FORM 5 - CH03 - More About Graphs of Functions

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5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions

Po Leung Kuk Wu Chung College
F.5 Mathematics
Chapter Three
More about Graphs of Functions
Name: ___________ Class: ________(_____) Date: ___________
3.1 Using graphical method to solve equation(利用圖解法解方程)
概念與例子:運用圖解法解二次方程 x 2  4 x  1  4 。

x2  4x  1  4

y  x 2  4 x  1 圖像 y  4 圖像
(拋物線) (直線)

相交點的 x 坐標

步驟一、判斷是否需要移項。(在這題 x 2  4 x  1  4 中,左方已是所給的圖像,因此不用移項)
步驟二、在所給的圖像上繪畫直線 y  k 。(在這題中,加上了直線 y  4 )
步驟三、相交點的 x 坐標就是該方程的解。

y  x2  4x  1


1 5

由於 y  x 2  4 x  1 的圖像與 y  4 的圖像相交於 x  1 及 x  5 ,
因此,二次方程 x 2  4 x  1  4 的解是 x  1 或 5 。

F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
Ex 1. Given the graph of y  x  2 x  4 .
Ex 2. Given the graph of y   x 2  3 x  2 .
Using graphical method to solve Using graphical method to solve
x 2  2x  4  2 .  x 2  3x  2  1 .

Ex 3. Given the graph of y  x 2  4 x  3 . Ex 4. Given the graph of y   x 2  3 x  1 .

Using graphical method to solve Using graphical method to solve
x 2  4x  3  1 .  x 2  3x  1  2 .

Ex 5. Given the graph of y  f  x  .

Using graphical method to solve
f x   0 .

F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
Ex 6. Given the graph of y  3 cos x .
Using graphical method to solve
3 cos x  0 .

Ex 7.(a) Given the graph of y  x 3  2 x 2  x  3 . Using graphical method to solve x 3  2 x 2  x  3  2 .

(b) Given the graph of y  x 3  2 x 2  x  3 . Using graphical method to solve x 3  2 x 2  x  3  4 .

Ex 8. Given the graph of y  log 3 x . Ex 9. Given the graph of y  5 x .

Using graphical method to solve Using graphical method to solve
log 3 x  0.5 . 5 x  15 .

F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
Ex 10. Given the graph of y  3 x  4 x  5 .
Ex 11. Given the graph of y  x3  3x 2  x  1 .
Using graphical method to solve Using graphical method to solve
3x 2  4 x  3  4 . x3  3x 2  x  4  3 .

Ex 12. Given the graph of y  f  x  . Ex 13. Given the graph of y  f  x  .

Using graphical method to solve Using graphical method to solve
f x   4  3 . 2 f x   3  6 .

Ex 14. Given the graph of y  x 2  1 . Ex 15. Given the graph of y  cos x .

Using graphical method to solve Using graphical method to solve
x2  2  1 . 6 cos x  1  2 .

F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
Ex 16. Given the graph of y   x  3 x  4 .
Ex 17. Given the graph of y  log 3 x .
Using graphical method to solve Using graphical method to solve
 x 2  3x  0 . 5 log 3 x  4  0 .

Ex 18. Given the graph of y  2 x 3  3x 2  3x  2 . Using graphical method to solve

4x 3  6x 2  6x  4  4 .

1. x  1.7, x  3.7 2. x  0.8, x  3.8
3. x  0.6, x  3.4 4. x  0.4, x  2.6
5. x  3, x  0, x  1 6. x  90,270
7. (a) x  0.8, x  0.5, x  2.2 (b) x  2.6
8. x  1.7 9. x  1.7
10. x  1, x  2.3 11. x  0.4, x  1, x  2.4
12. x  0.6, x  0, x  1, x  2.8
13. x  0.5, x  1.2 14. x  1.7, x  1.7
15. x  60, x  300 16. x  0, x  3
17. x  0.4 18. x  0.7, x  0, x  2.2

F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
3.2 Using graphical method to solve inequality(利用圖解法解不等式)
概念與例子:運用圖解法解二次方程 x 2  1  3 。

 
x2 1
 3
 
 

y  x 2  1 圖像 y  3 圖像
(拋物線) (直線)

