the

Philippines. The province comprises three congressional districts and is subdivided
into 17 municipalities and 1 city. The province is situated in the heartland of Luzon,
in what is known as the central Plain covering the provinces of Region III and
pangasinan. Tarlac is also known as “Melting Pot”. The economy of Tarlac is
predominantly agricultural. It is among the biggest producers of rice and sugarcane.
Majority of Tarlaquenos are Roman Catholic which widely influence the strong
family ties within the family. Barangay Batang-batang is one of the barangay in
municipality of Victoria; it composed of 7 puroks with 323 households and has a
population of 1,356. It headed by their Brgy. Captain Hon. Joselito Narne. The place
is full of farm fields, there are some crops which are harvested around the area.

We choose Rigor Family because my group mate’s and I felt that among the other
we visit they are the one who mostly need a nursing care like health promotion, health
maintenance and environmental sanitation, particular presence of vector. They need
to be educated to create awareness in regard to their health.



At the end of the semester, our group will be able to develop and understand the
family health condition and through that we will be able to formulate appropriate
nursing care plan, effective patient care and implement the proper nursing
intervention to solve the family health and the environment problems.


1. To assess current condition of the chosen family.

2. To diagnose proper family nursing problems.
3. To plan possible solution from the identified problems.
4. To implement the planned nursing interventions for the identified health
5. To evaluate the family members in their health status improvement.

Family based:

1. Participate actively during home visits and assessment interviews.

2. Perform the health teachings taught by the student nurse.

A. Family structure, Characteristics, and Dynamics

Family Position in Sex Age Civil Education

Member the family status attainment
Emiliano Father M 64y/o Married Highschool
Rigor Undergraduate
Brioleta Mother F 60y/o Married Highschool
Rigor Undergraduate
Rodriguez Youngest F 28y/o Married Highschool
‘y Rigor Daughter Undergraduate
Lito Son-in-Law M 29y/o Married Highschool
Rodriguez Undergraduate
Leandro Grandson M 10y/o Single Grade 5
John Russell Grandson M 9y/o Single Grade 4
Dexter Grandson M 6y/o Single Preparatory
Princess Grand F 9mos Single Not attending
Dianne daughter school

Family Rigor is considered as an extended family. The family is composed of eight

members consisting of the husband and wife, their daughter and son-in-law and the
grandchildren. For 38 years, they have been living in Purok 7, Barangay Batang - Batang,
Victoria, Tarlac. Mr. and Mrs. Rigor are the ones who make major decisions for the family when
it comes to financial and emotional aspects.


Family consists of person and their responsibilities within the family. A family structures
of parents and their offspring is known as nuclear family. The relatives of the nuclear families
such as grandparents or aunt and uncles, composed of extended family. In some families,
members are extended family live with the nuclear family may live in different areas, they
maybe in source of emotional or financial support for the family. In family, whose authority was
on the mother it was known as matriarchal and if both parents have authority deciding in their
family it is known as the egalitarian. (Nursing Practice in the Community, Fourth editor, Arceli
S. Maglaya)

Analysis: The Rigor family is considered as an extended family because the grandparents,
the parents, together with the grandchildren lives in one house. Both parents are responsible for
decision makings like in financial and health status which is considered as egalitarian.

B. Genogram

Emiliano Brioleta Grand Father Grand Mother


First Husband Abel A&W Lito A&W

John Russell Leandro A&W Dexter A&W Princess A&W




A&W – Alive and well

C. Socio-Economic and Cultural Characteristics

Family Educational Occupation Ethnic Religion

member Attainment Background
Emiliano Rigor Highschool Farmer/ Brgy. Ilocano Methodist
Undergraduate Health Center
Brioleta Rigor Highs chool Housewife Ilocano Methodist
Abel Rodriguez High school Housewife Ilocano Methodist
‘y Rigor Undergraduate
Lito Rodriguez High school Construction Ilocano Methodist
Leandro Rigor Grade 5 N/A Ilocano Methodist
John Russell Grade 4 N/A Ilocano Methodist
Dexter Preparatory N/A Ilocano Methodist
Princess Dianne Not attending N/A Ilocano Methodist

Mr. Emiliano Rigor together with Mr. Lito is the breadwinner for their family. Mr
Emiliano is a Brgy. Health Center and Part time Farmer while Mr. Lito is a construction worker
they are both under graduate of high school. Mrs. Rodriguez is the one who manage their budget.

Weekly Expenses of the family

Needs Estimated Amount (Monthly)

Foods Php. 1,000.00
Medicines Php. 1,500.00
Supplies Php. 1,000.00
Vices 0
Other expenses (such as electricity, allowance for Php. 1,500.00
school and transportation)
Total: Php. 5,000.00

Norms & Standards:

Filipino families had an annual income of 235 thousand pesos on average. In comparison,
their expenditure for the same year was 193 thousand pesos, on average. These figures translate

to an average annual savings of 42 thousand pesos per family (3,500/month). These estimates are
based on the result of the 2012 Family Income Expenditure Survey (FIES), and were computed
at prices in a year 2012. Considering the Valued at 180 thousand pesos at 2006 prices, while the
average annual family expenditure would be valued at 148 thousand pesos. (Nursing Practice in
the Community, Fourth Editor, Arceli S. Maglaya)


Because of the income from being the caretaker of the Brgy. Health Center is not enough
to sustain the needs of medication for they mother, they need to adjust from 2x a week to 3x a
month or sometimes she took medicine when need it most or when the symptoms attack.

D. Home Environment

The family reside near the sugar cane crops, According to Mrs. Rigor they own the land
and they have been living there for 38 years now. Their house is made of mainly light materials
which consists of wood and metal roof. There are some presence of sharp objects around the area
like rusty cans, rusty nails, broken glass from bottles, and the roof for the shelter of animals is
too low. They have two bedrooms, one for the adults and one for the children. There are some
stagnant water around the area, and there is a fish pond located around 10 – 12 meters near their
house. They use mosquito nets for protection. Their water supply is a communal deep well
located 4-5 meters away from the house. They have a gas stove inside the kitchen but they also
have a wood operated stove outside the house. They store their food in the kitchen table and
cover it to prevent flies or any rodents. They have their own toilet system located outside the
house and they also have a separate bathroom for bathing. They dump their wastes by burning it
in their backyard. They have an open drainage system. Their neighborhood is not congested and
it is a very quiet place. They do not have means of communication like cellphones, computers
and the internet available but they do have television for some information like the news. They
do have some medicines and vitamins for health maintenance. Their means of transportations are
tricycle, bus and jeepneys.


W1 = 0.61 x 0.91 = 0.56

TWO = 0.56 sq. m



8.96 x 2.29 = 20.52 sq. m



TSR>TFA=not overcrowded


3 adults x 2.5 = 7.5

4 children x 1.26 = 5.04



Above 20% - Satisfactory

18%-19% - Fair

Below 17% - Poor

(Nursing Care in the community 4th edition by Arceli S. Maglaya)

Ventilation : 𝑇𝑆𝑅 x 100



According to Maglaya book 4th edition typical normal family living in a proper housing is
not over crowded and ventilation must be above 20%. They must have a good sleeping pattern
completing 8 hrs. of required sleep. Free from all presence of vectors sites that causes diseases in
each family members. They should have proper storage food and water sanitary condition. Need
to segregate garbage and put in on proper trash bags and proper drainage system. (Nursing
Practice in the community by Maglaya)

As a conclusion, both assessment have a sufficient ventilation and enough living space.
They also have certain presence of health threat and some health deficiency.

A. Health Status of each family member
a. Physical Assessment

Leandro Rigor
10 y/o

Area of assessment Findings Norms Analysis

>Skin His skin has a presence Must be smooth and soft, oily/ Based on the findings
of small scars and no moist and no lesion. although he have a scars
- Inspection presence of lesion. The (Maternity and Pediatric the skin is normal
-Palpation over-all texture of his Nursing by Scott and Susan)
skin is smooth. When
pinched, it goes back
immediately. The color
is brown.
>Hair & Nails His hair are evenly Must be evenly distributed, Based on the findings he
distributed, smooth and smooth and soft, course and has a normal condition
-Inspection color black there no fine and no lice. hair and nails
presence of dandruff The nails must be transparent,
Nails are pinkish in pinkish, firm, smooth, and no
color, intact and there is convex with surrounding
no presence of smooth cuticle, intact and
inflammation. without inflammation & has
Analysis: good hygiene. (Maternity &
. Pediatric Nursing by Scott and

>Head His head and face are The scalp must be oily or Based on the assessment
-Inspection symmetrical, there is no moist, smooth and no of head he has normal
-Palpation presence of lesion in his dandruff, no lesion (Maternity findings because there no
scalp and there is no lice & Pediatric Nursing by Scott presence of lesion, lice

and dandruff. and Susan) and dandruff.

