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E di t e d by Robe r t Pow e l l


William Bento
Brian Gray
Claudia McLaren Lainson
Lacquanna Paul
Robert Schiappacasse

Lindisfarne Books
Lindisfarne Books
an imprint of Steinerbooks / Anthroposophic Press, Inc.
610 Main Street, Suite 1
Great Barrington, MA, 01230

Journal for Star Wisdom 2015 © 2014 by Robert Powell. All contributions
are used by permission of the authors. All rights reserved. No part of this
publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in
any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher.

With grateful acknowledgment to Peter Treadgold (1943–2005), who wrote

the Astrofire program (available from the Sophia Foundation), with which the
ephemeris pages in the Journal for Star Wisdom are computed each year.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the articles published in the Journal for Star
Wisdom are the sole responsibility of the authors of these articles and do not
necessarily reflect those of the editorial board of the Journal for Star Wisdom.
Design: William Jens Jensen

isbn: 978-1-58420-177-9 (paperback)

isbn: 978-1-58420-178-6 (eBook)


Preface 9

The Rose of the World (Rosa Mira)

by Daniel Andreev 14

Editorial Foreword
by Robert Powell 20

Working with the Journal for Star Wisdom 23

Zodiacal Ages and Cultural Epochs

by Robert Powell 24

Ascension Visions
by Estelle Isaacson 39

At the Gates of Damascus

by Claudia Mclaren Lainson and Robert Powell 46

The Evolving Tradition

by Richard Tarnas 68

Into the Vortex

by Kevin Dann 74

Power of the Sun

by Nicholas Kollerstrom 83

Bulletin on Biodynamic Pest Control

by Brian Keats 87

Background to Lunar Perigee Plantings

by Brian Keats 90

Working with the Star Calendar

by Robert Powell 94

Symbols Used in Charts 96

Time 97

Commentaries and Ephemerides: January–December 2014

by Claudia Mclaren Lainson
with Monthly Astronomical Sky Watch by Sally Nurney 100



About the Contributors


T he Sophia Foundation was founded and exists to help usher in the new Age of

Sophia and the corresponding Sophianic culture, the Rose of the World, proph-

esied by Daniel Andreev and other spiritual teachers. Part of the work of the Sophia

Foundation is the cultivation of a new star wisdom, Astro-Sophia (Astrosophy), now

arising in our time in response to the descent of Sophia, who is the bearer of Divine Wis-

dom, just as Christ (the Logos, or the Lamb) is the bearer of Divine Love. Like the star

wisdom of antiquity, Astrosophy is sidereal, which means “of the stars.” Astrosophy,

inspired by Divine Sophia, descending from stellar heights, directs our consciousness

toward the glory and majesty of the starry heavens, to encompass the entire celestial

sphere of our cosmos and, beyond this, to the galactic realm—the realm that Daniel

Andreev referred to as “the heights of our universe”—from which Sophia is descending

on her path of approach into our cosmos. Sophia draws our attention not only to the

star mysteries of the heights, but also to the cosmic mysteries connected with Christ’s

deeds of redemption wrought two thousand years ago. To penetrate these mysteries is

the purpose of the yearly Journal for Star Wisdom.

For information about Astrosophy / Choreocosmos / Cosmic Dance workshops

Contact the Sophia Foundation:
4500 19th Street, #369, Boulder, CO 80304
Phone: (303) 242-5388;;

Robert Powell, Ph.D.

T his is the sixth edition of the Journal for Star

Wisdom, which is intended as a help to all peo-
ple interested in the new star wisdom of astroso-
geocentric and heliocentric planetary movements
that are commented upon in the light of the life of
Jesus Christ in the Journal for Star Wisdom.
phy and in the cosmic dimension of Christianity, Thus, all zodiacal longitudes indicated in the
which began with the star of the magi. The calen- text and presented in the following calendar are in
dar comprises an ephemeris page for each month terms of the sidereal zodiac, which has to be dis-
of the year computed with the help of Peter Tread- tinguished from the tropical zodiac in widespread
gold’s Astrofire computer program, and a monthly use in contemporary astrology in the West. The
commentary by Claudia McLaren Lainson (with tropical zodiac was introduced into astrology in
Sally Nurney). The monthly commentary relates the middle of the second century ad by the Greek
the geocentric and heliocentric planetary move- astronomer Claudius Ptolemy. Prior to this the
ments to events in the life of Jesus Christ. sidereal zodiac was in use. Such was the influence
Jesus Christ united the levels of the earthly per- of Ptolemy upon the Western astrological tradi-
sonality (geocentric = Earth-centered) and the tion that the tropical zodiac became substituted
higher self (heliocentric = Sun-centered) in so far for the sidereal zodiac used by the Babylonians,
as he was the most highly evolved earthly person- Egyptians, and early Greek astrologers. Yet the
ality (Jesus) embodying the Higher Self (Christ) of astrological tradition in India was not influenced
all existence, the Divine “I AM.” To see the life of by Ptolemy, and so the sidereal zodiac is still used
Jesus Christ in relation to the world of stars opens to this day by Hindu astrologers.
the door to a profound experience of the cosmos, The sidereal zodiac originated with the Babylo-
giving rise to a new star wisdom (astrosophy) that nians in the sixth to fifth centuries bc and was
is the Spiritual Science of Cosmic Christianity. defined by them in relation to certain bright
The Journal for Star Wisdom is scientific, resting stars. For example, Aldebaran (“the Bull’s eye”)
upon a solid mathematical-astronomical founda- is located in the middle of the sidereal sign/con-
tion and also upon a secure chronology of the life stellation of the Bull at 15˚ Taurus, and Antares
of Jesus Christ, and at the same time it is spiritual, (“the Scorpion’s heart”) is in the middle of the
aspiring to the higher dimension of existence that sidereal sign/constellation of the Scorpion at 15˚
is expressed outwardly in the world of stars. The Scorpio. The sidereal signs, each 30˚ long, coin-
scientific and the spiritual come together in the cide closely with the twelve astronomical zodia-
sidereal zodiac that originated with the Babylo- cal constellations of the same name, whereas the
nians and was used by the three magi who beheld signs of the tropical zodiac, since they are defined
the star of Bethlehem and came to pay homage in relation to the vernal point, now have little
to Jesus a few months after his birth. In continu- or no relationship to the corresponding zodiacal
ity of spirit with the origins of Cosmic Christian- constellations. This is because the vernal point,
ity with the three magi, the sidereal zodiac is the the zodiacal location of the sun on March 20/21,
frame of reference used for the computation of the shifts slowly backward through the sidereal zodiac

Journal for Star Wisdom 2015

at a rate of 1˚ in seventy-two years (“the preces- the circle of the twelve constellations/signs of the
sion of the equinoxes”). When Ptolemy introduced zodiac. Further material on the decans, including
the tropical zodiac into astrology, there was an examples of historical personalities born in the
almost exact coincidence between the tropical and various decans, and also a wealth of other mate-
the sidereal zodiac, as the vernal point, which is rial on the signs of the sidereal zodiac, is to be
defined to be 0˚ Aries in the tropical zodiac, was at found in Cosmic Dances of the Zodiac, listed
1˚ Aries in the sidereal zodiac in the middle of the below. Also foundational is History of the Zodiac,
second century ad. Thus, there was only 1˚ differ- published by Sophia Academic Press, listed below
ence between the two zodiacs. So, it made hardly under “Works by Robert Powell.”
any difference to Ptolemy or his contemporaries
to use the tropical zodiac instead of the sidereal LITERATURE
zodiac. But now—the vernal point, on account of (See also “References” section)
precession, having shifted back from 1˚ Aries to 5˚
Pisces—there is a 25˚ difference and so there is vir- General Introduction to the Christian Star Calendar:
tually no correspondence between the two. With- A Key to Understanding, 2nd ed. Palo Alto, CA:
Sophia Foundation, 2003.
out going into further detail concerning the com-
Bento, William, Robert Schiappacasse, and David
plex issue of the zodiac, as shown in the Hermetic Tresemer, Signs in the Heavens: A Message for our
Astrology trilogy, the sidereal zodiac is the zodiac Time. Boulder: StarHouse, 2000.
used by the three magi, who were the last repre- Emmerich, Anne Catherine, Visions of the Life of
sentatives of the true star wisdom of antiquity. For Jesus Christ (new edition, with material by Robert
this reason the sidereal zodiac is used throughout Powell). San Rafael, CA: LogoSophia, 2012.
Paul, Lacquanna, and Robert Powell, Cosmic Dances
the Journal for Star Wisdom.
of the Planets. San Rafael, CA: Sophia Foundation
Readers interested in exploring the scientific Press, 2007.
(astronomical and chronological) foundations ———, Cosmic Dances of the Zodiac. San Rafael, CA:
of Cosmic Christianity are referred to the works Sophia Foundation Press, 2007.
listed below under “Literature.” The Chronicle of Smith, Edward, The Burning Bush: An
the Living Christ: Foundations of Cosmic Chris- Anthroposophical Commentary on the Bible. Great
Barrington, MA: SteinerBooks, 1997.
tianity, listed on the next page, is an indispens-
Steiner, Rudolf, Astronomy and Astrology. Finding
able source of reference (abbreviated Chron.) for a Relationship to the Cosmos. London: Rudolf
the Journal for Star Wisdom, as, too, are the four Steiner Press, 2009.
Gospels (Matthew = Mt.; Mark = Mk.; Luke = Sucher, Willi, Cosmic Christianity and the Changing
Lk.; John = Jn.). The chronology of the life of Jesus Countenance of Cosmology. Great Barrington,
Christ rests upon the description of his daily life MA: SteinerBooks, 1993. Isis Sophia and other
works by Willi Sucher are available from the
by Anne Catherine Emmerich in her four-volume
Astrosophy Research Center, PO Box 13, Meadow
work The Life of Jesus Christ (abbreviated LJC). Vista, CA 95722.
Further details concerning the Journal for Star Tidball, Charles S., and Robert Powell, Jesus, Lazarus,
Wisdom and how to work with it on a daily basis and the Messiah: Unveiling Three Christian
may be found in the general introduction to the Mysteries. Great Barrington, MA: SteinerBooks,
Christian Star Calendar. The general introduc- 2005. This book offers a penetrating study of
the Christ mysteries against the background of
tion explains all the features of the Journal for
Chronicle of the Living Christ and contains two
Star Wisdom. The new edition, published 2003, chapters by Robert Powell on the Apostle John and
includes sections on the megastars (stars of great John the Evangelist (Lazarus).
luminosity) and on the 36 decans (10˚ subdivi- Tresemer, David (with Robert Schiappacasse), Star
sions of the twelve signs of the zodiac) in relation Wisdom & Rudolf Steiner: A Life Seen Through
to their planetary rulers and to the extra-zodiacal the Oracle of the Solar Cross. Great Barrington,
MA: SteinerBooks, 2007.
constellations, those constellations above or below

– 10 –

ASTROSOPHICAL WORKS Chronicle of the Living Christ: Foundations of

BY ROBERT POWELL, P H.D. Cosmic Christianity (Great Barrington, MA:
SteinerBooks, 1996). An account of the life of
Starcrafts (formerly Astro Communication Services, Christ, day by day, throughout most of the 3½
or ACS): years of his ministry, including the horoscopes
History of the Houses (1997). of conception, birth, and death of Jesus, Mary,
History of the Planets (1989). and John the Baptist, together with a wealth of
The Zodiac: A Historical Survey (1984). material relating to a new star wisdom focused on the life of Christ. This work provides the chronological basis for Christian Hermetic
Business Address: Astrology and the Journal for Star Wisdom.
Starcrafts Publishing
Elijah Come Again: A Prophet for our Time: A
334 Calef Hwy.
Scientific Approach to Reincarnation (Great
Epping, NH 03042
Barrington, MA: Steiner Books, 2009). By way
Phone: 603-734-4300
of horoscope comparisons from conception–
Fax: 603-734-4311
birth–death in one incarnation to conception–
birth–death in the next, this work establishes
SteinerBooks: scientifically two basic astrosophical research
Orders: (703) 661-1594;; findings. These are: the importance 1) of the
PO Box 960, Herndon, VA 20172. sidereal zodiac and 2) of the heliocentric posi-
The Astrological Revolution: Unveiling the Sci- tions of the planets. Also, for the first time, the
ence of the Stars as a Science of Reincarna- identity of the “saintly nun” is revealed, of
tion and Karma, coauthor Kevin Dann (Great whom Rudolf Steiner spoke in a conversation
Barrington, MA: SteinerBooks, 2010). After with Marie von Sivers about tracing Novalis’s
reestablishing the sidereal zodiac as a basis for karmic background. The focus throughout
astrology that penetrates the mystery of the the book is on the Elijah individuality in his
stars’ relationship to human destiny, the reader various incarnations, and is based solidly on
is invited to discover the astrological signifi- Rudolf Steiner’s indications. It also can be read
cance of the totality of the vast sphere of stars as a karmic biography by anyone who chooses
surrounding the Earth. This book points to the to omit the astrosophical material.
astrological significance of the entire celestial Journal for Star Wisdom (Great Barrington, MA:
sphere, including all the stars and constella- SteinerBooks, annual). Edited by Robert Pow-
tions beyond the twelve zodiacal signs. This ell and others in the StarFire research group:
discovery is revealed by the study of megastars, A guide to the correspondences of Christ in
illustrating how they show up in an extraordi- the stellar and etheric world. Includes articles
nary way in Christ’s healing miracles by align- of interest, a complete sidereal ephemeris and
ing with the Sun at the time of those events. aspectarian, geocentric and heliocentric. Pub-
This book offers a spiritual, yet scientific, path lished yearly in November for the coming year.
toward a new relationship to the stars. According to Rudolf Steiner, every step taken
Christian Hermetic Astrology: The Star of the Magi by Christ during his ministry between the bap-
and the Life of Christ (Great Barrington, MA: tism in the Jordan and the resurrection was in
SteinerBooks, 1998). Twenty-five discourses set harmony with, and an expression of, the cos-
in the “Temple of the Sun,” where Hermes and mos. The journal is concerned with these heav-
his pupils gather to meditate on the Birth, the enly correspondences during the life of Christ.
Miracles, and the Passion of Jesus Christ. The It is intended to help provide a foundation for
discourses offer a series of meditative contem- Cosmic Christianity, the cosmic dimension
plations on the deeds of Christ in relation to the of Christianity. It is this dimension that has
mysteries of the cosmos. They are an expression been missing from Christianity in its 2,000-
of the age-old hermetic mystery wisdom of the year history. A starting point is to contemplate
ancient Egyptian sage, Hermes Trismegistus. the movements of the Sun, Moon, and planets
This book offers a meditative approach to the against the background of the zodiacal con-
cosmic correspondences between major events stellations (sidereal signs) today in relation to
in the life of Christ and the heavenly configura- corresponding stellar events during the life of
tions at that time 2,000 years ago. Christ. This opens the possibility of attuning

– 11 –
Journal for Star Wisdom 2015

to the life of Christ in the etheric cosmos in a Lacquanna Paul. Study material describing
living way. the twelve signs of the zodiac and their forms
and gestures in cosmic dance, with diagrams,
including a wealth of information on the twelve
Sophia Foundation Press and
signs and the 36 decans (the subdivision of the
Sophia Academic Press Publications signs into decans, or 10° sectors, corresponding
Books available from
to constellations above and below the zodiac).
Cosmic Dances of the Planets (San Rafael, CA:
Sophia Foundation Press, 2007), coauthor
History of the Zodiac (San Rafael, CA: Sophia
Lacquanna Paul. Study material describing
Academic Press, 2007). Book version of Rob-
the seven classical planets and their forms
ert Powell’s Ph.D. thesis on the History of the
and gestures in cosmic dance, with diagrams,
Zodiac. This penetrating study of the History
including much information on the planets.
of the Zodiac restores the sidereal zodiac to its
rightful place as the original zodiac, tracing it
back to fifth-century-bc. Babylonians. Avail- American Federation of Astrologers (AFA)
able in paperback and hard cover. Publications
Hermetic Astrology: Volume 1, Astrology and PO Box 22040, Tempe, AZ 85285.
Reincarnation (San Rafael, CA: Sophia Foun- The Sidereal Zodiac, coauthor Peter Treadgold
dation Press, 2007). This book seeks to give (Tempe, AZ: AFA, 1985). A History of the
the ancient science of the stars a scientific basis. Zodiac (sidereal, tropical, Hindu, astronomi-
This new foundation for astrology based on cal) and a formal definition of the sidereal
research into reincarnation and karma (des- zodiac with the star Aldebaran (“the Bull’s
tiny) is the primary focus. It includes numer- Eye”) at 15º Taurus. This is an abbreviated ver-
ous reincarnation examples, the study of which sion of History of the Zodiac.
reveals the existence of certain astrological
“laws” of reincarnation, on the basis of which
Rudolf Steiner College Press Publications
it is evident that the ancient sidereal zodiac is
9200 Fair Oaks Blvd., Fair Oaks, CA 95628
the authentic astrological zodiac, and that the
heliocentric movements of the planets are of The Christ Mystery: Reflections on the Second
great significance. Foundational for the new Coming (Fair Oaks, CA: Rudolf Steiner Col-
star wisdom of astrosophy. lege Press, 1999). The fruit of many years of
reflecting on the Second Coming and its cos-
Hermetic Astrology: Volume 2, Astrological Biog-
mological aspects. Looks at the approaching
raphy (San Rafael, CA: Sophia Foundation
trial of humanity and the challenges of living
Press, 2007). Concerned with karmic relation-
in apocalyptic times, against the background of
ships and the unfolding of destiny in seven-
“great signs in the heavens.”
year periods through one’s life. The seven-year
rhythm underlies the human being’s astrologi-
The Sophia Foundation
cal biography, which can be studied in rela-
4500 19th Street, #369, Boulder, CO 80304;
tion to the movements of the Sun, Moon, and
distributes many of the books listed here and
planets around the sidereal zodiac between
other works by Robert Powell.
conception and birth. The “rule of Hermes” is
Tel: (303) 242-5388;
used to determine the moment of conception.
Sign of the Son of Man in the Heavens: Sophia
and the New Star Wisdom (San Rafael, CA:
Sophia Foundation Press, 2008). Revised and Computer Program for Charts and Ephemerides,
expanded with new material, this edition deals with grateful acknowledgment to Peter Tread-
with a new wisdom of stars in the light of gold, who wrote the computer program Astro-
Divine Sophia. It is intended as a help in our fire (with research module, star catalog of over
time, when we are called on to be extremely 4,000 stars, and database of birth and death
wakeful during the period leading up to the end charts of historical personalities), capable of
of the Mayan calendar in 2012. printing geocentric and heliocentric/hermetic
Cosmic Dances of the Zodiac (San Rafael, CA: sidereal charts and ephemerides throughout
Sophia Foundation Press, 2007) coauthor history. The hermetic charts, based on the

– 12 –

astronomical system of the Danish astronomer The program includes eight house systems and a
Tycho Brahe, are called “Tychonic” charts in variety of chart formats. The program also includes
the program. This program can: an ephemeris program with a search facility. The
• compute birth charts in a large variety geocentric/heliocentric sidereal ephemeris pages in
of systems (tropical, sidereal, geocentric,
the yearly Journal for Star Wisdom are produced by
heliocentric, hermetic);
Astrofire. This program runs under Microsoft Win-
• calculate conception charts using the her-
metic rule, in turn applying it for correc- dows. Those interested in Astrofire may contact:
tion of the birth time; The Sophia Foundation
• produce charts for the period between con- 525 Gough St. #103, San Francisco, CA 94102
ception and birth; Tel: (415) 522-1150
• print out an “astrological biography” for
the whole of lifework with the geocentric,
heliocentric (and even lemniscatory) plan-
etary system;
• work with the sidereal zodiac according to
the definition of your choice (Babylonian
sidereal, Indian sidereal, unequal-division
astronomical, etc.);
• work with planetary aspects with orbs of
your choice.

A horoscope generated by the Astrofire program

– 13 –
Daniel Andreev

B y warning about the coming Antichrist and

pointing him out and unmasking him when
he appears, by cultivating unshakable faith within
energy is emanating into our cosmos. Since
ancient times the loftiest hearts and most subtle
minds have anticipated this event that is now tak-
human hearts and a grasp of the meta-historical per- ing place. The first link in the chain of events—
spectives and global spiritual prospects events so important that they can be
within human minds . . . [we help Sophia compared only to the incarnation of
bring to birth the new culture of love the Logos—occurred at the turn of
and wisdom called by Daniel Andreev the nineteenth century. This was an
the “Rose of the World.”] . . . [Sophia’s] emanation of the energy of the Vir-
birth in one of the zatomis will be gin Mother, an emanation that was
mirrored not only by the Rose of the not amorphous, as it had been before
World; feminine power and its role in in human history [at Pentecost, when
contemporary life are increasing everywhere. It there was an emanation of Sophia into the Virgin
is that circumstance, above all, that is giving rise Mary], but incomparably intensified by the per-
to worldwide peace movements, an abhorrence sonal aspect it assumed. A great God-born monad
of bloodshed, disillusion over coercive methods descended from the heights of the universe into
of change, an increase in woman’s role in society our cosmos (ibid., p. 356).
proper, an ever-growing tenderness and concern [The words of the great Russian seer, Daniel
for children, and a burning hunger for beauty and Andreev, are prophetic. As indicated in The
love. We are entering an age when the female soul Most Holy Trinosophia, 2 he points to the
will become ever purer and broader, when an ever- descent of Sophia and the resulting Sophianic
greater number of women will become profound world culture, the Rose of the World, in a most
inspirers, sensitive mothers, wise counselors, and inspiring way.]
far-sighted leaders. It will be an age when the femi-
She is to be born in a body of enlightened
nine in humanity will manifest with unprecedented
ether. . . . There She is, our hope and joy, Light and
strength, striking a perfect balance with masculine
Divine Beauty! For Her birth will be mirrored in
impulses. See, you who have eyes.1
our history as something that our grandchildren
{These words are those of Daniel Andreev and great-grandchildren will witness: the found-
(1906–1959), the great prophet of the coming ing of the Rose of the World, its spread through-
Age of Sophia and the corresponding Sophi- out the world, and . . . the assumption by the Rose
anic culture he called the “Rose of the World.” of the World of supreme authority over the entire
In this quote, zatomis refers to a heavenly
Earth (ibid., p. 357).
realm within the Earth’s etheric aura. Andreev
refers to Sophia as Zventa-Sventana, “Holiest [The Sophia Foundation was founded and
of the Holy.”] exists to help usher in the new Age of Sophia
and the corresponding Sophianic culture,
A mysterious event is taking place in the meta- the Rose of the World, prophesied by Daniel
history of contemporary times: new divine-creative Andreev and other spiritual teachers.

1 Daniel Andreev, The Rose of the World, p. 358.

Words in brackets [ ] here and in the following text 2 Robert Powell, The Most Holy Trinosophia: The
are added by Robert Powell. New Revelation of the Divine Feminine.

– 14 –
As quoted at the beginning, “warning about World will concentrate their forces upon the work
the coming Antichrist and pointing him out and of warning about this monster. . . . This bearer of a
unmasking him when he appears” is important. dark mission will probably not truly grasp whom
As discussed in the article “In Memory of Willi he serves and for whom he prepares the way. With
Sucher” (Journal for Star Wisdom 2010). all his intellectual genius, his mind will be com-
Humanity’s encounter with the Antichrist
pletely closed to anything of a mystical nature. . . .
is part of the initiation trial of humanity as
He will be greeted enthusiastically: “There he is!
a whole crossing the threshold. The external
The one for whom we have been waiting!” He
aspect of this initiation trial is the meeting with
will show his true force only much later, when the
the Antichrist as the embodiment of the sum-
total of humanity’s negative karma, the double “savior” holds the entire power in his hands. . . .
of humankind as a whole. The inner aspect Is it a matter of a human being? Yes and no. On
is the encounter with Christ or the Archangel several occasions [in Rosa Mira] I have indicated
Michael as the Guardian of the Threshold. The that this individual was incarnated as a Roman
result of successfully passing through this initi- emperor and how, over the centuries and from life
ation trial is the opening up of conscious aware- to life, he became enveloped in demonic substance.
ness of the angelic realm. This is one aspect of Concerning this monad, whom Gagtungr [Ahri-
the great event at the culmination of the process man, or Satan] himself has kidnapped . . . enough
of humankind as a whole crossing the threshold. has been said about his previous incarnation [as
Another aspect of this culmination is depicted
Stalin] in Russia. . . . [In that incarnation,] the
in the article on World Pentecost.3
forces of providence hindered [Satan’s attempt] to
More than anyone else, Daniel Andreev, as
make of him a dark, universal genius.
prophet of the coming Sophia culture, the Rose
[Now, in 1958, he is being prepared] for the suc-
of the World, had a visionary experience of the
coming of the Antichrist. His words concern- cessful fulfillment of the historic role of the Anti-
ing this are not in the English edition of the christ. Stalin’s tyrannical genius and his ability
Rose of the World. Because of the importance to control hypnotically the will of others is well
of Daniel Andreev’s vision of the coming of the known. . . . [When he reincarnates as the Anti-
Antichrist, his words about this appeared for christ,] he will have at his disposal an enormous
the first time in English in this journal. capacity for work and a multitude of talents. . . .
The German translation of Daniel Andreev’s He will be uniquely and terribly beautiful. From
book Rosa Mira: Rose of the World, in three his facial characteristics, it will be difficult to
volumes, comprises a translation of the whole place him in any particular race or nation. Rather,
original Russian text, whereas the English edi-
he will be seen as a representative of the collective
tion corresponds to volume 1 of the three Ger-
of humanity. . . . [At a certain point in his life, he
man volumes.4]
will undergo a transformation.] His transforma-
tion will be noticed by people immediately, yet
they will be unable to recognize the meaning or
the “how” [of this transformation]. The external
Certainly, humanity has not lacked warnings. appearance of the transformed one will remain
Not only the New Testament but also the Qur’an virtually unchanged. However, a terrible and
and even the Mahabharata have warned us in the frightening energy will proceed from him . . . Any-
distant past. Have spiritual seers in the East and one who touches him will receive an electric shock.
in the West not proclaimed the Antichrist as an An invincible hypnotic force [will proceed from
unavoidable evil? All leaders of the Rose of the him]. . . . The disturbing influence [on spiritually
striving human beings] and upon the entire popu-
3 See Robert Powell, Prophecy–Phenomena–Hope. lation set in motion by the transformation of the
4 The following translation from German into Antilogos will be extraordinary. . . .
English is by RP.