判斷 x 的範圍
步驟一、判斷是否需要移項。(在這題 x 2  1  3 中,左方已所給的圖像,因此不用移項)
步驟二、在所給的圖像上繪畫直線 y  k 。(在這題中,加上了直線 y  3 )
步驟三、判斷 x 的範圍。

y y  x2 1


2 2

由於 y  x 2  1 的圖像與 y  3 的圖像相交於 x  2 及 x  2,因此,不等式 x 2  1  3 的解是  2  x  2 。

F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
1. Given the graph of y  x  x  2 .
2. Given the graph of y  x 2  2 x  3 .
Using graphical method to solve inequality Using graphical method to solve inequality
x  x2  4。
x 2  2 x  3  3 。

3. Given the graph of y   x 2  3 x  4 . 4. Given the graph of y  x 2  1 .

Using graphical method to solve inequality Using graphical method to solve inequality
 x  3x  4  2 。
x 2 1  1。

5. Given the graph of y  x 3  3 x 2  x  1 . 6. Given the graph of y   x 3  3 x 2  4 .

Using graphical method to solve inequality Using graphical method to solve inequality
x  3x  x  1  0 。
3 2
 x 3  3x 2  4  6 。

F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
7. Given the graph of y  cos x . 8. Given the graph of y  log 3 x .
Using graphical method to solve inequality Using graphical method to solve inequality
cos x  0.5 。 1
log 3 x  。

9. Given the graph of y  x 2  5 x  6 . 10. Given the graph of y  3 x 2  4 x  5 .

Using graphical method to solve inequality Using graphical method to solve inequality
x  5 x  6  0.5 。
3x 2  4 x  5  7 。

11. Given the graph of y  x 3  2 x 2  x  2 . 12. Given the graph of y  f  x  .

Using graphical method to solve inequality Using graphical method to solve inequality
x  2 x  x  3  2 。
3 2
2 f x   1  3 。

F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
13. Given the graph of y  f  x  . 14. Given the graph of y  f  x  .
Using graphical method to solve inequality Using graphical method to solve inequality
2 f x   3 6 f x   2  5 。
 1。

Ans: 1. 2 x 3 2. x  0 or x  2 3.  2  x  1
4. x  1.4 或 x  1.4 5.  0.4  x  1 或 x  2.4 6.  2.8  x  1 or x  0.8
7. 120  x  240 8. x  1.7
9. all real number x 10. No solution 11. x  2.3 or  0.5  x  0.8
12.  2.8  x  0.8 13.  0.9  x  1.4 14. x  2.2 or x  0.8

F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
3.3 Transformation of the graph of a function(函數圖像的變換)
A. Translate upward/downward/to the left/to the right(圖像向上下左右平移)

If y  f x   k such that k  0 , then the graph of If y  f x   k such that k  0 , then the graph of
y  f x   k can be obtained by translating the y  f x   k can be obtained by translating the
graph of y  f x  upward by k units. graph of y  f x  downward by k units.
y y  f x   k y y  f x 

y  f x  y  f x   k

k k

x x

If y  f x  h  such that h  0 , then the graph of If y  f x  h  such that h  0 , then the graph of
y  f x  h  can be obtained by translating the y  f x  h  can be obtained by translating the
graph of y  f x  to the left by k units. graph of y  f x  to the right by k units.
y y
y  f x  h  y  f x  y  f x  y  f x  h 

h h
x x

上 左 加
下 右 減

註:向上,向左移,會見加號( + )
向下,向右移,會見減號( - )

F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
Ex: In each of the following, the graph of the function y = f(x) undergoes a translation to become the graph
of the function y = g(x). State the direction and the distance of the translation, and express g(x) in terms
of f(x).
(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

(a) g x   f x   2 (c) g x   f x   3 (e) g x   f x   4
(b) g x   f x  3 (d) g x   f x  1 (f) g x   f x  2
F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions

1. In each of the following, the graph of the function y = f(x) undergoes a transformation to become the
graph of the function y = g(x). Describe the transformation.