>Eyes Findings: They must be parallel to each Based on the findings

-Inspection There is ocular other, can raise and lower both eyes are normal
movement on his eyes eyebrows symmetrically the because he can see
they constrict and dilate,pupil is equally round and normally and clearly
sclera is pinkish, his reactive to light and
eyelashes and eyebrows accommodation. (Maternity &
are evenly distributed. Pediatric Nursing by Scott and
>Ears Findings: The ears must be the same Based on the finding the
-Inspection His ears are not color as the face, and the color of his ears are
-Palpation symmetrical the color is auricles are equal size and normal but there is a
the same as the face. But level to each other, no presence of earwax so we
there is a presence of presence of discharge or any need to do to health
earwax on his ears. foul odor. (Maternity & teaching about that.
Pediatric Nursing by Scott and
>Nose Findings: The nose must be patient, has Based on findings his
-Inspection His nose is patent and the same color as the face, nose is normal.
-Palpation has the same color as the smooth, symmetric, nasal
face, there is no structure is firm stable, and no
tenderness. discharge. (Maternity &
Pediatric Nursing by Scott and
>Mouth Findings: It should be pink, moist, Based on the assessment
-Inspection His lips is pinkish, symmetrical, smooth, and soft the findings are normal
smooth and and no lesions. Gums should even though there is
symmetrical, there is no be pinkish in color, moist and cavity on his teeth.
presence of lesion in his hard, intact, no lesion. Must
mouth. The tongue is be red in color, slightly rough
pinkish. His teeth has a on the top surface at the
cavity. midline and can move freely.

(Maternity & Pediatric
Nursing by Scott and Susan)
>Thorax, Lungs, and Abdomen Findings: The chest well must be intact Findings:
-Inspection The chest wall is intact. with no tenderness and His chest wall is intact.
-Auscultation No tenderness and masses. There’s a full and No masses and
-Palpation masses. And has quiet, symmetric expansion and the tenderness. The
-Percussion rhythmic and effortless thumbs separate 2-3 cm breathing pattern is
breathing. The abdomen during deep, has quiet, normal. During palpation
has no lesion and no rhythmic and effortless there is no pain stated by
pain during palpation. respirations. Dexter, and has no
The abdomen has an lesions.
Analysis: unblemished skin and is
The findings during uniform in color. The Analysis:
assessment is normal. abdomen has a symmetric The findings is normal.
contour, there were symmetric
movement. (Maternity &
Pediatric Nursing by Scott and
>Extremities Findings: The extremities should be Based on the assessment
-Inspection The extremities were complete, symmetrical in size the findings are normal
-Palpation complete and equal in and length. No clubbing of
size and length and there fingers and nails should have
is no presence of scars. a presence of cyanosis, palms
must be normal in color and
texture. (Maternity &
Pediatric Nursing by Scott and

John Russell Rigor
9 y/o

Area of assessment Findings Norms Analysis

>Skin There are presence of Must be smooth and soft, oily/ The skin of John Russell
lesions and there is moist and no lesion. is not normal but there
- Inspection increased in size. The (Maternity and Pediatric are presence of lesions
-Palpation temperature is even. Nursing by Scott and Susan) that is increasing in size.

>Hair & Nails The hair is smooth and Must be evenly distributed, Based on findings the
there is no presence of smooth and soft, course and hair and nails of John
-Inspection lice and dandruff and fine and no lice. Russell is normal.
evenly distributed. Nails The nails must be transparent,
are pinkish in color and pinkish, firm, smooth, and no
intact the capillary refill convex with surrounding
comes back after 3 smooth cuticle, intact and
seconds. without inflammation & has
good hygiene. (Maternity &
Pediatric Nursing by Scott and
>Head The head has no mass The scalp must be oily or Based on the assessment
-Inspection and no presence of lice moist, smooth and no the findings are normal
-Palpation and dandruff. His is dandruff, no lesion (Maternity
symmetrical to his face. & Pediatric Nursing by Scott
and Susan)
>Eyes The movement of his They must be parallel to each Based on findings, both
-Inspection eyes are normal, and has other, can raise and lower eyes are normal.
ocular movement. eyebrows symmetrically the
Eyelashes and eyebrows pupil is equally round and
are evenly distributed. reactive to light and
The pupil is equally accommodation. (Maternity &
round and reactive to Pediatric Nursing by Scott and
round. Susan)
>Ears The ears are The ears must be the same Based on finding both
-Inspection symmetrical to the face color as the face, and the ears are normal but there
-Palpation and they are equal in auricles are equal size and is earwax noted.
size. There is a presence level to each other, no
of earwax. presence of discharge or any
foul odor. (Maternity &
Pediatric Nursing by Scott and
>Nose His nose is patent and The nose must be patient, has Based on our assessment,
-Inspection has the same color as the the same color as the face, the findings are normal.
-Palpation face and symmetrical to smooth, symmetric, nasal
the face. There is no structure is firm stable, and no
presence of discharge. discharge. (Maternity &
Pediatric Nursing by Scott and
>Mouth The lips and tongue are It should be pink, moist, Based on our
-Inspection pinkish, smooth and symmetrical, smooth, and soft assessments, the findings
there is no presence of and no lesions. Gums should are normal and there are
lesions. Gums are be pinkish in color, moist and poor alignment of teeth
pinkish and clean. There hard, intact, no lesion. Must noted.
is dental carries. be red in color, slightly rough
on the top surface at the
midline and can move freely.
(Maternity & Pediatric
Nursing by Scott and Susan)
>Thorax, Lungs, and Abdomen His chest wall is intact. The chest well must be intact Findings are normal.
-Inspection There is no presence of with no tenderness and .
-Auscultation mass and edema. There masses. There’s a full and
-Palpation is no difficulty of symmetric expansion and the
-Percussion breathing. During thumbs separate 2-3 cm
palpation, the abdomen during deep, has quiet,

is soft and not tender. rhythmic and effortless
The abdomen has an
unblemished skin and is
uniform in color. The
abdomen has a symmetric
contour, there were symmetric
movement. (Maternity &
Pediatric Nursing by Scott and
>Extremities The extremeties are The extremities should be Based on the findings, he
-Inspection symmetrical and equal complete, symmetrical in size is considered normal..
-Palpation in size and length. There and length. No clubbing of
is no presence of edema. fingers and nails should have
She can ambulate freely. a presence of cyanosis, palms
. must be normal in color and
texture. (Maternity &
Pediatric Nursing by Scott and

Dexter Rigor

6 y/o

Area of assessment Findings Norms Analysis

>Skin His skin has a presence Must be smooth and soft, oily/ The skin has presence of
of lesions. The over-all moist and no lesion. lesions.
- Inspection texture of his skin is (Maternity and Pediatric
-Palpation smooth. The color is Nursing by Scott and Susan)

>Hair & Nails His hair is smooth and Must be evenly distributed, :Based on the findings
color black. There is no smooth and soft, course and the hair and nails of
-Inspection presence of lice and fine and no lice. Dexter is normal.
dandruff. Nails are The nails must be transparent,
pinkish in color and pinkish, firm, smooth, and no
intact the capillary refill
convex with surrounding
comes back after 3 smooth cuticle, intact and
seconds. without inflammation & has
good hygiene. (Maternity &
Pediatric Nursing by Scott and
>Head His head is symmetrical, The scalp must be oily or Based on the findings the
-Inspection and there is no presence moist, smooth and no head of Dexter is normal
-Palpation of lice and dandruff. dandruff, no lesion (Maternity because there is no
There is no lesions. & Pediatric Nursing by Scott lesions, lice and dandruff
and Susan) also.
>Eyes The movement of his They must be parallel to each Based on the findings
-Inspection eyes are normal, they other, can raise and lower both eyes are normal
constrict together and eyebrows symmetrically the because they are
dilate, eyelashes and pupil is equally round and constricting together.
eyebrows are evenly reactive to light and
distributed. accommodation. (Maternity &
Pediatric Nursing by Scott and
>Ears His ears are not The ears must be the same Based on the findings the
-Inspection symmetrical and the color as the face, and the both ears are normal.
-Palpation color is the same is his auricles are equal size and
face. There is no level to each other, no
earwax. presence of discharge or any
foul odor. (Maternity &
Pediatric Nursing by Scott and
>Nose His nose is patent and The nose must be patient, has Based on the findings his

