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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Pindasan, Mabini, Davao De Oro


Grade 11 ( Oral Communication)
Learning Modality : Face-to-Face

I. A. Content Standards: The learner understands the nature and elements of

communication in context.
B. Performance Standards: The learner designs and performs effective controlled and
uncontrolled oral communication activities based on context.
C. Learning Competency: Uses various strategies in order to avoid communication
At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
a. explain the functions, nature and process of communication;
b. internalize various strategies in order to avoid communication breakdown; and
c. create a scenario that show the communication process.


Time Frame: 20 minutes
Reference: Learner’s Material, Teacher’s, Nature and Elements of communication Slide Share
Materials: Pictures, Videos, PPT


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

1. Opening Prayer
2. Greetings (Students pray while video prayer is playing)
3. Classroom Management
4. Checking of Attendance (Students are listening in their comfortable areas.
5. Review
Students will share about the past activities and
Teacher’s Activity



activity) Directions The students participates to the activity
1. Group yourself into 5 groups. given.
2. Assigned a leader to get the strip of
paper inside the box.
3. Whisper the given paragraph to your
classmate in the front until it reaches the
first person in the line.
4. Write the accurate sentences on the
board. The group that will finish first in
2 min. will have 5 points in quiz.

“The way we communicate with others

and with ourselves ultimately
determines the quality of our lives.”
- Anthony Robins
C. Did you enjoy the activity? (The students will answer to the given
D. Was the sentence accurately questions).
transmitted? Why or why not?
E. What help you accomplished the
task well? What hindered you
from doing it well?
F. If you will repeat the process,
how would you improve it?
G. What do you think is our lesson
for today?


Whether we are talking or texting, video

or voice mail-chatting, tweeting, or
commenting on a Facebook status, we
choose to have conversation throughout
the day.. The act of having
conversations with anyone is called
It is the transmission of ideas and
emotions between or among
Communication is a structured two-way
process essential in transmitting
information and expressing ideas
among individuals. This two-way
process may come in two forms: verbal
and nonverbal communication.
Verbal’ is the Latin adjective of ‘Word’.
So, verbal communication means
communicating with words, whether
written or spoken.
A teacher discussing his lesson to the
An applicant who writes his application
letter for a job vacancy.
Nonverbal communication is the
transmission of messages or signals
through a nonverbal platform such as
eye contact, facial expressions, gestures,
posture, and the distance between two
1. The facial expressions for
happiness, sadness, anger,
surprise, fear, and disgust.
2. Ok sign made with hands ( be
careful in using this gesture
because in English-speaking
countries it convey positive (Students are attentively listening while
message but in Germany, Russia, watching the video)
and Brazil, it is considered as

(The teacher will also discuss the

functions of communication).

Elements of Communication
Sender - is the person who is
initiating the communication or
sending the message. It can be a
person or a party like a company.
Message –the information that
the sender wants to
Encoding - is the process of
assembling symbols
to communicate the message or
simply put the process of putting
thought into a symbolic form.
People use words and images to
convey their intended message.
Basically, it is how the
information is to be
communicated (eg. Verbal or
Channel - the channel of
communication that is used to
transmit the message. In the case
of verbal communication, you
might be using a phone or
talking to the receiver directly. In
the case of a written message,
you can use an email or some
chat tool like WhatsApp.
Receiver - the recipient of the
message from the sender. He
usually gives feedback to the
sender in order to make sure that
the message was properly
Decoding- is the process of
interpreting the message or the
process by which the receiver
assigns meaning to the symbols
in a message. This is basically
how the recipient of the message
understand the message.
Feedback -  is that part of the
receiver’s response which is
communicated back to the
Example of Communication Process
Melai loves Jason, her suitor as a friend.
She thinks of how to tell him using their
native language. She tells him, “Jason
gihigugma tika isip us aka amigo”. She
did it through a phone call. Jason hears
what Melai says. He tries to internalized
what she means based on the content
and their relationship, and he is
heartbroken. He frowns an does not say
something because he is in pain.
Noise - is the unplanned
distortion during the process of
communication which may cause
the receiver to receive a different
message than the intended one.
When the message or feed feedback was
not sent or received properly, then
communication breakdown and noise
will happen leading to the possible
barriers to effective communication.
Types of Noise
Physical noise is interference
that is external to both speaker
and listener; it hampers the
physical transmission of the
signal or message.

