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FS 2


My Learning Task Overview

Benjamin Bloom cited three (3) domains of knowledge – cognitive,

psychomotor, and effective. Kendall and Marzano’s also gave three (3) group of
learning – information (declarative knowledge), metacognitive procedures
(procedural knowledge) psychomotor procedures (motor or physical skills). This
Episode will focus on these domains of knowledge and learning.

My Intended Learning Outcome

In this Episode, I must able to:

 Classify the lesson/s under Bloom’s taxonomy of knowledge and Kendall’s

and Marzano’s domain of learning activities.

 Reflect on what lesson is more meaningful and relevant based on the

domains of knowledge and learning activities.

My Performance Criteria

I will be rated along the following:

a) quality of my observation and documentation
b) Completeness and depth of my analysis.
c) depth and clarity of my classroom observation-based reflections.
d) completeness, organization, clarity of my portfolio and
e) time of submission of my portfolio.
My Learning Essentials

A. Three domains of knowledge (Kendall and Marzano)

1. Information – Declarative Knowledge; e.g. Facts, concepts, generalizations,

principles, laws

2. Mental Procedures- Procedural Knowledge; e.g. Writing a term paper,

reading map algorithms like computing long division

3. Psychomotor/Physical Procedure/ Motor Skills- Skills e.g. playing basketball,

building furniture

Concrete Examples:


1. Vocabulary- isosceles, equilateral, right triangle

2. Generalization- All right triangles have one angle of 90 degrees

Mental Procedures- Conducting proofs and figuring the length of the side of a
right triangle

Physical/Psychomotor Procedures/ Motor skills

Constructing a right triangle with a compass and a ruler

B. Three Domains of Knowledge/Educational Activity (Bloom, B.)

1. Cognitive – knowledge – What will students know?

2. Psychomotor- skills- What will students be able to do?

3. Affective- values, attitudes – What will students value or care about

Concrete examples

Cognitive - Air pollution

Psychomotor- Researching on the level of air pollution in the locality and on the
causes of air pollution

Affective- what to do to reduce the level of air pollution

My Map

I will observe three (3) different classes

I will reflect on the guide questions given below:

To hit my Target, I will follow these steps


Read the Learning Essentials given above

Observe at least Three (3) classes with a partner.

STEP I will choose one class form each of the 3 groups:

G1: Language, AralingPanlipunan, Science, Math
G2: Phsyical Education, ICT, TLE
G3: EdukasyonsaPagpapakatao/Literature
My Learning Activities
I will make sure use of my Observation Sheet, analyze my observations by answering the
given questions then write down on my reflections.


Resource Teacher: Ms. Kyra Tubog School: COSCA Date: July 16, 2019
Grade/Year Level: Grade 8-Our Lady of Guadalupe Subject Area: English

Kendall’s and Marzano’s Domains of Knowledge

Concrete Example/s for each domain of

Domain of Knowledge Knowledge from my Observation (What
did your Teacher teach? What was the
focus of your Teacher’s lesson?)

1. Cognitive Domain – Information Ms. Kyra Tubog provided the meaning of

(Declarative Knowledge) – Vocabulary, graphic organizer which means a visual
Terms, Facts, Concepts, Principles, display that demonstrates relationships
Hypothesis, Theory. between facts, concepts or ideas.
A graphic organizer guides the learner's
thinking as they fill in and build upon a
visual map or diagram. She also
provided the different types of graphic
organizer which includes concept map,
flow diagram, venn diagram, cause-
effect diagram, and main idea-details
chart diagram.

Ms. Kyra Tubog groups the student into

2. Mental Procedures (Procedural five groups. They have to design their
Knowledge) e.g. mental skills such as own diagram and conceptualize what
writing a paragraph. topic to be shown in their own diagram.
They have to think of the best topic to
represent the diagram they were asked
to create.
Bloom’s Domain of Learning Activities

Domain Learning Activities

3. Psychomotor – Skills Ms. Kyra Tubog had a group activity.

The students were group into to five to
create their own diagram. After they
have design their diagram, they were
asked to report it in front of the class.

