Project Checklist Template Excel

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Project Management Checklist

NOTE: All steps are required for Class A projects

Opportunity Assessment Process

Class B
Activity Steps Completed Deliverable
Idea Generation
Receive or solicit ideas from the customers/clients
Identify Program Manager and define the Opportunity Assessment Team Yes
Refine the idea through discussions with the customer, research and benchmarking
of similar areas Project Initiation Document
Idea Structuring
Identify and confirm sponsorship Project Initiation Document
Document high level business need and significant milestones. Yes Project Initiation Document
Identify customers, users, and stakeholders Yes Project Initiation Document
Define high-level business benefits Yes Project Initiation Document
Identify high-level requirements and critical success factors Yes Project Initiation Document
Identify related projects/affected systems Yes Project Initiation Document
Outline scope, schedule and resources for the next phase Yes Project Initiation Document
Opportunity Assessment Approval
Prepare and submit the Project Request section of Project Initiation Document Yes Project Initiation Document
Prioritize idea based on business criteria and resource constraints
Conduct the Opportunity Assessment Review and obtain approval
Enter information into project tracking system and establish project in time reporting
Phase Closure
Assess the Opportunity Assessment Process to capture lessons learned Yes Lessons Learned

Exit Criteria
Identified Sponsor
Identified resources to continue next phase
Key deliverables prepared
"Go" decision and approval, as required

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oject Management Checklist
Project Name
Program Mgr.
Project Mgr.

Leader Participants

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Project Management Checklist
Project Name
Program Mgr.
NOTE: All steps are required for Class A projects Project Mgr.

Initiating Process
Class B
Activity Steps Completed Deliverable Leader
Phase Start Up
Define /refine Initiating Team and identify project manager Yes PM Process Checklist
Review Project Request information, lessons learned Project Phase Kickoff Presentation
Refine Initiating tasks and create Initiating schedule. Yes Project Schedule
Implement time tracking status reporting Yes
Project Definition

Understand/define background, current situation and project objectives Yes Project Charter
Define/refine project scope and deliverables. Yes Project Charter
Develop and analyze potential options that meet the business need Yes Project Charter
Select the best alternative and develop a recommended approach Yes Concept Analysis Document
Executive presentation of recommended approach Concept Analysis Executive Summary
Develop ROM estimate. Develop a high-level schedule/timeline.
Impact Analysis Checklist,
Benefits and Costs Checklist,
Initiate development of Business Case definition. Yes Business Case
Identify high-level project risks. Yes Project Charter
Identify the project manager.
Project Initiation Document, Project
Refine Project Request section and complete Project Charter. Yes Charter
Initiating Approval
Project Initiation Document, Concept
Finalize and submit the Project Initiation Document, Concept Analysis Analysis Document, Business Case,
Document, Business Case, and Project Charter. Yes Project Charter
Prioritize project.
Request funding and approval.
Phase Closure
Document lessons learned. Yes Lessons Learned

Exit Criteria
Key deliverables prepared
Identified resources to continue next phase
Sponsor confirmed
Project Manager is identified
"Go" decision from Initiating Checkpoint Review
Signature: Date:

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anagement Checklist


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Project Management Checklist

NOTE: All steps are required for Class A projects

Planning Process
Class B
Activity Steps Completed Deliverable
Phase Start Up
Define/refine the Planning team and review roles and
responsibilities Yes PM Process Checklist
Conduct project planning/kickoff meeting. Project Phase Kickoff Presentation
Expand/update the Planning activities in the existing Project
Schedule. Yes Project Schedule
Project Approach
Define project measures of success.
Refine project scope, objectives, and deliverables. Yes Project Initiation Document
Identify the requirements decision makers and a process. Yes
Requirements Specifications, Support
Define requirements and develop requirements specifications. Yes Expectations, Technical Evaluation

Refine/validate project approach. Identify the appropriate lifecycle. Yes

Initiate the development of a work breakdown structure (WBS). Yes Work Breakdown Structure
Refine the Business Case. Yes Business Case
Define the Project Organization. Yes Organization Chart

Determine communications strategy, requirements, and approach. Yes Communications Matrix

Present strategy, requirements, and approach. Steering Committee Presentation
Project Schedule/Budget
Refine the work breakdown structure (WBS). Yes
Identify task sequence and dependencies. Yes
Estimate work effort and duration. Yes
Identify resource requirements. Yes
Create the Project Schedule. Yes Project Schedule, Timeline
Establish the project budget. Yes Project Budget
Review the Project Schedule and Project Budget with the project
team. Yes

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Planning Process
Project Planning
Identify project constraints, dependencies, and assumptions. Project Phase Kickoff Presentation
Identify, analyze, and prioritize project risks. Yes Risk and Response Log

