CSD Buzzing Exercises

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Buzzing Exercises

Colin Dorman

Pre-Warmup Buzzing
Buzzed notes are indicated by circles with Xs inside.
The pitches indicated in this exercise are approximate.

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All glissandos should be smooth and buzzy, and ONLY GO as high and low as a good buzz can be maintained!

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  
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. s.

gliss s.

. glis
Hold 4-8 seconds Gliss up 4-8 seconds
Gliss down 4-8 seconds Gliss up and down 4-8 seconds

Scale Studies

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Tuner pitches are indicated with square noteheads.

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Try to blend your buzz into the tuner's note.

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A sample five note scale. Since fingerings are irrelevant, start on all comfortable notes.

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Both 3, 5, and 8 note scales should be done.

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The whole notes are the drone - ascend slowly! Try arpeggios as well!

Lips - Mouthpiece - Horn

This exercises is based on a Caruso exercises by the same name.
This exercises is designed to both strengthen the corners and generate awareness for the lip tension/air intensity
combinations for middle and mid-low register notes.

Do not exceed a 3rd-space C while free buzzing, but feel free to go as low as you are able to.

Non-circled Xs are free-buzzed notes.

Continue this pattern with different intervals on different notes.

   In the horn 

Remember not to go higher than C!

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Free buzz Mouthpiece buzz

(lip bend) Continue this pattern

starting on different

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