-Inspection has the same color as the the same color as the face, nose is normal.
-Palpation face. There is no smooth, symmetric, nasal
presence of discharge structure is firm stable, and no
and tenderness. discharge. (Maternity &
Pediatric Nursing by Scott and
>Mouth His lips is dark in color, It should be pink, moist, Based on the
-Inspection tounge and gums are symmetrical, smooth, and soft assessments, the findings
pinkish and clean. There and no lesions. Gums should are normal.
is no presence of be pinkish in color, moist and
lesions. The teeth are hard, intact, no lesion. Must
complete and no cavity. be red in color, slightly rough
on the top surface at the
midline and can move freely.
(Maternity & Pediatric
Nursing by Scott and Susan)
>Thorax, Lungs, and Abdomen His chest wall is intact. The chest well must be intact The findings is normal.
-Inspection No masses and with no tenderness and
-Auscultation tenderness. The masses. There’s a full and
-Palpation breathing pattern is symmetric expansion and the
-Percussion normal. During thumbs separate 2-3 cm
palpation there is no during deep, has quiet,
pain stated by Dexter, rhythmic and effortless
and has no lesions. respirations.
The abdomen has an
unblemished skin and is
uniform in color. The
abdomen has a symmetric
contour, there were symmetric
movement. (Maternity &
Pediatric Nursing by Scott and
>Extremities The extremities are The extremities should be Based on the findings it

-Inspection complete and equal in complete, symmetrical in size is normal.
-Palpation sizes and length. There and length. No clubbing of
is no presence of edema. fingers and nails should have
And there is no lesions. a presence of cyanosis, palms
must be normal in color and
texture. (Maternity &
Pediatric Nursing by Scott and

a. 13 Areas of Assessment

Emiliano N. Rigor
Area of assessment Findings Norms Analysis
Social Status As he stated, when they Social status includes He has harmonious
have a misunderstanding family relationship with their
they settle it by talking to relationships/friendships neighbors and her family.
each other. Because of .
that state the patient’s
his work, he get more
socialized, not only with support system in time of
their neighbor, but with stress and in time of need. It
some people with other meets a fundament human
puroks. Because he’s need for social ties, making
working, he spent less life less stressful and social
time with his family but support buffers the negative
he said that as much as
effects of stress, thus
possible, he guides his
grandchildren in their indicating indirectly
life. His hobby is to plant contributing to good health
different plants. He also outcomes. (Friedman and

go to church of The Smith 1988)
United Methodist every
Mental Status

> General Appearance and Behavior His clothes is not clean The content of the patient’s He has a good education
because he has been to background based on
message should make sense.
work. And his fingernails normal state. His unclean
and toe nails looks dirty, The ability to read and write because of the cloth his
he has a dry skin and a should match the patient’s wearing as well as his
dirty hair, he’s able to educational level. The finger nails and toe nails
write and read and patient should be able to and he doesn’t have a
cooperate during the correctly respond to normal state of skin and
interview. He doesn’t questions and to identify all appendages
look tired even he is
the objects as requested.
from work and was able
to accompany us when The patient should be able
we do some assessment to evaluate and act
to their surroundings. appropriately in situations
requiring judgment. (Health
Assessment and Physical
Examination 3rd Edition by
Mary Ellen Zator Estes)

>Level of consciousness and orientation He was cooperative The level of consciousness He was able to answer our
Norms: during interview; he also and orientation determine questions correctly. These
The level of consciousness and orientation respond to our question whether a person is aware are major determinants
determine whether a person is aware of correctly, such as what is that indicate his mental
of things that are happening
things that are happening (Kozier 2004) his name, where does he capabilities are functioning
reside from, where he (Kozier 2004) well
works and other

questions regarding the
data we needed from
their family.

>SPEECH He was able to

As per assessing him his Patient’s speech is communicate with us
way of talking is clear understandable, in moderate clearly(we didn’t had a
loud enough and pace and in clear tone. hard time understanding
understandable what he was saying)
Thoughts are logical
(Kozier 2004)
Emotional Status He said whenever they The old adult is in the stage He has a good control of
have misunderstandings where an issue of ego his emotion or feelings
at home they usually talk integrity vs. despair arises. with the help of his
with each other about it family( as a source of his
Integrity manifests with
to settle things out. He strength)
also stated things out that wisdom and feelings of
when his stressed he satisfaction with one’s life
watch television shows while despair arises from
or find things to do. remorse about what could
have been. The presence of
despair causes life to be
viewed as meaningless.
(Nursing The
process of human
Sensory Perception

Sense of sight His eyes is brown T he client who has a visual He has a normal visual

without swelling or acuity of 20/20 is test: was able to read what
lesions. His sclera is considered to have normal we asked him to read. His
white when light is being visual acuity. The eyes must eyes are symmetrical no
directed to his eyes his lesion or swelling
be symmetrical during the
pupil constrict and accessed, papillary
dilated when the light has six cardinal gazes test. The response is normal
been taken away. His sclera should be white with
visual acuity has been some small blood vessels.
accessed by performing Papillary constrictions
near visual test but should occur when struck
letting him read words by light. (Health
and phrases being
Assessment and Physical
pointed from a book
which is 14 inches away Examination, Mary Ellen
from him and was able to Zator Estes)
read it right. Both eyes
moves symmetrically in
each 6 cardinal
Conjunctivas aren’t pale.

We let him taste a little Taste is intact in the

Sense of Taste bit of sugar and coffee posterior one third of the His taste buds are
while his eyes are close tongue. (Health Assessment functioning well.
for him to know the
and Physical Examination,
difference and he was
able to taste it. Mary Ellen Zator Estes)

For auditory acuity, the
His ear are symmetrical Based on norms his
patient should be able to
Sense of hearing in shape and has the auditory accuracy is
same color with the skin. repeat the words whispered normal. No signs of ear
There’s no redness or from a distance of two feet. infection
swelling on his ear. (Health Assessment and
There was no complain Physical Examination, Mary
of pain upon the Ellen Zator Estes) Analysis:
assessment of his ear. No Her taste buds are
tenderness and redness functioning well.
noted. During whisper
test at a distance of 2 feet
he was able to repeat the
words. There was a small
amount of ear wax seen
in both ear

Sense of Smell His nose is located in the Nose must be symmetrical He has a good olfactory
midline of the face and and along of the face. Each function since he was able
hasn’t noted any swelling nostril must be patent and to recognize everything we
or masses. Both of his recognize the smell of an let his nose sniff while his
nostrils are patted and eyes were close. He also
object. (Health Assessment
cilia project into the has no sign of infection
and Physical Examination,
cavity of his internal
mucosa is little pale Mary Ellen Zator Estes)
without swelling and he
was to identify the
different odor of alcohol

cologne and coffee.

