MBTI Assignment

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7MBTI Assignment

1. Please fill the MBTI form and find out your personality type. (You have already done in class.)
You need to submit the form.

2. Please fill the Big Five personality type form (www.outofservice.com/bigfive) and print the
‘result’ page. You need to submit the form.

3. Now that you have found out your personality type on the MBTI form, you know you are one of
the 16th personality types. E.g. you may be INFP. Now, please google to find out the
characteristics of your personality type. E.g. Who is INFP? You need to write atleast a page on
the characteristic of your personality and submit. E.g. Who is INFP?

4. Now compare and contrast the results of your personality based on MBTI and Big Five. For e.g.,
have you been shown as high in extravert in both MBTI test and Big Five test or as extravert in
one as introvert in the other? You need to analyse which of the 2 tests you found more reliable
and why? Which test, MBTI or Big Five, or both, showed more reliable results on your
personality? As this is the main part of your assignment please submit it properly.

Put these sheets in a sequence:

1. MBTI test paper with results

2. Big Five screen shot of the result printed
3. Who are you according to MBTI? E.g. Who is INFP?
4. Analysis part.

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