f x 
(a) g x   f x   3 ……………………………………………………………………

(b) g x   f x   5 ……………………………………………………………………

(c) g x   f x  2 ……………………………………………………………………

(d) g x   f x  3 ……………………………………………………………………

(e) g x   f x  1  2 ……………………………………………………………………

(f) g x   f x  4  5 ……………………………………………………………………

(g) g x   f x  6  3 ……………………………………………………………………

2. In each of the following, the graph of the function y = f(x) undergoes a translation to become the graph
of the function y = g(x). Describe the transformation.

f x   x 2
(a) g x   x 2  2 ……………………………………………………………………


(b) g x   x 2  3 ……………………………………………………………………


g x  x  4
(c) ……………………………………………………………………


g x  x  3
(d) ……………………………………………………………………


g x  x  1  5
(e) ……………………………………………………………………


F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
3. In each of the following, the graph of the function y = f(x) undergoes a translation to become the graph
of the function y = g(x). Describe the transformation.

f x   x 2  1
(a) g x   x 2  4 ……………………………………………………………………


g x  x  1
(b) ……………………………………………………………………


g x  x  1  3
(c) ……………………………………………………………………


g x  x  3  6
(d) ……………………………………………………………………


g x  x  2  5
(e) ……………………………………………………………………


4. In each of the following, the graph of the function y = f(x) undergoes a transformation to become the
graph of the function y = g(x). Describe the transformation.

f x   x 2  3x

(a) g x   x 2  3x  2 ……………………………………………………………………

(b) g x   x 2  3x  4 ……………………………………………………………………

g x  x  1  3x  1
(c) ……………………………………………………………………

g x  x  2  3x  2
(d) ……………………………………………………………………

g x  x  2  3x  2  5
(e) ……………………………………………………………………

F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
5. In each of the following, the graph of the function y = f(x) undergoes a transformation to become the
graph of the function y = g(x). Describe the transformation.

f x  x  1  3

g x  x  1  5
(a) ……………………………………………………………………

g x  x  1  2
(b) ……………………………………………………………………

g x  x  5  3
(c) ……………………………………………………………………

g x  x  2  3
(d) ……………………………………………………………………

(e) g x   x 2  4 ……………………………………………………………………

g x  x  6 1
(f) ……………………………………………………………………

B. Reflection in the x-axis and y-axis(沿 x 軸或 y 軸反射)

If g x   f  x  , then the graph of y  g x  can If g x    f x  , then the graph of y  g x  can
be obtained by reflecting the graph of y  f x  in be obtained by reflecting the graph of y  f x  in
the y -axis. the x -axis.
y y
y  f  x  y  f x 
y  f x 


y   f x 

F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
Ex: In each of the following, the graph of the function y = f(x) undergoes translation or/and reflection to
become the graph of the function y = g(x). State the direction and the distance of the translation or/and
reflection, and express g(x), h x  in terms of f(x).
(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

(g) (h)

F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
(a) g x   f  x  (c) g x   f  x  (e) g x   f  x 
(b) g x    f x  (d) g x    f x  (f) g x    f x 
(g) g x   f x   5 , hx   f x  6  5 (h) g  x   f  x  7  , h x    f  x  7 

1. In each of the following, the graph of the function y = f(x) undergoes a transformation to become the graph
of the function y = g(x). Describe the transformation or write down the function of g(x) according to the

f x 
(a) g x   f  x  ……………………………………………………………………

(b) g x    f x  ……………………………………………………………………

(c) ………………………………… translating the graph of y = f(x) to the left by 2 units

(d) ………………………………… translating the graph of y = f(x) to the right by 3 units

(e) ………………………………… translating the graph of y = f(x) upward by 4 units

(f) ………………………………… translating the graph of y = f(x) downward by 1 unit

(g) g x   f x  6  3 ……………………………………………………………………

(h) g x   f x  2  1 ……………………………………………………………………

2. In each of the following, the graph of the function y = f(x) undergoes a transformation to become the graph
of the function y = g(x). Describe the transformation or write down the function of g(x) according to the

f x   x 2
(a) ………………………………… reflecting the graph of y = f(x) in x -axis

(b) ………………………………… reflecting the graph of y = f(x) in y -axis

gx  x  3
(c) ……………………………………………………………………

(d) g x   x 2  4 ……………………………………………………………………

F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions

(e) ………………………………… translating the graph of y = f(x) to the left by 3 units

………………………………… then reflect in y-axis

(f) ………………………………… translating the graph of y = f(x) to the right by 2 units

………………………………… then reflect in x-axis

(g) ………………………………… translating the graph of y = f(x) upward by 4 units

………………………………… then reflect in y-axis

(h) ………………………………… translating the graph of y = f(x) to the right by 1 unit

………………………………… then reflect in x-axis

3. In each of the following, the graph of the function y = f(x) undergoes a transformation to become the graph
of the function y = g(x). Describe the transformation.