The skin contains receptors

Tactile He was able to identify Based on the norms and
for pain, touch, pressure and findings that assessed, her
things we let her hold
while her eyes were close temperature. These sense of touch is
(such as pen, phone, and receptors originate in the functioning well.
notebook). dermis and terminate as
either free nerve endings
throughout the skin’s
surface or as special touch
receptors that are
encapsulated and found
predominantly in the
fingertips and lips. Sensory
signals that help determine
precise locations on the skin
are transmitted along rapid
sensory pathways, and less
distinct signals such as
pressure or poorly localized
touch are sent via slower
sensory pathways. ( Health
Assessment and Physical
Examination, Estes 2006)
Motor Stability The patient remains erect His has normal motor
During assessment, he and balanced during all stability. No signs of
was standing in upright stages of gait. The patient kyphosis, lordosis, or
position. When walking scoliosis. Has a complete
should be able to transfer
there is no staggering and set of extremities and was
he walks straight; using easily to various positions. able to do ROM..
his all extremities and There should be absence of
was able to do active discomfort during range of
range motion(ROM)
motion exercise. (Health
Assessment and Physical
Examination, Mary Ellen
Zator Estes)
Body Temperature 1 Visit: 36.7 ⁰C Normal axillary temperature His temperature is within
2 visit: 37.0 ⁰C is within 36.4⁰C to 37.4⁰C. the normal range during
3rd visit: N/A (Health Assessment and the assessments based on
the findings and norms
Physical Examination 3rd
edition by Mary Ellen Zator
Respiratory Status Findings: Normal respiratory rate for Respiratory rate is within
His respiratory rate is 23 adults is 12-20cpm. the above normal range.
cpm. Her shoulders are at Average is 18. In terms of No signs of difficulty of
the same level. No breathing.
pattern, normal respirations
superficial veins visible.
he is also not using must be regular and even in
accessory muscles while rhythm. The normal depth
breathing. Breathing is of respirations is non-
not exaggerated, and exaggerated and effortless.
respirations are regular (Health Assessment and
and even in rhythm. Physical Examination 3rd
edition by Mary Ellen Zator
Circulatory Status His pulse rate is 98 bpm The normal cardiac rate for His cardiac rate is in the
and has a blood pressure an adult is 60-100 beats per normal range. The patient
of 150/90mmHg. His minute while the normal is hypertensive. And
capillary refill time is 3 blood pressure is normal capillary refill.

seconds. 120/800mmHg. (Kozier,
Fundamentals of Nurisng
2nd visit: 135/90mmHg 7th Edition)
Nutritional Status He said that he usually According to Health Asian normal range of 20-25,
drinks 8 glasses of water Diet Pyramid, there should indicating that she’s
a day. He eats 3 times a be a daily intake of rice, healthy, especially without
day that usually consist vices.
grains, bread, fruits and
of rice, vegetables and
sometimes fish, meat and vegetables; optional daily
cassava. He also said that for fish, shellfish and dairy
he doesn’t smoke and products; weekly for
drink alcohol. He is sweets, eggs and poultry,
weighin 140lbs and and monthly for meat.
standin 5’6 feet tall. She There should be an
has BMI of: 22.6
increased intake of a wide
variety of fruits and
vegetables. Include in the
diet foods higher in
Vitamins C and E, and
Omega-3 fatty acid rich
foods. (
Elimination Status Findings: Normal bowel movement of His elimination status is
He said that he usually a person must be 1 to 2 normal. No abnormalities
pees 3 times a day. With times a day and voiding in 3 of the urine or stool.
regards with his bowel to 4 times a day with an
movement he defecates output of 1200 to 1500mL a
once a day and said day. A normal stool is
that’s it’s not a brown in color and well
loose/watery. Urine color formed, urine is clear to
assessed was yellowish yellowish in color.
as per Mr. Rigor and (Fundamentals of Nursing,
doesn’t have a foul odor. Kozier, 2007)


Reproductive Status Findings: Based on the interview/

He has stated that he had assessment he has normal
his circumcision when he reproductive status and he
was 11 years old. As per has no sexually
him, he has no history of transmitted disease noted.
sexually transmitted .

Sleep-rest Pattern He Usually sleeps Sleep refers to altered He has a normal sleeping
9:00Pm and wakes consciousness with general pattern based on the norms
5:00Am and eat slowing of physiological as stated and the number
breakfast before going to process while rest refers to of hours of sleep that she
farm. Whenever he have relaxation and calmness, stated she’s taking.
leisure time, he both mental and physical. A
sometimes usually typical sleeper will pass
spends it with his family through 7 to 9 hours of
especially in night. sleep and take a rest using
some relaxation activities
such as reading, telling
stories and others. (Nursing
Fundamentals by Rick
State of Skin Appendages He has fair complexion The palpebral conjunctiva Based on norms he doesn’t
and warm to touch skin. should appear pink and moist. meet the standard on his
He have so many callus Normally, the skin is a uniform skin and nails
in the both toe and also whitish pink or brown color,
dirty. Have tiny wounds. depending on the patient’s
His hair is black in color race. Normally, the nails
and not oily. Fingernails have apink cast in light-
and toenails are skinned individuals and

untrimmed and unclean. are brown in dark-skinned
(Healthassessment and physical
examination 3rd edition by
Mary Ellen Zator Estes)

Brioleta Rigor
Age: 60
Area of assessment Findings Norms Analysis
Social Status As she stated when they have a Social status includes family She has harmonious
misunderstanding they settle it relationships/friendships that relationship with their
by talking with each other. state the patient’s support neighbor and her family
Because of her current system in time of stress and in
condition, she’s less socialize time of need. It meets a
with their neighbors. She fundament human need for
spends more time in resting social ties, making life less
than to doing some work. But stressful and social support
she’s able to be with their buffers the negative effects of
grandchildren when their stress, thus indicating indirectly
mother is not around. contributing to good health
outcomes. (Friedman and
Smith 1988)
Mental Status

> General Appearance and Her clothes is clean but looks The content of the patient’s She has a good education
Behavior dirty because she wearing an message should make sense. background based on normal

old clothes. She has a neat The ability to read and write state. She looks dirty because
finger nails and toe nails but a should match the patient’s of the old cloth she’s wearing.
dirty hair and she doesn’t have educational level. The patient She has a normal state of skin
a dry skin. She’s able to write should be able to correctly and appendages based on
and read and cooperate during respond to questions and to norms stated. She has a dirty
the interview. She doesn’t look identify all the objects as hair
requested. The patient should
be able to evaluate and act
appropriately in situations
requiring judgment. (Health
Assessment and Physical
Examination 3 Edition by
Mary Ellen Zator Estes)

>Level of consciousness and She was cooperative during The level of consciousness and She was able to answer all our
orientation interview; she also respond to orientation determine whether a questions correctly. This are
our question correctly, such as person is aware of things that major determinants that
what is her name, what day it are happening (Kozier 2004) indicate her mental capabilities
is, where she’s from, where are functioning well
does she live and other
question regarding our data
that we need from our family
case study.

>SPEECH As per assessing her, her way Patient’s speech is She was able to communicate
with us clearly( we didn’t had
of talking is clear and loud understandable, in moderate
a hard time understanding

enough and understandable pace and in clear tone. what she was doing)
Thoughts are logical (Kozier
Emotional Status As the mother in the houses The old adult is in the stage She has a good control over
she usually settles things out where an issue of ego integrity her emotions and also has a
by talking about their problem vs. despair arises. Integrity good coping mechanisms since
together. She said when she’s manifests with wisdom and they settles their problem
being scolded by her husband feelings of satisfaction with
she usually goes out to his one’s life while despair arises
friends and plays with them as from remorse about what could
her diversion. have been. The presence of
despair causes life to be viewed
as meaningless. (Nursing The process of
human development)
Sensory Perception

Sense of sight His eyes is brown without The client who has a visual She has a normal visual test:
swelling or lesions. His sclera acuity of 20/20 is considered to was able to read what we
is white when light is being have normal visual acuity. The asked her to read, her eyes
directed to his eyes his pupil eyes must be symmetrical are symmetrical no lesion or
constrict and dilated when the during the six cardinal gazes swelling accessed, papillary
light has been taken away. His test. The sclera should be white response is normal
visual acuity has been accessed with some small blood vessels.
by performing near visual test Papillary constrictions should
but letting him read words and occur when struck by light.
phrases being pointed from a (Health Assessment and
book which is 14 inches away Physical Examination, Mary
from him and was able to read Ellen Zator Estes)

it right. Both eyes moves
symmetrically in each 6
cardinal movements.
Conjunctivas aren’t pale

Sense of Taste We let her taste a little bit of Taste is intact in the posterior Her taste buds are functioning
sugar and coffee while her eyes one third of the tongue. (Health well.
are close for her to know the Assessment and Physical
difference and she was able to Examination, Mary Ellen Zator
taste it. Estes)

Sense of hearing Her ears are symmetrical in For auditory acuity, the patient Based on norms her auditory
shape and has the same color should be able to repeat the accuracy is normal. No signs
with the skin. There was no words whispered from a of ear infection.
redness swelling on her ear. distance of two feet. (Health
There was no complain of pain Assessment and Physical
upon the assessment of Examination, Mary Ellen Zator
hearing. No tenderness and Estes)
redness noted. During whisper
test at a distance of 2 feet she
was able to repeat the words.
There was a small amount of
ear wax seen in both ear

