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THe lvel of awareness of tvl Students about food processing

In Partial Fulfilment on the Requirement in

Practical Research II

Licayu, Cathie S.
Licayu, Pee jay B.
Welba. John Mike S.

1.What is the lvel of awareness what extent does the level of awareness of food processing

This research is wholeheartedly dedicated to Dear Lord, who given strength and unending guidance to
everyone, especially those included in making this research

Second,To the parents and teachers who guid and address our grievances and provide advice and
knowledge on areas we do not know. This research is for you to inspire and rejoice in those you have
helped. Once again, thank you so much. This is all for you.

Table of Contents
Title Page……………………………………….i
Table of Contents…………………………iii

1 Background of the Study
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Significant of the Study
1.4 Conceptual Framework
1.5 Hypothesis
1.6 Definition of Terms

2 Review Related Literature

3.1 3-International
3.2 3-Local

3 Methodology
3.3 Research Design
3.4 Data Gathering
3.5 Data Collection
3.6 Data Analysis


This research aims to characterize and understand what are the differences
between food processing and food preservation. Food preservation involves
different food processing steps to maintain food quality at a desired level so
that maximum benefits and nutrition values can be achieved. Food
preservation methods include growing, harvesting, processing, packaging,
and distribution of foods. The key objectives of food preservation are to
overcome inappropriate planning in agriculture, to produce value-added
products, and to provide variation in diet. Food spoilage could be caused by
a wide range of chemical and biochemical reactions. To impede chemical
and microbial deterioration of foods,
conventional and primitive techniques of preserving foods like drying,
chilling, freezing, and pasteurization have been fostered. In recent years,
the techniques to combat these spoilages are becoming sophisticated and
have gradually altered to a highly interdisciplinary science. Highly
advanced technologies like irradiation, high-pressure technology, and
hurdle technology are used to preserve food items.


Food processing is the transformation of agricultural products into food, or

of one form of food into other forms. Food processing includes many forms
of processing foods, from grinding grain to make raw flour to home cooking
to complex industrial methods used to make convenience foods.Food
processing mostly involves both packaging and preservation, while food
preservation is concerned with the control and elimination of the agents of
food spoilage. Additionally, food processing is performed to turn food into
something that is more palatable and convenient to eat example like

According to the food processor Atchara is a type of pickles made from

green papaya and other ingredients and is fermented quickly for at least
24-48 hours. These quick pickles are also similar to Korean pickled daikon
radishes that take overnight to brine.
The most important in food processing is to preserve the food the usually
solution to preserve the food “atchara” is vinegar based or it can be salt
based. Whichever solution you use, the same process is required: the food
is submerged in the solution and left "to pickle". This preserves the food as
well as flavors it. There are recipes that require as few as 10 to 15 minutes
to as much as days.


-This research presents the significant benefits and will be helpful in the

•Consumer- To help them know what they buy to be aware on the food
•Procedure of Processed foods-To help them innovate their product and
to make sure that their product they offer are cholesterol free of low in
cholesterol. In doing so,they avoid losing their customers.
•To anyone who are Planning to Build business-They would come up
on idea on what business would they build which are easy to convenient.
•To anyone who are health Conscious-To be on what vitamins or
benefits they can get from eating atchara and if can bring harmful their health.
•Students-To assist them in better understanding in the concept of food
processing that can help them to apply in a daily situations.

Conceptual Frameworks
INPUT•To know the health benefit that can get from processed foods
•To analyse what makes atchara heahty
•To determined on how atchara can be part of a healthy diet

PROCESS •Researchers use survey to make this study possible.

OUTPUT •Knew the health benefit that can get from processed foods.
•Analysed what makes atchara less healthy
•Determined on how atchara be part of a healthy diet.

This conceptual framework shows that input,process and output of the

research which takes about the health benefits of the processed. It’s is used
to make conceptual distinctions and organise ideas.

Hypothesis -There is no significant relationship between the differences

of food processing and preservation.

Defenition of Terms

Cardiovascular Disease
-generally refers to conditions that involve narrowed orblocked blood
vessels that can lead to a
attack, chest pain (angina) or stroke.
-the state of thinking or hoping that something, especially
somethingpleasant, will happen or be the case.
-a thread or a structure or object resembling a thread
- is the protein molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen from
thelungs to the body's tissues and returns carbon dioxide from the tissues
back to thelungs.
- a sour-tasting drink make from cow's milk fermented with certain
bacteria. Mechanisms -a natural or established process by which something
takes place or isbrought about.
-the avoidance of excess or extremes, especially in one's behavior
-a substance that provides nourishment essential for growth and
themaintenance of life.
-a microorganism introduced into the body for its beneficial qualities.
Processed Foods
-‘the transformation of raw ingredients by physical or chemicalmeans into
food’. It combines raw food ingredients either through physical
or through the inclusion of additives to produce marketable food products
– also known as atchara or atsara – is a traditional condiment of pickled
green papaya, carrots and peppers in Filipino cuisine. Crunchy green
papaya, combined with the sweet-sour tang of the gingered pickle juice,
makes for an incredibly refreshing accent to so many dishes.
-something that completes or enhances something else when added to i
-make determined efforts to deal with (a problem or difficult task).
Toxic -poisonous substance

Chapter II
This study will find publication related to this research , such as
newspapers,books,web pages and other references that can be used as a
basis for analysis. This study aimed was to develop web publications as an
intervention However,a literature review will support,the basis and expand
the information related to the students a piece of evidence. It bridges the
gap between what is already known and what is still unknown. This review
both local and foreign literature.

Conceptual Literature


Chapter III
-This chapter presents the method and procedure that will be applied in
this study. Includes the research design,,data gathering ,data collection and
data analysis.

Research Design
The researcher used qualitative research since it was consist and had a
systematic approach to organizing the study. Furthermore, it processes
innovation and experience in-depth. The method wil ensure the ethical
outcome of the research information that is grounded to understand.

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