2000 Ny Certif of Incorporation-Christian Congregation of Jws

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STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF STATE Thereby certify that the annexed copy has been compared with the original document in the custody of the Secretary of State and that the same is a true copy of said original. WITNESS my hand and official seal of the Department of State, at the City of Albany, on April 14, 2011. CE Es Daniel E. Shapiro First Deputy Secretary of State Rev. 06/07 00082 0b0 567 “CERTIFICATE OF INCORFORATION a a j CHRISTIAN CONGREGATION OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES ‘Under Section 402 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law — ‘The undersigned incorporstor hereby certifies: ARTICLE] i ase _"__The nathie of the cespeahan is CHRISTIAN CONGREGATION ¢ OF TEOOVALT WITNESSES. The prose f the corporation ar rlgouy,edoctiona, end “cally to: administer the Jehovah's Witnesses in the United States; support the efforts of Jchoval’ and teach the gospel of God’s Kingdom ‘under Christ Jesus as a witness. supremacy of Almighty God, JEHOVAH (Matthew 24:14; 28:19; 20; r 12); assist Jehovah's Witesses to distribute Bibles, Bible-based tion and comment explaining Bible truths and prophecy concerning the ree Foe eg Cen ee Property of a religious or educational nature; assist, ” ‘The corporation shall have members, The number of membérs, mem! tee ns meters el oiker mater ening canta _—- the bylaws, ARTICLE V “the cm ioe Syste yells sy dead reed of the Board of Directors. The number-of-directors,-directors’ qualifications, the-manner of — electing directors, and other matiers pertaining to'directors shall be 1s provide nthe trfew. “Tine dn [neal mcs me avin! —Paitip Bamley 131 Brimstone Road * Patterson, New You | 12563 — yi Seremy of Stato is hereby doce tnt of th sry pen wham eos 4 ess against it may be served. ‘The post office address to whith the Secretary ball axa a Tee ese nee arenes in orto ee “York 12563-9204 in vorolsl eal pf i vie orenion sl ctwise attempting to influence seriantoe de itinerant of of rin opposition to ny piel party or candidat for publi offic. ohn 18:19; 17:16) Note withstanding any other provision of these articles, the corporation shall not carry. om any other _activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from federal income tax un- der section 501(6\3) of the Intemal Revenue Code of 198, or the ¢ i tion 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, of the federal tax code. sf 4 ‘Upon winding up and dissolution ofthe corporation, after paying sos ey teorsins for the debts and obligations of the corporation, the assets shall ace Watch Tawer Bible and Tract Society of New York, tac. If lesnd Tract —Society of New Yorks Inc, is not then ‘a corporation: tax under soction 501(c)G) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or ‘corresponding section of any ‘nl nce en te meng cacy e's selena cm ean by the Governing Body of Jchovah’'s Witnesses that is c and-operated etelu- sively for-religious, educational, and/or charitable purposes and is’ corporation: exempt fic federal-income tax under section $01(c)(3)-of the-Internal-R ~ sponding section of any future t ood. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ' ‘thé undersigned issorperator; ~ age, hes made, See sea nen be eekocrwee ii STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF PUTNAM On'this')S day otanigiet 2000, tefore me persooaly came: known and. known to me to be the person described in and who: of incorporation and he duly acknowledged to me that he execited the . Noty Pus a ot Ne - York No. 4oenede- Contin Brien i Bao.

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