Sense of Smell Her nose is located in the mid Nose must be symmetrical and She has a good olfactory

line of the face and hasn’t along of the face. Each nostril function since she was able to
noted any swelling or masses. must be patent and recognize recognize everything we let
Both of her nostrils are patted the smell of an object. (Health his nose sniff while her eyes
and cilia project into the cavity Assessment and Physical were close. also she has no
of her internal mucosa is little Examination, Mary Ellen Zator sign of infection
pale without swelling and she Estes)
was to identify the different
odor of alcohol cologne and

Tactile She was able to identify things The skin contains receptors for Based on the norms and
we let her hold while her eyes pain, touch, pressure and findings that assessed, her
were close (such as pen, temperature. These receptors sense of touch is functioning
phone, and notebook). originate in the dermis and well.
terminate as either free nerve
endings throughout the skin’s
surface or as special touch
receptors that are encapsulated
and found predominantly in the
fingertips and lips. Sensory
signals that help determine
precise locations on the skin
are transmitted along rapid
sensory pathways, and less
distinct signals such as pressure
or poorly localized touch are
sent via slower sensory
pathways. ( Health Assessment

and Physical Examination,
Estes 2006)
Motor Stability During the assessment, she The patient remains erect and She has normal motor
was standing upright by their balanced during all stages of stability. No signs of kyphosis,
balcony, the shoulders are gait. The patient should be able lordosis, or scoliosis. Has a
symmetrical in height. When to transfer easily to various complete set of extremities
walking there is no also positions. There should be and was able to do ROM.
staggering and walks straight; absence of discomfort during
with complete extremities and range of motion exercise.
was able to do active range of (Health Assessment and
motion (ROM) Physical Examination, Mary
Ellen Zator Estes)
Body Temperature 1st Visit: 36.5 ⁰C. Normal axillary temperature is Her temperature is within the
2nd Visit: 37.1 ⁰C within 36.4⁰C to 37.4⁰C. normal range during the
(Health Assessment and assessments based on the
Physical Examination 3rd findings and norms stated
edition by Mary Ellen Zator
Respiratory Status Her respiratory rate is 29 cpm. Normal respiratory rate for Respiratory rate is within the
Above normal Her shoulders adults is 12-20cpm. Average is above normal range. No signs
are at the same level. No 18. In terms of pattern, normal of difficulty of breathing.
superficial veins visible. he is
respirations must be regular
also not using accessory
muscles while breathing. and even in rhythm. The
Breathing is not exaggerated, normal depth of respirations is
and respirations are regular and non-exaggerated and effortless.
even in rhythm. (Health Assessment and
Physical Examination 3rd
edition by Mary Ellen Zator

Circulatory Status Her pulse rate is 83 bpm and The normal cardiac rate for an Her cardiac rate is in normal
has a blood pressure of 90/70. adult is 60-100 beats per range and the blood pressure is
Her capillary refill time is 3 minute while the normal blood normal. The capillary refill is
pressure is 120/800mmHg. normal.
(Kozier, Fundamentals of
Nurisng 7 Edition)
2nd Visit: 100/70 Bpm
Nutritional Status She said that he usually drinks According to Health Asian Diet Her BMI is within the normal
8-10 glasses of water a day. Pyramid, there should be a range of 20-25, indicating that
She eats 3 times a day that daily intake of rice, grains, she’s healthy, especially
usually consist of rice, bread, fruits and vegetables; without vices.
vegetables and sometimes fish, optional daily for fish, shellfish
meat and cassava. she also said and dairy products; weekly for
that she doesn’t smoke and sweets, eggs and poultry, and
drink alcohol. She is weighing monthly for meat. There should
105lbs and standing 5’0 feet be an increased intake of a
tall. She has BMI of 20.5 wide variety of fruits and
vegetables. Include in the diet
foods higher in Vitamins C and
E, and Omega-3 fatty acid rich
foods. (
Elimination Status She said that he usually pees 3 Normal bowel movement of a Her elimination status is
times a day. With regards with person must be 1 to 2 times a normal. No abnormalities of
her bowel movement she day and voiding in 3 to 4 times the urine or stool.
a day with an output of 1200 to
defecates once a day and said
1500mL a day. A normal stool
that’s it’s not a loose/watery. is brown in color and well
Urine color assessed was formed, urine is clear to
yellowish as per Mrs. Rigor yellowish in color.
and doesn’t have a foul odor. (Fundamentals of Nursing,
Kozier, 2007)

Reproductive Status She has stated that her first Menarche, which is the first Based on the interview/
menstruation is at the age of 13 menstruation occur at assessment she has a normal
and her last menstruation/ she an average age of onset between reproductive status. And has
menopaused at the age of 48. 9 to 17 years old. Pregnancy may
no sexually transmitted disease
She got pregnant when she’s occur from stage of menarche up
17 years old. And she has no to cessation of menstrual noted.
history of sexually transmitted period.
infection/disease. Menopause occurs with age
range of 40 to 55.
(Maternal and Child Health
nursing fourthEdition by
Sleep-rest Pattern She usually sleeps 9:00Pm and Sleep refers to altered She has a normal sleeping
wakes 5:00Am to cook for her consciousness with general pattern based on the norms as
husband and for other member slowing of physiological stated and the number of hours
also. Whenever she have process while rest refers to
of sleep that she stated she’s
leisure time, she sometimes relaxation and calmness, both
usually spends it playing with mental and physical. A typical taking.
her grandchildren, and sleeper will pass through 7 to 9
sometimes tale a nap. hours of sleep and take a rest
using some relaxation activities
such as reading, telling stories
and others. (Nursing
Fundamentals by Rick Daniels)

State of Skin Appendages She has fair complexion and Obvious changes occur in the Has a normal state of skin and
warm to touch skin. No signs integumentary system (skin, appendages, no open wounds,
of infection such as redness or hair, nails) with age. The skin rashes.
swelling, no rashes and even
become drier and more fragile,
open wounds. Her hair is black
in color and not oily. the hair loses color, the finger
Fingernails and toenails are nails and toe nails become
untrimmed and unclean. thickened and brittle, and in

women over 60, facial hair
increases. These integumentary
system changes accompany
progressive losses of
subcutaneous fat and muscle
tissue, muscle atrophy, and loss
of elastic fibers. (Fundamental
of Nursing 7th Edition by
Barbara Kozier)

Abel Rodriguez ‘y Rigor

28 y/o
Area of assessment Findings Norms Analysis
Social Status As she stated when they have a Social status includes family She has harmonious
misunderstanding they settle it relationships/friendships that relationship with their
by talking each other. She state the patient’s support neighbors and her family.
socializes with their neighbors.
system in time of stress and in
She’s the one who spend more
time with their child than to time of need. It meets a
her husband she’s the one who fundament human need for
do the house chores. Same as social ties, making life less
usual life of Filipino family stressful and social support
they watch Television when buffers the negative effects of
she finishes the house chores stress, thus indicating indirectly
and whatever she’s doing.
contributing to good health
When they have a free time
they will have bonding and outcomes. (Friedman and
quality time by going to malls Smith 1988)
or some time they have

bonding by going to church. .
Mental Status

> General Appearance and Her clothes look neat, her The content of the patient’s She has a good education
Behavior fingernails and toe nails looks message should make sense. background based on normal
neat, her skin is not dry, her The ability to read and write state. She has a clean cloth and
hair is neat and she’s able to a clean finger nails and toe
should match the patient’s
read and write and also nails though untrimmed. She
cooperate during the interview. educational level. The patient has a normal state of skin and
She’s doesn’t look tired even should be able to correctly appendages based on norms
she carrying her 9 months old respond to questions and to stated.
daughter. identify all the objects as
requested. The patient should
be able to evaluate and act
appropriately in situations
requiring judgment. (Health
Assessment and Physical
Examination 3 Edition by
Mary Ellen Zator Estes)

>Level of consciousness and The level of consciousness and She was able to answer all the
She was cooperative during questions correctly. These are
orientation interview; she also respond to orientation determine whether a
major determinant that
our question correctly such as person is aware of things that
indicate his mental capabilities
how many children she has, are happening (Kozier 2004) are functioning well.
where she’s from, what day it
is and other questions
regarding the data needed
from our family case study.

