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Number : 06/ITTC/2H/A-a/I/1444 H Gontor 5, 17th December 2022 M

Enc :-

Dear Honorable,
Sport Section

Assalamualaikum Wr, Wb.

The Chief of Class 2H at Darussalam Gontor Modern Islamic Institution Campus 5

Darul Qiyam, Magelang, on 3-4 Desember 1444H / 2022M, request your kindness to Permit us
is our agenda will be held on :

Day : Sunday
Date : 18 December 2022
Time : Morning
Place : Eternal Field
Futsal Match : 2H VS 3D

Thanks for your kindness, may allah bless you all.

Wassalamualaikum, Wr, Wb

Known by,

Sport Section Chief Of Class 2H

(__________________________) (__________________________)

Approved by

Guidance Staff Tutor of Class 2H

(__________________________) (__________________________)

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