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LT TPpa TTA6O10 3tototar 4 Pre-requisite Syllabus version v.10 Course Objectives: T._ Exploring the characteristics of IatSmB®OF things and its design. 2. Defining the communication model with cloud environment. 3. Extrapolating the design thinking skills to new loT based prototypes for real life applications. Expected Course Outcomes: T. Design the logical and physical sructure of Ialemeeel Things. 2. Develop the communication system and protocol in implementing IfSHiGO Things. 3. Define the virtualization for Int@en@€6F things. 4. Configuration of OT devices. 5. Design functional model specification for HAR@HHGHGE Things based on domain specification. 6. Develop ar Inf@H€€GF Things application based on domain specification and real time applications. 7._Perform interactive product development using ToT technologies. Tatroduction to ToT Shours 1nd Characteristics, Physical Design of loT, Logical Design of loT. loT Enabling Technologies. Module: M2M and lol hours Tatroduction to M2M, Difference between IoT and M2M, SDN and NFV for [oT ‘Module:3 | lo Protocols 8 hours TEE 802.15.4, BACNet Protocol, Modbus, KNX. Zigbee Architecture, 6LOWPAN, RPL Module:d | Developing ISOEST ings G hours ToT Platforms Design Methodology, Python packages of Interest for loT, IoT Physical Devices and Endpoints ‘Module:5 | ToT and Cloud Shours ToT Physical Servers and Cloud Offerings, [oT Tools:Chet, Puppet Module:6 | Data Analytics for [oT Thours Big Data Platforms for the ToT, Hadoop Map Reduce for Batch Data Analysis, Apache Oozie Workflows for loT Data Analysis, In-Memory Analytics using Apache Spark, Apache Storm for Real Time Data Analysis, Sustainability Data and Analytics in Cloud based M2M Systems, Fog Computing: A Platform for loT and Analytics Module:7 | Domain Specific 1loTs Shours ‘Home Automation, Cities, Environment, Energy, Retail, Logistics, Agriculture, Industry, Health and Lifestyle, Virtual Reality Intemet Advertising, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Health Information System: Genomics Driven Wellness Tracking and Management System(Go-WELL) Module: ] Contemporary issues Thours Expert Talk Total Lecture Hours: 5 hours ‘Text Book(s) 1. | Arshdeep Bahga, Vijay Madisetti, IntGHiG0OF Things: A Hands-on Approach, 2015, 1Edition, Universities Press. ‘Reference Books T. | Olivier Hersent, David Boswarthick, Omar Elloumi, The [memetgor Things — Key applications and Protocols, 2012, Wiley Publication. 2. | Honbo Zhou, The Infemetef Things in the Cloud: A Middleware Perspective, 2012, CRC Press. 3. | Dieter Uckelmann; Mark Harrison; Florian Michahelles Architecting the THIGEREEME Things, 2011, Springer. Recommended by Board of Studies | 05-03-2016 ‘Approved by Academic Council a0" Date [18-03-2016

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