>SPEECH Patient’s speech is She was able to communicate
As per assessing her, her way with us clearly( we didn’t had
of talking is clear loud enough understandable, in moderate
pace and in clear tone. a hard time understanding
and understandable
Thoughts are logical (Kozier what she was saying)

Emotional Status She said whenever they have The old adult is in the stage She has a good control over
misunderstanding at home they where an issue of ego integrity her emotion or feelings with
usually settles things out by vs. despair arises. Integrity the help of her family
talking about their problems
manifests with wisdom and
together. She goes out with her
kids to play with her friends feelings of satisfaction with
whenever she’s emotionally one’s life while despair arises
down. from remorse about what could
have been. The presence of
despair causes life to be viewed
as meaningless. (Nursing The process of
human development)
Sensory Perception

Sense of sight She has a normal visual test: The client who has a visual She has a normal visual test:
was able to read what we asked acuity of 20/20 is considered to was able to read what we
her to read, her eyes are have normal visual acuity. The asked her to read, her eyes are
symmetrical no lesion or symmetrical no lesion or
eyes must be symmetrical
swelling accessed, papillary swelling accessed, papillary
response is normal during the six cardinal gazes response is normal
test. The sclera should be white

with some small blood vessels.
Papillary constrictions should
occur when struck by light.
(Health Assessment and
Physical Examination, Mary
Ellen Zator Estes)

Sense of Taste We let her taste a little bit of Taste is intact in the posterior Her taste buds are functioning
sugar and coffee while her eyes one third of the tongue. (Health well.
are close for her to know the
Assessment and Physical
difference and she was able to
taste it. Examination, Mary Ellen Zator
Sense of hearing Her ears are symmetrical in For auditory acuity, the patient Based on norms her auditory
shape and has the same color should be able to repeat the accuracy is normal. No signs
with the skin. There was no words whispered from a of ear infection.
redness and swelling on her distance of two feet. (Health
ear. There was no complain of
Assessment and Physical
pain upon the assessment f
hearing. No tenderness and Examination, Mary Ellen Zator
redness noted. During whisper Estes)
test at a distance of 2 feet she
was able to repeat the words.
There was a small amount of
ear wax seen in both ear

Sense of Smell Her nose is located in the mid Nose must be symmetrical and She has a good olfactory
line of the face and hasn’t along of the face. Each nostril function since she was able to
noted any swelling or masses. must be patent and recognize recognize everything we let

Both of her nostrils are patted the smell of an object. (Health his nose sniff while her eyes
and cilia project into the cavity Assessment and Physical were close. also she has no
of her internal mucosa is little Examination, Mary Ellen Zator sign of infection
pale without swelling and she
was to identify the different
odor of alcohol cologne and

She was able to identify things The skin contains receptors for Based on the norms and
we let her hold while her eyes
pain, touch, pressure and findings that assessed, her
were close (such as pen,
phone, and notebook). temperature. These receptors sense of touch is functioning
originate in the dermis and well.
terminate as either free nerve
endings throughout the skin’s
surface or as special touch
receptors that are encapsulated
and found predominantly in the
fingertips and lips. Sensory
signals that help determine
precise locations on the skin
are transmitted along rapid
sensory pathways, and less
distinct signals such as pressure
or poorly localized touch are
sent via slower sensory
pathways. ( Health Assessment
and Physical Examination,
Estes 2006)

Motor Stability During the assessment, she The patient remains erect and She has normal motor
was sitting upright, through a balanced during all stages of stability. No signs of kyphosis,
little slouchy. When she walks, gait. The patient should be able lordosis, or scoliosis. Has a
there is no also staggering and
to transfer easily to various complete set of extremities
walks straight; with complete
extremities and was able to do positions. There should be and was able to do ROM
active range of motion (ROM) absence of discomfort during
range of motion exercise.
(Health Assessment and
Physical Examination, Mary
. Ellen Zator Estes)
Body Temperature 1st visit: 37.1 ⁰C. Normal axillary temperature is Her temperature is within the
2nd visit: 36.8 ⁰C within 36.4⁰C to 37.4⁰C. normal range during the
3rd visit: N/A (Health Assessment and assessments based on the
Physical Examination 3rd findings and norms stated
edition by Mary Ellen Zator
Respiratory Status Her respiratory rate is 17 cpm. Normal respiratory rate for Respiratory rate is within the
Her shoulders are at the same adults is 12-20cpm. Average is normal range. No signs of
level. No superficial veins 18. In terms of pattern, normal difficulty of breathing.
visible. She is also not using
respirations must be regular
accessory muscles while
breathing. Breathing is not and even in rhythm. The
exaggerated, and respirations normal depth of respirations is
are regular and even in rhythm. non-exaggerated and effortless.
(Health Assessment and
Physical Examination 3rd
edition by Mary Ellen Zator
Circulatory Status Her pulse rate is 76 bpm and The normal cardiac rate for an Her cardiac rate is in normal
has blood pressure of 100/60. adult is 60-100 beats per range and the blood pressure is

Her capillary refill time is 3 minute while the normal blood normal and the capillary refill
seconds pressure is 120/800mmHg. is normal.
(Kozier, Fundamentals of
Nurisng 7 Edition)
Nutritional Status She said that he usually drinks According to Health Asian Diet normal range, indicating that
6-8 glasses of water a day. She Pyramid, there should be a she’s healthy, especially
eats 3 times a day that usually daily intake of rice, grains, without vices.
consist of rice, vegetables and
bread, fruits and vegetables;
sometimes fish, meat and
cassava. she also said that he optional daily for fish, shellfish
doesn’t smoke and drink and dairy products; weekly for
alcohol. She is weighing sweets, eggs and poultry, and
115lbs and standing 5’2 feet monthly for meat. There should
tall. She has BMI of 20.5 be an increased intake of a
wide variety of fruits and
vegetables. Include in the diet
foods higher in Vitamins C and
E, and Omega-3 fatty acid rich
foods. (
Elimination Status She said that he usually pees 3 Normal bowel movement of a Her elimination status is
times a day. With regards with person must be 1 to 2 times a normal. No abnormalities of
her bowel movement she day and voiding in 3 to 4 times urine or stool.
defecates once a day and said a day with an output of 1200 to
that’s it’s not a loose/watery. 1500mL a day. A normal stool
Urine color assessed was is brown in color and well
yellowish as per Mrs. Rodrigez formed, urine is clear to
and doesn’t have a foul odor. yellowish in color.
(Fundamentals of Nursing,
Kozier, 2007)
Reproductive Status She stated that she had her first Menarche, which is the first Her reproductive status is
menstruation when she’s 13 menstruation occur at normal. No history of
years old and started to be an average age of onset between transmitted disease noted

sexually active when she was 9 to 17 years old. Pregnancy may
16 years old. She has an OB occur from stage of menarche up
scoring G3T3P0A0L3. She got to cessation of menstrual
pregnant when she’s 17 years period.
old. And according to her she Menopause occurs with age
has no history of sexually range of 40 to 55.
transmitted infections/disease.. (Maternal and Child Health
nursing fourthEdition by
Sleep-rest Pattern She usually sleeps 9:00Pm and Sleep refers to altered She has a normal sleeping
wakes 6:00Am to cook for her consciousness with general pattern based on the norms as
children and for other member slowing of physiological stated and the number of hours
also. Whenever she have process while rest refers to
of sleep that she stated she’s
leisure time, she sometimes relaxation and calmness, both
usually spends it playing with mental and physical. A typical taking.
her siblings or friends, and sleeper will pass through 7 to 9
sometimes take a nap. hours of sleep and take a rest
using some relaxation activities
such as reading, telling stories
and others. (Nursing
Fundamentals by Rick Daniels)

State of Skin Appendages She has fair complexion and Obvious changes occur in the Has a normal state of skin and
warm to touch skin. No signs integumentary system (skin, appendages, no open wounds,
of infection such as redness or hair, nails) with age. The skin rashes
swelling, no rashes and even
become drier and more fragile,
open wounds. Her hair is black
in color and not oily. the hair loses color, the finger
Fingernails and toenails are nails and toe nails become
untrimmed and unclean. thickened and brittle, and in
women over 60, facial hair
increases. These integumentary
system changes accompany

progressive losses of
subcutaneous fat and muscle
tissue, muscle atrophy, and loss
of elastic fibers. (Fundamental
of Nursing 7th Edition by
Barbara Kozier)

B. Nutritional Assessment

The grandmother of the family takes maintenance medicines for her heart disease, while
the other members do not take any medications or food supplements. They eat three times a day
and their diet is composed of rice, vegetables, picked fruits and sometimes they combine it with
meat and fish. The children are fond of eating sweets. Mrs. Abel Rodriguez is the one who
usually prepare their food. The children eats healthy food but they are also fond of eating sweets
and it is not healthy for them to take large amount of sugar in their body.