4. Affective- values, attitudes The discussion about the graphic

organizer will help the students
systematize their activity in their life. It
would be very helpful since it would
make their life trouble-free and easier
once they use a graphic organizer.
Resource Teacher: Mr. Kyle Caluscusan School: COSCA Date: July 18, 2019
Grade/Year Level: Grade5-Archangel Barachiel Subject Area: Aralin Panlipunan

Kendall’s and Marzano’s Domains of Knowledge

Concrete Example/s for each domain of

Domain of Knowledge Knowledge from my Observation (What
did your Teacher teach? What was the
focus of your Teacher’s lesson?)

1. Cognitive Domain – Information Mr. Kyle Caluscusan introduces the 2

(Declarative Knowledge) – Vocabulary, types of weather in the Philippines
Terms, Facts, Concepts, Principles, which are Rainy Day (Tag-ulan) and
Hypothesis, Theory. Sunny Day(Tag-init). He also defines the
terms in the class like “panahon” and
“klima”. He also characterise the
different factors that affecting the
climate in our country in the class.
Those are temperature, katangiang
pisikal, halumigmig (humidity) and

2. Mental Procedures (Procedural Mr. Kyle Caluscusan let the students

Knowledge) e.g. mental skills such as conceptualize of what should be the
writing a paragraph. attire in the different weather. He asked
the student to plan for and let them
draw it on the Manila Paper provided by
the teacher.
Bloom’s Domain of Learning Activities

Domain Learning Activities

3. Psychomotor – Skills To show off their psychomotor skills,

Mr. Kyle Caluscusan gave them a group
activity in which they have to draw the
different attires provided if they have
chosen Rainy Day or Sunny Day. They
have to draw atleast 3 and show it to
the class after.

Mr. Kyle Caluscusan mentioned about

4. Affective – Values, Attitudes the effect of the climate change in our
world today. With this, he wants the
students to be aware of the bad effect
of climate change in out country.

Resource Teacher: Ms. Jay Ann Origenes School: COSCA Date: July 16, 2019
Grade/Year Level: Grade 7 Our Lady of Rosary Subject Area: TLE-Robotics

Kendall’s and Marzano’s Domains of Knowledge

Concrete Example/s for each domain of

Domain of Knowledge Knowledge from my Observation (What
did your Teacher teach? What was the
focus of your Teacher’s lesson?)

1. Cognitive Domain – Information Ms Jay Ann Origenes discussed to class

(Declarative Knowledge) – Vocabulary, the topic about Me Auriga
Terms, Facts, Concepts, Principles, Microcontroller. She talked about the
Hypothesis, Theory. components of the Me Auriga
Microcontroller. She also conversed
about the different functions of the
ports according to its color.

2. Mental Procedures (Procedural Ms. Jay Ann Origenes let the students
Knowledge) e.g. mental skills such as label the parts of Me Auriga
writing a paragraph. Microcontroller like power jack, ports,
led lights, and beams by dictating their
answers to Ms. Orejenes. She also let
the students identify the port no, tag
coloer and typical ME module on the Me
Auriga Interface through letting them
dictate their answer.
Bloom’s Domain of Learning Activities

Domain Learning Activities

3. Psychomotor – Skills No Psychomotor Domain shown during

the entire discussion.

4. Affective – Values, Attitudes

No Affective Domain shown.
My Analysis

1. Were the lessoned focused on information/cognitive domain or mental

procedures only or psychomotor procedures/physical skills only? Or were
the lessons combinations of two or three? Explain your answer.

During the observation the lesson mainly focus on the three domain
except for the Ms. Orejenes where she only elaborated more on the
Cognitive and Procedural Knowledge. There was no Psychomotor and
Affective Domain visible during her presentation in the class. Thought the
three teachers have their different way of presenting the lesson integrating
the Bloom’s, Kendall’s and Marzano’s Domain of Learning/Knowledge to
the class, however I admire most how Ms. Tubog presented her lesson. She
started with a good motivation to the class. She then presented her lesson
providing the definition of Graphic Organizer and its Types with description
and letting the students read it for better understanding. She let the
students create and conceptualize their own graphic organizer and of
course the value of the graphic organizer in making our lifer easier in
making a systematic categorizing our schedule. All the domain are
evident in her presentation.