– 15 –
Journal for Star Wisdom 2015

After a rigged vote, he—the miracle worker—will the dark miracles and the charm of the superman,
crown himself. . . . Humanity will be divided [into as well as from his immeasurable intelligence and
those who accept him as world ruler] and those who frighteningly cynical wickedness. . . . The majority
refuse to acknowledge the usurper. . . . Of course, of people will fall away from God and allow them-
force will be used against anyone who refuses to selves to be led astray by Gagtungr’s protégée . . . .
follow the Antichrist. Dark miracles will increas- Stalin wanted not only to be feared; he also
ingly occur, shattering the consciousness of people wanted to be loved. The Antichrist, however, has
to the very roots of their being. For many, Christ’s need of only one thing: the conviction that every-
miracles will pale into insignificance. Crazy enthu- one [should hold] without exception, [to] believe in
siasm will roll in waves across the world. . . . Eventu- his superiority and [to] subject themselves to him
ally, the Antilogos will hold the sole rulership of the without hesitation . . . .
planet in his hands. Yet, the true and highest lead- When [during the reign of the Antichrist] the
ers will not subject themselves to this usurper. This machine civilization begins its total assault on
will also be the case for millions, perhaps hundreds Nature, the entire landscape of the Earth’s sur-
of millions, of people in every country of the world. face will be transformed into a complete Anti-
The age of persecution commences. From year to Nature. . . . Nature, having become inwardly empty
year, they become increasingly extensive, method- and outwardly crippled, will no longer awaken
ical, [and] cruel. Here, the cunning Gagtungr aesthetic or pantheistic feelings . . . .
[Ahriman/Satan] even makes use of the heroic pro- Certainly, too, during the complete rule of the
test of the masses. The candidate for the Antichrist tyrant, there will be many whose innermost life
who had failed . . . who had taken his life at the end will rebel against the senseless existence under
of World War II, 5 advances now to become the the Antichrist. However, psychic control will
self-appointed leader of the rebels in the struggle stifle such thoughts as they arise, and only a few
against the world ruler. . . . His thoroughly dark will succeed in acquiring a system of psychic self-
movement will draw the hearts of many into a spi- defense to protect them from being physically
ral of raging wickedness and senseless hatred. . . . destroyed . . . .
Christ’s significance will continually be weakened. All written or other testimonies that could be
Then his name will be denied—and finally envel- dangerous for the Antichrist will be destroyed . . . .
oped in silence. . . . [The suffering of human beings gives nour-
Shock and terror will take hold of many. Mil- ishment (gavvach) to the demons.] . . . No world
lions of those who had previously distanced them- wars, revolutions, or repressions, no mass spill-
selves from religious matters, who occupied them- ing of blood, could have produced gavvach in
selves primarily with concerns in their own little such amounts. . . . In fact, even humanity in
world or with artistic pursuits or scientific research, its demonized aspect will not satisfy the Anti-
will sense that an irrevocable and very dangerous christ. He needs humanity as his source of gav-
choice confronts them. In the face of this, even vach. . . . [However] even in the most sinful soul,
torture and execution pale. . . . Countless people an inextinguishable spark of conscience gleams.
will turn away from this offspring of hell . . . from However, despair, increasing ignorance, and
sheer boredom with life will also take hold of
5 Daniel Andreev depicts the two main candidates many people, and this will lead to their rejection
for the Antichrist in their twentieth-century
incarnations: Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. In
by the Antichrist. Of what use to him is the intel-
those incarnations, they competed with each lectual paralysis that sets in after such excesses
other to become the most evil. In the following of despair? Such people are hardly suited to the
incarnation, the most evil one would become
further development of demonic science and tech-
the vessel for the incarnation of the Antichrist.
According to Daniel Andreev, Joseph Stalin outdid nology or to the conquest of the cosmos or the
Adolf Hitler to become the chosen one, the prince satanizing of the world . . . .
of darkness. —R. Powell

– 16 –
The Rose of the World (Rosa Mira)

[After the Antichrist’s death] the world state how it had evolved over time to become the body
will rapidly collapse, and only drastic mea- of the Second Coming. All the various forms—
sures will hinder anarchy in various parts of everything that I witnessed in the resurrection
the world. . . . “And there appears a great sign in body when I saw it being formed two thousand
heaven: a woman clothed with the Sun” [Revela- years ago7— have evolved in the course of time
tion 12:1]. Who is the woman clothed with the to become what they are now, at this time of the
Sun? It is Sventa-Sventana [Sophia], embraced by Second Coming. The mystery of his resurrection
the planetary Logos and chosen to give birth to body, and how it has evolved over time to become
the Great Spirit of the Second Aeon. The reflection the body of the Second Coming, is something truly
of this event in world history is the Rose of the vast and unfathomable. I beheld that on this very
World, whose utmost striving before, during, and day the resurrection body was streaming from the
after the time of the Antichrist prepares human- Sun to the Earth as the body of Christ in the Sec-
ity to become a vessel for the Great Spirit. . . . An ond Coming. This was beautiful! Everything in his
unimaginable jubilation will take hold of this and resurrection body is incomparably beautiful—so
other worlds as humanity passes through a great, wondrous was it that my spirit soared to meet him
light-filled transformation. as he was descending toward me.
The prince of darkness will terrify human This is something new, the onset of which is now,
beings. . . . Christ, however, will take on as many at this time of the Second Coming. For there is
forms as there are conscious beings on Earth to something very special thing happening with the
behold him. He will adapt himself to everyone and Earth at this time. Indeed the Earth is being envel-
will converse with all. His forms will simultane- oped and embraced in the resurrection body.
ously yield an image in an unimaginable way: One After beholding these things, I was able to then
who appears in heaven surrounded by unspeakable experience many dimensions at once—past, pres-
glory. There will not be a single being on Earth who ent and future were all before my inner gaze. In
will not see the Son of God and hear his Word.6 my lifted state I was able to perceive in the eternal
round, and did not need to make sense of things
[Note added by RP: On this day of April 30,
2014, the Sun was at exactly the same location in linear time.
in the sidereal zodiac—15½° Aries—as where I found myself in the garden of the holy sepul-
it was located on Sunday, April 5 ad 33, at cher, where I saw Mary Magdalene on the morn-
Christ’s resurrection. Today was the cosmic ing of the Resurrection, and I witnessed the Resur-
commemoration of the greatest event in the rection as it happened for her. I was at the point in
history of the Earth: the Resurrection. At the time when, with her whole soul, she went toward
present point in time the cosmic commemo- the Risen One and he said, “Touch me not, for
ration of the Resurrection happens each year I have not yet ascended to the Father.” There is
around April 30.] a profound mystery in these words. Within these
As this vision began, I experienced the resurrec- words lies the key to the soul’s journey from the
tion body streaming out through the Sun and fill- point in time of the Resurrection through the
ing my entire being. The sunlight rays bearing the Ascension and culminating for each and every soul
resurrection body touched every cell. Every cell at this present point in time, during the unfolding
was awakening. By the power of the Sun, and due of the Second Coming. These words were given to
to its position in the cosmos (for it was positioned Mary Magdalene first. She was the first soul who
exactly where it was on Resurrection morning), I received this instruction.
merged with the resurrection body. I was in awe Near to the end of Christ Jesus’s life, he had
to behold this body in its present form; I beheld taken Mary Magdalene through certain initiations,

6 Daniil Andrejew, Rosa Mira: Die Weltrose, vol. 3, 7 Isaacson, Through the Eyes of Mary Magdalene,
pp. 202–226. book 2: From Initiation to the Passion, pp. 232–236.

– 17 –
Journal for Star Wisdom 2015

which made it possible for her to experience mysti- cross, and then to spiritually encounter him at the
cal union with Christ. In mystical union one expe- Resurrection. And having spiritually witnessed
riences spiritual touch, which is the ability to dis- Christ’s earthly path culminating with the Res-
cern another being, by giving that being the space urrection, one then follows the path of the Risen
to dwell within one’s own heart. From her initia- One that takes one from the Resurrection through
tions, Mary Magdalene was able to inwardly come the Ascension 9 to the Second Coming, where this
into communion with—to “touch”—the Christ spiritual touch happens.10 It is happening today for
being, to know him in a deeply spiritual way. After the Earth and Nature. I bear witness to this. And
his death on the cross, she lost touch with him. it can happen in those individual hearts that are
He descended into the heart of the earthly realm, prepared. Prior to today it already began happen-
and she was severed from this inner relationship. ing for certain souls. Today, however, is the new
On the morning of the Resurrection, he appeared day for the spiritual touch of the body of the Sec-
to her just after he had acquired his resurrection ond Coming that is manifesting on the Earth.
body. At that moment of their meeting there in For most people this day will pass unknown and
the garden, he had not yet ascended with this new unrecognized—this day on which the resurrec-
body to present it to the Father. He needed to take tion body of the Second Coming has now touched
all that he was—everything that was his body— down upon the Earth. To this point in its unfold-
and present it to the Father—and could not be in ing, I have been experiencing the resurrection
a state of union with a human being until a later body through the course of time in its progression
time. Thus, Mary Magdalene could not experi- from the day of the Resurrection. And today is the
ence spiritual touch with him. The resurrection first time that this fulfillment of the spiritual touch
body had yet to be presented to the Father. of the body of the Second Coming to the Earth is
The culmination, the fulfillment of these words: truly fulfilled. The experience of the Second Com-
“Touch me not, for I have not yet ascended to my ing will be, for most people, a process that unfolds
Father” comes now, at this time of the Second and deepens over the course of time. It happens in
Coming. For this particular soul the fulfillment is a way that the person can experience him without
today [on this day of the cosmic commemoration being overwhelmed by the utter majesty and radi-
of the Resurrection—1,981 years after the Resur- ance of his presence.
rection on Sunday, April 5 AD 33].8 In the Second On this day—never before had I seen him like
Coming the fulfillment of those words is, “Touch this!—it is in red robes that he appeared to me.
me now, for I have descended unto you.” The body of the Second Coming is thus clothed
Part of the soul’s journey is to follow the path of in glorious red, and he is pouring out his love
Christ, to do the things he did and to bear one’s and mercy in radiant streams of light from his
wounds. He showed me the wound in his side
8 Note in brackets [ ] added by RP. It is noteworthy
that 1,981 years equates with 167 orbits of Jupiter from which—as with all his wounds, but espe-
around the sidereal zodiac. That is, on this day it cially from the wound in his side—unfathomable
was not only the Sun that was where it was at the mercy and compassion is streaming. His love and
Resurrection. Also Jupiter was at almost exactly
the same location in the sidereal sign of Gemini as
where it was at the Resurrection, closely aligned 9 Powell, Cultivating Inner Radiance and the Body
with the star Sirius at 19½° Gemini. Interestingly of Immortality, maps out a path of daily spiritual
1,981 years is seven periods of 283 years. From practice leading one through the stages of the
the baptism in the River Jordan in ad 29 to the Transfiguration, the Crucifixion, the Resurrection,
year 312 is a period of 283 years. It was in ad 312 and the Ascension—toward the next step, which is
that the Emperor Constantine the Great (after the Second Coming. The inner radiance sequence is
having had a suprasensory experience expressive of thus a daily practice, a schooling, to align one with
Christ—or rather, of Christ’s name) converted to the Second Coming.
Christianity. Constantine’s conversion, 283 years 10 What is meant here is the spiritual touch indicated
after the baptism of Jesus, completely changed the in the words: “Touch me now, for I have descended
destiny of Christianity. unto you.”

– 18 –
The Rose of the World (Rosa Mira)

mercy is for the world—for the entire Earth: for new day for the spiritual touch of the body of the
all human beings and for the whole of Nature. Second Coming that has now touched down upon
These mysteries are unfathomable. the Earth, and this event signifies the inaugura-
All human souls must find their own “I” and tion of a new era for humanity and the Earth.11
claim it for themselves in the light of the Resur-

rection. This is an experience of the Resurrection
anew, which is happening now, at this time during
11 [Footnote added by RP]: The profound meaning
the unfolding process of the Second Coming.
of this vision of Estelle Isaacson from April 30,
I was able to witness these things while being 2014, on the day of the cosmic commemoration
inside the body of the Second Coming, which is of the Resurrection, can be deepened in light of
nothing other than the resurrection body that the significance of the year 2014 described in my
article “2014 and the Coming of the Kalki Avatar”
has evolved to a very high level beyond its initial in Journal for Star Wisdom2014. See also Powell
manifestation to Mary Magdalene. The only way and Isaacson, Gautama Buddha’s Successor, which
I could gaze upon all of these things outside of focuses on the cultural wave that began in 2014
in connection with the Maitreya individuality
time is through this body. Now I understand the
awaited by Buddhists as the next Buddha, who
cosmic history of the resurrection body: from the is the same as the Kalki individuality awaited by
Resurrection through the Ascension to the Second Hindus as the next Avatar. The mission of the
Coming, to the present point in time—to this spe- Maitreya individuality, according to Rudolf Steiner,
is to proclaim Christ in his Second Coming and
cial day of fulfillment when from now onwards to transmit the power of morality, the power of
the Earth is being enveloped and embraced in the Good, through the word—the Good, now, for
the resurrection body, with the resurrection body humanity and the Earth, being Christ in his Second
Coming, who is bestowing the power of the Good
streaming from the Sun to the Earth. Today is the upon those who align themselves with him.

– 19 –

Robert Powell, Ph.D.

T he Journal for Star Wisdom (formerly Chris-

tian Star Calendar) has appeared every year
since 1991. From the beginning, the central
The events of Christ’s life lived two thousand
years ago are inscribed into his ether body, and
to meditate upon these events at times when they
feature has been the calendar comprising the are cosmically remembered is a way of draw-
monthly ephemeris pages together with com- ing near to Christ. The recently updated version
mentaries drawing attention to the Christ events of my article “Subnature and the Second Com-
remembered by the ongoing cosmic events. The ing” (in The Inner Life of the Earth 2) outlines
significance of following the Christ events the background to contemporary events as a
in relation to daily astronomical events is an confrontation between good and evil in relation
important foundation for the new star wisdom to Christ’s descent at this time through the sub-
of astrosophy.1 This new star wisdom is arising earthly realms and also gives an overview of the
in our time in response to the second coming of various cosmic rhythms unfolding in relation to
Christ—known as his return in the etheric realm his second coming, including the thirty-three-
of life forces—as a path of communing with and-one-third-year rhythm of his ether body.
Christ in his life body (ether body). It should The Journal for Star Wisdom encourages
also be mentioned that, with the onset of the the reader to engage in the practice of stargaz-
second coming of Christ during the course of ing, which is fundamental to the development of
the twentieth century, Christ is now the Lord of the new star wisdom of astrosophy. One of the
Karma, and this is important to take into consid- foundations of astrosophy lies in the science of
eration in the development of a new relationship astronomy, providing the new star wisdom with a
of humanity to the stars in our time, particularly secure scientific foundation, which moreover, can
with respect to the horoscope as an expression of be brought into the realm of experience through
human karma or destiny. the practice of stargazing. In astrosophy there is
no longer a separation between astronomy and
1 There are many different approaches to astrosophy
and not all use the equal-division sidereal zodiac astrology. For example, when in the Journal for
that forms the basis of the approach followed in Star Wisdom it is indicated that currently Mars
the Journal for Star Wisdom. All references to the in the heavens is at 15° Taurus then, assuming
zodiac and to planetary positions in the zodiac in
the Journal for Star Wisdom are in terms of the that Mars is visible, the red planet can be seen in
sidereal zodiac as defined in my book History of conjunction with Aldebaran marking the Bull’s
the Zodiac. Moreover, in astrosophy there are eye at the center of the constellation of Taurus,
different chronologies of the life of Christ, and the
whose longitude, as the central star in this con-
chronology that forms the basis of the approach
followed in the Journal for Star Wisdom is set stellation, is 15° Taurus. In astrosophy, the astro-
forth in my book Chronicle of the Living Christ. logical fact of Mars at 15° Taurus is identical with
Thus, all references to planetary positions at the the astronomical reality of Mars’ location at the
Christ events in the Journal for Star Wisdom are in
terms of the scientifically established chronology of
the life of Christ set forth in my book Chronicle of 2 O’Leary (ed.), The Inner Life of the Earth,
the Living Christ. pp. 69–141.

– 20 –
Editorial Foreword

center of the constellation of Taurus. Astrosophy the Christian Star Calendar. A point was reached
thus relates to sense-perceptible reality and to where it became clear that the publication is more
the Divine “background of existence” (the spiri- of a journal than a calendar, although the cal-
tual hierarchies)3 underlying this reality, whereas endar continues to play an important role. It is
astrology is generally practiced in such a way that therefore a natural transition from the Christian
there is a split between astrology and astronomy Star Calendar to the Journal for Star Wisdom.
(in this example, modern astrology, which uses As referred to in my article in this issue of the
the tropical zodiac rather than the equal-division Journal for Star Wisdom, perhaps the greatest
sidereal zodiac used in astrosophy, would say that prophecy of our time—one that is little known,
Mars is “in Gemini”). The historical background but that is the reason for the existence of this
as to how this separation between astronomy and journal, and is a source of tremendous spiritual
astrology arose is described in my book History light—is Rudolf Steiner’s prophecy from the year
of the Zodiac.4 1910, just over one hundred years ago. On Janu-
The present issue of the Journal for Star Wis- ary 12, 1910, he prophesied that the second com-
dom is the twenty-fourth, and the sixth published ing of Christ would begin in 1933, an event called
under the new title; the first eighteen issues were “Christ’s appearance in the etheric realm”—not a
published under the title Christian Star Calendar. return in a physical body but in an etheric (life)
By way of explanation concerning the new title, body, the realm of life forces. Here with my trans-
this publication is intended as an outreach from lation of Marie Steiner’s notes from this impor-
the StarFire research group (an astrosophy group) tant, hitherto unpublished lecture:
that meets yearly in Boulder, Colorado (sometimes
3000 bc: Kali Yuga commenced and lasted
in Fair Oaks, California); see the website www
until 1899—a time of great transition. 5 The Journal for Star Wisdom
1933: human beings will appear with clair-
is intended as an organ for the development of voyant faculties, which they will develop natu-
the new star wisdom of astrosophy. This was rally. At this time, which we are approaching,
also the purpose of the Christian Star Calendar. the newly beginning clairvoyant faculties have
However, there the focus, at least, initially, was to be satisfied, to experience what they [human
primarily on the calendar—the monthly ephem- beings] should do with them.
eris and commentaries. In the course of time, I am with you always, even unto the end of
more and more research articles on the new star the world.
wisdom of astrosophy came to be published in Christ will appear in an etheric form. The
physical Christ became the Spirit of the Earth—
3 According to Rudolf Steiner, the constellations are this was the midpoint, the balance, of Earth
the abode of the first hierarchy, called Seraphim, evolution.
Cherubim, and Thrones. The movement of the
planets takes place against the background of the
5th Letter of the Ap(ocalypse): I will come
zodiacal constellations, which—considered as again; however, take heed that you do not fail
the abode of the first hierarchy—form the Divine to recognize me.
“background of existence” in the heavens. “Suppose 2,500 years is the time that humanity has to
you wanted to point to some particular [group of] develop again the gifts of clairvoyance. Around
Thrones, Cherubim and Seraphim, one denotes
them by a particular constellation. It is like a 1933 the Gospels must be recognized in their
signpost. In that direction over there are the [group spiritual meaning such that they have worked
of] Thrones, Cherubim and Seraphim known as the preparing for Christ. Otherwise untold confu-
Twins, over there [the group of Thrones, Cherubim sion of the soul will be caused.
and Seraphim known as] the Lion, etc.” (Steiner, Around 1933 there will be some representa-
The Spiritual Hierarchies, p. 99; words in brackets
added by RP). tives of black magical schools, who will falsely
4 Robert Powell, History of the Zodiac. proclaim a physical Christ.
5 Other astrosophy websites:www.sophiafoundation
.org and

– 21 –
Journal for Star Wisdom 2015

Each time that he becomes perceptible, In conclusion I would like to express gratitude
Christ is perceptible for other faculties.6 to our publisher, Gene Gollogly of SteinerBooks,
This was Rudolf Steiner’s greatest prophecy: and to the able assistance of Jens Jensen of Stein-
the second coming of Christ, which he called the erBooks, for making this fourth issue of the Jour-
appearance of Christ in the etheric realm, begin- nal for Star Wisdom available, and to all those
ning in 1933. It is this event, the presence of the who have contributed to make this issue possible,
etheric Christ, lasting from 1933 for 2,500 years in particular to our authors for presenting their
(until 4433), that is pivotal for the approach to research articles as contributions to the founda-
astrosophy (star wisdom) outlined in the Journal tions of the new star wisdom of astrosophy, and to
for Star Wisdom. all our readers who ultimately are the reason for
the existence of the Journal for Star Wisdom.

6 Translated from the first page of Marie Steiner’s •

notes, recently published in German for the
first time in Der Europäer, vol. 14, Dec./Jan.
2009/2010, p. 3.

To starry realms,
To the dwelling places of Gods,
Turns the Spirit gaze of my soul.

From starry realms,

From the dwelling places of Gods,
Streams Spirit power into my soul.

For starry realms,

For the dwelling places of Gods,
Lives my Spirit heart through my soul.
—Rudolf Steiner

– 22 –

T he listing of major planetary events each month is intended as a stimulus toward attun-
ement with the Universal Christ, the Logos, whose being encompasses the entire galaxy.
The deeds of the historical Christ wrought two thousand years ago are of eternal signifi-
cance—inscribed into the cosmos—and they resonate with the movements of the heavenly
bodies, especially when certain alignments or planetary configurations occur bearing a
resemblance with those prevailing at the time of events in the life of Jesus Christ. With the
rare astronomical event of the transit of Venus across the face of the Sun that took place
June 8, 2004, at exactly the zodiacal degree (23º Taurus), where the Sun stood at Christ’s
Ascension, a new impulse was given from divine-spiritual realms for the further unfolding
of star wisdom, Astro-Sophia.
The calendar may be found beginning on page XXX. It comprises ephemeris pages for
the twelve months of the year with accompanying monthly commentaries on the astro-
nomical events listed on the ephemeris pages. Indications regarding the similarity of con-
temporary planetary configurations with those at events in the life of Christ are given in
the lower part of the monthly commentaries, and the upper part gives a commentary on the
notable astronomical occurrences each month. Unless otherwise stated, all astronomical
indications regarding visibility mean “visible to the naked eye.” See the note concerning
time on the page preceding the monthly commentaries.
With this calendar, astronomy and astrology, which were a unity in the ancient star wis-
dom of the Egyptians and Babylonians, are reunited and provide a foundation for astroso-
phy, the all-encompassing star wisdom, Astro-Sophia, an expression of Sophia and referred
to in the Revelation of John as the “Bride of the Lamb.”

– 23 –

Robert Powell

RUDOLF STEINER’S DISCOVERY OF THE arises: What is the truth here? Because of the great
720-YEAR DECAN R HYTHM IN H ISTORY: interest in the theme of the zodiacal ages, this
A JUXTAPOSITION OF TWO COSMIC article explores this important subject and related
R HYTHMS IN OUR TIME, themes in depth.
IN R ELATION TO 2014/2015: Now, through the exact definition of the zodiac, 2
it is possible to know that the age of Aquarius will
1. Relating to the 1,199-Year Time Lag Between start in the year 2375. 3 As will be described later
the Start of a Zodiacal Age and the Beginning in this article, the average length of a zodiacal age
of the Corresponding Cultural Epoch, and is 2,160 years, from which it follows that the age
2. Relating to the 720-Year Rhythm Connected of Pisces began in ad 215 (utilizing this average of
with the Decans 2,160 years, subtracted from 2,375). Going back
a further 2,160 years, we discover that the age
of Aries began in -1945 astronomically, which—
The purpose of this article is to awaken the
as will be explained later in this article—equates
interest of the reader to the significance of these
with 1946 bc historically. This knowledge con-
rhythms, and thereby to promote a more con-
cerning the actual dates of the zodiacal ages was
scious understanding of the events of the present
not indicated by Rudolf Steiner.
time in relation to cosmic influences. Moreover,
as this article shows, Rudolf Steiner, owing to his Cultural Epochs
extraordinary spiritual gifts, can be regarded as Steiner’s spiritual research, however, did reveal
a pioneer—if not THE pioneer—of sidereal star that the spiritual influence associated with a given
wisdom in the West, even though he did not indi- zodiacal age works itself out, after a certain time
cate exactly how the sidereal zodiac is defined lag, to become a powerful cultural influence
astronomically. that gives rise to what he called a cultural epoch.
It is logical that once the sidereal zodiac has been Rudolf Steiner’s introduction of cultural epochs
defined accurately,1 it is then possible to calculate offers a truly great enrichment to our understand-
the lengths of the zodiacal ages arising through ing of the unfolding of history, as will emerge dur-
the precession of the equinoxes. For example, in ing the course of this article.
popular culture there is a widespread belief that Later in this article we shall explore in greater
we have already entered the age of Aquarius. How- depth the relationship between the zodiacal ages
ever, as astronomers unanimously confirm, the
vernal point is currently in the constellation of 2 Ibid.
Pisces. Thus, as far as astronomy is concerned we 3 Powell, Hermetic Astrology, vol. 1: Astrology and
Reincarnation, figure 11, gives an overview of the
are still in the zodiacal age of Pisces. The question
precise dates of the zodiacal ages. Note that the
1 Powell, History of the Zodiac, which is the book of date of the start of the age of Aquarius is given as
a PhD thesis, offers a precise scientific definition of 2376 in the introduction to the American Sidereal
the original zodiac—that of the Babylonians—from Ephemeris 1976–2000. This difference of one year
around 500 bc. in the two dates is insignificant and can be ignored.

– 24 –
Zodiacal Ages and Cultural Epochs

and the cultural epochs. At this juncture it can as a reflection of cosmic influences—“as above, so
be stated briefly that each zodiacal age gives rise below”—through his application of the Egyptian
some twelve centuries later to a corresponding cul- decans, which are ten-degree subdivisions in each
tural epoch. In other words, the time lag between of the thirty-degree expanses within the circle of
the start of a zodiacal age and the beginning of the twelve signs of the sidereal zodiac. As each
the corresponding cultural epoch is approximately constellation is therefore divided into three 10º
twelve hundred years—the exact length of the time decans, applying this to historical periods means
lag being 1,199 years. Further, whereas the influ- that each 10º subdivision equals 720 years of his-
ence of a zodiacal age takes effect spiritually at the tory (2,160/3 = 720; 2,160 being the length of a
time the vernal point precesses into a new zodia- zodiacal age). Towards the end of this article, the
cal constellation, the corresponding cultural age 720-year “decan periods” will be discussed in rela-
requires a further twelve centuries for the spiritual tion to the present time in history, whereby the
effects to become evident culturally— giving rise strong influence of the planet Mars upon current
to a cultural epoch. The beginning of a zodiacal events clearly emerges.
age is often evidenced, for example, through the As far as I know, Rudolf Steiner’s important
birth of a great teacher of humanity who plants contribution to this aspect of star wisdom has not
the seeds necessary in order that the subsequent been explored in depth before. It is therefore a joy
cultural epoch can become a reality on the cul- and an honor to have the opportunity to make this
tural level approximately twelve centuries later. A new research available to readers of the Journal
striking example, which we shall look at in more for Star Wisdom. Readers are invited to journey
detail later, is the founding of the ancient city of on an expedition of true scientific research, where
Rome in 747 bc. This was precisely at the start patience and persistence are called upon to navi-
of the fourth cultural epoch, 1,199 years after the gate one’s way through the foundational material
beginning of the zodiacal age of Aries in 1946 that is a prerequisite for grasping the star wisdom
bc—which was around the time of the birth of influences that underlie the unfolding of history.
Abraham, the founder of the people of Israel. Toward the end of this article such influences are
Through referring always to cultural epochs, revealed—not only in the past but also in relation
Rudolf Steiner bypassed the need to refer to the to the present time.
zodiacal ages. Even though he did not indicate Here I would like to note that an earlier discus-
the dates of the zodiacal ages, just as did he not sion of the theme of this article took place among
indicate the length of the time lag (1,199 years) several people. This earlier discussion, first pub-
between the start of a zodiacal age and the corre- lished by David Tresemer (,
sponding cultural epoch,4 he provided all the ele- was prompted by a question relating to the follow-
ments needed for an understanding of the unfold- ing words of Rudolf Steiner:
ing of the zodiacal ages and their corresponding Initially the Event of Golgotha, the Incarnation
cultural epochs, including providing a background of Christ as Man, met with a way of think-
for grasping the significance of the 1,199-year time ing and feeling that was still of an instinctive
lag. Moreover, he laid the basis for a profound nature.  It took the next two-thirds of this
understanding of the unfolding of world history epoch for these forces emanating from the
Event of Golgotha to flow into humankind’s
4 What is meant here is that, on the basis of the
more or less unconscious instinctive forces of
published works of Rudolf Steiner, he did not
indicate the dates of the zodiacal ages or the length intelligence and feeling. 5
of the time lag of 1,199 years. It is nevertheless
possible that he did indeed know the dates of
the zodiacal ages and the length of the time
lag between the start of a zodiacal age and the 5 This lecture, translated from CW 330, was
beginning of the corresponding cultural epoch. But, published in The Anthroposophical Review, vol. 2,
if so, he never communicated this knowledge. no. 3 (1980). [CW = Complete Works].