A nutrition assessment is an in-depth evaluation of both objective and subjective

data related to an individual's food and nutrient intake, lifestyle, and medical history.
Once the data on an individual is collected and organized, the practitioner can assess and
evaluate the nutritional status of that person. The assessment leads to a plan of care, or
intervention, designed to help the individual either maintain the assessed status or attain a
healthier status.

C. Values, Habits, Practices on health promotion, Maintenance and Disease Prevention

One member of the family does not have any vaccines or immunizations at all, but all of
them had their vaccines and immunizations.

The family has good rest and sleep. They usually sleep early, they sleep at around 8-9pm
and wake up early in the morning at around 6-7 am to prepare for school and for work. The
adults in the family does the house chores and do the farming.

The mother has her maintenance medicine for her heart problems but does not have
enough supplies of maintenance medicines because of financial problems. She limited her taking
of medicines only 2-3 times a week or if the heart problem attacks, but the prescribed dose of the
drug must be taken daily.

They have lack of knowledge about the importance of immunizations because one
member did not have any immunizations or vaccines at all.


The expanded program of immunization objective is to reduce infant
mortality and morbidity through decreasing the prevalence of six immunizable
diseases (TB, Diphteriasis, Pertusis, Tetanus, Polio, and Measles)

Children need to receive complete and timely immunization. Children who

are not fully immunized are more susceptible to common childhood diseases.

To have protection to the disease like: TB, Diphtheriasis, Pertussis,

Tetanus, Polio and Measles, we must fully vaccinated with BCG 1 dose after
birth, OPV 3 doses after 6 weeks, DPT 3 doses after 6 weeks HEPA B 3 doses
after birth and measles 1 dose after 9 months. (Maglaya book)


They do have normal sleep pattern and exercise but the family doesn’t recognize the
maintenance of health disease prevention. One of the children doesn’t have any of the
immunizations and vaccines while the others have completed their vaccines.

Family Measles (2 BCG DPT OPV HEPA B

member dose first at 12- (1 dose (1 dose (4 doses) (3-4 doses)
15 moths then at birth) at 7
6 years) years
Emiliano Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete
Brioleta Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete
Abel Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete
‘y Rigor
Lito Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete
Leandro Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete
John N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Dexter Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete
Princess Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete



1 - No competence

2 - Moderate Competence

3 - Complete Competence

Categories 1 2 3 Justification
1.) Physical Independence: 1stVisit: During our first visit we observe and notice that
the family is capable of doing their activities of daily living
This category is concerned with the ability to (bathing, dressing, etc) independently
move about to get out of the bed, to take care
daily grooming, walking and other things 2nd Visit: On this visit we observe that there’s a little bit
which involves the daily activities. difference

3rd Visit: We evaluate their hygiene and according to our

re- assessment there is an improvement, they do what we
advised them.
2.) Therapeutic component: 1st Visit: During our visit we notice that the family is
unable to monitor their health. They just have a
This category includes all the procedures or consultation in the health center when they are really ill or
treatment prescribed for the care of ill, such as ask medicines from the BHW.
giving medication, dressings, exercise and
relaxation, special diets. 2nd Visit: on our second visit, we notice that there was still
no improvement when it comes to their health

3rd Visit: On this visit we provide a health teaching

especially to a parent in the family and explain to her on
how important it is and just complied that they’ll go to the
health center not just when they’re really ill.
3.) Knowledge of health condition: 1st Visit: The family doesn’t know the underlying
This system is concerned with the particular principles and information about the illness or disease that
health condition that is the occasion of care they have in the family.

2nd Visit: The family has some general knowledge of the

health condition, but has not grasped the underlying
principles or partial information.

3rd Visit: We provide health teachings about their specific

condition and on this visit we observe an improvement and
they implement what we advised to them.
4.) Application of the principles of the 1st Visit: The family die is adequate and good, necessary
general hygiene: immunization were completed by the children; house in not
This is concerned with the family action in really dirty and organized, food handled in unsanitary way
relation to maintaining family nutrition, but children and adults have an adequate sleep and rest.
securing adequate rest and relaxation for
family members, carrying out accepted 2nd Visit: During this visit, we noticed that there’s
preventive measures, such as immunization improvement.

3rd Visit: On this visit we provide health teaching and we

observed that they are willing to do it.
5.) Health attitudes: 1st Visit: During our visit the family stated that they prefer
This category is concerned with the way the to go the Health Centers when the member of the family is
family feels about health care in general, in sick or needs a medical attention.
including preventive services, care of illness
and public health measures. 2nd Visit: On our second visit they are interested to the
health teaching that we imparted for their health and

3rd Visit: We provide health teachings on the family.

6.) Family living 1st Visit: During our visit we noticed that they respect
This category is concerned with the every individual’s decision and their relationship to each
interpersonal or group aspects of the family get member of the family; when it comes to decision-making
along with one another, the ways in which they and problem solving it is shared among the members of the
take decisions affecting the family as a whole. family except young members. Each member has his or her
own part or role in the family, which is well respected.

2nd Visit: On this visit they still give importance and

respect each and everyone’s decision.

3rd Visit: On this visit they still give importance and

respect each and everyone’s decision.
7.) Physical Environment 1st Visit: During our visit we noticed that there’s an
This is concern with the home, the community adequate living space for the family but disordered things
and the work environment as it affects family in the house. There is presence of accident hazards,
health breeding or resting site, presence of sharp object, and
unclean animal’s shelter.

2nd Visit: We provide a health teachings and also

encouraged them regarding on how important the
cleanliness of their house and their environment.

3rd Visit: We implement some of our intervention and

family members help and cooperate with us.


This Chapter discusses about the problem that were identified during the
assessment and interview with the family. It includes the cues/data, the family nursing
problem and the nursing diagnosis. The problems identified are categorized into
presence of wellness state, health deficits, health threats, and foreseeable crisis and
stress points.


1. Decide on a score for each of the criteria Score Weight

A. Nature of the problem Weight
a. Wellness state 3
b. Health deficit 3 1
c. Health Threat 2
d. Foreseeable Crisis 1

B. Modifiability of the problem

a. Easily Modifiable 2
b. Partially Modifiable 1 2
c. Not Modifiable 0

C. Preventive potential
a. High 3
b. Moderate 2 1
c. Low 1

D. Salience scale
a. A condition needing immediate attention 2
b. A condition needing immediate attention 1 1
c. Not perceive as problem 0

2. Divide the score by the highest possible score and multiply by the weight
3. Sum of the scores for all the criteria. The highest score is 5, equivalent to the total
Source: (Nursing Practice in the community Fourth Edition by Arceli S. Maglaya)


Problems Score
1. Presence of Sharp object as health threat 4.17
2. Presence of breeding sites as a health threat 4.17
3. Lack of knowledge about proper hygiene as health 4.17
4. Lack of knowledge in segregation as health threat 3.84
5. Incomplete immunization & vaccines as health 2.67

This table shows the priorities of family health problems that were identified. The
computation on how priorities were shown with their corresponding justification. These are the
top 5 problems in the family:

Presence of Sharp object as health threat


1.) Nature of the 2/3*1 0.67 It is a health threat
problem that requires an
because this can
cause harm to the
family members
2.) Modifiability of 2/2*2 2 It is easily
the problem modifiable with the
help of student
nurse by identifying
and having health
teaching for having
a sharp object in the
3.) Preventive 3/3*1 1 It is highly
potential preventable
because immediate
and easy action &
intervention can be
4.) Salience of the 1/2*1 0.5 A condition
problem needing immediate
Total: 4.17

Presence of breeding sites as a health threat


1.) Nature of the 2/3*1 0.67 It is a health threat
problem that requires an
intervention because
it can lead to an
illness or disease to
a family members
2.) Modifiability of 2/2*2 2 It is easily
the problem modifiable with the
help of student nurse
by identifying and
having health
teaching regarding
about the cause and
effect of having
breeding sites
3.) Preventive 3/3*1 1 It is highly
potential preventable because
immediate and easy
action &
intervention can be
4.) Salience of the 1/2*1 0.5 A condition needing
problem immediate attention