2. Were the lessoned focused only in cognitive content only or psychomotor

content only or affective content only? Or were the lesson combinations
of two or three? Explain your answer.

In connection to my answer in question number one, the teacher were

able to integrate the different domain in their presentation except to Ms,
Orejenes in which she wasn’t able to join together the Psychomotor and
affective domain. As Ms. Tubog able to elaborate the entire domain in her
presentation, same goes with Mr. Caluscusan. He was able to provide
definition of term like klima and panahon for Cognitive Domain, let the
student conceptualize and idea of clothes to wear during Sunny Day or
Rainy Day which is for Procedural Knowledge Domain and let the student
draw it in the manila paper provided for Psychomotor Domain and lastly
he mention about Climate Change in which students can reflect the effect
of it on our weather and that would be for Affective Domain.
3. What was the effect on learning when teaching was focused on one

The effect on learning when teaching was focussed on one domain is that
learning will not be effective. Like the observation we had with Ms.
Orejenes class , the students looked bored and sleepy for the reason that
the focus is only on Cognitive Domain. The lesson was only focus on
theory and there is no application (Psychomotor Domain). And according
to Principle of Learning is that “Learning is the Discovery of the Personal
Meaning and Relevance of Ideas” which simply means that learning
occurs once they were able to relate it to their life.

4. Is it really possible to teach only one domain like affective only or

cognitive only or psychomotor only? Or based on Kendal and Marzano’s
taxonomy, information only or mental procedures only or psychomotor
procedures only? Explain your answer.

Yes, it is possible to teach with only one domain however it is not RIGHT
and EFFECTIVE. There is a guideline or procedure that a teacher must
follow before conducting the lesson. Remember the guiding principles
related to lesson objective in our which is the guiding star of the teacher in
her lesson in the Episode 2, it is stated that “for meaningful teaching and
learning, lesson objective must integrated with 3 domains (cognitive,
psychomotor and affective). Like in Ms. Orejenes class, she as able to
present her lesson in the class with only two domain however the learning
is not evident to the student, in some way they look bored and sleepy.

5. Do Kendall and Marzano’s knowledge taxonomy and Bloom’s Taxonomy

of learning activities contradict to each other? Explain your answer

No. Bloom’s and Marzano’s are very similar. Their wording is almost
exactly the same. Bloom’s uses nouns while Marzano’s uses forms of verbs
to show levels of learning. Marzano’s categories do not build upon one
another.-When Bloom;s was created, it was a framework for teachers to
use to focus on higher order thinking. Marzano’s provides a more research
based theory to help teachers improve their learner’s thinking.
My Reflections

Based on your observations in class and on your understanding of the

domains of knowledge and learning activities from Bloom, Kendall and
Marzano, how can you make your teaching-learning activity more meaningful
and more relevant? Is lesson more relevant when you teach only on the
cognitive or when you teach in the cognitive domain combined with the
affective or psychomotor combined with the affective?

Based on the three observation we have in different classes, to make the lesson
presentation more effective I will use the three domains such as cognitive,
affective and psychomotor which promotes the students to engage with the
subject matter. Learning are more evident if the three domains are integrated in
the class. In addition, as observe, a student-centered approach which actively
engages the young person in the learning process is critical if skills which result
in healthy behaviors are to be promoted and developed. It is personalized,
engaging, competency-based and not restricted to the classroom. Students
take greater responsibility for their learning and support each other’s progress,
so every student gets the skills he or she needs to succeed and contribute to
class. Rather than having educators hand down information, students can
engage with their teachers and peers in real time – preparing them to
participate in a skilled workforce later in life.
Integrating Theory and Practice
Direction: Read the situation then answer the questions.

