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Safety and first aid

Subject science
Copy work
Q1. How do accidents usually happen?
Ans1. Accident can happen anytime anywhere without any
warning, when someone is careless.
Q2. What is first aid?
Ans2. First aid is the immediate help that is given to an
injured or sick person
Q3.Why are the following done?
I) medicines are kept away from the reach of the small
children: because they have the habit of putting everything
in their mouth this can be very dangerous so medicines
should be kept out of the reach of small children.
ii) A wound is washed well with the soap and water :- to get
rid of the germs which can enter the body through cuts and
cause infection.
Iii) A burned part of the body is immerged in running cold
water:- This will reduce the pain, redness and donot allow
blisters to form.
Q4. you areplaying with your friends . Suddenly one of them
start reading from the nose what will you do?
Ans4. I will ask my friend to lean forward and pinch the
nose till the breeding stops.
Q5. What is a fire extinguisher?
Ans5. Fire extinguishers are devices used to put out fire .
They are of various type they contain chemical that usually
give out either carbon dioxide or some other gas which help
to put out to the fire.
Q6. Mention two methods of extinguishing the petrol fire.
Ans6. We can extinguish petrol fire by throwing sand or
with the help of fire extinguisher.
Q7. Why should water not be used to put out an electrical
Ans7. We should never use water to put out and electrical
fire because there can be a chance of electric shock.
Q8. How will you put out an electrical fire?
Ans8. We can put out electrical fire by throwing sand on it
or by using special kind of fire extinguisher.
Force, work and energy
Subject science
Copy work

Answer the following questions:

Q1. Name the six type of simple machine.
Ans1i) Lever ii) Inclined Plane, iii) Screw iv) Pulley V) Wheel
and axle vi) Wedge.
Q2. What are the different types of lever? Give two example
of each.
A ns. First class lever: Draw the image of 2 First class lever
Second Class lever: Draw the image of 2 secound class lever
Third class lever : draw the image of third class lever
Q3. You have to load your Suitcase on to a truck. You are
not able to lift the suitcase. Which simple machine can help
you do this? Why?
Ans. To load our Suitcase on to a truck, An inclined plane
can help, because it is a gentle slope that help us to move a
heavy load with less effort.
Chapter :Weight, volume and Density
Subject science
Copy work
Ans1. Density is defined as weight of
unit volume of a substance.
Density= weight/volume
It is not the size or the weight that
makes things float or sink in liquid, it is

i) If the object is denser than water

it sinks.

ii) If it is less dense than water it

Chapter The Moon
Subject science
Copy work
Answer the following question
1. How does the moon shine even though it does not have the light of its
Ans1. Even though moon does not have its own light it will shine because it
reflects the light of the Sun.
Q2.Describe the surface of the moon.
Ans2. The surface of the moon is covered with the layer of the dust, it has
mountains and huge round pits called craters.
Q3. Why there is no rain on the moon?
Ans3. There is no rain on the moon because there is no atmosphere
surrounding the moon. So there is no wind, no cloud and no rain.
Q4. A) does the moon actually change it shape every night?
Ans:- No .
B. Why do you see different shapes of the moon every night from the
Ans:- we can see different shapes of moon every night from the earth
because we only see the part of the moon that reflect the sunlight to us.
The rest of the moon is in dark.
Q5. Notebook diagram of the formation of solar eclipse.
Ans 5 . Do it by yourself
Q6. Explain how the lunar eclipse occurs.
Ans6. When the earth comes in between the sun and the moon, the
shadow of the Earth can fall on the moon .We will not be able to see the
moon or can only see partially. We call this a lunar eclipse.
Q7. Mention two ways in which application satellite useful to us.
Ans7. Artificial satellite help in communicating, weather forecast ,
navigation and many other purpose.
Chapter Air and water
Subject science
Copy work

Answer the following questions

Q1. Why do people who climb high mountain carry oxygen
Ans1. The air become thinner as we go higher , breathing
become more and more difficult this is why mountaineers
carry oxygen while driving high mountains.
Q2. Identify the gas and give its percentage in air.
i) the gas that forms more than three quarter of the air.
Ans. nitrogen (N) 78%
ii) the gas that help your body to get energy from food.
Ans. Oxygen 21%
iii) the gas that plant need to make food.
Ans . Carbon dioxide 0.03%
Q3. How will you show that air is needed for burning.
Q4. Explain sedimentation and decantation.
Ans4. Sedimentation :- the method of settling down of
heavier insoluble in impurities in the water is called
Decantation:- carefully pouring out the clear water into
another glass . The sediment is left behind this process is
known as decantation.
Q5. Solid is dissolved in water. how will you get the solid
back from the water?
Ans5. By using the method of distillation we can get back
the dissolved solid back from the water.
Q6. What is distillation
Ans6. The method of evaporation followed by condensation
used to remove soluble impurities from the water is called
Q7. How is water made fit for drinking in the city water
Ans7. In the city water work sedimentation and filtration
are used to remove insoluble impurities . Chlorine is added
to kill germs.

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