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Balsa Wood

Model Build

Architecture II (2022-23)
Team Member Names: Cody, Iban, and Alex.
Date: 12.7.22

Today we worked and completed the floor joists as well as starting the sub floor. We also
finished wall number 1 and 13 as well a 4 and we are still working on completing wall 17.
Date: 12.13.2022

Today we built and finished the floor and started building the frames of the house.
As well as finished wall 16.
Date: 1.5.2023

Today we started putting up the walls as well as finishing the framing for the house
Date: 01.09.2023

Insert a picture(s) in the grey box of your progress for the day, or what you worked on for the day. (Delete
these directions)

Today we put up more walls as well as finish the framing for the house

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