A2omnibus Sworn Statement (2

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I, Wesley Z. Espinosa, of legal , age, married, residing at No. 5 & 7 Walnut

Street, Villa Angela Subdivision, Barangay Villamonte, Bacolod City, after having
been duly sworn in accordance with law, do hereby depose and state that;

1. I, personally witness a crime at CASINO Filipino Bacolod. A

gambling institution and a State Owned and Controlled Corporation under
Nestor Laspina, the manager CASINO Filipino Bacolod. The following
allegations are stated hereunder;

2. I, discovered an alleged technology being a trade secret and

recently developed to harness inaudible sound wave via the same
technology, involving but not limited to, effectively accumulate profits and
other resources illegally;

3. I, recently discovered a technology allegedly known as Oscillator

and Resonance System or an instrument, among others, can generate,
detect and HARNESS inaudible sound wave ( hypersonic and ultrasonic
sound wave );

4. I, per my understanding is concerned was originally subjected to

a sensitive (cold war) matter that can cause a to attract a high political issue.
Such issue emanates from an allege stolen technology categorized as
classified property of Casino Filipino;

5. I, was made to understand that Casino Filipino is not yet aware

of or the stolen classified property;

6. I, to my knowledge was recovered by Casino Filipino Bacolod
and being subjected to research and development by some group of experts
in the a certain field of studies;

7. I, on the other hand, subjected by this research and development

without my knowledge and consent. In the exercise of due diligence required
by law, to begin with, made an unconditional demand to disconnect and to
show proof of authority, in accordance with prevail law and jurisprudence,
but no compliance to such demand was made by Casino Filipino Bacolod (
per my continuing demand is concerned;

8. I, noteworthy, being aware with my personal circumstances and

the above-stated unconditional demand. Instead of compassion and
complying with such demand, this offenders without remorse continue to
subject the me as a subject person over there scientific research and
development project;

9. I, have knowledge of such inaudible communication line, on or

before October 25, 2019. On the other hand, cause to entertain a thought
that such certain unlawful activity subject of scientific research and
development by certain individuals. Finally ascertained it and discovered the
source of the unauthorized and unlawful inaudible communication line last
5th December 2023 at Casino Filipino Bacolod;

10. I, personally testify that under this scientific endeavor made to

undergo an inhumanly treatment, suffered serious economic losses and
callously violated our privacy. This is in consequence to achieve their desired
goals and previously cover their illegal surveillance operations. There being
maliciously subjecting me as a medium of series of testing of their scientific
research and development;

11. I, further emphasis the cruelty over this group of persons whims
and caprices affecting their allegedly scientific research and development;

12. I, happened to discover this latest developments from locating
and determining the source of a certain inaudible communication line last
December 5, 2023. The discovery is with my personal knowledge while
availing of the facility of Casino Filipino;

13. I, personally believe that Nestor Laspina, Branch Manager of

CASINO Filipino Bacolod and Ms, Susan Benites, former MANAGER of
Asian Alcohol, Inc. stationed at Pulupandan, Negros Occidental are allegedly
involved in this Covert Operation;

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 9th day of

January 2023, in the City of Bacolod City, Philippines.

Wesley Z. Espinosa

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