f x  x 1

g x   x  1
(a) ……………………………………………………………………

g x  x  1
(b) ……………………………………………………………………

g x   x  4
(c) ……………………………………………………………………

gx   x  5
(d) ……………………………………………………………………

gx  x  1  4
(e) ……………………………………………………………………

g x   x  1  2
(f) ……………………………………………………………………

g x  x  1  3
(g) ……………………………………………………………………

g x   x  5
(h) ……………………………………………………………………

F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
4. In each of the following, the graph of the function y = f(x) undergoes a transformation to become the graph
of the function y = g(x). Describe the transformation or write down the function of g(x) according to the

f x   x 2  3x
(a) 
g x    x 2  3x  ……………………………………………………………………

(b) g x   x 2  3x ……………………………………………………………………

g x  x  2  3x  2
(c) ……………………………………………………………………

(d) ………………………………… translating the graph of y = f(x) to the right by 4 units

(e) ………………………………… reflecting the graph of y = f(x) in y-axis

………………………………… then translate to the left by 1 unit

(f) ………………………………… reflecting the graph of y = f(x) in x-axis

………………………………… then translate to the right by 2 units

(g) 
g x   x  3  3x  3
 ……………………………………………………………………

(h) g x   x 2  3x  5 ……………………………………………………………………

Public exam questions:

(2012 DSE) 38. Which of the following may represent the graph of y  f x  and the graph of
y  f x  2  1 on the same rectangular coordinate system?

F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
(2011 HKCEE)
37. Which of the following may represent the graph of y  f x  and the graph of y  f  x  2  2 on the
same rectangular coordinate system?

(2010 HKCEE)
37 Let f ( x) be a quadratic function. The figure shows the graph of y  f ( x) and

A. the graph of y  f x  2
B. the graph of y  f x  2
C. the graph of y  f  x 
D. the graph of y   f x 

F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
(2008 HKCEE)
37. Which of the following may represent the graph of y  f ( x) and the graph of y  f ( x)  2 on the same
rectangular coordinate system?
A. B.

C. D.

(2007 HKCEE)
38. Which of the following may represent the graph of y  f ( x) and the graph of y  f ( x  1) on the same
rectangular coordinate system?

2012 Q.38 C
2011 Q.37 D
2010 Q.37 C
2008 Q.37 D
2007 Q.38 D

F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
Revision Exercises:
1. The graph of C2 can be obtained by doing a transformation on the graph of C1 .
Describe the transformation. y
C1: y  f (x)
4 P (1, 5)


4 Q (1, 5)
C2: y  g (x)

2. In the figure, the graphs of C1 and C2 can be obtained by translating the graph of C : y  x 2 .
Their vertex are A(5, 3) and B(3, 2). State the direction and the distance of the translation.
(a) C1 y
C: y  x2
(b) C2
A (5, 3)


B (3, 2)

3. A function can be obtained by translating the graph of y  x 2 to the right by 5 units and reflecting in
y-axis. Write down that function.




4. Given that y  x 2  x  5 . The graph of y = f(x) is translated to the left by 2 units to become the graph of
y = g(x). Find g(x).





