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Name: Jorge Orlando Sánchez Cacuango


General Objective

To determine in what way the TIs are an alternative to improve the listening skills of the English
language in students. school year 2022-2023

Specific Objectives

-Describe the advantages of using Tic's in the development of listening skills.

- Establish what type of Tic's are used for the development of the listening skill of the English
language in students.

- Identify how the use of tic's helps students develop the skill of listening in the English language.


In the teaching-learning process, especially in the development of listening skills in the English
language for students. school year 2022 - 2023, different situations have been visualized that
affect the acquisition of knowledge and the development of student skills, among the most
important are: the lack of motivating and innovative strategies during the teaching of English, the
lack of motivation to learn a foreign language, the incorrect use of methodologies, indiscipline,
etc. But the one that most affects the teaching-learning process is the lack of technological
resources (Ti) that strengthen the knowledge of the language, focusing especially on listening.
With this, it is expected to establish, find and solve the differences that may exist if there is no
development of the listening skill in the English language that affects their academic development
within the classrooms of the institution. For this, the project has been developed under a
descriptive exploratory research methodology that was developed within the educational field
knowing that we deal with human beings and with whom the research has been carried out using
various instruments such as the Development Test. of listening, which allowed us to make our own
table of results and obtain the conclusions and recommendations for the elaboration of our
proposal and this, in turn, the development of phonetic activities in the students for a better
integration in the academic environment.


In Education, a series of difficulties in learning a foreign language can be observed; in this case, the
English language, a subject in which we were able to verify that there is no real stimulation; but
above all, the lack of technological resources (Ti) is evident, for the development of listening, a
very important resource for the development of this skill that by the way is the least favored in
students, school year 2022 - 2023. The correct use of The IT in our English classes can provide us
with a number of benefits, among them we have:

-Incorporate the use of the Internet in the English class to improve and optimize the development
of listening skills.

-Use IT to motivate students through audiovisual stimulation.

-Allow easy access to technological resources (software, games, music and online videos).

-With the use of IT, the teacher becomes a guide and facilitator of this new and fun learning

-The student is more participatory in English classes.

Thus contributing to the improvement of the teaching-learning process in a scientific, pedagogical,

didactic way and directly benefiting the educational community. For these reasons, the present
investigation is pertinent and deserves to be investigated since the majority of students present a
low academic performance in this subject; It should be noted that the purpose of teaching English
in basic education is for students to obtain the necessary knowledge to participate in social
practices of oral and written language through specific activities with the language, and that they
can use the English language not only in the classroom with the teacher to obtain a grade; if not
also in their day to day, in their daily tasks and open the door to new and better future
opportunities. With these data, we can say that the use of IT allows students to integrate in
various ways into the teaching-learning process of English as a second language, and this in turn
produces greater dynamism during this process. Finally, we can say that when teachers and
students use IT in their English classes, interest in acquiring and developing the necessary language
skills increases, and in this way grow as a person, making education comprehensive, so that quality
and meaningful.


IT includes electronics as the base technology that supports the development of

telecommunications, computing and audiovisuals. Characteristics: Immateriality Possibility of
digitization: IT converts information, traditionally subject to a physical medium, into immateriality.
Through digitization it is possible to store large amounts of information in small physical devices
(disks, CDs, USB memories, etc.). In turn, users can access information located in distant electronic
devices, which is transmitted using communication networks, in a transparent and immaterial
way. This characteristic has come to define what has been called "virtual reality", that is, non-real
reality. Through the use of IT, groups of people are being created that interact according to their
own interests, forming communities or virtual groups. Instantaneity: Information can be
transmitted instantly to places that are physically far away, through the so-called "information
highways". Terms such as cyberspace have been coined to define the virtual space, not real, in
which the information is located, by not assuming the physical characteristics of the object used
for its storage, acquiring that degree of immediacy and immateriality. Multimedia Applications:
Multimedia applications or programs have been developed as a friendly and simple interface for
communication, to facilitate access to IT for all users. One of the most important characteristics of
these environments is "Interactivity". It is possibly the most significant feature. Unlike the most
classical technologies

(TV, radio) that allow a one-way interaction, from a transmitter to a mass of passive spectators,
the use of the computer interconnected through digital communication networks, provides two-
way communication (synchronous and asynchronous), person-person and person-group .
Therefore, there is a change towards communication between people and groups that interact
according to their interests, forming what is called "virtual communities". The IT user is therefore
an active subject, who sends his own messages and, most importantly, makes decisions about the
process to follow: sequence, rhythm, code, etc. (UNESCO, 2015) Information technologies (IT) in
education: Information technologies (IT) can contribute to universal access to education, equality
in instruction, teaching practice and quality learning and the professional development of
teachers, as well as more efficient management and administration of the educational system.
UNESCO pursues a comprehensive and inclusive strategy when it comes to promoting IT in
education. Access, integration and quality are among the main problems that IT can address.
UNESCO's intersectoral platform for IT-enhanced learning addresses these issues through the joint
efforts of its three sectors: Communication and Information, Education and Science. The
worldwide network of offices, institutes and partners of the UNESCO provides Member States with
resources to develop policies, strategies and activities related to the use of IT in education. In
particular, the Moscow-based UNESCO Institute for Information Technology in Education (IITE)
specializes in information sharing, research and training with a view to integrating IT into
education. education, while the UNESCO Bangkok Office is very involved in the use of IT in
education in the Asia-Pacific region. IT in the teaching of English as a Foreign Language: A good
starting point for foreign language teachers, and with a view to the future introduction of the
European credit transfer system, based on learning and centered on the student, would be to
consider redesigning their teaching/learning environment to include, in addition to exclusively
“face-to-face” classes, information technologies. In this article, an off-line tool as well as an online
tool will be described that will be very useful in the teaching activity of the teacher of English as a

