1st Q Math 10

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Department of Education



Name:_______________________________________ Grade: ____________ Score: _________

Directions: Choose the letter corresponding to the correct answer. Write your answer before the number.
___1.If you are to write the next term of the sequence 12, 5, - 2, - 9,…what will it be?
A. - 7 B. - 11 C. - 16 D. - 26
___2. Which of the following is a finite sequence?
A. 1, 2, 3, 4,…5 B. 2, 4, 8, 16, 32,… C. 20, -15, 10, - 5, … D. 6, 2, -2, - 4, ...
___3. The pattern of a certain sequence is “multiply by - 3”. Which of the following sequences follows the
A. 81, 27, 9, 3, 1 B. -1, 3, -27, 81 C. 3, 9, 27, 81 D. -2, -6, -18, -54
___4. Which of the following completes the sequence 64, ___, 16, 8, ___?
A. 42 and 2 B. 40 and 4 C. 32 and 6 D. 32 and 4
___5. The first term of a sequence is 5. Which of the following patterns would make the sequence
arithmetic? I. Add 4 to the previous term. II. Multiply 4 to the previous term.
III. Subtract 4 from the previous term. IV. Divide the previous term by 4.
A. I only B. I and II only C. I and III only D. II and IV only
6. Give the common difference of the arithmetic sequence 0.25, 0.4, 0.55, 0.7.
A. 0.65 B. 0.73 C. 0.81 D. 0.85
7. Which of the following has a constant difference?
A. 2, 6, 18, 54 B. 16, 25, 36, 49 C. -10, 6, 16, 20, 30 D. 35, 23, 11, - 1
8. Which rule is applied in getting the values of a in the table below?
n 1 2 3 4 5
a -1 1 3 5 7
A. a = n - 1 B. a = 2n - 3 C. a = 𝑛2- 1 D. a = 3n - 2
9. One of the sequences below is NOT an arithmetic sequence. Which one is it?
A. 9, 7, 5 , 3, 1 B. 0, - 3, 6, - 9, 12 C. – 1, - 2, - 3, - 4,- 5 D. ½, 1, 1½, 2, 2 ½
10. Find x so that x – 3, 4x + 7, x + 5,… form an arithmetic sequence.
A. 5 B. – 4 C. 3 D. – 2
11. The common difference of an arithmetic sequence is 1⁄2. If the first term is 1⁄4, find the 7th term.
3 1 1
A. 2 B. 3 C. 3 D. 3
4 4 2
12. In the sequence 6, 13, 27, 55, …, each term after the first is determined by multiplying the preceding
term by m and then adding n. What is the value of n?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
13. What is the next term of the sequence in item # 12?
A. 72 B. 87 C. 103 D. 111
14. Kevin is monitoring the growth of a seedling by measuring its height daily. He noticed that the height of
the seedling is increasing at a constant rate of 1.75 cm per day. If the initial height of the seedling is 9.25
cm, in how many days would it be 25 cm long?

A. 8 days B. 9 days C. 10 days D. 11 days

15. At 3:25 PM, a car is running at a speed of 84 km/h at point A then decreases its speed every minute by
12 km/h and stops at point B. At what time did the car stop at B?
A. 3:30 PM B. 3:31 PM C. 3:32 PM D. 3:33 PM
16.If five arithmetic means are inserted between -9 and 9, what is the third mean?
A. 3 B. – 3 C. 0 D. 6
17. Find the arithmetic mean between 35 and - 9. A. – 22 B. 13 C. 15 D. – 12
18. The first term of an arithmetic sequence is 6 and the common difference is 19. Find the 17th term.
A. 300 B. 305 C. 307 D. 310
19. Which term of the arithmetic sequence 7, 22, 37, . . . is 112 ?
A. 7th term B. 8th term C. 9th term D. 10th term
20. In an arithmetic sequence, a3 = 8 and a7 = 24. What is the common difference?
A. 6 B. 5 C. 4 D. 3
21. If w = - 2 and 2w - 1, w + 1, w + 5,…, form an arithmetic sequence, find the 10th term.
A. 27 B. 31 C. 35 D. 39
22. If a1 = - 3 and d = 2, write the explicit formula of the arithmetic sequence.
A. an = 5n + 2 B. an = 5n - 2 C. an = 2n – 5 D. an = 2n + 5
23. The common difference of an arithmetic sequence is 3√2. If the first term is 2√2 , find the 42nd term.
A. 125√2 B. 123√2 C. 121√2 D. 115√2
24. Find the missing term of the arithmetic sequence 253, 58, ___, - 332,….
A. – 195 B. – 137 C. – 132 D. – 129
25. The 4th term of an arithmetic sequence is 17 and the 9th term is 32. Find the 14th term.
A. 42 B. 45 C. 46 D. 47
26. Find the value of y if the arithmetic mean of – 2 and 4y is 6.
A. – 3 B. 7/2 C. - 5 D. 3/2
27. Due to Covid-19 pandemic the number of online sellers in a certain town increases every week. On the
first week, there were only 6 online sellers and after 4 months there were already 51 of them. If the
increase of the number of sellers per week is constant, what is the increase per week?
A. 6 B. 5 C. 4 D. 3
28. The value of a certain machinery product decreases by P15 000 every year. If the product was
originally priced at P450 000, find its selling price after 7 years.
A. P375 000 B. P360 000 C. P345 000 D. P330 000
29. Which of the following is an arithmetic series?
A. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 C. 2 + 9 + 16 + 23 + 30
B. 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 D. 1 + 2 + 3 + 5 + 8
30. What is the sum of all odd integers between 8 and 26?
A.153 B. 151 C. 149 D. 148
31. Which of the following is the sum of all the multiples of 3 from 15 to 48?
A. 315 B. 360 C. 378 D. 396
32. The sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic sequence is 300. If the first term is 3 and the last term is
57, find the value of n.
A. 9 B. 10 C. 11 D. 12
33. Find the number of terms of an arithmetic series such that the sum is – 8, common difference is 2 and
the last term is 6.
A. 8 B. 9 C. 10 D. 11
34. The sum of the first 12 terms of an arithmetic sequence is 390. If the first term is 5, find the common
A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7
35. In an arithmetic series, a1 = - 5 and d = 3. If Sn = 15, find n.
A. 6 B. 7 C. 8 D. 9
36. Find the sum of the first 10 terms of the arithmetic sequence 4, 10, 16 …
A. 300 B. 305 C. 310 D.315
37. A theater has 50 seats in the first row. Each row behind the first row gains two additional seats. How
many seats are there in the theater if there are 80 rows?
A. 8160 B. 8270 C. 8320 D. 8450
38. Julia is planning to buy dress. She started saving P10 on the first day and increases the amount by P5
each day thereafter. If her dress costs P675, how many days would it take her to raise that amount?
A. 20 days B. 18 days C. 16 days D. 15 days
39. Sony has 55 blocks. He decides to stack up all the blocks so that each row has one less block than the
row below. He wants to end up with just 1 block on top. How many should he put in the bottom row?
A. 10 blocks B. 11 blocks C. 8 blocks D. 9 blocks
40. An educational store is keeping a record on the number of notebooks sold per day. On the first day the
store recorded 15, 23 in the 2nd day, 31 in the 3rd day and so on in arithmetic sequence. If each notebook
is sold at P45, find the total amount of sold notebooks in 6 days.
A. P6 180 B. P6 300 C. P6 350 D. P6 410

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