– 25 –
Journal for Star Wisdom 2015

In the course of the earlier discussion concern- Decans referred to by Rudolf Steiner
ing the above quote, the time lag of 1,199 years The lecture by Rudolf Steiner quoted above is
(the period of rotation of the Venus pentagram) of central importance for the theme of this arti-
between the start of a zodiacal age and the cor- cle—lecture 4 in Ancient Myths: Their Meaning
responding cultural epoch was pointed out.6 In and Connection with Evolution.11 There Rudolf
addition, the one and only instance when Rudolf Steiner talks explicitly about the influence of the
Steiner mentioned a 600-year “cultural wave” was Pisces forces in connection with the vernal point
also indicated.7 This latter rhythm serves as addi- in Pisces. Also, he mentions the planetary rul-
tional confirmation of the relevance of the Venus ers—Saturn, Jupiter, Mars—of the three decans
pentagram rhythm of 1,199 years, the 600-year belonging to Pisces, which (considered as a zodi-
cultural wave being half of the 1,199-year time lag; acal sign) is ruled as a whole by Jupiter. In par-
thus the time lag comprises two cultural waves. ticular, with the retrogression of the vernal point
Rudolf Steiner's remark concerning the 600-year moving backwards through the sidereal sign of
rhythm, known as a cultural wave, came in his Pisces—this being the so-called “precession of
lecture on March 13, 1911: the equinoxes”—the influence of Mars begins at
We are living today at the beginning of a the start of the cultural epoch of Pisces, owing to
period of transition before the onset of the the rulership by Mars of the third decan of Pisces.
next six-hundred-year wave of culture, when Here let us note that the third decan, extending
something entirely new is pressing in upon us, from 20° to 30° Pisces, is the first section of Pisces
when the Christ impulse is to be enriched by that the vernal point moves through, shifting back
something new. 8 from 0° Aries to 30° Pisces and then continuing
to move retrograde through the three decans of
It was noted previously that almost all anthro-
Pisces at a rate (on average) of one degree every
posophical authors employ ad 1413 as the date for
seventy-two years.
the beginning of the fifth post-Atlantean (Piscean)
I am grateful to all who participated in the ear-
cultural epoch, rather than the astronomical date
lier discussion underlying the theme of this article.
1414. Acknowledging the 1,199-year rhythm in
I am particularly grateful that Rudolf Steiner’s
relation to the astronomical dating of ad 1414 for
lecture of 8 January 1918, where the Egyptian
the advent of the cultural epoch of Pisces, a number
decans are mentioned, was brought into the dis-
of other interesting historical correlations become
cussion. It is interesting to note that while this
evident.9 In this connection, a helpful resource is
is the only lecture in the Complete Works (CW)
R.S.W. Bobbette's compilation of many of Rudolf
of Rudolf Steiner where he refers to the decans
Steiner's statements on star knowledge—at least,
explicitly, there is another lecture, that of 30 July
those that have been translated into English.10 
1918, discussed below, where he draws atten-
6 Powell, Hermetic Astrology, vol. 1: Astrology
tion to the 720-year rhythm connected with the
and Reincarnation, chapter 3 describes the time
lag of 1,199 years as the period of rotation of the decans.12 This very important decan lecture of 8
so-called Venus pentagram once through the twelve
11 Steiner, Ancient Myths: And the New Isis Mystery
signs of the sidereal zodiac.
(CW 180), lecture 4, Jan. 8, 1918. This is the
7 Powell and Dann, The Astrological Revolution, only lecture in which Steiner refers to the decans,
pp. 17–22. See also Powell and Isaacson, Gautama usually understood as 10° subdivisions of the
Buddha’s Successor, pp. 4–5. zodiacal signs, three decans per sign.
8 Steiner, Background to the Gospel of St. Mark 12 Since there are three decans, each ten degrees long,
(CW 124), pp. 152–153 (italics added by RP). belonging to each zodiacal sign, and since the
9 See Powell and Dann, The Astrological Revolution, vernal point shifts back through the zodiac at a
pp. 20–21. rate (on average) of one degree in seventy-two years,
10 R. S. W. Bobbette, “Introductory Essays on Rudolf it is evident that the retrogression of the vernal
Steiner’s Star Knowledge” and “Rudolf Steiner’s point through one decan takes 720 years—and,
Observations on Star Knowledge” (http://www. moreover, that the backward shift of the vernal point through three decans, comprising a zodiacal

– 26 –
Zodiacal Ages and Cultural Epochs

January 1918, together with the lecture of 30 July calendar dates (February 26 or April 21) in the
1918, holds the key to the theme of this article. year 747 bc, but it is definitely the case that in his
This will be discussed in section (2) below. Each of copy of Hugo Winckler's book, as I have seen with
the two sections deals with one of the two cosmic my own eyes, he underlined a significant passage
rhythms under consideration—as is referred to in that book quoted in English translation on page
in the subtitle of this article. Readers please note 56 of Hermetic Astrology, vol. 1:
that in consultation with the original German The calendar reform that determined the
text of Rudolf Steiner’s lectures, my quotes may entrance into Aries is attested to historically. It
differ slightly from the published English transla- was carried out by King Nabonassar of Baby-
tion of these lectures. For example, with regard lon. The age of Aries is reckoned from the year
to the decan lecture of 8 January 1918, Rudolf 747 bc, the beginning of his reign, and this date
Steiner refers in the German to “decans” and not was utilized by the entire astronomy and chro-
to “decanates”—“decanates” being the expression nology of antiquity.15
used in the published English translation (the cor- Evidently this passage was of importance to
rect term is decans).13 Rudolf Steiner, who indicated clearly that the
(1) THE TIME LAG BETWEEN fourth cultural epoch began in the year 747 bc.
THE START OF A ZODIACAL AGE However, whereas Hugo Winckler stated, “The
AND THE BEGINNING OF THE age of Aries is reckoned from the year 747 bc,”
CORRESPONDING CULTURAL EPOCH Rudolf Steiner referred not to the beginning of the
age of Aries but to the start of the fourth cultural
To begin with, it is helpful to consider Rudolf epoch in the year 747 bc. This is an important dis-
Steiner's choice of 1413 instead of 1414 as the tinction, which is a point of discussion later in this
starting date of the fifth cultural epoch. section (1).
In my book Hermetic Astrology, vol. 1, chap- For reasons indicated below, the (subsequently
ter 3, two candidates for the start of the fourth determined) date February 26, 747 bc, is the obvi-
cultural epoch: February 26 and April 21, both ous one to take as the exact start of the fourth
in 747 bc, are discussed—the latter date (April cultural epoch, noting that 747 bc was the starting
21, 747 bc) being considered by some as indicat- point for Rudolf Steiner's dating of the cultural
ing the precise date of the founding of the city of epochs, beginning with 747 bc as the start of the
Rome14 —see below regarding the significance of fourth cultural epoch corresponding to the sign of
the date February 26, 747 bc. As referred to in Aries. It is a question whether this specification of
his lecture of July 30, 1918, quoted below, Rudolf the date 747 bc was based on his reading of Hugo
Steiner indicated 747 bc to be the actual year of Winckler's book. Another possibility is that per-
the founding of Rome. However, I am not sure haps Rudolf Steiner arrived at this date through
if Rudolf Steiner was aware of either of these spiritual research and was then happy to find it
sign, lasts 2,160 years (3 x 720 = 2,160), this being confirmed in Hugo Winckler's book, which is why
the length of a zodiacal age. he underlined the quoted passage.
13 Paul and Powell, Cosmic Dances of the Zodiac, As one can read in this Wikipedia article, “The
offer an extensive overview of the 36 Egyptian
decans. Babylonian Era of Nabonassar, beginning on
14 Several dates are given for the founding of the February 26, 747 bc, was used by the Greeks
city of Rome, ranging between 753 bc and 728 of Alexandria.”16 This statement offers a precise
bc. All sources agree that the city was founded
on April 21, the day of the festival sacred to Pales, 15 Hugo Winckler, Die babylonische Kultur in ihren
the goddess of shepherds. Rudolf Steiner, however, Beziehungen zur Unsrigen (Leipzig, 1902), p. 36
indicated that the founding of Rome took place in [italics added by RP]. The English translation of
747 bc; Steiner, A Sound Outlook for Today and Hugo Winckler’s words is quoted from Robert
a Genuine Hope for the Future: Problems of the Powell, Hermetic Astrology, vol.1, p. 56.
Time (CW 181, lecture of July 30, 1918). 16 See

– 27 –
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dating for Hugo Winckler’s specification of the fourth post-Atlantean cultural epoch,19 one might
year 747 bc utilized by Rudolf Steiner. Here it is object that the midpoint of the fourth post-Atlan-
important to note that in the eighth century bc tean cultural epoch would then be ad 334 instead
the difference between the Julian and Gregorian of ad 333, since 1,414 – 1,080 = 334. Continuing
calendars was eight days, so the Gregorian date this line of thought, a further ramification would
equating with Wednesday, February 26, 747 bc be that this would also compromise the date ad
(Julian), was Wednesday, February 18, 747 bc 666 (= 2 x 333)—both dates (333 and 666) being
(Gregorian; for the conversion from Julian to Gre- referred to by Rudolf Steiner on a number of occa-
gorian dates and vice versa, one can use a calendar sions. 20 However, let us recall Rudolf Steiner's
calculator link).17 specification in the Calendar 1912/1913 of the
Regarding bc dates, a distinction has to be made year as extending from Easter to Easter. 21 Let us
between the conventional bc dating employed by call this the “Easter year.”
historians and the counting of years utilized by Taking the start of the fourth cultural epoch
astronomers, whereby bc dates are denoted as as Wednesday, February 26, 747 bc (Julian), this
negative years and are assigned a minus sign. As means that the fifth cultural epoch, beginning in
the great astronomer Jean Meeus remarks: 1414, started around Monday, February 26, 1414,
which falls in the “Easter year 1413” (extend-
The astronomical counting of the negative
years is the only one suitable for arithmetical ing from Easter 1413 to Easter 1414). Note that
purpose. For example, in the historical prac- because the Julian calendar was still in use, here I
tice of counting, the rule of divisibility by 4 have utilized the Julian calendar date of February
revealing the Julian leap-years no longer exists; 26. The corresponding Gregorian date would be
these years are, indeed, 1, 5, 9, 13, . . . bc. In the Monday, March 7, 1414, and this still falls in the
astronomical sequence, however, these leap- “Easter year 1413.”
years are called 0, −4, −8, −12 . . . , and the rule If we were to use Gregorian years, because they
of divisibility by 4 subsists. (Jean Meeus, Astro- are astronomically more exact than Julian years,
nomical algorithms)18 we would take the start of the fourth cultural
This means that for astronomers 1 bc = 0, 2 bc = epoch as Wednesday, February 18, 747 bc (Grego-
-1, 3 bc = -2,… and 747 bc = -746. Considering that rian), and then add 2,160 years to arrive at Friday,
the fourth cultural epoch lasted for 2,160 years, February 18, 1414 (Gregorian), as the start of the
2,160 has to be added to -746 to determine the fifth cultural epoch, corresponding to the Julian
end of the fourth cultural epoch corresponding to date of Friday, February 9, 1414—both dates
Aries. Adding 2,160 to -746 = 1,414, denoting the (February 18 Gregorian and February 9, Julian)
end of the fourth cultural epoch. It follows that fall in the “Easter year 1413.”
ad 1414 is also the start of the fifth cultural epoch The same reasoning could be applied to ad 334,
corresponding to Pisces. That is, the fifth cultural since the early part of the year 334 falls in the
epoch in which we are living at present began in “Easter year 333.” Then the step to 666 follows by
ad 1414, which is 2,160 years after the start of the adding 333 years, as indicated by Rudolf Steiner in
fourth cultural epoch in 747 bc. his lecture of October 16, 1918. 22
19 Steiner, Inner Impulses of Evolution (CW 171),
AD 333—Midpoint of Fourth Post-Atlantean
lecture of Sept. 17, 1916.
Cultural Epoch 20 See, for example, Steiner, Death as Metamorphosis
In this context, given that Rudolf Steiner indi- of Life (CW 182), lecture of Oct. 16, 1918.
cated the year ad 333 to be the midpoint of the 21 Steiner, Calendar 1912/1913. This is the original
version of what later became published under the
calendars (under the section headed "Greece"). title Calendar of the Soul, which however, does
17 This calendar converter link is helpful: http://www. not contain the astronomical information from the Calendar 1912/1913.
18 See 22 Steiner, Death as Metamorphosis of Life, lecture of

– 28 –
Zodiacal Ages and Cultural Epochs

If we accept the dating of the fourth cultural That Rudolf Steiner is here referring to the equal-
epoch to have lasted 2,160 years from 747 bc to ad division sidereal zodiac is clear from other state-
1414, there still remains the question: What does ments made in this lecture. For example, early on
this have to do with the age of Aries? We shall come in this lecture he says: “When the Sun entered the
to the answer below. However, before answering sign of Cancer at the vernal equinox, the first post-
this question, it is important to note that Rudolf Atlantean culture began.”25 Note that in the origi-
Steiner indicated the cultural epochs to be 2,160 nal German text, Rudolf Steiner uses the expres-
years long. Where does this come from? sion “sign” rather than “constellation.”
The number 2,160 is 30 x 72, and since the As is well known, the signs are each thirty
zodiacal signs are each thirty degrees long, and degrees long, as is the case with the original, sci-
since the rate of retrogression of the vernal point entifically-defined zodiac, i.e. the equal-division
through a zodiacal sign is (on average) one degree sidereal zodiac of the Babylonians, defined around
in seventy-two years, a zodiacal age lasts for 2,160 500 bc and reconstructed in the book History of
years (30 x 72 = 2,160), which is the length of time the Zodiac. 26 The Sun at the vernal equinox in the
taken for the vernal point to “precess” through a sign of Cancer can only mean the Sun at the vernal
sign. Given that Rudolf Steiner indicated the cul- point in the sidereal sign of Cancer. This statement
tural epochs to be 2,160 years long, it is evident does not make any sense in relation to the tropi-
that he was not referring to the unequal-length cal zodiac, which is defined with the vernal point
zodiacal constellations of modern astronomy, but fixed at zero degrees of Aires; and thus in the trop-
that he was speaking of equal-division 30° signs. ical zodiac it is impossible for the vernal equinox
Moreover, as follows from the quotes in the next to be in the sign of Cancer. Later in this lecture,
two paragraphs, he cannot have been speaking of Rudolf Steiner states: “Then the Sun entered the
the tropical signs of the zodiac used in present-day sign of Gemini, the Twins, at the vernal equinox.
astrology, but he can only have been speaking of And then as long as the vernal equinox continued
the equal-division 30° sidereal signs first defined to be in Gemini we have to do with the second
by the Babylonians. He states this quite clearly, post-Atlantean cultural epoch, the ancient Persian
although without mentioning the Babylonians: culture.” Again, this statement does not make any
“The zodiac was divided into twelve signs, which sense in terms of the tropical zodiac, in which it
represent the constellations.”23 would be impossible for the Sun at the vernal equi-
nox to be in the sign of Gemini. It is obvious that
Precession of the Equinoxes Rudolf Steiner is referring to the equal-division
Now let us return to the question concerning the sidereal zodiac, and it is only against this back-
relationship of the fourth cultural epoch to the sign ground that it is possible to understand the content
of Aries, which entails considering the phenom- of his “decan lecture” of 8 January 1918.
enon known as the precession of the equinoxes. Moreover, Rudolf Steiner’s statement unequivo-
That the fourth cultural epoch is related to the cally relates the arising of the cultural epochs to
sign of Aries follows from Hugo Winckler’s state- the precession of the equinoxes through the signs
ment quoted earlier and is elucidated by Rudolf of the sidereal zodiac, since he says: “As long as
Steiner, who spoke of the fourth cultural epoch as the vernal equinox continued to be in Gemini we
that of the Greco-Roman culture of ancient Greece have to do with the second post-Atlantean cultural
and ancient Rome: “Then came the Greco-Roman epoch.” This explains why the dates of the cultural
time, the fourth post-Atlantean epoch. The Sun
entered Aries the Ram at the vernal equinox.”24 25 Ibid.
26 Powell, History of the Zodiac. This is the book
Oct. 16, 1918. of a PhD thesis that investigates the origin of the
23 Steiner, Spiritual Beings in the Heavenly Bodies first scientific definition of the zodiac: that of the
and in the Kingdoms of Nature, p. 121. Babylonians, which was scientifically defined
24 Steiner, Ancient Myths, lecture 4, Jan. 8, 1918. around the start of the fifth century bc.

– 29 –
Journal for Star Wisdom 2015

epochs indicated by Rudolf Steiner are each 2,160 Over the course of his lifetime, Rudolf Steiner
years long, since this is the length of time (on identified and elaborated a whole series of cos-
average) that the vernal point takes to retrogress mic rhythms that play into the course of human
through a sidereal sign of thirty degrees, moving history. Only once, however, did he note a 600-
at a rate of one degree in seventy-two years. At year rhythm of culture, in a lecture where he
referred to a period of six centuries—from the
the same time, though, the following needs to be
Renaissance to our time:
taken into consideration, qualifying the foregoing
statement by Rudolf Steiner. A certain renewal in the Renaissance. . . .
As each cultural epoch occurs with an 1,199- Then again there is a period of six hundred
year time lag after the corresponding zodiacal years. . . . This brings us to the period in
age, it is only during the last 961 years of a zodia- which we ourselves are living. We are living
today at the beginning of a period of transi-
cal age that the cultural epoch overlaps with the
tion before the onset of the next 600-year
zodiacal age to which it corresponds (961 +1,199
wave of culture, when something entirely
= 2,160). Consequently, the first 1,199 years of
new is pressing in upon us. 27
a zodiacal age overlaps with the cultural epoch
corresponding to the preceding zodiacal age. As Here it is clear that six hundred years,
an example, the zodiacal age of Pisces began in described by Steiner as a “wave of culture,”
(cultural wave) is the half-period of the 1,199-
ad 215, which is 961 years after the start of the
year rhythm of the time lag between the begin-
fourth cultural epoch that began in 747 bc—not-
ning of a zodiacal age and its manifestation as
ing that the fourth cultural epoch corresponds to
a cultural epoch. Evidently two 600-year cul-
Aries. In the year 1414, which is 1,199 years after tural waves elapse between the start of a zodia-
ad 215, the fifth cultural epoch (corresponding to cal age and the start of the corresponding cul-
Pisces) began. That is, the fourth cultural epoch tural epoch. Applied to the Piscean age, the first
corresponding to Aries overlapped with the zodi- cultural wave of six hundred years was from
acal age of Pisces for 1,199 years, from ad 215 the start of the age of Pisces in 215 to 814, the
to 1414. It is only now, during the last 961 years year of the death of Charlemagne (Carolingian
(1414 to 2375) of the zodiacal age of Pisces, that Renaissance); and the second cultural wave of
the zodiacal age of Pisces and the cultural epoch six hundred years, from 814 to 1414, was dur-
corresponding to Pisces (the fifth cultural epoch) ing the period leading up to the Renaissance.
overlap. Adding a further six hundred years, we arrive
at the year 2014 as the start of a new cultural
The Time Lag of 1,199 Years wave. Though spoken in 1911, one can inter-
and the 600-Year Rhythm pret Steiner’s words “We are living today at the
In the foregoing we have indicated that there is beginning of a period of transition before the
a constant difference, a time lag of 1,199 years, onset of the next 600-year wave of culture,” as
pointing to this 2014 date. The 2014 date is
between the start of a new zodiacal age and the
suggestive, in light of the highly publicized end
beginning of the corresponding cultural epoch.
of the Maya calendar in December 2012. 28
This is discussed at length in Hermetic Astrol-
ogy, vol. 1, chapter 3, where the length of time It can be seen that the time lag of twelve centu-
taken for the “Venus pentagram” to rotate back- ries between the start of a new zodiacal age and
wards through all twelve signs of the zodiac is the beginning of the corresponding cultural epoch
determined to be 1199 years; i.e. the time lag of comprises two cultural waves, each six hundred
1,199 years is the period of rotation of the Venus years long. Moreover, as I have shown in chapter
pentagram. Also, in chapter 1 of The Astrologi-
27 Rudolf Steiner, Background to the Gospel of St.
cal Revolution (coauthored with Kevin Dann),
Mark, p. 152–153.
the time lag of approximately twelve centuries is 28 Powell and Dann, The Astrological Revolution, p.
elaborated upon: 20.

– 30 –
Zodiacal Ages and Cultural Epochs

3 of Hermetic Astrology, vol. 1, , the time lag of spiritual impulse begins. For example, when the
1,199 years is exactly the length of time taken vernal point entered the sign of Aries in the Bab-
for the “Venus pentagram” to rotate backwards ylonian sidereal zodiac, in 1946 bc (-1945 astro-
through the sidereal zodiac. Given that the spiri- nomically), this was the time of Abraham, who
tual beings called by Rudolf Steiner the “Spirits introduced the sacrifice of the Ram as an expres-
of Time” (Greek: Archai) are associated with the sion of the new spiritual influence that began to
realm of Venus, it is clear that the 600-year rhythm stream in at that time from the sign of Aries the
has to do with the activity of the Archai, the Spir- Ram. This was taken up by the Archai and, during
its of Time, in their regulation of the unfolding of the course of one complete rotation of the Venus
the cultural epochs in relation to the precession pentagram around the zodiac in 1199 years, was
of the equinoxes through the signs of the sidereal carried over to become a cultural impulse in 747
zodiac. Their activity regulates the relationship bc. At that time, the founding of the city of Rome,
between the start of a new zodiacal age and the the beginning of the era of Nabonassar, and other
beginning of the corresponding cultural epoch; cultural phenomena signified the start of the
and the 600-year cultural wave rhythm associated fourth cultural epoch associated with the sidereal
with Venus could be called the Archai rhythm, just sign of Aries.
as the 355-year rhythm associated with Mercury The age of Aries extended over 2,160 years from
can be referred to as the Archangel rhythm. 29 1946 bc (-1945) to ad 215, the birth year of the
In this connection it is revealing to consider, as prophet Mani, the founder of Manichaeism, who
mentioned at the start of this article, the difference was the incarnation of “a very high messenger of
between the influence of a zodiacal age and that of Christ.”30 ad 215 was the start of the age of Pisces,
the corresponding cultural epoch. Essentially, the when a new spiritual impulse began to stream in
zodiacal age relates to the spiritual level and the from the sidereal sign of Pisces—an impulse of
cultural epoch to the cultural level, whereby the which the great initiate Mani31 was a bearer at the
latter is more noticeable outwardly. commencement of the age of Pisces, just as Abra-
When the vernal point (“Sun at the vernal equi- ham was a bearer of the new impulse that began
nox”) moves back into a new zodiacal sign, a new to stream in from the sidereal sign of Aries in
1946 bc. However, it was not until two 600-year
29 As indicated by Rudolf Steiner, at present we are in cultural waves had elapsed that the fifth cultural
the 355-year period known as The Age of Michael epoch, corresponding to Pisces, began in 1414,
(1879–2234). The Age of Michael is the current
archangelic period for humanity and the Earth, after a time lag of 1,199 years from the start of the
which will culminate in the year 2234 with the age of Pisces in ad 215 (215 + 1,199 = 1,414).
alignment of our Sun with the Central Sun (galactic As a matter of interest, it can be noted that the
center) at the winter solstice. The archangelic
time lag of twelve centuries is 5/9 of a zodiacal
periods, each 355 sidereal years in length, are a
succession of historical periods in which, during age of 2,160 years. The ratio 5/9 indicates the
each period, one of seven Archangels, in succession, more-or-less exact time lag between the start of
assumes the task of guiding humanity and the an astrological (zodiacal) age and the beginning
Earth: Michael/Sun (607–152 bc); Oriphiel/
Saturn (152 bc–ad 204); Anael/Venus (204–459); of the corresponding cultural epoch. I say "more-
Zachariel/Jupiter (459–814); Raphael/Mercury or-less exact" because 1,200/2,160 = 5/9, whereas
(814–1169); Samael/Mars (1169–1524); Gabriel/ 1,199/2,160 is slightly off 5/9. The reason for men-
Moon (1524–1879); and Michael/ Sun (1879–2234).
The 355-year period is associated with the planet
tioning this ration of 5/9 is that the original ques-
Mercury, during which Mercury completes 1474 tion that prompted this article, concerning how
orbits of the Sun and, simultaneously, 1119 synodic Rudolf Steiner’s words might be interpreted, was
periods (orbits of the Earth). See Steiner, From the
History and Contents of the First Section of the
Esoteric School, 1904–1914 (CW 264), in which 30 Steiner, The East in the Light of the West (CW 113),
he refers to the archangelic periods, though without lecture of August 31, 1909.
giving a precise dating. 31 Ibid.

– 31 –
Journal for Star Wisdom 2015

whether the time lag might in fact be 2/3 of an at that time the equal-division sidereal zodiac was
epoch of 2,160 years—see footnote 5 referring to unknown outside of Assyriological circles (hav-
the relevant quote by Rudolf Steiner. As can be ing only just been rediscovered from cuneiform
seen from the foregoing, the time lag is 5/9 of an sources); and although the unequal-division astro-
epoch (not 2/3)—the two-thirds referred to by nomical zodiac was standard, its boundaries had
Rudolf Steiner in his quote is further elucidated in not yet been rigorously defined. The non-rigorously
section (2). defined unequal-division astronomical zodiac was
thus used by Rudolf Steiner for his estimates of the
(2) R ELATING TO THE 720-YEAR lengths of the zodiacal constellations in the Calen-
R HYTHM CONNECTED dar 1912/1913, because no other alternative was
offered by the astronomical science of that time.
When Rudolf Steiner divided up the zodiacal con- In other words, as emerges from this example,
stellations in his Calendar 1912/1913, he indi- Rudolf Steiner would sometimes give an indica-
cated that he had not done so precisely: tion that—in the interest of the exactness of spiri-
tual science vis-à-vis natural science—he clearly
The following is an excerpt from a letter by
expected his students to subsequently correct, if
Joachim Schulz, an astronomer who researched
indeed such correction was needed.
the zodiacal divisions indicated by Rudolf
Here it is important to note that Rudolf Steiner’s
Steiner. As the astronomer Joachim Schultz
“decan lecture” of January 8, 1918, was held after
knew, the passage is apparently from Dr. Elisa-
beth Vreede: he brought out the Calendar 1912/1913, in which
he utilized unequal-division astronomical constel-
The principal correspondence of the monthly
lations. In contrast, the “decan lecture” is clearly
images to various-length time intervals
based on equal-division sidereal signs. That the
in the course of the year and correspond-
sidereal signs are equal length, each thirty degrees
ing to the present situation of the constel-
long, is obvious from the fact that the precession
lations (vernal point in Pisces and no lon-
ger in Aries) stemmed from Rudolf Steiner. of the equinoxes through these signs gives rise to
Here a conscious step differing from the equal-length cultural epochs. If the sidereal signs
usual astrological signs of equal length is were in fact unequal-length constellations, the
taken. On the other hand he had not drawn passage of the vernal point through these constel-
exact boundaries of the segments himself, lations would give rise to unequal-length cultural
and when he was later asked about this, he epochs—and, correspondingly, to unequal-length
said that these should be fitted to the astro- zodiacal ages.
nomical positions of the constellations and, The foregoing conclusions underpin the state-
where necessary, were to be corrected. 32 ment made at the beginning of this article that
Thus, Rudolf Steiner indicated that, where nec- “Rudolf Steiner can be regarded as a pioneer—if
essary, his specification of the boundaries of the not THE pioneer—of sidereal star wisdom in the
zodiacal constellations—and consequently the West,” since his affirmation of the equal-division
dates determined therefrom—needed to be cor- sidereal zodiac in his decan lecture of January 8,
rected. He was pressed to meet the publication 1918, was long before Cyril Fagan brought the
deadline for the Calendar 1912/1913, and at that sidereal zodiac to the attention of Western astrolo-
point in time Elisabeth Vreede was not around to gers in 1950. 33
help him. It also needs to be borne in mind that

32 Robert Powell & Kevin Dann, The Astrological

Revolution (Great Barrington, MA: SteinerBooks, 33 Cyril Fagan, Zodiacs Old and New, was the first
2010), p. 208. As far as the authors know, this is book by a Western astrologer to bring the ancient
the first time that this quote has been published in sidereal zodiac to the attention of astrologers in the
English translation. West.