F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
5. Some functions can be obtained by doing transformation of the graph of y  ( x  1) 2  2 .Find the
(a) reflected in x-axis
(b) translated to the left by 5 units and the upward by 3 units
(c) translated upward by 7 units and reflected in y-axis





6. The following graphs can be obtained by doing transformation of the graph of y  f (x) .
Describe the transformation.
(a) y   f (x)
(b) y  f ( x  1)
(c) y  f ( x  2)  4
(d) y   f (  x)
7. The figures show the graph of y  f (x) .
(i) Describe the transformation of the functions below.
(ii) Sketch the following functions.
(a) y   f (x) (b) y  f ( x  2)  5
(i)……………………………………………… (i)………………………………………………

………………………………………………… ……………….…………………………………
(ii) y (ii) y
y  f (x) y  f (x)
4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

x x
3 2 1 O 1 2 3 3 2 1 O 1 2 3
1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4
F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
(c) y   f ( x  3)
(i) ……………………………………………………………………………………………
y  f (x)

3 2 1 O 1 2 3




1. If the graph of y = g(x) is obtained by translating the graph of y = f(x) to the left by 2 units, then
A. g(x) = f(x)  2。
B. g(x) = f(x) + 2。
C. g(x) = f(x  2)。
D. g(x) = f(x + 2)。

2. The following shows the tabular representations of functions f(x) = –x3 + 3x and g(x):
x –1 0 1 2 3
f(x) –2 0 2 –2 –18

x –1 0 1 2 3
g(x) 0 2 4 0 –16
If f(x) is transformed to g(x), then g(x) =
A. x3 – 3x.
B. –x3 + 3x + 2.
C. –x3 + 3x – 2.
D. –(x + 2)3 + 3(x + 2).

3. Let f ( x)  x 2  1 and g ( x)   x 2  k . If we translate the graph of y = f(x) upward by 4 units, then

reflect in the x-axis, the graph of y = g(x) can be obtained, find the value of k.
A. –5
B. –4
C. 4
D. 5

F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
4. Let f(x) = x  7x  4 and
g(x) = x + 7x – 4. State the transformation of the graph of y = f(x) when f(x)

become g(x).
A. translate to the left by 4 units
B. translate to the right by 4 units
C. reflect in the x-axis
D. reflect in the y-axis

5. Let f(x) = log 10x and g(x) = log x. State the transformation of the graph of y = f(x) when f(x) become g(x).
A. translate upward by 1 unit
B. translate downward by 1 unit
C. reflect in the x-axis
D. reflect in the y-axis

6. In the figure, the graph of y = g(x) is obtained by translating the graph of

y = 2x2 – 2x + 4 downwards. Which of the following is the algebraic
representation of g(x)?
A. 2x2 – 2x + 7
B. 2x2 – 2x + 1
C. 2x2 + 10x + 16
D. 2x2 – 14x + 28

7. In the figure, the graph of y = f(x) is obtained by translating the graph of y  x 3  4 x leftwards. Which of
the following is the algebraic representation of f(x)?
A. x 3  4x  2
B. x3  4x  2
C. ( x  2) 3  4( x  2)
D. ( x  2) 3  4( x  2)

F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
C. Enlarge and reduce along the y-axis (沿 y 軸的伸長與縮短)
If g x   kf x  such that k  1 , then the graph of If g x   kf x  such that 0  k  1 , then the graph
y  g x  can be obtained by enlarging the graph of of y  g x  can be obtained by reducing the graph
y  f x  along the y-axis to k times the original. of y  f x  along the y-axis to k times the original.
(高) (矮)
y y
y  kf x  y  f x 

y  f x  y  kf x 

x x

Eg. Given that f x  x  1 .


The graph of y = f(x) is enlarged to 2 times the original along the y-axis to become the graph of y = g(x). (高)
Then g  x   2 f  x 

g x  2x  1

Eg. Given that f  x   x 2  3 x  4 .

The graph of y = f(x) is reduced to times the original along the y-axis to become the graph of y = g(x).(矮)

Then g x   f x 

g x   x  3x  4
1 2


F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
D. Enlarge and reduce along the x-axis (沿 x 軸的伸長與縮短)
If g x   f kx such that k  1 , then the graph of If g x   f kx such that 0  k  1 , then the graph
y  g x  can be obtained by reducing the graph of of y  g x  can be obtained by enlarging the graph

y  f x  along x -axis to of y  f x  along x -axis to

1 1
times the original. times the original.
k k
(瘦) (肥)
y y

y  f kx y  f x  y  f x  y  f kx

x x

Given that f x  x  1 .


