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Launching of the construction of the first highway of Madagascar

A new page of history was written this December 3, 2022, date of the official launch of the
construction work of the first highway of Madagascar. The President of the Republic Andry Rajoelina
proceeded, this day, to the first shovel of the works in the commune of Ambolo, Talata Volonondry.

The construction of this 260km highway linking Antananarivo and Toamasina, is the sustainable
solution brought by the Government to face the recrudescence of vehicles circulating on the national
road number two. Indeed, the overloading of trucks transporting goods from Toamasina is the main
cause of deterioration of this road, which is repaired every year.

The implementation of this infrastructure is a challenge launched by the Malagasy State and is part
of the realization of the velirano number 11 of President Andry Rajoelina, concerning the
modernization of Madagascar. This highway will start from Tsarasaotra and will cross Sabotsy
Namehana - Ambohimanga Rova - Talata Volonondry - Anjozorobe, passing through Andaingo to join
the national road 44 to Toamasina. It will have 4 lanes, 6 toll stations, 3 rest areas, with special
devices such as cameras, radars, lighting, as well as equipment for counting vehicles and detecting
incidents. Once the work is completed, the journey will take 2.5 hours, compared to 8 to 10 hours to
cover the 370 km on the current RN2.

This new highway will have a beneficial impact on the economic life of the country and will create
thousands of jobs, providing a living for thousands of families from the three regions it will cross,
namely Atsinanana, Alaotra-Mangoro and Analamanga. The realization of this large-scale project has
been entrusted to the Egyptian construction giant, the company SAMCRETE, whose construction
contract was signed on November 3.

"Our goal is to make Madagascar the showcase of development in the Indian Ocean," said President
Andry Rajoelina, before concluding that "It is not my name that I want to praise, but achievements
and infrastructure for future generations.

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