Project Plan, Project Phase Kickoff

Presentation, Issues Log, Request for
Change, Change Management Log,
Benefits and Costs Checklist, Impact
Analysis Checklist, Project Schedule,
Project Budget, Communications Matrix,
Determine management approaches. Yes Risk and Response Log
Determine change enablement approach, if applicable
Project Schedule, Project Budget, and
Refine the project documentation, as necessary. Yes Requirements Specification
Planning Approval
Project Initiation Document, Business
Case, Project Charter, Project Plan,
Project Schedule, Project Budget,
Finalize project documentation Yes Communications Matrix
Discuss the Project Funding documents

Conduct Planning Checkpoint Review. Obtain approval to proceed. Yes

Revise the Requirements Specification, Project Plan, and
supporting documentation. Yes
If approved, obtain resource and funding commitments. Yes
Phase Closure
Document lessons learned. Yes Lessons Learned

Exit Criteria
Key deliverables prepared
"Go" decision from Planning Checkpoint Review and obtain Project Funding number
Project Funding number obtained

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oject Management Checklist
Project Name
Program Mgr.
Project Mgr.

Leader Participants

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ng number


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Project Management Checklist
Project Name
Program Mgr.
NOTE: All steps are required for Class A projects Project Mgr.

Executing/Controlling Process
Class B
Activity Steps Completed Deliverable Leader
Phase Start Up

Define/refine the project team. Review roles and responsibilities. Yes PM Process Checklist, Organization Chart
Conduct a project "Kickoff Meeting" Project Phase Kickoff Presentation
Begin to develop deployment plan Deployment Strategy and Plan
Review/update the Project Schedule and Project Budget. Yes
Integration Management
Manage project issues. Yes Issues Log
Request for Change, Change
Manage change control. Yes Management Log
Manage project information Yes Project Notebook
Scope Management
Review deliverable requirements. Yes
Conduct deliverable reviews. Yes
Request for Change, Change
Complete deliverable review follow-up. Management Log
Time Management
Collect actual schedule progress.
Update the Project Schedule. Generate required reports. Yes Project Schedule
Identify/resolve schedule conflicts and resource issues. Yes
Communications Matrix, Team Member
Status Report, Project Status Report,
Executive Status Report, Quarterly
Prepare for and conduct milestone reviews, as appropriate. Yes Operations Review
Cost Management
Measure and monitor cost progress against the budget. Yes Project Budget
Revise cost estimates and report revisions.
Quality Management
Perform quality assurance. Yes
Conduct quality control reviews. Yes
HR Management
Manage the team. Yes
Manage business interfaces. Yes
Communications Management
Review the communications matrix. Yes Communications Matrix
Team Member Status Report, Project
Status Report, Executive Status Report,
Quarterly Operations Review, Meeting
Collect project status and progress information. Agenda, Meeting Notes
Distribute information. Yes Communications Matrix
Risk Management
Identify project risks. Yes Risk and Response Log
Analyze risks. Yes Risk and Response Log
Develop risk responses. Yes Risk and Response Log
Respond to actual risk events and update the risk and response
Log, as required. Yes Risk and Response Log
Procurement Management
Ensure contract terms. Yes
Manage the relationship with the contractor. Yes
Close out contracts and perform contractor exit reviews. Yes Contractor Exit Checklist
Client Acceptance
Prepare for and conduct Final Deliverable Review(s) and obtain
client approval. Yes Deliverables Acceptance
If approved, continue with the Closing Process. Yes
If the review identifies deficiencies, address deficiencies.
Phase Closure
Document lessons learned. Yes Lessons Learned

Exit Criteria
Key Deliverables prepared

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Executing/Controlling Process
Go Decision from Customer Acceptance Checkpoint Review
Signature: Date:

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Management Checklist


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Closing Process
Activity Area Completed Leader
‫تاكد بعدم وضع قواطع على االبواب‬ Assembly Sound Proof ‫التحقق بعدم وضع قواطع على االبواب‬
‫التاكد من عدم وضع الجوانب الكواتم على االبواب‬ Assembly Sound Proof ‫التحقق من عدم وضع الجوانب الكواتم على االبواب‬
Close out all Logs. ‫ التحقق بعدم وجود فتحات بال‬TOT
Close the project in the time reporting system. ‫التاكد من‬
Close the project in the project tracking system.
Prepare the Project Closeout Report.
Post-Project Review
Administer team member questionnaire. Yes
Assess client satisfaction. Yes
Consolidate lessons learned. Yes
Prepare for and conduct a Post-Project Review. Yes
Update the Project Closeout Report, and distribute the report.
Enter the project’s lessons learned in the lessons learned
knowledge repository. Yes
HR Management Closure
Conduct final reviews and evaluations of all project staff. Yes

Exit Criteria
Key Deliverables prepared
Project files archived and project Logs closed
Time reporting system closed and project closed in project database tool
Project information entered into the group knowledge bases
Signature: Date:

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