The graph of y = f(x) is enlarged to 2 times of the original along the x-axis to become the graph of y = g(x). (肥)
 x
Then g x   f  
x 
g x     1
2 

Eg. Given that f  x   x 2  2 x  4 ,

The graph of y = f(x) is reduced to times of the original along the x-axis to become the graph of y = g(x). (瘦)
Then g  x   f 3 x 

gx  3x  23x  4



F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
1. In each of the following, the graph of the function y = f(x) undergoes a transformation to become the graph
of the function y = g(x). Describe the transformation or write down the function of g(x) according to the

f x 
(a) g x   2 f x  ……………………………………………………………………

g x   f x 
(b) ……………………………………………………………………

1 
(c) g x   f  x  ……………………………………………………………………
3 

(d) g  x   f 3 x  ……………………………………………………………………

(e) …………………………… enlarged the graph of y  f  x  along the y-axis to 5 times of the original

reduced the graph of y  f  x  along the y-axis to

(f) …………………………… times of the original

(g) …………………………… enlarged the graph of y  f  x  along the x-axis to 4 times of the original

reduced the graph of y  f  x  along the x-axis to

(h) …………………………… times of the original

g x   f x 
(i) ……………………………………………………………………

(j) g  x   f 2 x  ……………………………………………………………………

(k) …………………………… enlarged the graph of y  f  x  along the x-axis to 10 times of the original

(l) …………………………… enlarged the graph of y  f  x  along the y-axis to 3 times of the original

F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
2. In each of the following, the graph of the function y = f(x) undergoes a transformation to become the graph
of the function y = g(x). Describe the transformation or write down the function of g(x) according to the

f x   x 2
g x  
1 2
(a) x ……………………………………………………………………

g x  4x ……………………………………………………………………


 x
(c) g x     ……………………………………………………………………

(d) g  x   3x 2 ……………………………………………………………………

(e) …………………………… enlarged the graph of y  f  x  along the y-axis to 4 times of the original

reduced the graph of y  f  x  along the y-axis to

(f) …………………………… times of the original

(g) …………………………… enlarged the graph of y  f  x  along the x-axis to 5 times of the original

reduced the graph of y  f  x  along the x-axis to

(h) …………………………… times of the original

(i) g  x   5x 2 ……………………………………………………………………

 x
(j) g x     ……………………………………………………………………

(k) …………………………… enlarged the graph of y  f  x  along the x-axis to 3 times of the original

reduced the graph of y  f  x  along the y-axis to

(l) …………………………… times of the original

F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
3. In each of the following, the graph of the function y = f(x) undergoes a transformation to become the graph
of the function y = g(x). Describe the transformation or write down the function of g(x) according to the

f x   x 2  3x

(a) g x   2 x 2  6 x ……………………………………………………………………

g x  4x  34x ……………………………………………………………………


 x  x
(c) g x      3  ……………………………………………………………………
3 3

(d) g x  
x  3x 
1 2

(e) …………………………… enlarged the graph of y  f  x  along the y-axis to 4 times of the original

reduced the graph of y  f  x  along the y-axis to

(f) …………………………… times of the original

(g) …………………………… enlarged the graph of y  f  x  along the x-axis to 5 times of the original

reduced the graph of y  f  x  along the x-axis to

(h) …………………………… times of the original

x 2 3x
(i) g x    ……………………………………………………………………
16 4

(j) g  x   25 x 2  15 x ……………………………………………………………………

(k) …………………………… enlarged the graph of y  f  x  along the y-axis to 3 times of the original

reduced the graph of y  f  x  along the x-axis to

(l) …………………………… times of the original

F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
MC Questions:
1. The following shows the tabular representations of functions f(x) = 2x2 – 2x + 4 and g(x):
x –2 –1 0 1 2
f(x) 16 8 4 4 8

x –2 –1 0 1 2
g(x) 8 4 2 2 4
If f(x) is transformed to g(x), find the algebraic representation of g(x).
A. 2x 2  2x  4
B. 2x 2  2x
C. x2  x  2
D. x2  x  2

2. In the figure, the graph of y = g(x) is obtained by enlarging the graph of y = x2. Find the algebraic
representation of g(x).
1 2
A. x
1 2
B. x
C. 2x2
D. 4x2

