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UDHR – Universal Declaration of Human Rights

 UDHR is an international document that states basic rights and fundamental freedoms to
which human beings are entitled. (Ang UDHR daw ay isang international document na
kung saan ibinabahagi nito o sinasabi na lahat tayong tao ay may Karapatan, may
karapat gumalaw, may mga sarili tayong karapatan)
 So sabi dito there are some principles that are important among community change….

Human Rights

 Human rights inherent to all human beings (meaning lahat tayo) tayong lahat ng tao, walang
 Interrelated – related or connected to one another. Having a mutual relation or reciprocal rela..
 Interdependent – two or more people depending on each other
 Indivisible – unable to divide or separate
 indivisible and interdependent because all rights—political, civil, social, cultural and
economic—are equal in importance and none can be fully enjoyed without the
 Example -Consider the flour industry, for example. One person specializes in growing
crops, another on milling, one on packing, distributing, and finally selling it. They need
each other to deliver the final product, and if one day the mill stops, everyone is affected;
they are all interdependent

Social Justice

 Social value – set of priciples that is accepted by the society.

 Social justice refers to a fair and equally divided of resources, opportunities, and
privileges in our society.
 So social justice, sabi dito that social justice ay hindi lamang yung sa law or yung ginaganap sa
mga courts. But, in all aspects of our society. Meaning that all people regardless sa kanilang
nationality, their religion , gender at kahit anong mga classifications nila, kailangan parin na
pantay patay ang pagtrato sa atin.
 The main idea behind social justice is the belief that all human beings have innate value, and
that no one is more or less valuable in the eyes of society, and the law.
 Example - Health care

Empowerment and Advocacy

 Empowerment means people having power and control over their own lives.
 It means increasing one’s authority and control over the resources and decisions that
affect ones life. As people exercise real choice, they gaid increased control over their
 Empowerment is all about power. So for example, sa mahihirap na tao, they have only
limited freedom of choices because of their lack of assets and powerless ness to
 Advocacy is a process. Empowerment is preparing people to take control.
 Advocacy incorporates protection of  vulnerable people, creation of support
that enhances societal functioning and  protection.

Participatory Development

 An example of this is the active participation of the public in their local town

planning, aspects such as the quality of their public transport system, parking, zones for
loading and unloading, etc.
Gender equality and equity

 Gender equality means that women and men have equal conditions for realizing their full
human rights and contributing to, and benifiting from, economic, social, cultural and political
 Gender equality is the equal valuing by society sa kanilang similarities and differences of men
and women, at pati na rin sa kanilang pagkilos.
 On ther hand, GENDER EQUITY – the process of being fair to men and women.
 Women and men should not only be given equal access to recources and equal opportunities,
but they should also be given the means of benifiting from this equality. So dito na papasok
yung concept na gender equity.
 Gender Equity implies the fairness the way men and women are treated
 For example diba, women are on par with males in property rights, or kahit sa job, or kahit sa
social economic and social independence laht ng ito ay gender equity.
 For example si women nabutis, it must provides care or yung pagaalaga sa kanila, magkakaroon
sila ng leave, yung tinatawag natin na maternal leave. Diba dito palang iniimply na neto na ang
gender equity, ang fairness the way women are treated. Based sa kanilang genderl

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