Examples of physical noise:

loud party at the neighbors while you’re

trying to record a song

loud kids who don’t want to take their


irritating hum of your computer, air

conditioner, or heater while you are (Students attentively listening to the
talking to a friend lesson)

Physiological noise is created by

barriers within the sender or receiver.
Examples of physiological noise on the
podcaser’s side:

articulation problems
talking too fast
talking too slow
forgetting to pause
forgetting to breathe
An example of physiological noise on
the listener’s side: hearing problems.
Maybe the listener can’t hear high tones
as clearly as they used to. For some, low
tones are the problem. Their difficulty in
literally hearing words and sounds
becomes physiological noise.

Psychological noise is mental

interference in the speaker or
Three examples of psychological
noise are wandering thoughts,
preconceived ideas, and sarcasm.
Semantic noise refers to when a
speaker and a listener have
different interpretations of the
meanings of certain words. For
example, the word “weed” can
be interpreted as an undesirable
plant in a yard or as a
euphemism for marijuana.

The following strategies are intended to

avoid communication breakdown, these
would “develop a clear understanding
of the speaker’s concern and also to
clearly communicate the listener’s
interest in the speaker’s message”

1.Stop. Focus on the other

person, their thoughts and
feelings. Consciously focus on
quieting your own internal
commentary, and step away from
your own concerns to think
about those of the speaker. Give
your full attention to the speaker.

2.Look. Pay attention to non-

verbal messages, without letting
yourself be distracted. Notice
body language and non-verbal
cues to allow for a richer
understanding of the speaker’s
point. Remember that “active
listeners need to communicate to
the speaker that they are
involved and giving the person
unconditional attention” (Weger,
Castle, & Emmett, 2010, p. 35).

3. Listen. Listen for the essence of

the speaker’s thoughts: details,
major ideas and their meanings.
Seek an overall understanding of
what the speaker is trying to
communicate, rather than
reacting to the individual words
or terms that they use to express

4.Be empathetic. Imagine how

you would feel in their
circumstances. Be empathetic to
the feelings of the speaker, while
maintaining a calm centre within
yourself. You need not be drawn
into all of their problems or
issues, as long as you
acknowledge what they are
experiencing. (Students perform the activity)
5. Ask questions. Use questions
to clarify your understanding, as
well as to demonstrate interest in
what is being said.

6. Paraphrase. If you don’t have

any specific questions to ask, you
may choose to repeat back to the
speaker, in your own words,
what you have taken away, in
order to allow the speaker to
clarify any points (Weger et al.,

Following these strategies may reduce

noise on effective communication and
would help both speaker and listener to
make the conversation clear and to
avoid miscommunication.

Let the students watch the video with
the title, “A Failure to Communicate’’.
Let the students identify the elements in
the process of communication and
explain how each element affects the
communication process.

For our quiz today, I’ll be posting the
questions on the screen and I will read it
to you twice. You are given 10 seconds
only to answer and I will reveal to you
the correct answer of the given item
before we will proceed to other
remaining items. I believe that we are all
1. What do you call this
element of communication
refers to the information
that the sender wants to
communicate? Answer:
2. This element of
communication is the
unplanned distortion
during the process of
communication which
may cause the receiver to
receive a different
message than the intended
one.  Answer: Noise
3. This element of
communication is used to
transmit the message. In
the case of verbal
communication, you
might be using a phone or
talking to the receiver
directly. Answer: Channel
4. It is that part of the
receiver’s response which
is communicated back to
the sender. Answer:
5. He or She is the recipient
of the message from the
sender. He usually gives
feedback to the sender in
order to make sure that
the message was properly
received. Answer
: Receiver
6-10. What are the 4 types of
Noise that cause
communication breakdown?
Answer: Physical noise,
Psychological noise,
physiological noise, semantic

Prepare a two-minute speech that communicates that communicates your ideas about
the topic. Scenario: You are addressing a group of parents and teachers in an assemble
on understanding your generation known as the “Millennial’s Generation.”

Prepared by:
Teacher I
Checked by:
Head Teacher III

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