3. If the graph of y = g(x) is obtained by reducing the graph of y = f(x) along the x-axis to times the
original, then
 x 1
A. g(x) = 3f(x). B. g(x) = f(3x). C. g(x) = f   . D. g(x) = f ( x) .
3 3

4. If the graph of y = g(x) is obtained by enlarging the graph of y = f(x) along the y-axis to 4 times the
original, then
 x 1
A. g(x) = 4f(x). B. g(x) = f(4x). C. g(x) = f   . D. g(x) = f ( x) .
4 4

5. If the graph of y = g(x) is obtained by reducing the graph of y  sin x along the y-axis to times the
original, and reflected about the x-axis, then
1 1 x  x
A.  sin x . B.  sin(  x) . C.  sin . D. sin   .
3 3 3  3

F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
(2009 HKCEE)
37. y

y  f ( x)


6 21

The figure above shows the graph of y  f ( x) . If f ( x)  3g( x) , which of the following may represent the
graph of y  g( x) ?
A. y B. y

y  g( x) y  g( x)

45 5

x x
2 7 2 7

C. y D. y

y  g( x) y  g( x)

45 5

x x
6 21 6 21

(2010 HKCEE)

16. Let f x  
1 1 2
x x 6 .
2 144
(a) (i) Using the method of completing the square, find the coordinates of the vertex of the graph of
y  f ( x) .
(ii) If the graph of y  g( x) is obtained by translating the graph of y  f ( x) leftwards by 4 units
and upwards by 5 units, find g( x) .









F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
(2012 DSE_pp)

The figure above shows the graph of y  f ( x) . If 2 f ( x)  g( x) , which of the following may represent the
graph y  g( x) ?

F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
The graphs of trigonometric functions:
For any  ,there is only one value for the corresponding value. We can write it as a function.

 y  sin 

 y  cos
 y  tan 

Here are the graphs:


O 90
270 360 450
630 720
x y  sin x

peroid= 360

O 90
270 360 450
630 720
y  cos x

peroid= 360

O 90 180 270 360 450

x y  tan x

peroid  180

F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
1 x
Ex 1. Sketch the graph of y  2 sin x 、 y  sin x 、 y  sin 及 y  sin 2 x .
2 2

O 90 270 360 450 630 720
180 540

peroid= 360


O 90 270 360 450 630 720
180 540

peroid= 360
1 x
Ex 2. Sketch the graph of y  2 cos x 、 y  cos x 、 y  cos 及 y  cos2 x .
2 2

90 270
O 180 360 450 540 630 720


peroid= 360

90 270
O 180 360 450 540 630 720


peroid= 360
F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
Public exam questions:
(1994 HKCEE)
17. Which of the following graph shows the graph of y = 1 + sin x ?

A. B.

C. D.


(2009 HKCEE)
46. Let  90    90 . If the figure shows the graph of y  7 sin( x   ) , then
A.   60 .
B.   30 .
C.   30 .
D.   60 .

(2007 HKCEE)
46. Let k be a constant and  90    90 . If the figure shows the graph of y  k sin( x   ) , then
A. k  2 and   30 .
B. k  2 and   30 .
C. k  2 and   30 .
D. k  2 and   30 .

F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
(2012 DSE_pp)
38. Let a be a constant and  90    90 . If the figure shows the graph of y  a sin( x   ) , then
A. a  2 and   45 .
B. a  2 and   45 .
C. a  2 and   45 .
D. a  2 and   45 .

(2011 HKCEE)
46. Let a be a constant  90    90 . If the figure shows the graph of y  a cos(x   ) , then
A. a  4 and   60 .
B. a  4 and   60 .
C. a  4 and   60 .
D. a  4 and   60 .

(1996 HKCEE)
21. The figure shows the graph of y  cos 2 x .The coordinates of P is
A. (90, 2)
B. (180, 0.5)
C. (180, 1)
D. (360, 0.5)
E. (360, 1)

(2015 DSE)
39. Let k be a positive constant and  180    180 . If the figure shows the graph of y  sin(kx   ) , then
A. k and   30 .
B. k and   30 .
C. k  2 and   30 .
D. k  2 and   30 .