– 32 –
Zodiacal Ages and Cultural Epochs

The Original Zodiac of the Stars (sidereal meaning “of the stars”). This original,
with Twelve Equal 30° Signs scientifically-defined zodiac of the Babylonians
A further aspect concerning the implicit valida- can be traced back to the early fifth century bc.
tion by Rudolf Steiner of the equal-length side- Prior to the Greek astronomer Ptolemy (second
real signs in the “decan lecture” is provided by century ad)—with the exception, as discussed in
the decans themselves, since—in the context of History of the Zodiac, chapter 2, of the second
Rudolf Steiner’s lecture—they are defined as ten- century bc specification by the Greek astrono-
degree sectors of the sidereal signs, three to each mer Hipparchus that was acknowledged only by
sign. In the words of the (now deceased) foremost relatively few people—there was no knowledge
researcher into ancient astronomy, Otto Neuge- of any zodiac other than the Babylonian sidereal
bauer: “The decans, in their last, Hellenistic phase, zodiac. There was, however, knowledge on the
became 10° sections of the zodiacal signs.”34 part of some Greeks of Euctemon’s tropical calen-
Rudolf Steiner refers to the zodiac as something dar, which divides the cycle of the year into twelve
“infinitely higher than that which is transformed solar months named after the signs of the zodiac.
in the evolutionary course of our planet from Old This calendar—a division of time (not a division of
Saturn to Old Sun, and from that to Old Moon space such as the sidereal zodiac)—was a forerun-
and so on. Planetary existence arises and passes ner of the tropical zodiac, which is nothing other
away, but the zodiac is ever there.”35 Given the than a spatial projection of Euctemon’s seasonal
lofty and sublime significance of the zodiac, what calendar. 37
is it actually? Further, it should be noted that while Ptolemy—
Here it needs to be borne in mind that in the through his astrological textbook, the Tetrabib-
astronomy and astrology of antiquity there was los—can rightly be credited with the introduction
only one zodiac: the sidereal zodiac that was first of the tropical zodiac into astrology, Ptolemy him-
defined by the Babylonians. At that time it was self referred consistently in the Tetrabiblos to the
universally referred to simply as the zodiac. 36 Now, signs of the sidereal zodiac. 38
with the widespread of acceptance of something Yet how can we be sure that in his “decan lecture”
else—the tropical zodiac of Greek astronomy—as of January 8, 1918, Rudolf Steiner was validating
the zodiac for astrology, and of the astronomical the equal 10° decans embedded in the Babylonian
zodiac comprising unequal-length zodiacal con- sidereal zodiac—three in each sign? The answer is
stellations as the zodiac for astronomy, it is neces- given—albeit indirectly—by way of the following
sary to refer to the original zodiac of twelve 30° excerpt from a lecture held just over six months
signs, coinciding more or less with the constella- after he discussed the decans on January 8, 1918,
tions of the same names, as the sidereal zodiac this being his lecture of July 30, 1918.

34 Powell, History of the Zodiac, chapter 4, goes

into the history of the decans in the context of
the history of the sidereal zodiac in ancient Egypt,
with extensive quotes from the foremost researcher,
Otto Neugebauer, into the history of ancient
astronomy and astrology, who shows conclusively 37 Powell, History of the Zodiac, chapters 2 and 3
that the signs of the zodiac used in ancient Egypt discuss at length the origin of the tropical zodiac as
were those of the sidereal zodiac, transmitted from a spatial projection of the tropical calendar.
Babylon to Alexandria in the fourth/third/second 38 Powell, Astrogeographia, chapters 2 and 3 provide
centuries bc. an extensive analysis of Ptolemy’s Tetrabiblos,
35 Steiner, The East in the Light of the West, lecture showing conclusively that this work was a manual
of August 31, 1909. of sidereal astrology, even though, later, it came to
36 Universally does not signify the whole world, but it be seen as the “bible” of tropical astrology. What is
does signify a large part of the world, as the zodiac also shown conclusively is that the introduction by
was transmitted from Babylon to Greece, Egypt, Ptolemy of the tropical zodiac into astrology was
the Roman Empire, and India. an historical error.

– 33 –
Journal for Star Wisdom 2015

The 720-Year Historical Rhythm by Rudolf Steiner for that epoch are each ruled
Subdividing the Cultural Epochs by a planet. Thereby the three decans of the side-
real sign of Aries—according to Rudolf Steiner
Let us look back, as students of spiritual sci-
ence, at the so-called fourth post-Atlantean and in agreement with some ancient astrologi-
period. This begins, as we know, somewhere cal texts concerning the decans—are associated
about the year 747 before the Mystery of Golo- with Mars, the Sun, and Venus. He says: “These
tha, and closes with the beginning of the fif- three decans represent those planets, which have
teenth century, about ad 1413. (The figures are the mission, during a particular constellation [in
of course to be taken approximately, as always this case: Aries] of quite specially intervening in
in matters of this kind.) Within this period, as destiny, while the others [other planets] are less
we observe it, we can perceive certain forces, active.”40 Here, Rudolf Steiner points to the his-
connected with and related to each other, but torical rhythm of 720 years associated with the
differing fundamentally from all others work- thirty-six decans as 10° subdivisions of the sidereal
ing in previous and subsequent epochs. This
zodiac. Clearly, however, in this example Rudolf
period, in which the development of the intel-
Steiner applies the 720-year rhythm not to the pre-
lectual or mind soul in the human being took
cession of the vernal point moving back through
place, can be divided into three smaller ones:
the first, beginning in the year 747 bc (which the actual decans of the sidereal zodiac, but to the
is the real date of the founding of Rome) ends “decans” arising within the fourth cultural epoch
about 27 bc; the second runs from 27 bc until 1,199 years after the passage of the vernal point
about the end of the seventh century (ad 693); moving backwards through the actual decans.
the third and last, from 693 to 1413. Since this How do we know this? We shall see the answer to
date, since about 1413, we have the time which this question emerge in the discussion below.
brings forth, in its own characteristic way, soul For Rudolf Steiner the decans as 10° subdivi-
forces already known to you to some extent. sions of the sidereal signs were a definite reality,
Just as this fourth post-Atlantean epoch can be and the 720-year rhythm associated with the rate
clearly distinguished from the three preceding of movement of the vernal point retrogressing
ones (the ancient Indian, Persian, and Egypto-
through each decan—at least, when applied via
Chaldean) and must also be sharply distin-
the 1,199-year time lag to the “decans” arising as
guished from what followed it and what is still
three equal-time divisions of the cultural epochs,
to come, so—within it—the growth is marked
by noticeable moments, if we consider its prog- each 720 years long—is an important historical
ress through these three shorter periods. 39 rhythm. While this rhythm arises in relation to the
precession of the equinoxes through the decans of
It is clear that here Rudolf Steiner divides up the the sidereal zodiac, it must be distinguished from
fourth cultural epoch into three 720-year periods. the 600-year cultural wave associated with the
What is the background to this? Relating this to planet Venus and with the Archai, as discussed
the “decan lecture,” it emerges that each 720-year above.
period is the time required for the vernal point to
retrogress through one 10° decan, moving back at The Decan Rhythm of 720 Years and
a rate of one degree in seventy-two years. In rela- the Cultural Wave Rhythm of 600 Years
tion to the fourth cultural epoch, corresponding to We are now in a position to answer the question
the zodiacal age of Aries and arising by virtue of posed at the outset of this article, which hinges
the 1,199-year time lag (two cultural waves) vis- around the quote from Rudolf Steiner’s lecture of
à-vis the precession of the equinoxes through the July 11, 1919, almost a full year after the lecture of
sidereal sign of Aries, the three decans referred to July 30, 1918, quoted from above. The following
passage is the relevant quote from Rudolf Steiner’s
39 Steiner, A Sound Outlook for Today and a
Genuine Hope for the Future, lecture of July 30,
1918.) 40 Steiner, Ancient Myths, lecture of January 8, 1918.

– 34 –
Zodiacal Ages and Cultural Epochs

lecture of July 30, 1918, that was referred to at the epoch in 1414 was 1,381 years. And 1,381/2,160 =
very start of this article: 0.64, which is an approximation to 0.66666…(2/3),
implied by the expression “two-thirds.”
Initially the Event of Golgotha, the Incarnation
of Christ as Man, met with a way of think- The quotes from the two lectures previously
ing and feeling that was still of an instinctive referred to—the “decan” lecture of January 8,
nature.  It took the next two-thirds of this 1918, and the “Problems of the Time” lecture of
epoch for these forces emanating from the July 30, 1918—make it clear that in his lecture
Event of Golgotha to flow into the human of July 11, 1919, Rudolf Steiner was indeed refer-
being's more-or-less unconscious instinctive ring implicitly to the decan rhythm of 720 years
forces of intelligence and feeling.41 unfolding within the context of a cultural epoch
Against the background depicted in the forego- (in this case, the fourth cultural epoch correspond-
ing, it is clear that Rudolf Steiner, in using the ing to Aries) and was not pointing to the time lag
word “epoch,” is here referring to the fourth cul- between the start of a zodiacal age and the begin-
tural epoch. The first third of that epoch lasted ning of the corresponding cultural epoch.
until around 27 bc, at which time the Christ events It would be interesting to further explore the sig-
started to unfold. For example, as shown in my nificance of the unfolding of the decan rhythm of
book Chronicle of the Living Christ, the Virgin 720 years in world history. The rhythm of 720 years
Mary [Solomon Mary] was born in the year 21 bc, is zodiacally-based, as the decan rhythm or time
and other figures such as her husband Joseph were taken for the vernal point to retrogress through
perhaps born around 27 bc or even earlier. In the one 10° decan, whereas the 600-year “cultural
case of the prophetess Anna referred to in Luke wave” is a planetary-based rhythm, associated
2:36, she was eighty-four years old when, early in with the planet Venus. These two rhythms—the
the year 1 bc, the new-born—merely forty days 600-year rhythm and the 720-year rhythm—are
old—child Jesus (Nathan Jesus) was presented in clearly both important for a deeper understanding
the temple.42 In other words, Anna was some fifty- of history.
eight years of age in 27 bc. Understood spiritually, as already indicated, the
Rudolf Steiner then indicates that “it took the 600-year “cultural wave” rhythm is related to the
next two-thirds of this epoch for these forces ema- Archai (Time Spirits), who are connected with
nating from the Event of Golgotha to flow into the the Venus sphere.43 On the other hand, the decan
human being’s more-or-less unconscious instinc- rhythm, which is related to the level of the side-
tive forces of intelligence and feeling.” This cor- real zodiac—the decans being a subdivision of the
responds approximately to the next two decan twelve signs of the sidereal zodiac—has to do with
periods, each 720 years long, amounting to 1,440 the beings of the first hierarchy: Seraphim, Cheru-
years, or two-thirds of that cultural epoch, since bim, Thrones.
1,440/2,160 = 2/3. In other words, here Rudolf Suppose you . . . wanted to point in the direc-
Steiner was looking at the latter two-thirds of the tion of certain Thrones, Cherubim, and Sera-
fourth cultural epoch, corresponding to Aries, as phim. Remember, these beings are by no
the time of assimilation of forces flowing from means the same, like a group of twelve iden-
the Mystery of Golgotha, whereby it is clear that tical soldiers. They differ considerably from
“two-thirds” is an approximate indication, since one another. Each bears its individual stamp
so that, depending on where one’s attention is
the actual time period from the Mystery of Gol-
gotha in ad 33 to the end of the fourth cultural 43 Steiner, The Spiritual Hierarchies and the Physical
World (CW 110), lecture of Apr. 15, 1909. In this
lecture Rudolf Steiner refers on the one hand to
41 This lecture, translated from CW 330, was the Archai in connection with Venus, and on the
published in The Anthroposophical Review, vol. 2, other hand to the Archangels in connection with
no. 3 (1980). Mercury (see the related discussion in footnote 26
42 Powell, Chronicle of the Living Christ, p. 102. of this article).

– 35 –
Journal for Star Wisdom 2015

directed, one sees quite different beings. So, to A Force for Good in Our Time (coauthored with
point out a particular group of Thrones, Cher- Estelle Isaacson).
ubim, and Seraphim, one denotes them as a
particular constellation. The constellations are The 720-Year Decan Rhythm
like signposts. In one direction, over there, are and the Present Time
the Thrones, Cherubim, and Seraphim known It would be interesting to explore the application
as Gemini, the Twins; over there, Leo, the of the 720-year decan rhythm to the unfolding of
Lion; and so on. They are, so to speak, guide- the age of Pisces from ad 215 to 2375, when the
posts that indicate the direction where partic- age of Aquarius starts. The time period relating
ular beings may be found. So we conceive of to the third decan (Mars) extending from 20° to
the constellations as guideposts, or boundar-
30° Pisces—now considering the actual 10° decan
ies between these regions of beings. The con-
divisions within the sidereal sign of Pisces—when
stellations of the zodiac are more than mere
historically the vernal point retrogressed through
signposts, but we must make it clear that, as a
first stage, when we speak of the zodiac, we are this decan of Pisces, extended from ad 215 to
referring to spiritual beings.44 935—this being the first 720-year period in the age
of Pisces. The vernal point moved back through
From these words it is clear that the 720-year the second decan (Jupiter) extending from 10° to
decan rhythm referred to by Rudolf Steiner is 20° Pisces during the time period from 935 to
related to the activity of the lofty spirits known 1655—the second 720-year period during the age
as Seraphim (Spirits of Love), Cherubim (Spirits of of Pisces. And the vernal point is currently retro-
Wisdom and Harmony), and Thrones (Spirits of gressing through the first decan (Saturn) extend-
Will), who comprise the spiritual reality underly- ing from 0° to 10° Pisces during the period from
ing the twelve sidereal signs of the zodiac. This is 1655 to 2375, reaching the middle of this decan in
a completely different spiritual level to that of the the year 2015, since half of the 720-year period is
Archai (Time Spirits), who are working from the 360 years, and 360 + 1,655 = 2,015. It would go
planetary level associated with Venus. beyond the scope of this article to explore in any
Now we come to the deeper purpose of this detail these three phases within the age of Pisces
article, which is to stimulate a more conscious (215 to 935, 935 to 1655, and 1655 to 2375) other
understanding of cosmic influences in the unfold- than to point out the planetary rulers of these
ing of our present-day realities. The first thing three decans:
to note is that there is a striking juxtaposition of
these two rhythms 45 in our time, with the start of Third decan (vernal point moved from 30° to
the new cultural wave in 2014 closely coinciding 20° Pisces: 215–935)—Mars
with the midpoint of the current 720-year decan Second decan (vernal point moved from 20° to
rhythm in 2015. 10° Pisces: 935–1655)—Jupiter
The interesting example of the end of the first First decan (vernal point moves from 10° to 0°
600-year cultural wave of the fifth cultural epoch Pisces: 1655–2375)—Saturn
(Pisces)—1,414 +600 = 2,014—signifying the start
Here we need to bear in mind that as these 720-
of a new cultural wave in the year 2014, is explored
year periods relate directly to the sublime level of
in the article “2014 and the Coming of the Kalki
the sidereal zodiac, associated—as Rudolf Steiner
Avatar” in the 2014 issue of the Journal for Star
indicates—with the activity of the Seraphim,
Wisdom and is elaborated upon in much greater
Cherubim, and Thrones, this influence is on a
detail in the book Gautama Buddha’s Successor:
lofty spiritual level and does not make itself felt so
much outwardly, but more in terms of the unfold-
44 Steiner, The Spiritual Hierarchies and the Physical
World (CW 110), lecture of Apr. 17, 1909. ing metahistory of the world.46
45 The 600-year cultural wave rhythm and the 720-
year decan rhythm. 46 Andreev, The Rose of the World, p. 73: “The term

– 36 –
Zodiacal Ages and Cultural Epochs

However, in the same way that Rudolf Steiner in to present), the Iraq War (2003–2011), the war in
his July 30, 1918, lecture, quoted early in this arti- Darfur (2003–present), the Syrian Civil War (2011
cle, applied the three 720-year decan periods to to present), and the Ukrainian civil war (2014–
the fourth (Aries) cultural epoch, let us now apply present). Only the most devastating wars are listed
the three 720-year decan periods to the current here. An estimated 200 million people died in
fifth (Pisces) cultural epoch. To do this, all that these wars.
is necessary is to add 1,199 years (time lag) to the
dates in the above tabulation. Whereas the above
Transformation of the Cosmic
tabulation applies to the three decans of the zodia- Influence of Mars
Clearly, in light of all these devastating wars,
cal age of Pisces, the following tabulation applies
traditionally associated with the cosmic influence
to three “decans” (720-year periods) belonging to
of Mars, it is important during the last part of this
the fifth cultural epoch corresponding to Pisces:
720-year Mars period (1414–2134) that a trans-
Third “decan” (720-year period) of the fifth formed Mars impulse begins to shine in—revealed
cultural epoch: 1414–2134—Mars in the striving for peace and social justice that is
Second “decan” (720-year period) of the fifth exemplified in figures such as Mahatma Gandhi
cultural epoch: 2134–2854—Jupiter and Martin Luther King. Interestingly, the impulse
First “decan” (720-year period) of the fifth of the Maitreya-Kalki individuality discussed in
cultural epoch: 2854–3574—Saturn Gautama Buddha’s Successor: A Force for Good
in Our Time, now arising in connection with the
Knowing that the planet Mars is the “ruler” new 600-year cultural wave (2014–2614),47 can be
of the current 720-year historical period (1414– seen in this light of the transformed Mars impulse.
2134) of the fifth cultural epoch helps to give a It is precisely in the juxtaposition of the two cos-
background to the devastating history of wars that mic rhythms discussed in this article that one can
have unfolded during this period of time: includ- see how a positive, upward-leading impulse could
ing the Great Turkish War (1683–1689), the Seven be given in our time to transform the decadent
Years War (1756–1763), the French Revolution war impulse of Mars that is wreaking death and
(1793–1794), the Napoleonic Wars (1803–1815), destruction in our world during this Mars period
the Taiping Rebellion (1850–1864), the American of 720 years (1414–2134)—and how much such
Civil War (1861–1865), the Philippine-American a positive, uplifting, transformed Mars impulse is
War (1899–1912), the Mexican Revolution (1910– needed now, at this point in time, with some one
1920), World War I (1914–1918), the Russian Civil hundred and twenty years still to elapse before the
War (1917–1922), the Chinese Civil War (1927– end of this Mars period. And it is the Maitreya-
1949), the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939), the Sino- Kalki individuality, the bearer of a transformed
Japanese War (1937–1945), World War II (1939– Mars impulse, that of the “majestic power of the
1945), the Korean War (1950–1953), the Algerian
war of Independence (1954–1962), the Vietnam 47 Powell and Isaacson, Gautama Buddha’s Successor,
focuses upon the cultural wave beginning in 2014
War (1955–1975), the Soviet war in Afghanistan in connection with the Maitreya individuality
(1979–1989), the Iran-Iraq War (1980–1988), the awaited by Buddhists as the next Buddha, who
civil war in Afghanistan (1989–2001), the Alge- is the same as the Kalki individuality awaited by
Hindus as the next Avatar. The mission of the
rian Civil War (1991–2002), the Second Congo Maitreya individuality, according to Rudolf Steiner,
War (1998–2003), the war in Afghanistan (2001 is to transmit the power of morality (i.e. the
Good) through the word. As indicated by Rudolf
metahistory…[applies to] the sum of processes— Steiner, the planet Mars is connected with the
as yet outside the field of vision, interest, and throat/larynx chakra, whence stems the power of
methodology of science—that takes place on planes the word. Hence the Maitreya-Kalki individuality
of variobeing existing in other time streams and can be seen as a bearer of the transformed Mars
other dimensions and are sometimes discernible impulse, bringing peace and social justice instead
through the process we perceive as history.” of war.

– 37 –
Journal for Star Wisdom 2015

word” (bearing in mind Rudolf Steiner’s indica- able to give historical indications in terms of the
tion that the Mars forces are connected with the zodiacal ages—for example, pointing to the birth
larynx and thus with the power of the word48) of Abraham around 1946 bc, ushering in the age
who can pioneer a new and positive Mars impulse of Aries, the birth of the prophet Mani in ad 215,
in our time—at the start of this new 600-year cul- initiating the age of Pisces, and other interesting
tural wave (2014–2614). examples. Because he did not know these dates,
he was limited to working with the dates of the
What is special about the Maitreya cultural epochs, taking his starting point as 747
Buddha is that he will in a certain sense bc—the date of the founding of Rome—as the
imitate what took place at the event of beginning of the fourth cultural epoch, the time
Golgotha. . . . [With him] is given to us the when the Greco-Roman culture began to flourish.
greatest teacher who has appeared in order In other words, Rudolf Steiner’s primary histori-
to reveal to human beings the fullness of cal dates were formulated in terms of the cultural
the Christ Event. Most remarkable with epochs, because he had a secure dating (confirmed
him will be that, as the greatest teacher, by Hugo Winckler), and he knew that the fourth
he will bring the most majestic [power of cultural epoch (747 bc onward for 2,160 years)
the] word, the highest word.49 corresponded to the sidereal sign of Aries. How-
ever, if in addition he had known of the dates of
Aside from this example of the current Mars the age of Aries and the other zodiacal ages—
phase (720-year period) of the fifth cultural epoch, knowing also of the constant time lag of 1,199
which we are now in and are approaching the end years between the start of a zodiacal age and the
of historically (in about one hundred and twenty beginning of the corresponding cultural epoch—
years time), the application of the 720-year decan he could have furthered his spiritual research in
rhythm to the unfolding of the age of Pisces as relation to the dates of the zodiacal ages as well as
a whole—considered in detail—remains to be those of the cultural epochs. Now that we know
undertaken in a future article. the exact dates of the zodiacal ages, research into
these dates—and also into the associated decan
Final reflection dates—is possible. Hopefully this article can serve
One final reflection here: It is my conviction that as a stimulus for further research into these mys-
if Rudolf Steiner had known of the original side- teries connecting heaven and earth in the unfold-
real zodiac of the Babylonians as the first scien- ing of history, underlying which is the hermetic
tifically-defined zodiac, he would have been able axiom “as above, so below.”
to work out the dates of the zodiacal ages: Aries •
(1946 bc–ad 215), Pisces (ad 215–2375), Aquarius
(2375–4535), and so on. 50 He would then have been
48 Steiner, True and False Paths of Spiritual
Investigation, lecture of Aug. 13, 1924, discusses
the connection of the larynx with Mars. an overview of the precise dates of the zodiacal
49 Steiner, Esoteric Christianity and the Mission of ages and the dates of the corresponding cultural
Christian Rosenkreutz, lecture of Sept. 19, 1911. epochs, each arising 1,199 years after the start of a
50 Powell, Hermetic Astrology, vol. 1, figure 11, gives new zodiacal age.

– 38 –

Estelle Isaacson

Introduction by Robert Powell: the fol- the Chapel of the Ascension on the Mount of
lowing three visions of Estelle Isaacson can be Olives. The Chapel of the Ascension is a place
thought of in connection with the Grail mys- holy to both Christians and Muslims, and is
tery addressed just over one hundred years ago currently under the care of Muslim authorities.
(1913/1914) by Rudolf Steiner in his lectures Inside the small edifice is a stone imprinted
Christ in the Spiritual World: The Search for with what many believe to be a footprint of
the Holy Grail (London: Rudolf Steiner Press, Jesus. I had already seen this imprinted stone
2008). In lecture 6 of this cycle of Grail lec- in a prior vision.1 Anne Catherine Emmerich
tures Rudolf Steiner points out: “There is no saw it in vision also. Previously I had never
way of approach to the Grail through words heard of such a thing—that Jesus left his foot-
of any kind, or through philosophical specu- print on a stone at the Mount of Olives just
lations. The only way is by changing all these before ascending to heaven! Now here I was,
words into feeling, by becoming able to feel in at the highest point on the Mount, and nothing
the Grail the sum of all that is holy . . . ” These could hold back my heart from going to that
three visions of Estelle Isaacson are offered in very moment! Thus do I bring you this vision,
this issue of the Journal for Star Wisdom in which was scribed the same evening.

the spirit of these words from the Grail cycle of
saw the upper levels of the living Akashic
lectures. These visions unveil part of the mys-
record as though hovering over Jerusalem. The
tery of “Christ in the Spiritual World” in the
early stages of his Ascension, beginning with Akashic record is eternal. And there are portals
his Ascension from the Mount of Olives. These to this record in the etheric body of Jerusalem.
are Grail mysteries of the deepest kind, which, The records contained therein are like a spiritual
as Rudolf Steiner indicated, would gradually “library” overseen by angelic beings, and also by
become unveiled in the course of time. If they some saintly souls that are able to perform a kind
are read from the heart, they open us to some- of service there as record keepers.
thing of “the sum of all that is holy.” At the Then I saw in vision the Ascension:
same time, they are a contribution to the new In the room of the Last Supper, Jesus had
star wisdom, offering a glimpse into the pas- appeared to his community for the last time. He
sage of Christ’s Ascension through the Moon
told them it was time for him to ascend to his
sphere, the realm of the Angels, and the Mer-
Father’s house. The disciples had known this had
cury sphere, the realm of the Archangels.
to be, but even so, they were not prepared for
what would come when Jesus left them. He led
PART I: CHRIST’S ASCENSION FROM THE them forth from the Cenacle, and together they
MOUNT OF OLIVES, FEBRUARY 15, 2014 ascended the Mount of Olives. Higher and higher
they went, treading with heavy step, their eyes
Israel! The land that I love! On February 14,
fixed upon the luminous figure before them. Jesus
2014, I arrived in Jerusalem with a small group
of friends. Throughout this trip I experienced 1 This vision will appear in the third book of the
visions, of which the following occurred at trilogy, Through the Eyes of Mary Magdalene.

– 39 –
Journal for Star Wisdom 2015

was growing brighter and brighter, his body grow- apostles, holy women, and disciples. They
ing ever more radiant. When finally they reached announced the Second Coming: Just as you have
the top, he stood in the center and all gathered seen him taken up into the clouds, so shall you see
around him. His mother Mary, Magdalene, John, him in like manner come again. For, the Ascension
and Peter stood closest by him. He told them is eternally linked to the Second Coming: even as
that he would leave his Peace with them—that he Christ left, so shall he return—to those hearts pre-
would send to them the Second Comforter. Mag- pared to receive him. He has come again to dwell
dalene in particular, having realized that he was in the etheric realm of the Earth. He appears there
truly leaving, was in a state of overwhelming grief. now to those who need his assistance, and to those
She knew she could not ask him to stay, but he ready to know him and accept him. Yet a mystery
wished she could go with him. As Jesus held her remains to be revealed—that of the connection
gaze for the last time on Earth, she felt his love between the Resurrection and the Ascension, for
streaming to her. the two are indeed connected.
To those foregathered there, the heavens The hearts of all who witnessed the Ascension
appeared to open: they saw veils of light drawing have become the potential hearts that may wel-
apart, like a great curtain, and lustrous clouds come Christ at his Second Coming—for this mys-
gathering and swelling. Every level of heaven was tery was indelibly inscribed in their hearts at that
beginning to open! If Jacob had been there to time. Yes, the words of the two angels—Just as
watch the Ascension (and I am sure that in some you have seen him taken up into the clouds, so
form he was!), he surely would have again seen the shall you see him come again in like manner—
“ladder” going into heaven, upon which the angels were imprinted in their hearts; and every heart
ascend and descend. This ladder is symbolic of the that has ever truly been imprinted with these say-
various levels of heaven that one must attain and ings is also prepared to welcome Christ’s return.
surpass as one ascends to heaven. Christ was to These individuals are at the forefront; each will
ascend through the hierarchies as he went to the be called in a particular way to prepare for the
Father, and at each stage of his Ascension there Second Coming. New talents and gifts will open
was an important work to be done. 2 to them as their time draws near. They will bear in
And so, there Christ Jesus stood upon the high- their hearts also an impulse for community—true,
est point of the Mount of Olives, overlooking the loving community—for they were among those
great city. After speaking briefly to his friends able to abide in Christ’s Love, and to form a com-
and disciples, he began to ascend, as angels also munity where love was the highest principle at the
descended, passing by him as they drew near to time of the Ascension. Even now, at this time of
the Earth. Magdalene was nearly beside herself the Second Coming, they are preparing the way
with grief as she watched him go, never letting him for him, assisting in the work of awakening others
out of her sight. He was effulgent beyond measure; to his presence within the Earth.
yet as he rose ever higher, still she could make out The Most Holy Name of Christ was inscribed in
his eyes and the radiance of his wounds. the hearts of those present at the Ascension. For
Two angels alighted upon the ground and gave this was the final thing they heard: his Holy Name
comfort and hope to the struggling, bereaved streaming toward them, filling the full measure of
their being! Yes, each will awaken to an aware-
2 See the two visions in the previous issue of the
newsletter of the Sophia Foundation, Starlight, vol.
ness of this; each will hear his Name resounding
13, no. 2, Advent 2013), pp. 25–29—available as in their heart, even at the time of the Second Com-
a download (PDF) from www.sophiafoundation. ing. And the mystery of his coming into the ethe-
org > Newsletter. Note that these two visions
ric realm—and how this has happened through
comprise part 2 of this article, just as this vision of
Feb. 15, 2014, comprising part 1 of this article, first the collaboration of the hierarchies—will also be
appeared in Starlight, vol. 14, no. 1, (Easter 2014), revealed in due season. It is a truth that the way
pp. 40–43.

