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Vertebrate Class Fish Amphibia Reptiles Birds Mammals

Examples Herring, perch, Frog, toad, newt Lizard, snake Robin, pigeon mouse
also sharks
Body covering scales moist skin Dry skin, with Feathers, Fur
scales with scales on

Movement Fins (also used Four limbs, back Four legs (apart Teo wings Four limbs
for balance) feet are often from snakes) and two legs
webbed to make
swimming more

Reproduction Produce jelly- Produce jelly- Produce eggs Produce eggs Produce live long
covered eggs in covered eggs in with a rubbery, with a hard
water water waterproof shell; laid on
shell; laid on land
Sense organs eyes; no ears; eyes; eyes; eyes; eyes;
lateral line ears ears ears ears with a pinna
along body for (external flap)
vibrations in

Other details cold blooded; cold blooded; cold blooded; warm Warm blooded;
gills for lungs and skin for lungs for blooded; lungs for breathing;
breathing breathing breathing lungs for females have
breathing; mammary glands to
beak produce milk to
feed young; four
types of teeth

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