F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
(2008 HKCEE)
46. Let a and b be constants. If the figure shows the graph of y  a cos(2 x  120)  b , then
A. a 1 and b  3 .
B. a2 and b  2 .
C. a3 and b  1 .
D. a4 and b  0 .

(1998 HKCEE)
45. Which of the following function does the graph show?
A. y  cos x
B. y  cos( x)
C. y  cos(90  x)
D. y  cos(90  x)
E. y   cos x
180 360

(2001 HKCEE)
44. Which of the following function does the graph show?
A. y  sin
B. y  2 sin x
C. y  1 sin x
D. y  1 cos x
E. y  1 cos x

180 360
(1993 HKCEE)
46. Which of the following function does the graph show?
A. y  sin(350  x)
B. y  sin( x  10)
C. y  cos(x  10)
D. y  sin( x  10)
E. y  cos(x  10)

F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
(2012 DSE)
39. The figure shows the graph of
A. y  1  3 cos .
B. y  1  3 cos2 x .
C. y  4  3 cos .
D. y  4  3 cos2 x .

(1995 HKCEE)
50. Which of the following function does the graph show?
A. y  cos
B. y cos x
C. y  cos x
D. y  2 cos x
E. y  cos 2 x

(2010 HKCEE)
45. The figure shows
A. the graph of y  1  cos .
B. the graph of y  1  cos 2 x .
C. the graph of y  2  sin .
D. the graph of y  2  sin 2 x .

(1997 HKCEE)
44. In the figure, f(x) =
x 1
A. sin  .
2 2
B. sin 2 x  .
1 x 1
C. sin  .
2 2 2
1 1
D. sin x  .
2 2
1 1
E. sin 2 x  .
2 2
F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
(2013 DSE)
39. Let h and k be constants. The figure shows the graph of y  h  k tan 2 x , where 0  x   . Which of the
following are true?
I. h0
II. k  0
III. tan   
A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. II and III only
D. I, II and III

(2016 DSE)
37. Let a and b be constants. If the figure shows the graph of y  a cos 2 x , then
A. a  2 and b  90 .
B. a  2 and b  360 .
C. a  2 and b  90 .
D. a  2 and b  360 .

1994 Q.17 A 2015 Q.39 D 1995 Q.50 A
2009 Q.46 C 2008 Q.46 B 2010 Q.45 B
2007 Q.46 D 1998 Q.45 E 1997 Q.44 E
2012 練 Q.38 C 2001 Q.44 E 2013 Q.39 A
2011 Q.46 D 1993 Q.46 B 2016 Q.37 A
1996 Q.21 B 2012 Q.39 D

F.5 Mathematics Chapter 3 More about Graphs of Functions
(2010 HKCEE)

16. Let f x  
1 1 2
x x 6 .
2 144
(a) (i) Using the method of completing the square, find the coordinates of the vertex of the graph of
y  f ( x) .
(ii) If the graph of y  g( x) is obtained by translating the graph of y  f ( x) leftwards by 4 units
and upwards by 5 units, find g( x) .
(iii) If the graph of y  h ( x) is obtained by translating the graph of y  2 f ( x ) leftwards by 4 units
and upwards by 5 units, find h ( x) .
(7 marks)
(b) A researcher performs an experiment to study the relationship between the number of bacteria A (u
hundred million) and the temperature ( s C ) under some controlled conditions. From the data of u
and s recorded in Table 1(a), the researcher suggests using the formula u  2 f ( s ) to describe the
s a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7
u b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7
Table 1(a)
(i) According to the formula suggested by the researcher, find the temperature at which the number
of the bacteria is 8 hundred million.
(ii) The researcher then performs another experiment to study the relationship between the number
of bacteria B (v hundred million) and the temperature ( t C ) under the same controlled
conditions and the data of v and t are recorded in Table 1(b).
t a1  4 a2  4 a3  4 a4  4 a5  4 a6  4 a7  4
v b1  5 b2  5 b3  5 b4  5 b5  5 b6  5 b7  5

Table 1(b)
Using the formula suggested by the researcher, propose a formula to express v in terms of t.
(4 marks)






  x 32 2  3
16. (a) (i) 36 ,3 (ii) 
x  322  8 (iii) 2 144
 t 32 2 3
(b) (i) 36 C (ii) 2 144


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