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Ascension Visions

by which Christ left is the way he comes again. He Symbolically, Christ offers his tomb to all
has descended through the hierarchies and resides humanity, to all his brothers and sisters. We may
even now in the etheric realm of our Earth. all be laid to rest in his tomb, which has been set
Yes, the apostles and disciples and holy women— apart for us. His tomb has been consecrated as the
and all others who were closest to Christ—expe- vessel of transformation, to take us from death
rienced the deepest grief and sorrow at his Ascen- into life. Christ shows us that we are not to remain
sion. Most did not understand that he could still in death, trapped in an underground chamber; no,
touch their hearts and greet them through the we are to move to a higher station. Indeed, we will
power of the Holy Spirit. This deep grief, how- in future be able to shorten our time in death—by
ever, becomes now the impulse to find him again. which I mean our time in the process of decom-
Indeed, in every subsequent lifetime, those present position and all else that death entails. We will be
at the Ascension have looked for Christ to come able to shorten the time we spend in dying and
again, and have worked to prepare the world for death. We will be able to die consciously, even to
his coming. They will be—they are—among the choose our death, as Christ also chose his. And so
apostles of the Second Coming. For they shall be shall we also shorten our time of entombment.
witnesses thereof. Of course, there are many types of death. Yet we
And these same shall again come to know one are nonetheless destined to reclaim ourselves from
another. They shall find each other, for the bond the tomb. All that is eternal in us, all that lasts
that unites them is the Messiah, the Promise of forever, will breathe into our new life. This pro-
Redemption. This bond is victory over death. And cess we take up in each lifetime, working to trans-
so do they await Redemption. form the part of us that is subject to death. The
As Christ passed through the gates during his Entombment is a mystery that has not yet been
ascent to heaven, a great throng of souls and penetrated to the depths. This is because, after the
angels greeted him, encircled him, and rejoiced. pain of the Crucifixion, most wish to pass imme-
They received him into their kingdom. And some diately on to the joy of the Resurrection. But to
of those present at that time on the Mount of understand the mysteries of entombment, we must
Olives saw this in vision also. first meditate upon it deeply. Entombment is an
important part of the process of resurrection. And
The Entombment we must each of us leave our tomb and take on
Now I want to say something about what I was new life. In manifold ways this helps also the gen-
shown regarding entombment. The manner in erations coming after us. More may be said about
which the Jews entombed their people is like unto this at a future time.
what the Risen One has done for all humanity. I After the Ascension, those present went through
will try to explain this. another kind of death—a “resurrection” that came
The Jews buried their dead in tombs. Then, after about in the spiritual fire of the Pentecost. This
decomposition was complete, the bones would be was indeed for them like a resurrection, for just as
removed, and the tomb made available for another the Death and Entombment of Christ was spirit
family member. Just so was Christ’s body prepared going out, and the Resurrection spirit returning,
for burial and then laid in the tomb. But then an so was the Ascension spirit going out and the Pen-
unfathomable, mysterious change took place: the tecost a returning—but with this difference: that
Earth took the physical elements of the body into at Pentecost, the resurrection of the spirit hap-
herself, rendering the tomb empty. Essentially, pened in the hearts of those present.
Christ vacated the tomb when the great transfor-

mation took place.

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Journal for Star Wisdom 2015

who were watching and waiting for his ascent into

their realm.
There was a certain breathlessness to the Angels
as they waited. Then he rose into their sphere! I
beheld him as a radiant star. The star of his Resur-
rection body rose into the midst of the billions of
Angels—all the Angels connected to every single
human being! I was hovering before him.
The Angels received the imprint of his Resur-
rection body, as seedlings, into their hearts. The
luster of his Resurrection body commingled with
the atmosphere of the Angelic realm, and it was in
that sphere the light source—like a radiant Sun—
for all the Angels. His Resurrection body merged
with the Angels, such that the imprint took on the
individual aspects of each person to whom the
Angel was connected. All of the Angels underwent
a transformation, a reorganization, when they
received this imprint of the Resurrection body.
There was tremendous rejoicing!
I heard the harmonies of the spheres in his
Resurrection body. Christ turned and beheld the
Earth while raying out loving streams of light to
all the Angels. Threads of luminous rainbow-hued
light rayed from him to the Earth.
Chapel of the Ascension Then something new happened to me. I do not
know at this time what form I was in, nor do I
know for sure whether I was in the past, present,
PART II: VISIONS OF CHRIST’S ASCENSION or future. It seemed that it was happening to me in
THROUGH THE P LANETARY R EALMS OF that very moment. But there I was, and my body
THE MOON (A NGELS) AND M ERCURY was in its star form. Christ was very near to me,
(A RCHANGELS), JUNE 12 AND 14, 2013. also in his star form. Christ was acknowledging
me in this body, in this form.
Christ’s Ascension into the Angelic Realm My chakras were open in the front and the back,
In vision I went into the center of the Earth, to as beautiful flowers of color. But then something
Shambhala, where I was with the Mother. My happened that I have not experienced before, at
heart was overwhelmed with love, and the golden least not quite in this way. There appeared inner
glow of her warmth imbued my entire soul. I was vertical chakras, which bloomed in an upward
overjoyed to see her again! manner through the center of my being, beginning
I arrived just at the point in time when Christ at the root. When this happened in the throat area,
was preparing to ascend through the layers of the a surge of light occurred, and from there it was as
Earth, on his way to greet Magdalene at the tomb if a star of light burst from me—as if I had birthed
on Sunday morning. a star from my throat chakra.
I went ahead in time to the Ascension. I beheld Then, my entire light body unfolded and seemed
the Ascension from the Angelic realm, within the to burst open, and I saw every cell of my being
etheric sphere of the Moon. I was with the Angels, as microcosmic holograms—with the imprint of

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Ascension Visions

Christ’s Resurrection body in each cell, emanating ascending Christ. Around these were processions
the most unimaginable, unearthly colors. of all other Archangels in their various ranks and
Every cell of my being outpoured through space, orders.
out into the Cosmos! I felt myself in every part of As Christ approached the Archangelic realm, my
the Cosmos. I could still feel myself as a “being,” soul expanded and rejoiced in ineffable awe! He
yet I was everywhere in the Earth and simultane- was like a Sun, rising into their midst. The Arch-
ously in the Cosmos. angels, in his presence, were imbued with a new
I know this could sound preposterous! And yet power and strength they had never known before.
this is what happened to Christ in his Resurrec- This is truly indescribable! From the depths of
tion body. I am certain that I experienced this only their vast, unfathomable beings, they were illu-
so that I could tell of this event, although I can minated to a higher degree—indeed, we could
only do so in my limited way. say that they underwent a most profound change.
I saw Christ’s Resurrection body merge with They received the gift of the warmth of the light of
every star. human redemption as a new force in their beings,
I came back into semblance but still felt myself as although I lack words to describe this change.
single cells with a great amount of space between The Archangels beheld within Christ’s Resur-
them. rection body the great work he had performed for
I was then taken into the Archangelic realm, all peoples of the Earth. They could also witness
where the Archangels were watching him approach within his Resurrection body the work that they
after he left the Angelic realm. I watched as the had been doing for human evolution since the
Archangels gathered to receive him. beginning of time. Thus could they behold their
It was unfathomable what he then did. He was own deeds on behalf of humanity. This was, for
bearing in his Resurrection body the promise of them, the greatest gift they had ever known! He
the Resurrection for all groups, countries, folks, was also bringing to them a direct gnosis of what
and religions. This promise was implanted in the they would now do for the children of the Earth—
beings of the Archangels. This would be happen- for all nations, tribes, religions, and groups.
ing in divergent ways within the realms of each of Christ bore in his Resurrection body the stream
the hierarchies. of the history of all peoples, which he presented
I desired to witness the event of the Ascension in to the Archangelic realm. He chose to incarnate
every realm (again, a preposterous notion!), but it into the stream of Israel, which is the prototype
would have been too much for me to take in, and I for the redemption of all nations. To the Archan-
was also being called back to Earth. gels he revealed the promise of Eternal Israel. He
I saw rainbow streams of light beckoning me is the highest exemplar of human evolution, and
back to my body, as I traveled with all the cells of Israel was his chosen habitation. It is true that all
my body back to Earth. nations shall flow into the stream of Israel3 —even-
tually all nations and all peoples shall have the
Christ’s Ascension into the Archangelic Sphere opportunity to be taken into the Christ impulse.
As the vision began, I saw Angels gathering Every group, nation, and religion has within it the
round. Soon I was streaming through time, the seeds that make it possible for those peoples to
Angels surrounding me on all sides. join themselves in the great impulse of the Christ
I was at the point in time where the last vision Being. Everything will eventually be circumscribed
had ended—where the ascending Christ had back into the whole, back into Christ’s vast Sacred
reached the Archangelic realm, on his way ascend- Heart. Israel shall claim her people—yes!
ing to the Father. There will be the great divide: nations warring
I saw the seven preeminent Archangels—they against other nations, religions fighting against
who are the highest of all the Archangels—stand-
ing in a towering circle, waiting to greet the 3 See Isaiah 2:2

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Journal for Star Wisdom 2015

other religions. But the Archangels know what is Most of Israel’s children no longer believe in God
to be in the future. Christ bears the Resurrection because of the great dragon that ravaged her peo-
of the World in his being, and he showed them this ple and snuffed out the promise of the Messiah
great Resurrection Day—when all the egregores of from their hearts. This happened when the Führer
all peoples will finally bow down to the Christ and and Stalin carried out their dark deeds. Israel scat-
say, We accept Thee as our Savior! tered throughout the world, and her people have
And the egregores will be transformed; those shut their ears and closed their eyes while the great
great weaknesses that have entrapped all human- dragon sits on his nest.
ity shall be transformed! Then the group, the How we must pray! We must pray and hold to
religion, the nation will truly be free to choose the vision of what Israel is to become! Let us call to
Christ’s impulse of Love—which means that all the Angels of the people and pray that the people
shall become One. awaken—lest they be lost in the fight. They plan
The Archangels already live and dwell in this to do the work of evil against other nations. This
Oneness. They have to know the egregore. They horror does not need to happen! Mighty prayers,
have to know the division and separation, and at offered by awakened individuals can help to turn
the same time rise to a higher level of being. They the tides. Let us love the people of Israel.
must stand firmly in the knowing of all of this. Let us remember that there is a Messiah for
Christ gave to them the promise that Israel shall Israel—let us remember this for them. The Mes-
be redeemed. Israel shall “die to itself,” but it will siah is aware of them. They rejected the Messiah
be redeemed, will rise up, and give to the world before and there is the danger that they may not
the vision of the redeemed nation. recognize him now. We can assist them. We can
Christ shall reign in the midst of Israel, as the reach to them in their unconsciousness and dis-
King of Eternal Israel that he was foreordained to tress. Let us visualize them returning to the ancient
be. We cannot imagine how this shall be—when fold—when their fathers carried them out of cap-
the King of Eternal Israel takes up his crown on tivity, when the burning bush spoke. This we can
Earth! truly do—we can hold this promise of redemption
Sophia, the Bride of the Lamb, descends to join in our hearts. Christ is the One who can save them,
herself with Eternal Israel. And she brings with her but they must turn to him. There are many Jews
the heavenly hosts—all Angels who have served who do indeed believe in God, and are holding
and are serving Israel. Together, the Bride and the strong; yet their numbers are few. They have the
Lamb are the New Jerusalem. power of faith, and we can unite with them. We
The New Jerusalem, the Holy City, is the gate can ask the ancient fathers of Israel to unite with
between Heaven and Earth. The seven great Arch- us in prayer on behalf of Israel. We do have the
angels who stand as the sentinels of this City shall power—we truly have the power. The Angels are
usher in all of the peoples whose names are writ- willing to assist us.
ten on its gates. They shall see their names written Christ speaks:
thereon, and the gates shall open, and they will be A star is above Israel’s head. Let the soul of
escorted into the Holy of Holies. Israel be borne through my strong force. I am
There they shall witness the Lamb of God sur- with Israel. I am in Israel. I am for Israel. I
rounded by the ancient fathers: Abraham, Isaac, am Israel’s “I.”
Jacob, Joseph, Moses—and all the others. This is I shall cleanse the Temple for the third
the Ancient of Days! time. I shall cast out that dragon that has
This is the vision that lives even now in the Arch- taken hold of the Temple. I am coming to
angelic realm! visit the Temple and I shall cleanse it by
Let us turn our gaze to Israel in its current state. the power of my eternal judgment and my
Its people are scattered throughout the world. unfathomable mercy. I shall claim my throne,
and every knee shall bow and every tongue

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Ascension Visions

confess that I am the savior and redeemer Let your heart be my heart, that I may
of the world. I shall gather my children and dwell in you and you may dwell in me, now
bring them back into the fold, safe-folded and forevermore.
in my eternal Sacred Heart where they shall Receive my breath, that your breath may
find rest. Then my power, my love, my word, become the breath of Eternal Life.
my mercy shall flow to all nations. There are seven breaths of the Holy Spirit.
These are the words written by the hand Breathe the seven breaths of the Holy Spirit.
of my beloved. Let them be inscribed in your They are the seven breaths that restored
hearts and ray them out to the whole world. Lazarus. Take up the work and practice of
Let my mercy be borne in your heart, that the seven breaths of the Holy Spirit at the
this work of redemption may go forth to all end of your Inner Radiance practice. Do this
the world! that I may breathe through you, for this is to
You are in me, and I am in you. O my dispel the seven evils.
precious son! O my precious daughter! Look Then smile with me. Smile first at your-
up and behold me in the clouds! Clouds of self: smile at your body, your life body, soul
glory! and spirit. Then smile at each other, and then
I will manifest myself to the whole world smile at the whole world. Accept my smile
and every eye shall behold me. This will be into your heart. Do not walk away with a
the World Pentecost. The Holy Spirit shall heavy heart, with a downturned mouth. This
fill every heart. This can happen for you on confuses the Angels. Smile, return to joy. Yes,
an individual level. You are blessed, for I am you shall see what is happening in the world,
blessing you. Draw your strength from me, and you may even weep, but then you must
for I am now freely giving it to you. return to joy and smile with me. Only then
Let my strength be your strength. may we truly be one, for all of my saints bear
Let my body be your body. the Eternal Smile.
Let your soul be my soul.
Let your blood be my blood. •
Let your spirit be my spirit.

O Spirit of God. . . Strong courage that flows

Fill the hearts that seek Thee, within our limbs,
Seek Thee in deep longing, Flows as a precious divine gift,
Deep longing for health Divine gift from Thee,
For health and strong courage, O Spirit of God.
—Rudolf Steiner

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Claudia Mclaren Lainson and Robert Powell

Nature awaits redemption when humanity is away, just as it was coming into being. This stolen
once more united in love with nature, and, thus substance was the beginning of the formation of a
united, rises along with nature to that place sphere of evil known as the “Eighth Sphere”—not
from which, because of its love for humanity, to be confused with the eighth subearthly sphere,
nature once fell. Nature is now waiting for which we shall come to consider later in this arti-
human beings to requite her former love for
cle. From the influence of the Eighth Sphere, ghost-
humankind; but thousands upon thousands of
like imaginations have always inspired unholy
years have passed, and the nature beings still
see no indication that human beings are willing
to bring them redemption.1 The stream of cosmic evolution flows through

seven phases . . . Saturn, Sun, Moon, Earth, Jupi-
luto this year moves away from its exact
ter, Venus, and Vulcan phases. . . . It is always
square with Uranus, and it also moves away
possible, however, for cosmic history to stray
from the zodiacal degrees in Sagittarius remem- from the path of normal evolution because of
bering its position during the life of Christ. At 18º the activities of the three hierarchies of “evil,”
Sagittarius, Pluto is where it was at the death of which resist the hierarchies of “good.” And inso-
Stephen and shortly thereafter when the Pharisee far as such resistance succeeds, another sphere
Saul reached the gates of Damascus. For the next is formed in the cosmos that does not belong
two years Pluto will be close to this degree of the to the seven normal spheres of evolution. . . .
zodiac. Nature waits for the light of Damascus to It is called the “Eighth Sphere”. . . .Besides
shine into her kingdom from awakened human organic and inorganic substance, there is still
hearts, so that her beings can again believe in their the possibility of a third kind of substance. In
redemption on the part of enlightened and lov- addition to life (organic substance) and death
(inorganic substance), there is also the pos-
ing human beings. For at the gates of Damascus
sibility of the “phantom.” The substance of
Saul experienced Christ supersensibly. As a result
the phantom is neither alive nor dead; it may
of this powerful and enlightening experience, he
be compared to electromagnetic substance. A
recanted his former ways as a fanatical Pharisee phantom does not live, nor is it dead; rather is
bent on persecuting the Christians. Given that the it formed of electricity endowed with sensation
position of Pluto is recalling this powerful expe- and consciousness. The chief characteristic of
rience, a question for this year, as we remember this substance is absorbency, which, in contrast
Paul’s conversion, is: Will we continue to work as to ether, is inherent in it. Just as everything
persecutors of the Earth and all her creatures, or etheric tends to radiate, the substance of the
will we awaken? Eighth Sphere tends to absorb. This tendency
As some background to our considerations, let us to absorb is an external expression of the ahri-
recall that at the very beginning of the Earth’s evo- manic principle. For, Ahriman is a being in the
lution, evil beings wrested mineral substantiality cosmos who strives to absorb into himself all
that exists. Hence the substance of the Eighth

1 Tomberg, Christ and Sophia, p. 96.

– 46 –
At the Gates of Damascus

Sphere, Ahriman’s cosmic citadel, exhibits the etheric forces of Christ Jesus. Dr. Powell describes
same main characteristic. 2 how St. Paul’s life actually became thereby a kind
All that exists in this unlawful realm can cap- of “continuation” of the life of Jesus. He also
ture human beings by luring them into spectral states—based on Rudolf Steiner’s implicit indica-
delusions: tion—that Paul was a reincarnation of Arjuna, the
charioteer whom Krishna overlighted. 4 The teach-
Mark this well: instead of pure Imaginations ings of Krishna, summarized in the Bhagavad
being there [in the Eighth Sphere], the Imagina-
Gita, were presented through Arjuna. It was Paul’s
tions are densified by the infusion of a mineral
teacher Krishna, from his life as Arjuna, whom he
element that has been wrested from the Earth.
recognized through his supersensory experience
Densified Imaginations are thus created. We
are therefore drawn into a world of densified outside the gates of Damascus—for Krishna, who
Imaginations that are not lunar in character, had overlighted Arjuna, was one and the same as
because they have been densified by material- the Jesus being who overlighted Paul. 5 Powell goes
ity belonging to the Earth. They are ghosts, on to explain the great impression Paul made on
specters—that is to say, behind our world there people and his extraordinary success in his mis-
is a world of specters created by Lucifer and sionary activities. As the reincarnated Arjuna, and
Ahriman. 3 as the recipient of Christ’s unused etheric forces,
Sorrowful as it is, the adversaries’ battle for the his profound magnetism—especially exempli-
Earth and the human soul is reaching new heights. fied in the profound authority he demonstrated
Paul’s experience at the gates of Damascus—a through the power of his words—becomes clearer
place representative of etheric vision triumphing and more understandable. Known as one of the
over the ghostly specters of the evil ones—sends a most erudite and masterful representatives of the
message of hope. teachings of Christ, Paul died a martyr’s death,
The fact that the Earth is under grievous attack executed in Rome under Nero, around ad 67/68.
at a scale never before encountered in the history Prior to his conversion at the gates of Damas-
of humanity must be recognized. This is the result cus, he was Saul, a Pharisee, and it was under the
of very intelligent people—unconsciously in some spell of Saul’s pharisaic fervor that Stephen, the
cases, and consciously in others—working under first Christian martyr, was stoned to death. This
the spell of this “other world” of stolen forces; was shortly before he left Jerusalem for Damas-
and the power of these influences is accelerating. cus with the mission of executing the Christians
The creation of another Earth is their mission. We he had heard were “rabble rousing” in that city.
can only pray that those who are under the sway Instead of fulfilling his fanatical and destructive
of malevolent influences will find their way to a mission, he found Christ.
supersensible experience of Christ, as with Paul at
the gates of Damascus. 4 In these lectures Robert Powell speaks of Rudolf
Steiner’s veiled reincarnation indication regarding
In ad 34, Saul, who became Paul, was on his Arjuna (the “open secret” underlying these
way to Damascus. He was going there to persecute lectures) in his lectures, The Bhagavad Gita and
Christians, having shortly before had a hand in the West. We can begin to understand the mystery
that took place with St. Paul when we grasp that
the stoning to death of Stephen. In Robert Powell’s he was the reincarnated Arjuna. In these lectures
as yet unpublished lecture series Great Teachers of Powell also spoke about a further embodiment
Humanity, he speaks of the fact that Paul—through of this individuality, as Charlemagne—following
up on Steiner’s indication in his Esoteric Lesson
his conversion experience—was given the unused
of Aug. 27, 1909 (in Esoteric Lessons, vol. 1):
“Charlemagne came from the Orient; he was the
2 Ibid., pp. 18–19. reincarnation of an advanced Indian adept.”
3 Steiner, The Occult Movement in the Nineteenth 5 See Powell and Dann, Christ and the Maya
Century, lecture 5, in which Rudolf Steiner further Calendar, p. 29. See also Powell, Prophecy–
characterizes the Eighth Sphere. Phenomena–Hope, pp. 105–106.

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Journal for Star Wisdom 2015

H ADES: THE BELLY OF THE BEAST death and Saul’s rabid desire for persecuting the
Christians nonetheless created a climate of fear
In its highest manifestation Pluto is Phanes— for the followers of Christ, who had been driven
the love of the Father. In its lowest mani-
away from the small huts in which they had settled
festation it represents Hades—god of the
around Jerusalem.
Pluto has been remembering the life of Christ
Two seemingly contradictory accounts by Anne since 2009, when it reached the zodiacal degree
Catherine Emmerich resolve in the understand- that remembers the Baptism in the Jordan River
ing that Stephen’s death was on the second New (6º53’ Sagittarius). This was noted at the eclipse of
Moon (Tammuz 1) after Nisan 14 and simultane- that year on July 21/22, where Pluto was at 6º26’
ously about one year after Christ’s death on April Sagittarius, less than half a degree from its exact
3, ad 33 (Nisan 14). This conclusion puts Stephen’s baptismal position. At that time in 2009, the ques-
death as having taken place about midnight, June tion was posed as to what kind of incarnation into
5/6, ad 34 in Jerusalem. At this time Pluto was 18º a prepared vessel might be at work, as the eclipse
Sagittarius, which is also its location in the side- suggested the possibility of an incarnation of dubi-
real zodiac for much of this year.6 ous origin. At the Baptism in the Jordan, Christ
Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774–1824) gives an entered into the Nathan Jesus. The close commem-
account of these years after the death of Christ: oration of this event by Pluto, during the longest
About one year after the crucifixion of Our solar eclipse of the twenty-first century, asked if
Lord, Stephen was stoned, though no further the time of the incarnation of Ahriman—into a
persecution of the Apostles took place at that prepared human vessel—had dawned. It is now, in
time. The rising settlement of new converts this year of 2015, six years after the 2009 eclipse.
around Jerusalem, however, was dissolved; The end of the year 2016 will mark the completion
the Christians dispersed, and some were mur- of two cycles of three and one-half years (seven
dered. A few years later, a new storm arose years) following the return in 2009 of Pluto to its
against them. Then it was that the Blessed Vir- position at the Baptism. Three and one-half years
gin, who until that time had dwelt in the small is the prophesied term in Revelation, chapter 13, of
house near the Coenaculum and in Bethania,
the reign of the Antichrist.8 In his interpretation
allowed herself to be conducted by John to the
of the prophecy of this term from chapter 12 of
region of Ephesus, where the Christians had
the book of the Old Testament prophet Daniel, Dr.
already made settlements. This happened a
short time after the imprisonment of Lazarus Powell has indicated that the first three and one-
and his sisters by the Jews and their setting half years after the July 2009 solar eclipse marked
out over the sea.7 a period of preparation; and that the following
three and one-half years could indeed mark the
Sister Emmerich goes on to describe that spies
actual period of the rule of the Antichrist, culmi-
were sent out to prevent the Apostles from leaving
nating in late December of 2016 or in January or
Jerusalem. Though the full fervor of persecutions
February of 2017.9
of the first Christians did not begin until some-
If we are living in the time of the rule of the Anti-
time during the year ad 36 (i.e., in the fourth year
christ, vigilance is required. As described later in
after Christ’s death at Easter ad 33) already just
this article, now until 2040 is the time of influence
one year after Christ’s death, in ad 34, Stephen’s
8 Powell and Dann, Christ and the Maya Calendar:
6 Pluto begins on Jan. 1, 2015, at 18¼° Sagittarius 2012, p. 22 and p. 79.
and moves to 20½° Sagittarius by mid-April. 9 Powell and Isaacson, Gautama Buddha’s Successor,
Then it starts to move retrograde, returning to p. 26. Daniel refers to a first period of 1,290 days
18° Sagittarius toward the end of Sept. Moving and a second period of 1,335 days, both periods
forward again, it reaches 20° Sagittarius around being approximately three and one-half years. See
the end of the year. also Powell, Prophecy–Phenomena–Hope, pp.
7 Emmerich, Life of Jesus Christ, vol. 4, p. 448. 62–65.

– 48 –
At the Gates of Damascus

of the forces rising from the three lowest layers of most scholars see Pope Benedict XVI in relation to
the subearthly spheres, referred to as the realm of Malachy’s phrase Gloria olivae.
the Asuras. The Antichrist is undoubtedly influ- This brings us to the final pope in Malachy’s
enced by the forces of the Asuras, and through the prophecy of the popes—number 112 on the list.
Asuras by the Sun Demon itself.10 The Latin phrase associated with this pope is: “In
What indications are there, that this is the time extreme persecution, the seat of the Holy Roman
of the Antichrist? Robert Powell has pointed to Church, will be occupied by Peter the Roman,
the present time and identified it on various lev- who will feed the sheep through many tribula-
els as the time of the Antichrist—as indicated in tions. When these tribulations are over, the city
the works cited in footnotes 8 and 9. There is, of seven hills will be destroyed, and the terrible
however, a further indication which he has not and fearsome Judge will judge his people.” This
referred to in the works cited there. This has to vision opens up the vista of the persecution of the
do with the prophecy of the popes attributed to Antichrist, whose world army wages war upon the
Saint Malachy, the twelfth-century Archbishop countries and peoples of the Earth who resist his
of Armagh, Northern Ireland. It is said that he rule in any way, whereby the Vatican and Rome
was summoned to Rome in the year 1139 by Pope become targeted in order to eliminate the seat of
Innocent II. While in Rome, Malachy purport- the Catholic Church, as the center of the greatest
edly experienced a vision of future popes, which Christian denomination—with an estimated 1.2
he recorded as a sequence of cryptic phrases in billion Catholics in the world.
Latin. This vision, if authentic, is relevant to According to the consensus view concerning
the question about the time of emergence of the Malachy’s vision, the current pope, Francis I, as
Antichrist, since the final pope in the sequence the successor of John Paul II (number 110) and
of popes was seen by Malachy to be the pope Benedict XVI (number 111), is the one who is pope
at the time of the Antichrist. Those who have at the time of the Antichrist.11 As stated by Cris
studied Saint Malachy’s prophecy of the popes Putnam, author of the book Petrus Romanus: The
have focused upon the sequence of cryptic phases Final Pope is Here:
in Latin and sought to correlate them with the According to the prophecy of Saint Malachy,
actual sequence of popes. Petrus Romanus has arrived. Pope Francis
Most scholars have arrived at consensus that I, formerly known as Jorge Mario Bergoglio,
the 110th pope in the list (of 112) was John Paul was the son of an Italian railroad worker from
II, who was pope from 1978 to 2005. The Latin Turin, Italy. While those of shallow vision will
phrase assigned to the 110th pope by Malachy be quick to point out “his name is not Peter,”
was De labore solis (“From the labor of the Sun”— prophecy is often fulfilled enigmatically in a
also said to possibly mean “eclipse of the Sun”). manner not entirely clear until it is resolved. For
Interestingly, John Paul II was born on May 18, example, who could have known that “labor of
1920, during a partial solar eclipse over the Indian the sun” John Paul II would be buried during
an eclipse until his papacy had ended? We have
Ocean, and he was buried on April 8, 2005, during
stated from the beginning that the title “Peter
a rare “hybrid” eclipse over the Pacific and South
the Roman” was likely symbolic. All popes
America. Malachy’s phrase for the 111th pope on
claim apostolic succession from Peter, and for
his list is Gloria olivae (“glory of the olive”), which
this reason it is called the Petrine office.12
appears to be linked with Pope Benedict XVI, who
was born on April 16, 1927, the feast day of Saint There are many interesting points in connection
Benedict. The olive branch is a symbol of the Bene- with the arrival of Petrus Romanus on March 13,
dictine order founded by Saint Benedict, and thus 11 Horn and Putnam, Petrus Romanus: The Final
Pope is Here.
10 Regarding Asuras and Sun Demon, see the glossary 12 Cris Putnam, “Petrus Romanus Arrives” (http://
at the end of this journal.