Teacher Mila taught the parts of a microscope, demonstrated how to focus it under the low power
objective, and then asked 3 students to try focus it with her guidance as the class locked on. She
asked the class if the students did focus the microscope correctly and ended her lesson citing the
``don’ts’’ and explaining the ``why’s’’ behind the `` don’ts’’ in focusing in microscope. Before she
did all these, she asked the class if it is/is not important for them to learn how to focus the

1. Based on Kendall’s and Marzano’s new taxonomy, in what domains was teacher Mila’s lesson?

I. Information (Declarative Knowledge)

II. Mental Procedures (Procedural Knowledge)
III. Psychomotor Procedures (Physical Skills)

a. II and II c. II and III

b. II only d. I, II and III

2. Which part of Teacher Mila’s lesson consist of mental procedures (procedural knowledge)?

I. Asking the class if the 3 students focused on the microscope correctly.

II. Explaining the ``why’s’’ behind the ``don’ts’’
III. Focusing the Microscope

a. I only c. II only
b. I, II and III d. I and II

3. Based on Bloom’s Taxonomy, which part of Teacher Mila’s lesson is in the psychomotor domain.

a. The 3 pupils focusing the microscope

b. The pupils listening to the `` don’ts’’ in the focusing the microscope
c. Asking the class if it is important to learn how to focus the microscope
d. Explain the ``why’s’’ behind the ``don’ts’

4. If Teacher Mila’s lesson objective intended learning outcome is ``to focus the microscope correctly’’, could
she have just shown the class how to do it without explaining the parts of the microscope and their
corresponding functions?

a. No
b. Yes, 21st Century students learn skill very fast
c. Yes, but risky
d. No, it is basic for students to know the function of each part. This guides the students on how to focus the

5. If explaining and demonstrating are necessary for Teacher Mila to realize her lesson objective/intended
learning outcome, what does this imply on lesson planning and development for whole and meaningful

a. Integrate the domains in learning activities.

b. You make lesson focus only information.
c. Plan a lesson that is exclusively for skill or for information.
d. Always touch the affective domain of learning.

6. Which part of Teacher Mila’s lesson is the affective domain?

a. Asking the students if learning to focus the microscope is important

b. The ``don’ts’’ in focusing the microscope
c. Teacher Mila demonstrating to the class first how to focus the microscope before asking the 3 to focus the
same order to avoid accident.
d. Explaining the why and don’ts in microscope focusing.
My Learning Portfolio

Refer to the K to 12 Curriculum Guide. Based on the competencies,

formulate SMART lesson objectives/intended learning outcomes:

In the Cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains (B. Bloom)

At the end of a one (1) hour period, 90% of the Grade 7 English class will be able to:

a. identify the elements and features of print, radio and TV ads and campaign,

b. perform a radio and tv ads and campaign provided with a script,

c. show the significance of print, radio and TV ads and campaign through persuasion.
Learning Rubric

Field Study 2, Episode 1–The Three Domains of Knowledge /Learning Activities

Focused on:
o Identifying classroom practices that apply or violate each of the principles of

Name of FS Student: Racquel T. Alcoriza Date Submitted: August 6, 2019

Year& Section: III Course:BSED
Learning Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Needs Improvement
4 3 2 1

All tasks were done All or nearly all tasks Nearly all tasks Fewer than half of
with outstanding were done with high were done with tasks were done; or
Learning quality; work quality. acceptable quality. most objectives were
Activities exceeds expectations met but need

All questions were Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions

answered were answered were not answered were not answered.
Analysis of the completely; in depth completely. completely.
Learning answers; thoroughly Grammar and
Episode grounded on Clear connection with Vaguely related to spelling
theories. theories. the theories. unsatisfactory.

Exemplary Grammar and Grammar and

grammar and spelling are superior. spelling acceptable

Reflections/ Reflection Reflection statements Reflection Ref lection

insights statements are clear, are clear, but not statements are statements are
but not clearly; clearly supported by shallow; supported unclear and shallow
supported by experiences from the by experiences from and are not
experiences from learning episodes the learning supported by
the learning episodes experiences from
episodes the learning

Portfolio is Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is Analysis questions

complete, clear, clear, well-organized; incomplete; were not answered
Learning well-organized and most supporting supporting
Portfolio all supporting; documentations are documentations are Grammar and
documentations are available and logical organized but are spelling
located in sections and clearly marked lacking unsatisfactory
clearly designated locations
Submission of Submitted before Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two days
Learning the deadline deadline after the deadline or more after the
Episodes deadline

Over-all Score
(Based on

Score 20 19- 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-Below


Grade 1. 1.25 1.5 1.7 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
0 5

99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Below

______________________________ __________________________
Signature of FS Teacher Date

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