The learning process is the set of activities carried out by students, based on their capacities and
previous experiences, in order to achieve certain results, that is, intellectual, psychomotor and
affective behavior modifications. The teaching process in relation to learning can be defined as a
series of acts carried out by the teacher in order to propose situations that give students the
opportunity to learn, that is, to acquire new behaviors or modify existing ones. When we talk
about ways of learning the English language, we are referring to facilitating the delivery of
knowledge, putting into practice some concrete ways that are very light, entertaining and that are
a stimulus for students, capable of achieving good results in the English language. development of
their activities, with a methodology that encourages group work. Taking Bruner into account.
(2006) in discovery learning, the teacher organizes the class so that students learn through their
active participation. A distinction is usually made between discovery learning, where students
work largely on their own, and guided discovery where the teacher provides direction. In most
situations, it is preferable to use guided discovery. Students are presented with intriguing
questions, ambiguous situations, or interesting problems. Instead of explaining how to solve the
problem, the teacher provides the appropriate materials, encourages students to make
observations, make hypotheses, and test the results. To solve problems, students must use both
intuitive and analytical thinking. The teacher guides the discovery with leading questions. It also
provides feedback about the direction activities are taking. Feedback should be given at the
optimal time, when students can use it to revise their approach or as an encouragement to
continue in the direction they have chosen.

And these key competencies and basic competencies are the following: Key Competences (Ue,
2004) Basic Competences (Loe, 2006)

1. Communication in mother tongue

2. Communication in foreign languages

3. Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology.

4. Digital competence

5. Learning to learn

6. Social and civic competences 7. Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

8. Cultural awareness and expression

9. Linguistic communication

10. Knowledge and interaction with the physical world. 11. Treatment of information.

12. Social and civic competence.

13. Competence for autonomy and personal initiative

14. Cultural and artistic competence The basic competences, we could define them as those
abilities, capacities, strategies, skills that people develop, to solve the problems or complicated
situations that arise in their day to day.

1.- Most of the students understand the importance of learning a foreign language, in this case the
English language, and the application of IT to facilitate this learning process.

2.- Although it is true, teachers have made an effort to develop this learning through several
significant activities, but even so, students feel that technological resources, among others, have
been insufficient and in some cases null, they feel the need to learn in a different, playful, fun way,
motivating them to always want to learn and take advantage of all the advantages that IT offers us

3.- The students' environment is an environment that only uses their mother tongue, so they do
not find the need to communicate through the use of the English language. 4.- Although a certain
number of students mention that teachers do present innovative and dynamic activities in the
different units of inquiry, for others this is not the case since sometimes they find it boring and
lose interest in the subject of study.

5.- The elements of the curriculum are demanding, which have not been evidenced in the
students, and the reason is that teachers and students do not have sufficient technological
resources to generate significant learning in the development of the listening skill. in the English

6.- English classes, like other areas, have been traditionalist in a certain way for years and end up
totally demotivating students to attend them.

7.- Students show low performance in the English language, especially in the development of
listening skills, because they do not use technological resources in their English classes.


1.- To solve the lack of material and/or technological resources, it is advisable to provide teachers
with educational programs or software and provide permanent training for their use in their
English classes. 2.- On the other hand, teachers must be predisposed to collaborate with the use of
this material and thus achieve comprehensive development.

3.- Teachers are recommended to continuously use educational software in their English classes, in
which they can interact with children to facilitate the development of listening skills.

4.- The use of IT is also recommended, be it computers, internet, player, recorder, among others,
and take advantage of these resources to achieve the objectives set out above. 5.- Group work
with the use of IT; the same that will facilitate the achievement of a significant learning of the
language, especially the development of listening.

6.- In order for students to develop this skill in the English Language, it is necessary that they
acquire skills that allow them to apply it in daily life situations.

7.- Listening to music in English is another very important factor that must be applied with
students in the classroom, because in addition to improving their development in the language, it
also motivates them to want to attend classes on this subject; The continuous use of all
technological resources will help teachers and students in the development of English language
listening skills in a more playful, fun and interesting way.



AL-LÈS, G. (2010)

HIMANEN, P. (2002)

GARAGORRI, X. (2009)


FERNÁNDEZ, Victoria. Las TIC en la Enseñanza del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera en la ciudad de
México, 2013. [Consulta 30 de agosto de 2015] [Consulta 30 de agosto de 2015] [Consulta 30 de
agosto de 2015] [Consulta 30 de agosto de 2015] [Consulta 05 de septiembre de
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jGi_jBnK_LAhUEGh4KHXKRBp4QvwUIGCgA&biw=1440&bih=755 [Consulta 05 de septiembre de

Fuente: 46&index=7

Fuente: 46&index=7

Below detailed data demonstrating financial feasibility for research. 79

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