– 49 –
Journal for Star Wisdom 2015

2013, at 8:13 pm, when Jorge Mario Bergoglio that commemorates the death of Stephen (June 5/6
was elected pope. This date falls close to the date ad 34) as well as Paul’s supersensory encounter
of June 19, 2013, indicated by Robert Powell as with Christ outside the gates of Damascus shortly
the start of the 3½ years of the Antichrist.13 From thereafter. This event of Paul’s conversion is indi-
this the possibility emerges that Pope Francis I is cated by Rudolf Steiner as an archetype for each
indeed the one prophesied by Saint Malachy to be individual’s encounter with Christ in the etheric
pope at the time of the Antichrist. realm in our time.15 Then, in 2016, it approaches
In this connection, returning to our consider- the degree that remembers the new storm of per-
ations concerning Pluto—as we see Pluto mov- secutions that arose against the early Christians
ing out of the degrees remembering the Mystery in ad 36; and this draws attention—at this time
of Golgotha—we stand ready as Pluto enters the of the reign of the Antichrist—to the possibility
degrees remembering the times of uncertainty that of renewed persecutions of Christ’s followers as
forced the early Christians to keep a low profile prophesied by Daniel Andreev (see pages 15–17 of
and be very careful, for fear of persecution. this journal).
At the Mystery of Golgotha, Jesus Christ Remembering Paul’s conversion, Pluto’s posi-
became the spirit of the Earth. Just as forces were tion this year stands as a potent force supporting
working to oppose him at the time of his coming humanity’s awakening to the new culture Sophia
two thousand years ago, so too are forces oppos- is bearing as she descends towards us now.16 The
ing him now at this time of his second coming. light that guides us this year is the promise that,
The fact that Jesus Christ became the spirit of like Paul, we too can find Christ and Sophia and
the Earth after his death on the cross means that become servants of the new cultural influences
he wears the body of the Earth as his mantle.14 streaming towards us from the future. Pluto
Since he is the spirit of the Earth, the Earth has approaching the time of the persecutions sends
become his body and humanity is also part of his a warning that there are principalities working
body. It is possible, therefore, that even greater behind the scenes: masters of great delusion are
crimes against Mother Nature and all her beings at work seeking to mold the consciousness of the
will unfold in the coming years. To recognize masses into sympathy with their long-term agenda.
these crimes as the work of the adversaries is to Historically the square between Uranus and
expose them. This reduces their effectiveness and Pluto will be viewed in the light of the revolutions
inspires us to recognize what we can do in service that erupted around the world as this square tight-
to good works—and especially works that serve ened, beginning in late 2011. The last occurrence
the ennoblement of Nature. of an exact aspect between these two planets will
Pluto begins this year at 18º19’ Sagittarius and be March 16th of this year, 2015. Nonetheless,
next year (2016) it will be 20º to 22º Sagittarius. At this aspect will continue to play out, within a 10º
the Mystery of Golgotha and through the Ascen- orb, until the year 2020, with diminishing effec-
sion and Pentecost, Pluto was between 16º and 17º tiveness. The next major Uranus/Pluto aspect will
of Sagittarius. It takes Pluto approximately 250 be the opposition between these two planets in the
years to circle the Sun. Therefore, during this year years 2046 to 2048.
2015, a rare event is potentially heightened: that of The revolutions spawned since the onset of this
Pluto moving back and forth over the same degree square offer ample evidence of the negative side
effects representative of this aspect. Each revolu-
13 Powell and Isaacson, Gautama Buddha’s Successor, tion left chaos in its wake, and the ongoing effects
p. 27. resulting from this unrest have not yet run their
14 This is brought to expression in a beautiful,
inspiring, and powerful way in Valentin Tomberg’s
AMEN meditation on the Etheric Christ; 15 Powell and Isaacson, Gautama Buddha’s Successor,
see Powell, Inner Radiance and the Body of p. 26.
Immortality, pp. 34, 38–40. 16 See Powell and Isaacson, The Mystery of Sophia.

– 50 –
At the Gates of Damascus

course. Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Libya, and the The circle of ceremonial magic—just like that
Ukraine continue their battles for peace, not to of science—is closed in principle, but every
mention Venezuela, Thailand, Syria, Mali, and individual human soul can leave it by embrac-
other African states. Valentin Tomberg writes of ing a more elevated ideal and by renouncing
the inner nature of revolution: all the advantages that the circle offers him.
This is an important aspect of the meaning
Earthquake is a force that presses in a vertical of the formula of Christ: “I am the door”—
direction from below to above. Revolution is namely, that there is an exit from every closed
also an earthquake force, working from below circle, from all captivity of the spirit. “I am
to overthrow that which is above. It is also this the door; if anyone enters by me, he will be
force at work when a people or nation lives solely saved, and will go in and out and find pasture”
through or by way of the blood, from below. (John 10: 9), which means to say that if some-
Every vertical force that calls forth con- one is moved by love of God and neighbor, he
vulsion or shock, where that which is below is can enter each closed circle and he can leave it.
thrown above and where that which is above is Instead of prisons he will “find pasture,” i.e.,
cast down, is this force.17 he will move in a spiral.18
Earthquakes can occur in our subtle bodies as
well. These energies rise through the first chakra—
the Moon chakra—and then come into the sec- As we turn our thoughts to 2015 we continue to
ond and third chakras (the Venus and Mercury follow the themes set in motion during the past
chakras). Having thus entered, they work against two years and also look ahead to what is devel-
those bearing Christological missions. Those oping in the future. The year 2014 presented the
who actively create divisiveness are often the last prophesied beginning of a new instreaming of the
to know that they have become “doors” for the inspiration of the Kalki/Maitreya individuality.19
adversary. In the seven “I AM” sayings of Christ, This same year also denoted the beginning of a
the one spoken from the root (Moon) chakra is new 600-year cultural rhythm in the history of
“I am the true vine” and the one spoken from the humanity. Last but not least, June of the previous
sacral (Venus) chakra is “I am the way, the truth, year (2013) marked the possible beginning of the
and the life.” The truth of the way of life one fol- three and one-half years of trial that culminates at
lows is evident in the fruits one produces. Immo- the close of 2016 or early in 2017. 20 It is prudent
rality grows a bitter fruit that divides with the to keep these major themes in the forefront of our
aim of conquering. If immoral inspirations find consciousness so that we do not fall asleep to their
their way into one’s being, one will eventually effects in the unfolding of history.
become a portal for adversarial forces working By way of analogy, there is a similarity between
through oneself. Judas is the archetypal example the beginning of the new 600-year cultural
of the betraying spirit of evil. The “I AM” man- rhythm in 2014 and the plight of the Israelites
tra for the Mercury chakra is “I am the door, wandering in the desert for forty years. Moses
the entrance and the exit.” We are to vigilantly took his people out of Egypt and founded a new
stand watch against subversive influences that spiritual community, one that could not come
seek to splinter “good works” by means of intro- into being within the decadent culture of Egypt;
ducing other works filled with egoism and van-
ity—often-unrecognized as such—whose aim is 18 Anonymous, Meditations on the Tarot, pp. 482–483.
to destroy the good works of others. 19 See Powell and Harris “The Transition,” in
the Easter 2014 newsletter Starlight of the
17 Tomberg, Our Father Course, an esoteric Sophia Foundation, (free download at www.
exploration of the Lord’s Prayer—a twelve-year > Activities > Newsletter.
course of study in fifty-week installments—is See also Powell and Isaacson, Gautama Buddha’s
available through the Sophia Foundation: www. Successor. 20 Ibid.

– 51 –
Journal for Star Wisdom 2015

it needed a free space, a cultural vacuum in which Putin is a practicing Orthodox Christian who
it could rightly develop. openly declares Russia to be a nation centered on
upholding Christian values and moral standards. 26
Egypt, Babylon, and Phoenicia had old, obso-
lescent cultures; their traditions would have This is not meant merely as a commentary on this
overwhelmed the tender seed of a new culture. individual; it is also an indication about the forces
This is why it was necessary to wander so long of love—the Christ forces—seeking to shape the
in the wilderness, away from the great civili- future of the next epoch, the sixth cultural epoch.
zations, until the Israelites’ revelation culture Something is developing out of the ashes of the
had reached a certain degree of maturity. That Bolshevik/communist revolution, which, under
maturity would be impossible until the genera- Stalin, destroyed churches and mocked Christian
tions that left Egypt had died out. Once those culture and beliefs. Under Putin, however, large
who had lived in Egypt had all died, the new Christian congregations are springing up again
current would be clear of Egypt’s influence. 21
throughout Russia. Another interesting fact is Rus-
This same challenge meets every cultural shift. sia’s stance against GMO seeds. Russian law pres-
We can no longer go into the wilderness to let die ently requires the labeling of all foods containing
what is outworn. We must live in the culture and GMO’s, and the country is principally considered
yet keep ourselves separate from the decadent influ- to be GMO-free. America—with the exception of
ences a culture bears when it is in decline. Mate- one state—is still fighting simply to institute a law
rialism is the keynote of our western culture, yet that requires labeling of GMO foods. 27
there dawns on the horizon the work of both the In remembering that the sixth cultural epoch—
Elijah-John being 22 and the Kalki-Maitreya indi- known as Philadelphia in Revelation (3:7-12)—is
viduality. 23 The stream moving towards us from forming etherically over the Slavic countries, we
the Aquarian Age is bearing new revelation, call- have a clue as to where the Beast would of course
ing for the uniting of all people, all religions, and be directing his attention. Evil always seeks to
for all to work together in protecting the Earth thwart the possibility of the future’s potentially
and her elemental beings. It is also a sign of our positive manifestations: to hinder the rightful
time that Sophia is descending towards our Sun, flowering of the next epoch is imperative for the
and she is bearing a new culture—The Rose of the ahrimanic mission. The tender seed of the future
World. 24 culture of Sophia (the sixth cultural epoch) would
One of the more ominous threats to the inflow- naturally come under attack. We can witness the
ing Sophianic influence is the deceitful propa-
ganda coming out of the western world. This is the truth. Anyone who wishes to find out the truth
regarding the Russia/Ukraine situation can easily
witnessed most recently (as of this writing in April do so from several channels, one of the best being
of 2014) in the Ukrainian conflict. 25 Vladimir the Russia Today TV channel——and
from excellent websites such as the Vineyard of the
21 Tomberg, Christ and Sophia, p. 102. Saker (
22 See Powell, Elijah Come Again. 26 “Vladimir Putin’s Christian faith in his own
23 See Powell and Isaacson, Gautama Buddha’s words” (
Successor. yxJhmjk/); “Vladimir Putin vows to defend
24 See Powell and Isaacson, The Mystery of Sophia. Christianity worldwide” ( http://www.trunews.
25 In Prophecy—Phenomena—Hope, Robert com/vladimir-putin-vows-defend-christianity-
Powell characterizes this deceitful propaganda worldwide/).
as “Ahrimanic maya” (Satanic illusion), actively 27 “Vermont has raised the stakes in the debate
shaping the thought content of human beings. The over genetically modified foods by becoming
propaganda of the Western mass media in relation the first state to pass a bill requiring that they
to what is taking place in Russia and Ukraine has be labeled as such in the grocery aisle, making
reached new levels of lying and deceiving, revealing the move despite the opposition of the powerful
the total grip that Ahriman now has on virtually U.S. food industry” (http://www.huffingtonpost.
all the Western mainstream media outlets. This com/2014/04/24/vermont-lawmakers-pass-gmo-
raises the question as to how we can come to know labeling-bill_n_5203569.html).

– 52 –
At the Gates of Damascus

Christo-Sophianic impulses that are quickening as the long term, in the Beast’s sights. 31 According
an indication of the future of Russia, in the sympa- to esoteric teaching, the seed impulse of the sixth
thy between Church and State towards which Rus- Great Epoch is dependent on the flourishing of
sia under Putin seems to be moving. 28 We would the realization of the Christ impulse in the sixth
be wise to be extremely wary of the talk of the cultural epoch—during the approaching Aquar-
Western media that “spins” opinions regarding ian Age of brotherly/sisterly love. 32 Once we grasp
Russia and her developing ideologies. 29 Behind the the esoteric law that the seed for the flowering of
scenes great influences are in movement. What do the whole of the sixth Great Epoch is sown dur-
we not know? What are we not allowed to know? ing the sixth culture of the fifth Great Epoch, it is
easy to understand that the present-day onslaught
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but
against principalities, against powers, against of the West against Russia is aimed at slaughtering
the rulers of the darkness of this world, against the sixth cultural epoch in its present embryonic
spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians condition and thus delivering a death blow to the
6:12). future sixth Great Epoch.
It is incumbent on each of us to rise above the
The current flowering of an openly Christian
political spectrum of deception to understand
culture in Russia is juxtaposed to the ever-increas-
wisely the real history that is unfolding each day
ing agnosticism and outright atheism in the West.
in our contemporary world. Things are not neces-
Simply following the guidance Rudolf Steiner
sarily as they appear to be, and we are often far
presented in his Outline of Esoteric Science tells
too willing to accept the propaganda of the west-
us that the West is—at least temporarily—in
ern media because we harbor a conviction—as
a “sunset phase,” whereas the Slavic countries
though by necessity—that we in the West are in
are approaching their sunrise. We can therefore
the right and all those who oppose us are in the
expect tension between the East and West, repre-
wrong. In the past, nationalistic assumptions have
sentative of past and future. 30 It may be seen his-
proven to be extremely dangerous. We need only
torically that towards the end of one culture and
look back to Stalin and Hitler to observe the dan-
the rising of the next, tensions are inevitable. We
gerous nature of nationalistic mania.
are called upon to witness these conflicts with an
acute sensitivity towards the hidden dynamics in If, today, thoughts are merely accepted without
motion behind events. being honestly worked out to their final conse-
Looking even further ahead, beyond the sixth quences by the individual power of judgment,
then a false thought life is the result. Such indi-
(Russian/Slavic) and seventh (American) cultural
viduals are then filled with thoughts that they
epochs belonging to the current fifth Great Epoch,
hold in memory as perceptions of the thought
it is the crushing of the sixth Great Epoch and its
sense, but they are actually without thought.
seven cultural periods that are most assuredly, in
They might feel very satisfied with themselves
28 The flowering of an openly Christian culture in
Russia is, by and large, completely ignored in the 31 The current fifth Great Epoch comprises seven
Western media, which is engaged in a continuous cultural epochs, each 2,160 years long and
and relentless campaign of demonization of Putin corresponding to the ages of Cancer (Ancient
and everything Russian, invariably conjuring up India), Gemini (Ancient Persia), Taurus (Ancient
the specter from the past of the Soviet Union. Egypt and Babylon), Aries (Ancient Greece and
29 Anyone who wishes to find out the truth regarding Rome), Pisces (Present-day culture), Aquarius
the Russia/Ukraine situation can easily do so from (Future Russian/Slavic culture), and Capricorn
several channels, one of the best being the Russia (Future American culture). The sixth Great
Today TV channel——and from Epoch will also comprise seven cultural epochs,
excellent websites such as the Vineyard of the Saker corresponding to the future ages of Sagittarius,
( Scorpio, Libra, Virgo, Leo, Cancer, and Gemini.
30 See An Outline of Esoteric Science, chapter 32 In chapter 6 of Gautama Buddha’s Successor,
4, “Cosmic Evolution and the Human Being” Estelle Isaacson shares a vision that especially
(especially pp. 268ff) addresses this coming age.

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Journal for Star Wisdom 2015

for such a comfortable state of mind; but if guidance is leading us toward the Sophia culture
they find themselves in situations that involve of the sixth cultural epoch, which is destined to
the need for initiative of judgment, they are flourish during the Aquarian Age—an age that
more helpless than others who “know” less but will commence in the year 2375—i.e., in about
take the trouble to think independently. In gen- three hundred and sixty years’ time, which is not
eral such people become the victims of mass
long on the grand scale of cosmic evolution.
suggestion. 33
And just as Moses and his people were presented
If we in the West were to let go of our assump- with three temptations, so too do the inversions of
tions, we would have to do something—we would these temptations comprise forces confronting us
have to think; and, quite frankly, we do not seem in this New Age. 34 For us it is not the emptiness
to want to take the time for this. Too many of us, of images presented by the desert, but rather the
therefore, continue to passively allow our thoughts flood of virtual images that are creating realities
to be determined by strong personalities in high which are leading us far afield from the intended
places; and often, all too late, we realize subse- unfolding during the New Age of a culture in the
quently that we have succumbed to the tempta- process of developing, through Christ, the rudi-
tions of our time. ments of cosmic imagination. Similarly, it is not
the absence of life-forces in the flora of Nature, but
AT THE TIME OF MOSES, the absence of life-forces in our etheric bodies—
thin as they are, due to the effects of materialistic
Disease is the result of decadence. In the time life-styles. Lastly, it is not the bite of the luciferic
of Moses, disease born of the old atavistic clair- poisonous snakes that brings us to madness, but
voyance hounded his people. Three temptations rather the infiltration of ahrimanic influences into
approached the Israelites in the desert: the hunger- the human will, causing the cold and calculating
effect brought on by the lack of external images cynicism that drives the pseudo-religion of mate-
in the arid landscape; the thirst-effect caused by rialism—and can end in absorption into national-
the dwindling of life forces within the soul, due istic delusions. We are the new “choosing” people.
to the lifelessness of the desert; and the bite of the It is not the Judges of old, like Moses, to whom
luciferic poisonous snakes that rose from within we need turn, but the inner judge—our sovereign
the will-life, causing madness to those so affected. “I”— who knows the way we are to travel to find
In addition, the black occultism of Baal wor- our way out of the madness of our time.
ship stalked them. Fortunately, however, Moses’ The scope of the differential between the will of
bronze serpent powerfully protected those who the spiritual worlds and the self-will directing ego-
were choosing to move into the future. This bronze istic human beings indicates the size of the door
serpent was the sign of the coming ego-hood (sense through which evil can enter a culture. When
of the “I”) which was awakening within them. It the Israelites, led on by Aaron, turned away from
caused the activation of a descending force within Moses’ guidance while he was on the summit of
the soul that tamed the rising fever caused by the 34 It should be noted that the New Age is not identical
bite of the poisonous snake. with the Aquarian Age. According to Rudolf
Just as the ancient Israelites were tormented by Steiner, the New Age began already in 1899 and
will last some 2,500 years until around 4399. The
diseases born of atavism, so our current material- New Age is the age of Christ’s second coming (the
istic culture is also the cause of new diseases; for time of his reign in the etheric realm), which leads
it has tragically turned its back on spiritual guid- from the Age of Pisces (215–2375) into the Age
of Aquarius (2375–4535). Thus the individuality
ance—having come under the sway of technologi-
known in Buddhist tradition as the bearer of
cal influences. However, for those who open them- goodness, the Maitreya, will attain Buddhahood
selves to it, an awareness is growing that spiritual (see Powell and Isaacson, Gautama Buddha’s
Successor) and will guide us spiritually into the
33 Tomberg, Christ and Sophia, p. 94. Age of Capricorn (4535–6695).

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At the Gates of Damascus

Mount Sinai receiving the great revelation of the must resist falling into despair! Unpredictability
Law from Yahweh, they opened a door through on the one hand and growing symptoms of psy-
which the later cults of Moloch and Baal could chic disharmony on the other, are changing our
establish their footing among the Israelites. In pur- understanding of what is normal. It is often the
suit of money and power, our culture has likewise case that human beings adapt to dysfunction by
forsaken morality, conscience, compassion, and lowering their expectations for cultural standards.
brotherhood/sisterhood. This will undoubtedly This lowering of the bar for what is regarded as
persist into the future, and will be the cause of an acceptable is a form of avoidance; for if the bar
increasing splintering between all nations and indi- is kept high, then one must suffer the differential
viduals. Yet there are those who are working for between what is optimally normal and that which
what the new cultural current is bringing, aligned has become the new normal. It is easier by far to
with the spiritual guidance of humanity. They are lower expectations and find peace with discordant
seeding the far-distant future and making it pos- reality than it is to create goodness in the face of
sible for the new 600-year cultural rhythm that cultural indecency and malaise.
began in 2014 to bring forth its gifts in the Age of Moreover, we are faced with weather anomalies,
Aquarius. 35 Eventually, all that stands in opposi- weather modification technologies and the delib-
tion to the new revelation will fall. The activity erate creation and sowing of new diseases36 —and
of Moses in the past was in order to prepare a new forms of warfare escalate in their sophis-
people for the coming of the Messiah: the com- tication on a yearly basis (or even on a monthly
ing of Christ in a physical body. Now, however, it basis). 37 Meanwhile, year by year, an ever greater
is a matter of Christ’s coming in an etheric body. number of people are left to run ever faster on the
The awakening of more and more human beings to hamster wheels of survival. Though the square
the reality of the Parousia, the presence of Christ between Uranus and Pluto is about to pass by, we
in the etheric realm, is the promise of the future. are soon to enter the middle year of the three and
It is this promise that awakens individual human one-half years, as well as the early years of the new
beings to serve the necessities now upon us as the cultural wave. 38 New beginnings are not known to
spiritual mandate of the second coming (Parousia) be calm. Often they are dynamic and challenging.
of Christ. Our ability to maintain our equilibrium, despite
The current escalation of anxiety, fear, depres- the challenges of changing times, will determine
sion, insomnia, adHD, OCD, ODD, bi-polar dis- our spiritual maturity. Furthermore, the presence
order, PTSD, random acts of violence, and the of spiritual teachers and guides—incarnate or
like, is a sign of our times. If we add to this the not—are with us to lead us through the trials now
incessant wars and threats of wars by the U.S. upon us. Those who have not lost faith in the fact
government, rebellion, economic stress, increas- that the necessities of evolution often appear as a
ingly vehement political discord, nuclear threat, tragedy, will show resiliency. Therefore we are not
nuclear leaks, and unprecedented deceits through to be distracted by the chaos of change, for change
the engines of the Western mass media’s “propa- is the only option we have.
ganda machine,” combined with the invasion of
privacy by the global surveillance system, and we
36 See
do not have to wonder why the human psyche watch?v=c34U0Pwz4_c. 
can hardly resist falling into despair . . . and yet 37 See
35 Concerning the new 600-year cultural rhythm that is-developing-in-2013.
began in 2014, see Powell “2014 and the Coming 38 Powell and Isaacson, Gautama Buddha’s Successor,
of the Kalki Avatar,” in Journal for Star Wisdom chapter 1. The significance of the three and
2014. See also Powell and Isaacson, Gautama one-half years—mid-2013 to the end of 2016—is
Buddha’s Successor, chapter 1, for a fuller and elucidated, as is the meaning of the new 600-year
more comprehensive version of the article. cultural wave that began in 2014.

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Journal for Star Wisdom 2015

THE AWAKENING OF SHAMBHALA protection against the fleeing of evil from the
subearthly realms.41 This flight of demonic forces
If we maintain our vertical self-awareness through from the depths to take up their abode upon the
these trying times, we will find a plenitude of pro- Earth and within human beings upon the Earth
tection, sources of strength, and gifts from realms has a deeper significance in that it clears the way
of spirit. Moses made use of the bronze serpent to for the ascent of forces originating in the heart
bring healing to his people if they were bit by the of the Earth, streaming up from Shambhala,
poisonous snake of the inflamed will. The bronze through the subearthly realms.
serpent in our time is the force that opens us con- This realm—known in the Tibetan Buddhist
sciously to the manna from heaven that fed the tradition as Shambhala and in the Western tra-
people of Moses so long ago. And the new manna dition as the “lost Paradise”—was created as a
of the cosmic imaginations awakening within us consequence of the Fall. Before the Fall, Para-
through the activity of the Etheric Christ and his dise existed in the spiritual spheres surround-
servants, the great teachers of humanity, is what ing the Earth. Human beings dwelled within the
we need now. etheric blessedness of the Garden of Eden, as
It is also we, who are in the desert of the pres- Paradise was known. There, all that the human
ent day, who have need of the bronze serpent being needed was freely and effortlessly given,
set on a pole, in order to look at it and thus bestowed by the Great One known as the Mother,
save our spiritual life. The synthesis of sci- whose golden heart is located in Shambhala. At
ence and religion is not a theory, but rather the time of the Fall of humanity, Paradise fell too.
the inner act of consciousness of adding the In the course of time Paradise sank down to the
spiritual vertical to the scientific horizontal or, heart of the Earth to become the golden land of
in other words, the act of erecting the bronze
Shambhala (“Paradise lost”) at the Earth’s cen-
serpent. 39
ter. With the event of the Fall, the Mother fol-
There are many who now are able to gaze upon lowed fallen humanity down to the Earth as a
the bronze serpent and who thereby conserve blessed presence enveloping the Earth. Later
Truth. This is the good news! For the intense she retreated into the depths of the Earth. Her
activity of Christ, now penetrating the inner retreat began when Cain slew Abel and human
life of the Earth, brings the illumining power of blood fell upon the ground for the first time. The
higher knowledge that overcomes the darkness withdrawal of the Mother into the depths was a
of ignorance, passivity, and laziness. His light tragedy not only for humanity but also for the
shines into both the collective and the individual elemental beings of Fire, Air, Water, and Earth
darkness that has grown over many millennia.40 who serve the creative activity of the Mother
As Christ enters each of the nine different sub- on behalf of the Earth. From this point in time
earthly spheres, his presence causes demons to onward the elemental beings have grown increas-
flee from him, in the hopes of finding refuge in ingly untrusting of human beings. One can only
human beings living in the framework of terres- imagine how these beings feel now in light of the
trial existence. Though at first glance this may
seem dire, it need not be so. For the bronze ser-
pent has been raised also in our time, allowing 41 The “bronze serpent” here refers to the power
of the “I,” when Christ permeated, to cast out
39 Anonymous, Meditations on the Tarot, p. 216. all forms of evil resulting from ensnarement in
40 See Powell, The Christ Mystery, chapter four. For subearthly influences. As attention is directed
an updated version of this chapter, see Powell, toward spiritual worlds and spiritual beings, the
“Subnature and the Second Coming,” an account of light of truth becomes the power to overcome all
the subearthly layers and their significance in our falsehood; thus is the human being freed from the
time in relation to Christ’s descent through these anxiety of divisiveness that now threatens to tear
layers (in O’Leary, ed., The Inner Life of the Earth, asunder the soul of the individual and the collective
pp. 69–141). soul of nations.