Lack of knowledge about proper hygiene as health threat


1.) Nature of the 2/3*1 0.67 It is a health threat
problem that requires an
intervention because
this can lead to an
illness or disease to
a family members
2.) Modifiability of 2/2*2 2 It is easily
the problem modifiable with the
help of student nurse
by identifying and
having health
teaching regarding
the proper hygiene

3.) Preventive 3/3*1 1 It is highly
potential preventable because
immediate and easy
action &
intervention can be
4.) Salience of the 1/2*1 0.5 A condition needing
problem immediate attention

Lack of knowledge in segregation as health threat


1.) Nature of the 2/3*1 0.67 The problem is
problem health threat that
requires immediate
attention and
management by a
family member
2.) Modifiability of 2/2*2 2 It is easily
the problem modifiable with the
help of student nurse
by identifying and
having health
teaching regarding
about the benefits of
having a knowledge
about segregation
3.) Preventive 2/3*1 0.67 It is moderately
potential preventable because
immediate and easy
action &
intervention can be
4.) Salience of the 1/2*1 0.5 A condition needing
problem immediate attention

Incomplete immunization & vaccines as health deficiency


1.) Nature of the 3/3*1 1 The problem is
problem health deficiency

that requires
immediate attention
and management by
a family member
2.) Modifiability of 1/2*2 0.5 It is partially
the problem modifiable with the
help of student nurse
by having health
teaching regarding
the importance of
having a complete
3.) Preventive 2/3*1 0.67 It is moderately
potential preventable because
the action can be
done by the mother
4.) Salience of the 1/2*1 0.5 A condition needing
problem immediate attention
Total: 2.67


Presence of Sharp object as health threat

Health Family Goal of care Objectives of Nursing Methods of Resources

Problems nursing care intervention nurse family required
problem contact
Presence of Inability to After three After three Discussed with Nursing home Human
sharp objects locate and days of days of nursing the family the visit Resource:
as a health properly place nursing home home visit, the risks of having
threat for the the sharp visits, the selected family sharp objects Health Time and effort
entire objects that are family will be : around the teachings of both student
population of surrounded able to identify house nurse and the
the family. around the the presence of -Will be able to family.
house. sharp objects identify where Discussed with
and how to the sharp the family
properly objects are where to put the
manage it. located sharp objects
and see to it
-Will be able to that it won’t
properly place cause harm.
the sharp
objects in the
correct are
where it should
be located.

Presence of breeding sites as a health threat

Health Family Goal of care Objectives of Nursing Methods of Resources

Problems nursing care intervention nurse family required
problem contact
Presence of Inability to After 3 days of After 3 days of Gave health Nursing home Shovels, this
breeding sites have an nursing home nursing home teachings visit can be used to
as a health environment visits, the visits, they will regarding the empty stagnant
threat. that is family will be be able to show problem and Health water.
conducive to able to acquire us how to emphasized to teachings
health knowledge properly them the risks Time and
maintenance about the risks manage the of breeding effort of both
due to lack of of having problem and be sites like the student
knowledge breeding sites able to mosquitoes are nurse and the
about this around the area understand the most likely to family.
problems. and how to risks of having live in these
manage the breeding sites breeding sites
specific around the that will affect
problem. area. their health
because these
mosquitoes can
carry different
viruses such as
dengue and

Lack of knowledge about proper hygiene as health threat

Health Family Goal of care Objectives of Nursing Methods of Resources

Problems nursing care intervention nurse family required
problem contact
Lack of Inability of the After 3 days of After 3 days of Performed Nursing home Time and
knowledge family to nursing home nursing home health teachings visit effort of both
about proper recognize visits the visits the family about proper the student
hygiene as a problems family will be will be able to hygiene like Health nurse and the
health threat. because of lack able to know recognize the brushing their teachings. family
of knowledge the problems problem and teeth three
on the and be able to will be able to times a day
importance of do hygienic show after meals,
proper hygiene practices. understanding cutting of
like hand regarding the fingernails
washing before importance of when they are
and after proper hygiene. already long,
meals, changing of
brushing of untidy clothes,
teeth, taking a taking a bath at
bath, changing least 2-3 times
of dirty daily. And
clothes, cutting washing hands
of long with soap and
fingernails. water before
and after meals.

Lack of knowledge in proper segregation as health threat

Health Family Goal of care Objectives of Nursing Methods of Resources

Problems nursing care intervention nurse family required
problem contact
Lack of Inability of the After 3 days of After 3 days of Gave health Nursing home Time and
knowledge in family to have nursing home nursing home teachings about visit effort of both
proper an adequate visits, the visits, the segregation like the student
segregation as knowledge family will be family would the Health nurse and the
a health threat. about the able to have be able to biodegradable teachings family.
health hazards adequate properly wastes must be
of not having a knowledge segregate separated from
proper regarding wastes and the non-
segregations of proper how to dispose biodegradable
waste. segregation of it. and hazardous
wastes like wastes, and
what are the how to dispose
wastes that them.
should be
together, the
wastes should
be separated
from the non-
and hazardous

Incomplete immunization & vaccines as health deficiency

Health Family Goal of care Objectives of Nursing Methods of Resources

Problems nursing care intervention nurse family required
problem contact
Incomplete Lack of After 3 days of After 3 days of Discussed with Nursing Transportation
immunizations knowledge nursing home nursing home the family the home visit from their
and vaccines as regarding the visits, the visits the family importance of house to the
a health potential risks family will be should immunizations Health health facilities
deficiency. of not having able to gain recognize the and vaccines in teachings
any knowledge problem and order for them Time and effort
immunizations about the will be able to to prevent of both the
and vaccines as potential risks understand the diseases which student nurse
a result of of not having importance of will cause and the family.
health any immunizations harm.
deficiency. immunizations and vaccines.
and vaccines. Advised the
especially those
who does not
have any
and vaccines to
go to the
nearest rural
health unit or
any health
facilities to
have their
and vaccines.


At the end of the rotation the A2 Group was able to develop and understand the health
condition of the Rigor Family and through that we were able to formulate the necessary nursing
care plan, effective patient care and we implement the proper nursing interventions to solve the
family health problems and environmental problems, health teaching and related knowledge and
different skills to the family. We implement the planned nursing interventions for the identified
problems and help the family members to improve their health management for their house and
surroundings. They became aware to the present condition within their home and environment
that can affect their health condition. Perceived the presence of problem that immediate action
and realize the importance of maintaining health by promoting a healthy environment lifestyle
and improve their health as well as their lives. Our exposure in the community strengthened and
gives more meaning to us in being a student nurse. It opens certain opportunities and challenges
for us to handle real situations in the community and allow us to deal and interact with different
types of families, and also apply nursing knowledge and skills.


The student nurse have identified and prioritized the problems and need with the family. The
student nurse have created care plan on how to deliver the best nursing care for the family to
address their needs.

The following are propositions and recommendations recognized by both the student nurse and

- The family should also maintain the proper hygiene, such as taking a bath every day
and brush their teeth 2 to 3 times a day.
- The family must identify the presence of sharp objects and how to properly manage
- The family will acquire knowledge about the risk of having breeding sites around the
area and how to manage specific problems.
- The family should know and should perform properly how to segregate wastes.
- The family should be aware about the potential risk of having incomplete
immunization and vaccines.

To the Barangay Health Official:

- Encourage the Barangay Health Officials to have monthly home visit to the families
that they have health problems.
- Conduct a seminar workshop to help the community in preventing disease.
- Provide a proper garbage disposal like trashcan in all the puroks in the barangay



During Assessment

During Intervention



Name: Tomilola Blessing

Name: Vincent Luis M. Rojo
Age: 20
Age: 18
Address: Paraiso Tarlac City
Address: Nigeria
Religion: Roman Catholic
Religion: Roman Catholic

Name: Merlene S. Salunga Name: Faith Onu

Age: 18 Age: 23
Address: Porac, Pampanga Address: Nigeria
Religion: Roman Catholic Religion: Roman Catholic

Name: Anthony Elijah P. Agustin Name: Mark Neil C. Guitterez

Age: 18 Age: 21
Address: Maligaya, Tarlac City Address: Matatalaib, Tarlac City
Religion: I.N.C Religion: Roman Catholic


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