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At the Gates of Damascus

destruction humanity is delivering upon the king- Christ goes before us into the darkness of the
doms of Nature through the “machine assault” inner Earth to prepare the way. We stand between
upon the Earth.42 his cosmic presence in the etheric aura of the Earth
The sphere we now enter after death, called above and his growing presence in the underworld
kamaloca, is the place where Paradise once pulsed below. From above he sends light from the king-
as a spiritual organism that prior to the Fall dom of the Father, all the way from the Central
embraced the pure and chaste human souls who Sun at the heart of our galaxy;45 from below he
had not yet descended to Earth. Now, however, in helps to facilitate the way for the healing forces of
this sphere human beings each make their karmic the Mother to ascend towards us as the reviving
entry into their personal book of life, for good or life force needed for the creation of the resurrec-
ill. All of this is recorded by those guardians of the tion body.46
karmic records denoted by Rudolf Steiner as Moon Rudolf Steiner knew that humanity during the
beings. In kamaloca, after death, our individual twentieth century—and this is continuing in the
karmic book, comprising our negative karma, also twenty-first century—is collectively crossing the
known as our karmic cross,43 of which we are the threshold into spiritual worlds. This development
authors, is inscribed. After having shed our physi- gives us the opportunity through initiation to meet
cal bodies, it is here that we encounter the deeds our “double” during earthly life and not only at
of our life as a hidden spiritual schooling that we the onset to our life after death. The double is the
undergo in what Dante depicts as an initial cos- composite being we have created over all our dif-
mic stage of the “journey of ascent into heavenly ferent lives, a being that is the part of us hidden
realms.”44 Through this encounter with the entries in our subconscious. At the appropriate time in
we each have made in our book of life, we learn our lives, it is Michael as the Lesser Guardian of
in the course of time how to work upon redeem- the Threshold who holds the image of our double
ing our fallen self so as to pursue the regaining of before us. If we can bear what this image reflects,
the purity that was ours before the Fall. The aim our task is to suffer it into good; and if we are
of humanity is—together with Christ—to rebuild successful in doing this to a certain degree, then,
this Paradise. As we return to this paradisiacal at some time while “standing at the threshold,” a
state, however, we return as free and independent curtain parts. For, after the meeting with Michael
individuals who are no longer unconscious of our as the Lesser Guardian of the Threshold, there is
deeper mission; we become beings who, through the possibility that subsequently standing there
Christ, form the tenth spiritual hierarchy—the before us is Christ as the Greater Guardian of the
truly human kingdom. Threshold.
Simultaneously, as the intuition of the creative
42 In the words of Daniel Andreev quoted on page 16 light approaches from Christ, so too do we free an
of the Journal for Star Wisdom: “[during the reign equal measure of the Mother’s substance of pure
of the Antichrist] the machine civilization begins its life force from below. With this light and life force,
total assault on Nature.”
43 Valentin Tomberg, in connection with the karmic
we participate with Christ in rebuilding anew the
cross, draws attention to the words of Christ “Take Garden of Eden, the Paradise in which we dwelt
up your bed and walk” (John 5:8), which could long ago, now creating its metamorphosis—the
also be thought of as “Take up your cross and
New Paradise, the Heavenly Jerusalem, the Holy
44 Dante’s great work The Divine Comedy describes
City of the Lamb and his Bride. We began in a
the various stages of the human being’s “journey
of ascent into heavenly realms.” Early on in this 45 See Powell and Dann, Christ and the Maya
journey, while traversing the Moon sphere, the Calendar, appendix 2, on the Central Sun, the
closest cosmic sphere to the Earth, we recognize galactic center, as the Divine Heart manifesting at
the trials of kamaloca that the human being passes the core of our galaxy.
through before ascending to higher cosmic levels of 46 See Powell, Cultivating Inner Radiance and the
existence. Body of Immortality.

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Journal for Star Wisdom 2015

garden, as Paradise is depicted in Genesis at the The beings that serve the Mother carry this
start of the Bible, and we end with a city, the message forth from the mineral kingdom to the
Heavenly Jerusalem as depicted in the last two plant kingdom, to the animal kingdom, and to
chapters of the Apocalypse at the end of the Bible. humankind—to all who can hear the news: that
Sophia, the Bride of the Lamb spoken of in Rev- He comes again in clouds of glory! He is here!
His body is the Earth. His breath is the wind.
elation, also serves as a Guardian of the Thresh-
He is holding the Earth in His loving embrace.
old.47 Moreover, she offers the understanding
Shambhala is awakening. Beings that have
that allows us to comprehend the truth of the
had to hold their silence may now speak and
ever-present blessedness bestowed upon us from act. There is a great stirring and awakening
heavenly and earthly regions—for she is “clothed in Shambhala. Shambhala has been in a time
in the Sun” (Revelation 12:1). This understand- of winter, as it were, a time of holding in, a
ing is the spiritual response to the creative power time of withdrawal. But because more human
of her beloved Bridegroom, Christ. At Pentecost beings are awakening to the Divine Mother,
an emanation of Sophia united with the Virgin the beings at the center of the Earth are stir-
Mary, and since then it is possible to refer to ring and are beginning to rise up and prepare
Mary Sophia.48 For humanity, Mary Sophia is the for the descent of Holy Sophia—the Heavenly
wisdom of understanding that dwells within the Daughter; and Christ is preparing the way for
light of creation. Sophia understands the Mother’s Her in his second coming.
His first coming was to prepare hearts
withdrawal into the interior of the Earth, thereby
to attune to the Father. His second coming is
creating the lost paradise, Shambhala, in the heart
to prepare hearts to receive Sophia. He will
of the Earth. Sophia, the Heavenly Daughter—the
bring Mother and Daughter together on Earth,
Bride of Christ the Heavenly Son—longs to reunite thereby reuniting the Earth Mother and the
with the Mother, as does Christ, who is now open- Divine Daughter.
ing the path to her realm, Shambhala. As human A great awakening is on the horizon for
souls receive the fire of Christ in their “I,” they find humanity as Sophia draws ever nearer to the
the will to restore Sophia in human hearts to her spiritual sphere of the Sun. And through our
rightful place as the World Soul, not just for them- Sun, She will ray out to the world a new sus-
selves but for all humanity.49 Thus human beings taining life force. This is a life force that has
receive the impulse through Sophia to redeem their been present in this world mostly within a very
soul, and while in the process draw ever nearer to small number of mystics, prophets, and seers
the light of Sophia as the World Soul. In this they who have been able to find Sophia in the heav-
ens; they have embodied this life force energy
find the intrinsic unity of the World Soul with the
and rayed it out to others. With the descent of
Earth Mother.
Sophia and Her entrance into the Sun sphere,
Estelle Isaacson, in the sequel to Gautama Bud-
this life force energy will ray out to the whole
dha’s Successor titled The Mystery of Sophia, wit- world. A great healing will occur; just as mys-
nesses the following: tics ray out healing, so shall Sophia emanate
This is the time of the second coming of Christ. healing to the entire world—even through the
And the second coming of Christ is announced rays of the Sun. 50
from Shambhala, which has been issuing forth This vision helps us to understand that as Sophia
this great announcement for almost a century.
descends towards the sphere of the Sun, a quick-
47 Tomberg, Inner Development, p. 25. ening simultaneously occurs in the depths of the
48 Tomberg, Christ and Sophia, pp. 303–308. Earth. For Shambhala is the inner Sun at the cen-
49 See Rudolf Steiner’s meditation “Isis-Sophia, ter of the Earth. Through Christ’s sacrifice, with
Wisdom of God” in his lectures “The Search for his return in the etheric realm, Shambhala is an
the New Isis, Divine Sophia” in Isis Mary Sophia,
ever-growing sphere of love, increasingly imbued
particularly the line that begins: “Christ will,
working in the human being . . . ” 50 Powell and Isaacson, The Mystery of Sophia.

– 58 –
At the Gates of Damascus

with Christ’s love. It is humanity’s destiny with Sophia’s raying out of solar forces can remind
the help of Christ to connect with Shambhala and us of Paul’s conversion (from Saul to Paul) at the
to manifest this love during their sojourn in ter- gates of Damascus. For, when human hearts begin
restrial realms. As the Daughter nears the Sun, the to connect to Christ, hearts radiate goodness, and
Mother responds from the depths. The parousia is this is what opens the soul to receive the inflow-
coming to expression in the collaboration between ing grace and blessing, not only of Christ but also
Christ and Sophia. As Christ’s “I” enters into a of Sophia—through which we can learn how to
deeper layer of the Earth in 2016, 51 the Antichrist illumine the world.
(Ahriman incarnated) and the Antisophia (the •
great whore of Babylon) will use every means
at their disposal, including various means now The complexity of Christ’s working from both
becoming available, to distract humanity from above and below was originally outlined in Rob-
exactly the truths that will set them free in these ert Powell’s book The Christ Mystery, in the chap-
times of trial. The dragon seeks to sweep human- ter titled “Sub-Nature and the Second Coming.”53
ity away in the mud of the serpent’s waters. Christ We can imagine a ray of light from the Christ “I”
and Sophia, on the other hand, are here to offer (originating from the Central Sun at the heart of
us refuge from the flood of the dragon’s wrath. the Milky Way) streaming into the depths of the
Through the ahrimanic layers of the inner Earth, Earth, his presence in the aura of the Earth having
the Asuras find entrance to human worlds and been made possible through yet another sacrificial
human beings. The “machine assault” on Nature act of the Jesus Being. 54 It is the Jesus Being who
is leading to the destruction of our Earth. This is sacrifices himself so that Christ may work into
evident in fracking, in seed manipulations, in geo- earthly and subearthly realms. The Jesus Being is a
engineering, and in the use of weather modifica- composite being, comprising the Nathan Jesus on
tion technology, which, although operating within the one hand and the Archangel Jesus on the other.
the physical realm, has an effect also upon the The pure human entelechy of the Nathan Jesus is
activity of elemental beings in the etheric realm. now manifesting as an Angelic Being in the ethe-
The machine assault on Nature is also evident in ric realm, and is united with the Archangel Jesus,
the tragic death of animals and sea life due pri- whose usual realm of activity is in the astral realm.
marily to the military application of sonar devices The Jesus Being incorporates the pure substance
deep within the Earth’s oceans and seas. 52 Also of the Divine in all human beings and wields the
here it is appropriate to mention the animalistic power of an archangelic being. He has sacrificed
nature arising in the souls of wayward human his manas consciousness in order that Christ may
beings. In all this we see the signature of influences work in the etheric. Through the sacrificed manas
from the subearthly spheres—among which, quite consciousness of the Jesus Being, Christ is radi-
pronounced, are those of the beings who reside ating the “moral ether”—the “fifth ether”—at
in the three deepest layers of the Earth. Yet our this time. This is the ether that builds the bridge
spiritual gaze can take comfort on the one hand between our “I” and our Spirit Self. Our Spirit Self
in beholding the descent of Christ down through is awakened as we purify our astral bodies. As we
the subearthly spheres toward Shambhala and on connect to Christ in the etheric, in consequence
the other hand in Sophia in cosmic heights, above of his second coming, it is the Jesus Being who
the fray of the subearthly influences, gradually
approaching our Sun. 53 For an updated version of this chapter, see Powell,
“Subnature and the Second Coming,” in O’Leary
(ed.), The Inner Life of the Earth.
51 See Powell, “Subnature and the Second Coming,” 54 Tomberg, Christ and Sophia, pp. 388–401;
in O’Leary (ed.), The Inner Life of the Earth, pp. described here as the “fifth sacrifice,” enabling
69–141. Christ’s reappearance in the etheric realm in our
52 Cori, Before We Leave You. time.

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Journal for Star Wisdom 2015

assists in the resurrection of our consciousness in BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO ARE
guiding us as we cross, via this bridge, into higher PERSECUTED FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS SAKE
realms of consciousness.
Looking into the future, to 2016, we face the con-
An Angel loses consciousness in the world of
sequences of new forces being created on behalf of
spirit; in selflessness, he sacrifices himself to
both good and evil powers. This year, 2015, is the
humankind in such a way that his conscious-
last year of a twelve-year Jupiter cycle that began
ness can be rekindled only when it lights up
in the inner human being, in the conscience. in 2004. This twelve-year rhythm marks the con-
It lights up in human beings when the Angel’s tinuous descent of Christ into the depths of the
astral body, streaming down to Earth, is interior of the Earth. This is one of the deeds he
received. This Angel’s ether body will remain is accomplishing as a consequence of his second
an empty cup and able to receive the Christ, coming. At the time of his first coming, when he
who will move through space in the form of descended into the Earth’s interior (“hell”) after
that Angel—the same Angel with whom he his death as Christ Jesus on the cross, he did not
was already connected four times before dur- penetrate into all nine subearthly spheres. 56 At
ing his previous sacrifices. Thus, first, the con- that time Christ Jesus descended into the interior
sciousness of the Angel is lost, somewhat like of the Earth all the way down through the sixth
fainting spiritually. And on Earth, human-
subearthly sphere. 57 It is now, at this time of his
kind’s moral life must be quickened as a means
second coming, that he is penetrating through all
of preparation. There must be awareness of
nine subearthly layers, right into the heart of the
this moral stream that flows down. It will res-
urrect in human consciousness only when the Mother—into the golden realm of the lost land of
deep-seated moral questions of human beings Shambhala resting at the center of the Earth.
come to meet it. 55 In Robert Powell’s characterization of the descent
of Christ through the nine subearthly spheres, he
Just as there is one flame of which we are each a
outlines the twelve-year cycle that indicates this
spark, and one soul of which we are each a drop,
descent. The descent is marked by Jupiter’s helio-
so too there is one plane of manas consciousness
centric ingress into sidereal Virgo. Each time Jupi-
into which we enter through the resurrection of
ter hermetically (from the perspective of the Sun,
the Jesus Being within our own selfhood. The
i.e., heliocentrically) enters sidereal Virgo, a new
Jesus Being is the door through which we enter
layer of the interior of the Earth begins to be pen-
into the world of cosmic imagination and become
etrated by the Christ consciousness. The transition
participants in the creative light of the world’s
from the seventh subearthly sphere to the eighth
subearthly realm will commence in June 2016. It is
In reaching toward the higher, we must not lose
the “I” of Christ that shines its fire into the dark-
sight of the lower. This dual aspect of “I” activity
ness of the subearthly realms, and the fire’s light
is what keeps our compass properly aligned. To
sway in either direction, even the smallest bit, will 56 Here a distinction has to be made between Christ
eventuate in our trajectory going off course. To Jesus and the Christ Spirit. Two thousand years
this end we are to keep awake as we traverse the ago, Christ Jesus descended down through six of
the nine subearthly spheres. At that time, however,
complexities of life in these early beginnings of the the Christ Spirit penetrated down through all nine
twenty-first century. In the year 2016 Christ will of the subearthly layers, all the way to Shambhala,
enter yet another level of the subearthly realms, and drew from the golden realm of the Mother at
the heart of the Earth the power of resurrection.
and correspondingly new adversarial forces will
57 This is according to Valentin Tomberg in his
be released from the Earth’s interior. meditation study, the Our Father Course (see
footnote 12). Here he speaks of three revelations
yet to come: one from each of the three lower
spheres that Christ is penetrating as part of his
55 Tomberg, Christ and Sophia, p. 400. second coming.

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At the Gates of Damascus

is illumined by Sophia, who understands the ema- was proclaiming the beginning of the Apocalyptic
nations Christ is bringing. Light without under- Age in 1933—comprising the arising of the Beast
standing only blinds. Understanding without light (Antichrist) on the one hand, and the polar oppo-
only betrays. For the past eleven years Christ has site movement of the descent of Christ through the
been in the seventh subearthly realm know as subearthly realms, on the other hand: opening the
the “mirror Earth.” The antidote to this sphere path to Shambhala. Looking back to 1933, it is
is contained in the seventh beatitude: Blessed are now evident that at that time Stalin and Hitler had
the peacemakers for they shall be called children been puppets of the Beast—each of them compet-
of God. In 2016 the “I” of Christ will enter the ing with one another as to who could perpetrate
eighth subearthly sphere, which finds its antidote the most evil and thus be chosen by Ahriman as
in the eighth beatitude: Blessed are those who are the vessel for his incarnation as the Antichrist.
persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the The victor in this competition had to quickly rein-
kingdom of heaven. This new twelve-year cycle carnate to be the vehicle of the Beast (the incar-
will be active until 2028. nated Ahriman) during the present crisis years of
At this time of his second coming, Christ is the twenty-first century. 59
reaching into these three deepest layers of the inte- As demons are released into terrestrial regions,
rior of the Earth. These are the most evil layers. they gain power to imitate creation by inspiring
As referred to earlier, from one perspective the materialistic thoughts, feelings, and deeds that are
seventh, eighth, and ninth subearthly realms are caricatures or even inversions of divine impulses.
under the influence of the Asuras. Christ’s passage Ahriman’s aim is to create a machine-like human
through these three subearthly spheres extends being. Just as there are nine cosmic-spiritual
over three twelve-year periods during the twenty- realms in which the hierarchies dwell (“above”),
first century: from 2004 to 2040. His entry into the so too are there nine subearthly planes in which
first of these three deepest layers, the seventh sub- demonic beings dwell (“below”). Christ bears the
earthly realm, began in July of 2004. His entrance archetype of the spiritualized human being reflect-
into the eighth subearthly realm will commence in ing the nine ranks of the spiritual hierarchies
June 2016. And his penetration through the ninth above. His arch-enemy, Ahriman, is in the process
subearthly layer will begin in April 2028 and will of using modern technology to create another kind
continue through February of 2040. of human being—indeed, a sub-human being—
The three twelve-year cycles that occurred prior out of the forces of the nine subearthly planes.60
to the period 2004 to 2040—i.e., the three periods
which extended from 1969 to 2004, were marked the Priest, p. 231.
by Christ passing through the three middle layers 59 Powell, Prophecy–Phenomena–Hope: The Real
Meaning of 2012. See also Powell and Isaacson,
of the Earth’s interior, specified as the domain of Gautama Buddha’s Successor: A Force for Good in
ahrimanic forces; and the three twelve-year Jupiter Our Time.
periods previous to this were the time of Christ’s 60 For an in-depth description of the forces indwelling
descent through realms under the influence of the the nine subearthly spheres, see Powell, “Subnature
and the Second Coming,” in O’Leary (ed.), The
luciferic forces (1933-1969). This descent began Inner Life of the Earth: pp. 69-141. The goal
in 1933—the year Rudolf Steiner prophesied pursued by Ahriman of creating a sub-human being
as a time the Beast would rise. He predicted in through modern technology is openly promulgated
by Transhumanism; see, for example, Horn and
his lectures on the Book of Revelation in 1924, Horn, Forbidden Gates: The Dawn of Techno-
“Before the Etheric Christ can be comprehended Dimensional Spiritual Warfare; see also Horn
by human beings in the right way, humanity must (ed.), Pandemonium’s Engine: Satan’s Imminent
and Final Assault on the Creation of God; and
first cope with encountering the Beast, who will
Rady Ananda’s article, “Transhumanism: Genetic
arise in 1933.”58 With these words Rudolf Steiner Manipulation and the Age of Human Destruction:
Toward the End of Homo Sapiens?” (http://
58 Steiner, The Book of Revelation and the Work of

– 61 –
Journal for Star Wisdom 2015

To grasp on a higher level a true spiritual per- telling us that at one time it was possible for
spective of what is really taking place here, it is human beings to travel to this land where the
helpful to consider Rudolf Steiner’s words: spiritual flowed into the physical. It is that
land from whence at certain times the initi-
Let us now picture the vision of Christ, as it ates—and at all times the Bodhisattvas—drew
will appear to the first forerunners during the fresh forces. The Eastern writings speak with
next 2,500 years, and as it appeared to Paul on deep sorrow of that land, asking: “Where is it?”
the way to Damascus. The human being will We are told the names of places, and paths are
ascend to cognition of the spiritual world and named; but the land itself is concealed, even
will see the physical world permeated by a new from those most initiated among the Lamas of
“country,” or new realm. Humanity’s physical Tibet! Only to the highest initiates is it acces-
environment will present a totally different sible. But it is always stated that someday this
aspect in the course of the next 2,500 years, land will return to Earth. That is true; it will
through the addition of an etheric realm, which return to Earth! And the guide thereto will be
indeed is already here now, but which human he whom human beings will see, when, through
beings will learn to perceive. This etheric the vision of the Event of Damascus, they reach
sphere is even now spread out before the eyes of the land of Shambhala. “Shambhala”—for so
those who have carried their esoteric training this land is called—has withdrawn from the
as far as “illumination”—as was the case with sight of humanity. It can only be entered today
the initiates even during Kali Yuga. That which by those who, as initiates, go there from time
human beings will see more and more in the to time to be strengthened. The old forces can
future is visible in its greatest heights to the ini- no longer lead human beings thither. That is
tiates who draw from thence, at repeated inter- why Eastern literature speaks with such tragic
vals, the forces they require. When they have to
despair of the vanished land of Shambhala. But
carry out some special work, they draw their
the Christ Event, which will be vouchsafed to
forces from those realms within the Earth’s cir-
humanity in this century through the newly-
cuit which are visible to them, but which can
awakened faculties of human beings, will bring
only be seen by those who have the vision. It
back the fairytale land of Shambhala, which
will help us to understand this, if we realize
through the whole of Kali Yuga could only be
that a part of that land from which the initi-
known to the initiates.61
ates drew their forces during Kali Yuga will be
thrown open to a great part of humanity during Through the event of Christ’s second com-
the next 2,500 years. Formerly, in the days of ing, whereby Christ is now opening the path to
primeval clairvoyance, human beings, though Shambhala, the ascending forces of the Mother
then without a strong “I”-consciousness, could are reaching ever higher towards terrestrial realms.
see into the spiritual world—and in a way they The Mother in the depths is seeking to help each
saw then more or less what they see now. How- human being, each of her children, as is the Daugh-
ever, they now enter it with their newly acquired ter, the Bride of the Lamb, Sophia in the heights.
self-consciousness. At that time they saw it in
It is incumbent on each of us to bridge the gap
dreamlike ecstatic conditions, or by looking
between the heights and the depths, between the
into their own soul. That world which during
Daughter and the Mother, with the help of Christ.
Kali Yuga became physical was then open to
the gaze of human beings. Hence the traditions, In Revelation, when Christ addresses the letter to
which have preserved recollections of the old the Church of Philadelphia, he speaks of the door
clairvoyance, tell us of a forgotten fairy-tale that opens and no one shuts. What is this door? It
land which has now disappeared from sight. is the door to cognition in spiritual worlds. The
There are wonderful documents in Eastern lit- coming sixth cultural epoch will arise during the
erature full of a peculiar tragic enchantment, Age of Aquarius—initially in the Slavic countries,

manipulation-and-the-age-of-human-destruction- 61 Steiner, The Christ Impulse and the Development

towards-the-end-of-homo-sapiens/5373858?). of Ego Consciousness, lecture Mar. 9, 1910.

– 62 –
At the Gates of Damascus

but then spreading to become a world culture, The emptying of demons from the inner planes of
based on love and wisdom, embracing the whole the Earth allows for these realms to become filled
Earth. Human beings will increasingly learn how with light, so that where demons once snaked in
to form a conscious connection with spiritual darkness, new forces are being born. This does not
worlds and with the angelic beings of the spiritual mean that demonic beings no longer dwell at all
hierarchies. What stands in the way of this capac- within the interior of the Earth; but it does sug-
ity is the soul, when ignorant of its transgressions. gest that their habitat is shrinking more densely
Knowledge of the soul’s transgressions allows one into certain regions: for example, into the sixth
to experience remorse, and this is what births the subearthly sphere (which could be described as
“force of penitence,” which literally is the key that Ahriman’s “citadel”) and into the ninth subearthly
the soul uses to open the door that none other can sphere—a realm of pure evil that manifests within
close but the soul itself. the Earth as a counterforce to the pure spiri-
tual region of the Sun, which is a realm of pure
The faculty of penitence, properly understood,
is the very force that in the future (beginning goodness.
in the twentieth century and continuing into We can imagine a blessing that accompanies the
the sixth cultural epoch) will open, for an ever entrance of Christ into each new subearthly layer.
increasing number of people, the gates that In light of this, in 2016 we will meet the challenge
close out the spirit world. For this faculty is of new forces of evil being released into our ter-
none other than “the key of David . . . that opens, restrial world, and at the same time we have an
and no one shuts,” about which John speaks in opportunity to receive blessings from the Mother’s
the Apocalypse in relation to the philadelphic realm of Shambhala flowing up from below. We
cultural community (Rev. 3:7). This faculty is can balance the dread of new evil with the knowl-
called the “key of David” because, in the Chris-
edge that simultaneously there will arise new
tian current of human history, David was its
forces of strength. It is of profound significance
first bearer and representative.62
that in 2016, at the same time as Pluto arrives at
The experience of sorrow and regret for wrongs the sidereal degrees in Sagittarius remembering
incurred brings forth the will to make good that the arising some two thousand years ago of the
which has not been done right. This possibility is full storm of persecutions against the early Chris-
even now increasing due to humanity’s “crossing tians, there takes place the event of Christ entering
of the threshold.” We are to marshal the courage the eighth subearthly sphere on his path of descent,
to face and experience the effects of our deeds. “opening the path to Shambhala.” His entry into
As we collectively engage in self-knowing we will the eighth subearthly realm—also known as the
acquire the force of penitence. In so awakening, divisive layer—announces the antidote to the
we will be spiritually humbled; we will find the forces working upwards from this layer, i.e., the
open door to higher worlds—we will have the love-permeated life force of Christ that blesses
“key of David.” This is the first step of healing our those who are persecuted and helps to create unity
relationship with the Earth, after which we will between human beings.
be worthy mediators between the Mother in the Perpetual war, new weaponry, physical illnesses,
depths and the Daughter in the heights. We will and endemic psychological dis-ease have increased
become collaborators in the great work of redeem- since 2004. Humanity needs to see itself, in the light
ing the relationship between Nature and human of Christ, as a comprehensive social organism—one
beings. Thereby will the persecutions against that can fall ill, just as can the individual standing
the Mother through the “machine assault” on within it. Warfare is indicative of disease within the
Nature no longer go unnoticed; rather, they will collective social organism. Humanity lives as part
be resisted. and parcel of a larger social whole, whose health
depends on the morality of the collective.
62 Tomberg, Christ and Sophia, p. 113.

– 63 –
Journal for Star Wisdom 2015

[Rudolf Steiner] states that the preconditions used to be. Summer, autumn, and winter are
for the outbreak of “dire illnesses and plagues” changing as well. In March we experience the
are created by “fraternal strife and internecine sultry days of summer. People talk of myste-
war”63 —in other words, by the sickness of the rious manifestations; the whole divine revela-
social organism. Establishing this connection tion of spring, summer, autumn, and winter is
between the workings of dark powers amongst mixed up. Chaos is setting in, and this comes
nations and individuals, on the one hand, and not from Heaven, but from the interior of the
the effect of the outbreak of infectious dis- Earth. People think these are merely climate
eases which “attack poor human bodies” and changes, but this is not the case. When orderly
leave them to “waste away,” on the other, gives changes take place again in nature, these will
shocking insight into the current state of the be the outer signs of Christ’s etheric return.65
modern world. Such plagues, against which
If we reduced carbon emissions to zero, we
scarcely any medicines have yet proved effec-
would not heal the disease in the upper atmo-
tive, are already afflicting us, long before the
advent of the age of Oriphiel [the next arch- sphere; for it is human thinking, aligned with the
angelic period after that of the Archangel “other worldly” delusions of the Eighth Sphere
Michael] around 2400 ad.64 (discussed at the start of this article), that are
the principle causes behind climatic chaos. If we
Are the drone wars currently being waged by the
were to live in peace here upon the Earth, we
United States in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen,
would find that our weather would benevolently
Somalia, and elsewhere, indicative of the begin-
cooperate with our needs. The peacemakers have
ning of new forms of war? Or, are they the culmi-
been assigned tasks as the antidote to evil mani-
nation of the last twelve-year cycle, meaning that
festations from the seventh subearthly sphere, in
we can anticipate even more devastatingly indis-
which Christ is now working. They work despite
criminate weaponry in the near future? There is
the war-mongering being aggressively pursued
also the very real danger of more severe epidemics
by the United States and its allies against various
and incurable diseases. When nations fight against
nations that dare to resist the drive of the U.S.
each other, they fight within humanity’s collective
for hegemony over the world. 66 Weather modifi-
“organism of the social order.” Another manifesta-
cation technology is presenting humanity and the
tion of warfare affecting the collective organism of
Earth with critical problems. This technology has
humanity is the manipulative use of weather mod-
greatly increased over the last twelve-year cycle
ification technology, which—among other sinister
(2004-2016), associated with the seventh sub-
applications—pursues the goal of gaining control
earthly layer. In the coming cycle (2016-2028),
of the world’s weather in order to use the Earth’s
associated with the eighth subearthly sphere,
organism as a weapon, bringing about catastro-
Transhumanism 67—already highly influential
phes without being detected or identified as the
65 Tomberg, Christ and Sophia, pp. 399-400.
perpetrator of death and destruction.
66 Powell and Isaacson, Gautama Buddha’s Successor,
Much is taking place, and anyone who is truly pp. 29–30, footnote 46.
paying attention can see this. In nature, much 67 “Transhumanist thinkers study the potential
happens every year that increasingly contra- benefits and dangers of emerging technologies that
could overcome fundamental human limitations,
dicts the whole traditional process of nature in
as well as the ethics of developing and using such
the past. Springtime is different from what it technologies. They speculate that human beings
may eventually be able to transform themselves
63 Internecine here defined as “within the collective into beings with such greatly expanded abilities as
social organism of humanity.” to merit the label ‘posthuman’” (Wikipedia entry
64 Von Halle, Illness and Healing, p. 158. Note that on Transhumanism). See also Horn and Horn,
the exact date of the end of the age of Michael Forbidden Gates; and Horn (ed.), Pandemonium’s
and the start of the age of Oriphiel is ad 2234; see Engine; and Ananda, “Transhumanism: Genetic
Powell and Isaacson, Gautama Buddha’s Successor, Manipulation and the Age of Human Destruction:
p. 8, footnote 15. Towards the End of Homo Sapiens?” (http://

– 64 –
At the Gates of Damascus

during the current (seventh) cycle—threatens to Babylon” (Revelation, chapters 17 and 18) is gain-
encroach upon us increasingly. It is indeed now ing adherents—and many of these adherents can
a spiritual imperative that active self-engagement be counted among the powerful rulers that stand
in the work of meditation—including boldly behind world governments. They have the money
undergoing mystery trials—becomes the basis for and the other resources necessary to manifest
encountering the experiences of everyday life. their agendas. They are a modern Moloch cult to
The eighth subearthly sphere holds the antidote— which we are sacrificing our first born, i.e., the
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteous- children bravely coming as the first responders on
ness sake. It can thus be expected that more strin- behalf of a world gone mad. The children com-
gent laws will be imposed on any who are working ing to serve Sophia are to be protected, not given
in ways that increase the possibilities of serving over to the kingdom of technology—which is the
the good works of Christ and Sophia. Restrictions inversion to the developing manas consciousness.
launched against small farmers are one example. Our situation is analogous to how the Baal cults,
Unlike the persecution of the early Christians after during the centuries from the time of Moses into
the death of Christ on the cross, these new perse- the time of Elijah, worked against the people of
cutions are aimed towards an even more escalating Israel to thwart the possibility of the first coming
assault against Nature. GMO’s, for example, are of Christ. Now, in our time, it is evident that from
attacks against Nature’s seeds; and among various the depths of the three deepest layers of the sub-
other pernicious effects—when the fruits of GM earthly realms, dark forces are being put at the
seeds are consumed as “nourishment” by human disposal of immoral human beings.
beings—such attacks result in a “dumbing down” At the time of Christ’s incarnation, the three
of spiritual organs of perception. The human body deepest layers of the Earth’s interior were—in
seeks the bread of life, not the caricature of this contrast to our time—relatively dormant. The
from Ahriman. Eating genetically modified foods influences streaming from Shambhala, the realm
renders the body denser, drawing one’s conscious- of the Mother, could then ray up in a relatively
ness closer to subearthly realms and also leading unimpeded way to the border of the sixth sub-
it further away from suprasensory realms, thereby earthly sphere. Since then, particularly during the
increasing the strength of the impact of materi- last third of the twentieth century and on into the
alistic influences upon human beings.68 Another twenty-first century, the forces of the Asuras have
example of the “machine assault” upon Nature, become increasingly active. It is for the overcom-
already mentioned, is the massive killing of dol- ing of these forces associated with the seventh,
phins and whales—an attack of unspeakable sor- eighth, and ninth subearthly spheres that Christ
row on Nature’s creatures that is painfully diffi- is now penetrating down to the very heart of the
cult to bear and thus easily overlooked.69 Earth, opening the path to Shambhala.
The further debasing of Natura will be the
most prevalent evidence of the persecution spo- SUMMARY
ken of in the eighth beatitude. Despite the fact At this time in world history, in the year 2015,
that Sophia is descending70 and many are awak- three events are particularly noteworthy:
ening to her culture of brotherly and sisterly love,
the Antisophia, known as the “great whore of 1. the continuation of the beginning in 2014 of
a new 600-year cycle in the cultural devel- opment of humanity (2014-2614), a time of
renewal of Buddhism infused by the Christ
68 Powell and Isaacson, Gautama Buddha’s Spirit;
Successor, p. 32, footnotes 49–50. 2. the entrance into the second of the present
69 Cori, Before We Leave You. three and one-half years of trial at this time
70 See Powell and Isaacson, The Mystery of Sophia.

– 65 –
Journal for Star Wisdom 2015

of the reign of the Antichrist (mid-2013 to the me will keep my word, and my Father will love
end of 2016 and into the start of 2017); them, and we will come to them and make our
3. the continuation of the inspiring presence of home with them” (John 14:23). Then one will
the Kalki/Maitreya that began to stream in gradually come to know that there is no end
during 2014. to love, that Christ’s love is enduring, and that
he loves every human soul. The essence of the
Astrosophically, Pluto is passing into the zodia- trial of nothingness in the second year is to lead
cal degrees of Sagittarius, remembering where it one to the love within which one is enabled to
was located at the time of Paul’s experience at the find one’s way out of the void. Underlying this
gates of Damascus, shortly after the death of the is the realization that the world was created by
love and that by the power of love it will be
first Christian martyr, Stephan. Moreover, Pluto
redeemed. Through the great love of Christ’s
is approaching in 2016 the zodiacal degrees of
sacrifice, he knows every human soul; and it is
Sagittarius that recall the full fervor of persecu-
his love that is the lifeline that can lead the soul
tion of the early Christians, which began in ad 36. back to him.71
This coincides with Robert Powell’s research indi-
cating that Christ will enter a deeper layer of the There are those who agree that ahrimanic webs
subearthly realms, the eighth subearthly layer, are spinning a world of Ahriman’s making, but
next year (2016). This gives us forewarning to who stop short of recognizing what Robert Powell
see clearly what impulses are working behind the is bearing witness to as the spiritual activity behind
events of world news and global developments, as the scenes of modern worldly events. The presence
one twelve-year cycle comes to an end and another of the individuality in the process of becoming the
begins in 2016. Maitreya is a confusing notion for some, for there
In Gautama Buddha’s Successor, Robert Powell is an unfortunate misconception that has caused
offers a description of the second of the three and many to believe that this individuality was, and is,
one-half years, which he suggests may be the time Rudolf Steiner.72 This confusion thwarts recogni-
of the reign of the Antichrist (mid-2013 to the end tion of just what Powell is illumining, for Pow-
of 2016 and into the start of 2017): ell has taken up the thread once held by Valen-
tin Tomberg, who had picked up the thread once
In the second of the three years, a great feel-
held by Rudolf Steiner.73 The human will must
ing of emptiness arises within human beings.
keep itself aligned with the spiritual guidance
There is a sense that everything is too diffi-
of humanity in these critical times in which we
cult to comprehend. This is accompanied by
increasing self-doubt and a sense of oppression. live. To the extent we turn back on the past and
This can lead to the feeling that one is losing miss the present, we will also miss opportunities
one’s will. This is the experience of the void of of the future and instead invite dark occult influ-
the abyss, for it is the abyss separating the sen- ences into the social order. This happened with
sory realm from that of the spiritual at which 71 Powell and Isaacson, Gautama Buddha’s Successor,
one now stands. In contrast to the awareness p. 46.
of the battle for the soul being waged during 72 This misconception can be called “the Arenson
the first year, the second year is characterized error” in honor of Adolf Arenson, who was the first
by the sense of being abandoned to oneself Anthroposophist to put forward the hypothesis that
Rudolf Steiner himself was the Maitreya. In Rudolf
in a morass of nothingness, seeming like hell,
Steiner’s words, “I am not the one,” he directly
accompanied by a sense of powerlessness. In refuted this hypothesis; see Powell and Isaacson,
this state of consciousness it is important to Gautama Buddha’s Successor, pp. 11–12, especially
be aware that there is something within the footnote 18.
nothingness. Then one can become aware of a 73 See the article “The Transition” by Robert Powell
flicker of light, and realize that underlying the & Keith Harris in the Easter 2014 newsletter
Starlight, of the Sophia Foundation, available as a
light is the power of Christ’s love—responding free download from: >
to one’s own love for Christ. “Those who love Activities > Newsletter.

– 66 –
At the Gates of Damascus

the failure of Steiner’s Threefold Social Order ini- when, through the vision of the Event of Damas-
tiative. In Steiner’s original Memoranda of 1917 cus, they reach the land of Shambhala.” We can
he articulated the basic premise of his Threefold also take up the work of sacred magic on behalf of
Social Order ideas, capable of spiritually trans- Mother Earth, in an effort to protect her and all
forming modern society. His 1917 initiative was at her precious beings.75
the time of the Great War, World War I, which saw The confluence of the two events now approach-
the death of some ten million military personnel ing humanity in 2016—(1) the return of Pluto to
and around seven million civilians, with an esti- its position in ad 36 during the persecution of
mated twenty million who were wounded. More- the early Christians, and (2) the entry of Christ
over, the Bolshevik Revolution was erupting also into the eighth subearthly sphere, the antidote
at that time (1917), enticing desperate people to to which is contained in the eighth beatitude:
desperate means as a way of escaping the oppres- Blessed are those who are persecuted for righ-
sion that was consuming them. The illness of the teousness sake—may come to realization in sor-
existing social order could have found healing rowful ways. Dr. Powell has nonetheless been pre-
through the Threefold Social Order. Instead, not paring us over the years to stand strongly before
many years passed by and then, in 1933, the Beast the changes now bearing upon us. The meditative
surfaced and wreaked havoc through his servants and prayerful exercises of “white magic” offered
Hitler and Stalin from that time on, exactly as had in his book Inner Radiance 76 offer significant
been foretold by Rudolf Steiner.74 protection against the period of trial in which we
The stars lend their guidance. To follow the are now living.
stories in their rhythms is a path of initiation, A spiritual light shines powerfully from Paul’s
whereby one develops the ability to see the present conversion experience at the gates of Damascus.
clearly, enabling also a perception of the future. This light can become the inner light of hope
We can hold the enlightenment of Paul at the gates within each and every human soul. Valentin Tom-
of Damascus as a seed of hope to nurture the berg describes a miracle as the descent of hope.
future promise for all human beings, as referred May this hope descend upon us as we make our
to by Rudolf Steiner in the earlier quote concern- way through this year, 2015.
ing Shambhala: “The guide thereto will be he •
[the Etheric Christ] whom human beings will see,

74 Steiner, The Book of Revelation and the Work of 75 See Anonymous, Meditations on the Tarot, chapter
the Priest, p. 231: “Before the Etheric Christ can be 3, on sacred magic in service of liberating Mother
comprehended by human beings in the right way, Earth.
humanity must first cope with encountering the 76 Powell, Inner Radiance and the Body of
Beast, who will arise in 1933.” Immortality.

– 67 –

Richard Tarnas

A strology in its most general definition rests

on a conception of the cosmos as a coherent
embodiment of creative intelligence, purpose, and
perspective and method that emerged in the fol-
lowing centuries were closely associated with the
scientific disciplines of Greek astronomy, math-
meaning expressed through a constant complex ematics, and medicine, with the esoteric streams
correspondence between astronomical patterns of thought that informed the mystery religions and
and human experience. The various celestial bod- Hermetic literature of classical antiquity, and with
ies are regarded as possessing an intrinsic associa- major philosophical and religious movements such
tion with specific universal principles. Both these as Neoplatonism, Aristotelianism, Stoicism, and
principles and their astronomical correspondences Gnosticism. As an overarching view of the uni-
are seen as ultimately grounded in the nature of verse and the cosmic position of the human being,
the cosmos itself, thereby integrating the celestial astrology was singularly pervasive in the classical
and terrestrial, macrocosm and microcosm. As the era; it transcended the boundaries of science, reli-
planets move through their cycles, they form vari- gion, and philosophy.1 It subsequently influenced
ous geometrical relationships with each other rela- Christian, Islamic, and Jewish thought and played
tive to the Earth within the larger cosmic environ- a central role in the art, literature, and cultural
ment. These alignments are observed to coincide ethos of the European High Middle Ages and
with specific archetypally patterned phenomena Renaissance. Because of this extraordinary diver-
in human lives. From the beginning of Western sity in its origins and the succession of its later
astrology, such an understanding was closely asso- environments, astrology was constantly being
ciated with the original Greek conception of kos- reconceived according to the different intellectual
mos, a word first applied to the world as a whole and cultural contexts in which it flourished.
by the Pythagoreans to convey a characteristically Yet at the heart of all these various inflections, the
Greek synthesis of intelligent order, beauty, and implicit cosmological metastructure within which
structural perfection.
1 Cf. Aby Warburg’s description of astrology as
The astrological tradition initiated by the uniquely “the meeting and confrontation point
Greeks in Alexandria in the Hellenistic era, dur- between the demands of a rational order, as in
ing the centuries immediately before and after the Greek science, and the myths . . . inherited from
the East: between logic and magic, between
birth of Christ, was embedded in a classical world
mathematics and mythology, between Athens
conception deeply influenced by Pythagorean and and Alexandria” (Eugenio Garin, Astrology in
Platonic thought. It had earlier roots in ancient the Renaissance, trans. C. Jackson and J. Allen,
Mesopotamian celestial observations, from at least rev. C. Robertson [London: Arkana, 1983], p. xi).
Similarly, Gustav-Adolf Schoener defines astrology
the beginning of the second millennium bce, and as “a tightrope walk between religion and scientific
was shaped by ancient Babylonian, Egyptian, and astronomy,” following the classical philologist
Persian cultural influences. The first known natal Franz Boll’s statement that astrology at its essence
seeks to be “religion and science at the same time”
chart, or horoscope, dates from about 400 bce
(G.-A. Schoener, “Astrology: Between Religion and
(the time of Socrates and Plato). The astrological the Empirical,” trans. S. Denson, Esoterica: The
Journal, IV [2002]: 30).

– 68 –
The Evolving Tradition

the Western astrological tradition developed can place in India after the conquests of Alexander
be described as essentially Pythagorean-Platonic in the Great brought Greek culture to Asia; Vedic
character: that is, the cosmos is understood to be astrology was shaped both by the Mesopotamian-
pervasively informed and integrated through the Hellenistic tradition and by India’s own distinctive
active presence of a universal ordering principle, at religious and social legacies in a manner that has
once mathematical and archetypal in manifesta- continued to the present.
tion, whereby the celestial bodies and their cycli- In Europe, in the wake of the Enlightenment
cal patterns possess a symbolic significance that is of the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries,
intelligibly reflected within the human sphere. Over astrology virtually disappeared from scholarly dis-
the centuries, diverse schools, interpretations, and course and the worldview of the educated. Linger-
frameworks arose that continually reshaped and ing principally in the form of popular astrological
transformed this underlying perspective, positing almanacs, it underwent a gradual revival during
different views concerning the nature and extent the nineteenth century with the growing Euro-
of cosmic influence, the relative balance of celestial pean interest during the Romantic period in eso-
constraint and human freedom, the question as to teric traditions and later in theosophy. Finally, in
whether planets are indications or causes, and, in the the course of the twentieth century, a widespread
case of the long-influential Aristotelian-Ptolemaic rebirth of astrology took place, beginning in Eng-
model, the possibility of a more physically causal land and spreading to North America and the
determinism produced by the celestial spheres. rest of Europe. The astrology that emerged was
From its Mesopotamian and Egyptian origins to informed by goals and theoretical assumptions
its subsequent Hellenistic synthesis in the classi- that often differed from those of the ancient and
cal era, the history of Western astrology can, in medieval periods in fundamental ways. In general,
very general terms, be seen as having moved from its character was more individualistic and psycho-
a more fluid astral divination (focused on intuit- logical—emphasizing internal reality over exter-
ing the will of the celestial gods and responding to nal, self-understanding over concrete event pre-
this perception through appropriate action, ritual, diction, symbolic interpretation over literal, and
and supplication for divine favor) to an increas- participatory engagement over passive fatalism.
ing emphasis on systematic observation of the Accompanying this shift of character has been the
geometric regularities of astronomical movements, gradual rise within the astrological community of
the application of universal principles of interpre- a discourse of critical philosophical reflection and
tation, and eventually the formulation of elaborate the questioning of many traditional astrological
rules for concrete prediction. This gradual process assumptions and tenets.
of “rationalization” (in Weber’s sense) was com- Numerous factors have played a role in this
bined in later antiquity and the medieval period recent trend. Increased access to precise astro-
with an increasingly mechanistic view of celestial nomical data and the discovery of the outer plan-
causality, which in turn became linked with a ets have deeply affected astrological practice and
more rigid determin ism. 2 A similar evolution took theory. So also has the enormous increase in the
available data, with incomparably more individual
2 Weber used the term rationalization to signify birth charts, biographies, and historical periods
the systematic deployment of reason in any social having now become the basis for a collaborative
activity, whether in law, science, or religion, to
effect greater calculability, efficiency, predictability,
development of accepted principles of interpreta-
and control. The tendency toward an increasingly tion. No less important have been broader cultural
rigid mechanistic determinism that accompanied changes affecting general intellectual presupposi-
this development in the history of astrology
tions and the modern psychological character.
can be seen as another form of Weber’s “iron
cage,” a state of oppressive depersonalization and These changes include a larger commitment to and
alienation, but here with ancient and medieval experience of individual autonomy, a deepened
rather than modern sources.

– 69 –
Journal for Star Wisdom 2015

sense of interiority and the value of psychologi- extensive examination of the Gauquelin research,
cal reflection, a more complex grasp of symbolic Hans Eysenck, a prominent academic psychologist
cognition and interpretive multivalence, a more unsympathetic to astrology (and famous for his
critical understanding of the mutual implication criticism of psychoanalysis for its lack of statisti-
of inner and outer realities, and a deeper recog- cal support), published with his coauthor David
nition of the participatory character of human Nias a summary of their conclusions:
experience. Associated with this shift is also an We feel obliged to admit that there is something
increased awareness of the multidimensional and here that requires explanation. However much
multicausal nature of all phenomena, combined it may go against the grain, other scientists who
with an appreciation of the irreducible indetermi- take the trouble to examine the evidence may
nacy of life’s unfolding. eventually be forced to a similar conclusion.
The widespread emergence of a more psycho- The findings are inexplicable but they are also
logically sophisticated astrology in the second factual, and as such can no longer be ignored;
half of the twentieth century, with Jung and Dane they cannot just be wished away because they
Rudhyar the key figures, represents the domi- are unpalatable or not in accord with the laws
nant historical trend, but an important periph- of present-day science. . . . Perhaps the time has
come to state quite unequivocally that a new
eral development at this time was a new interest
science is in process of being born.4
from outside the field in statistical tests of astro-
logical hypotheses. Of these, the most significant The positive results of the Gauquelin studies and
were the massive studies conducted by the French their replication by others presented a robust chal-
statisticians Michel and Francoise Gauquelin over lenge on science’s own terms to the conventional
a forty-year period beginning in the 1950s. The scientific dismissal of astrology. Yet, paradox-
widely discussed “Mars effect” first observed ically, statistical studies have added relatively little
by the Gauquelins and since replicated by other to the astrological understanding, and they appear
research groups demonstrated a highly significant to be methodologically inadequate for entering
statistical correlation of Mars located on either into the archetypal frame of reference central to
the eastern horizon or the zenith at the birth of the astrological tradition. The larger resurgence of
prominent athletes. Similar correlations with plan- astrology during these decades has continued to be
etary position were found at the birth of eminent qualitative rather than quantitative in its practice
leaders in other fields: Saturn for scientists, Jupiter and research, reflecting its sources in the Western
for politicians, and the Moon for writers, all cor- astrological tradition and contemporary depth
rectly corresponding to the traditional astrologi- psychology rather than experimental science and
cal principles and character traits associated with behaviorism. Common to the two approaches,
those particular celestial bodies. 3 In 1982, after however, has been an underlying impulse in the
3 See, for example, Michel Gauquelin, Cosmic past half century—from both within and outside
Influences on Human Behavior (New York: the astrological discipline—that has moved astrol-
Aurora Press, 1973). For a thorough discussion of ogy into a more direct engagement with the main-
the Mars effect, see Suitbert Ertel and Kenneth
Irving, The Tenacious Mars Effect (London: The stream modern worldview. 5
Urania Trust, 1996), and Hans J. Eysenck and
David Nias, Astrology: Science or Superstition? The Case for Astrology (New York: Viking Arkana,
(London: Penguin, 1982). For an account of the 1991), and G. Cornelius, The Moment of Astrology.
scandal involving attempts by the Committee 4 Eysenck and Nias, Astrology: Science or
for the Scientific Investigation of the Claims Superstition? pp. 208–209.
of the Paranormal (CSICOP) to discredit the 5 This brief overview of astrology’s historical
Gauquelin results (the account was written by one development in the West is highly schematic and
of the committee’s founding members and chief intended only to suggest its larger evolution ary
researchers), see Dennis Rawlins, “sTARBABY,” vector. At each stage in this development, many
Fate, No. 32, October 1981 ( factors—societal and cultural, philosoph ical,
xv/14starbb.html). See also John Anthony West, religious, scientific, commercial, biographical—

– 70 –
The Evolving Tradition

CAUSALITY AND CORRELATION cosmology was rejected and replaced by New-

tonian science.6 Above all, however, the modern
In the modern era, with the dominant Cartesian- dismissal of astrology reflected the virtually uni-
Newtonian paradigm in the background of all versal modern conviction that the cosmos was
thought and discourse on the subject, considerable disenchanted.
confusion has been produced by the conventional Given the nature of the evidence now known,
scientific attempt to interpret—and thus reject it is difficult to imagine any physical factor that
the possibility of—astrological correspondences could serve as the ultimate source or medium of
within a modern mechanistic cosmolog ical frame- the observed astrological correlations. At least
work. In effect, the Cartesian-Newtonian stand- on the basis of the principal categories of data
point led to a single simple question that, within I have examined, it seems to me highly unlikely
its framework, was regarded as decisive for the that the planets send out physical emanations, like
issue of astrology’s validity: How can the planets electromag netic radiation, that causally influence
influence events on the Earth if no physical forces events in human life in a mechanistic way so as to
have been observed that could cause those events? produce the observed correlations. The range of
This question was so defining for the mainstream correspondences between planetary positions and
scientific mind that even well replicated statistical human existence is just too vast and multidimen-
evidence that supported astrological tenets could sional—too manifestly ordered by structures of
not affect the intensity of its resistance. To a great meaning, too suggestive of creative intelligence,
extent the question of physical planetary influence too vividly informed by aesthetic patterning, too
reflected the residual strength of materialist and metaphorically multivalent, too experientially
mechanistic assumptions in contemporary scien- complex and nuanced, and too responsive to
tific thought, even after the conceptual shifts intro- human participatory inflection—to be explained
duced by quantum physics. Physical forces repre- by straightforward material factors alone. Given
sented the only kind of relationship that could be as well the consistent nature of correlations involv-
imagined to exist between celestial bodies and ing the Sun, the Moon, and all the planets of the
human life. This approach to astrology also, less solar system from Mercury and Venus to Neptune
obviously, reflected certain lingering literalist and and Pluto, irrespective of their size or distance
mechanistic tendencies in the astrological tradi- from Earth, any causal factor resembling gravita-
tion itself that made it vulnerable to a reductionist tional influence seems to be equally improbable.
critique after the ancient Ptolemaic-Aristotelian I believe that a more plausible and comprehensive
explanation of the available evidence would rest
played a role in shaping the astrological on a conception of the universe as a fundamentally
perspective and practice of any particular era
and irreducibly interconnec ted whole, informed
or individual. In any given instance, elements
from these different stages and periods continued by creative intelligence and pervaded by patterns
to live on, intermingling in complicated fusion
and compromise formations. This multilayered 6 Part of the confusion generated by the clash
complexity can be seen to have existed like a of paradigms, modern scientific and ancient
palimpsest in all of the cultural epochs in which astrological, lay in the shifting meaning of ancient
astrology flourished—from Hellenistic Alexandria terms and concepts as used in later eras. For
and the Roman Empire through Persian and example, even in the more causal-mechanistic
Arabic culture under Islam and the High Middle perspectives of later Hellenistic astrology, the
Ages and Renais sance in Europe to its worldwide planetary emanations which radiated their
revival in the twentieth century. This complexity influences from the celestial spheres onto the Earth
is especially characteristic of the contemporary were not merely physical forces as the modern
astrological milieu, in which many schools and mind thinks of these. They were as much spiritual
practices, traditional and novel, are concurrently and symbolic as they were physical and literal in
flourishing. Despite these complications, however, nature, permeating the world with their analogical
an overall evolutionary pattern of development currents, and thus contained the possibility of
does seem discernible. multiple significations: i.e., they were archetypal.

– 71 –
Journal for Star Wisdom 2015

of meaning and order that extend through every possesses Platonic and Aristotelian characteristics,
level, and that are expressed through a constant yet is far more complex, fluid, multivalent, and co-
correspondence between astronomical events and creatively participatory than previous conceptual
human events. Such a view is concisely reflected in models—whether from physics, philosophy, or
the Hermetic axiom “as above, so below,” which astrology—have been able to accommodate.
describes a universe all of whose parts and dimen-
sions are integrated into an intelligible whole. In FREE WILL AND DETERMINISM
the perspec tive I am suggesting here, reflecting the Because the question of free will and determinism
dominant trend in contemporary astrological the- has long been the most existentially and spiritually
ory, the planets do not “cause” specific events any critical issue in all discussions of astrology, I will
more than the hands on a clock “cause” a specific offer a few preliminary remarks here.
time. Rather, the planetary positions are indica- There is no question that a substantial part of
tive of the cosmic state of archetypal dynamics at the Western astrological tradition supported a
that time. The words of Plotinus, the most influen- relatively deterministic interpretation of cosmic
tial philosopher of later classical antiquity, speak influence (a tendency even more marked in Indian
directly to this understanding: astrology). For numerous schools and theorists
The stars are like letters which inscribe them- of ancient and medieval astrology, the horoscope
selves at every moment in the sky. . . . Every- revealed a person’s destined fate, and the celestial
thing in the world is full of signs. . . . All events powers governed human lives with a more or less
are coordinated. . . . All things depend on each rigid sovereignty. The widespread reemergence
other; as has been said, “Everything breathes of Western astrology in the course of the twen-
together.”7 tieth century, however, arising in a new context
Instead of the linear causal mechanisms of mat- and at a different stage in the West’s cultural and
ter and force assumed in a Newtonian universe, psycholog ical evolution, brought with it a deeply
the continuous meaningful coincidence between transformed vision of both the human self and the
celestial patterns and human affairs seems rather nature of astrological prediction. The most char-
to reflect a fundamental underlying unity and acteristic attitude among contemporary astrolo-
correspondence between the two realms—mac- gers holds astrological knowledge to be ultimately
rocosm and microcosm, celestial and terrestrial— emancipatory rather than constricting, bringing a
and thus the intelligent coherence of a living, fully potential increase of personal freedom and fulfill-
animate cosmos. The postulation of a systematic ment through an enlarged understanding of the
correspondence of this kind implies a universe in self and its cosmic context.
which mind and matter, psyche and cosmos, are In this view, knowing the basic archetypal
more pervasively related or radically united than dynamics and patterns of meaning in one’s birth
has been assumed in the modern worldview. chart allows one to bring greater awareness to the
As for the relevance of causality in understand- task of fulfilling one’s authentic nature and intrin-
ing astrological correlations, it seems that a fun- sic potential, as in Jung’s concept of individuation.
damentally new kind of causality must be posited The more accurately one understands the arche-
to account for the observed phenomena. Rather typal forces that inform and affect one’s life, the
than anything resembling the linear mechanistic more flexibly and intelligently responsive one can
causality of the conventional modern understand- be in dealing with them. To the extent that one is
ing, what is suggested by the evidence is an arche- unconscious of these potent and sometimes highly
typal form of causality that in crucial respects problematic forces, one is more or less a pawn of
the archetypes, acting according to unconscious
7 Plotinus, Enneads, II, 3, 7, “Are the Stars Causes?” motivations with little possibility of being a co-
(c. 268), quoted in Garin, Astrology in the creative participant in the unfolding and refining
Renaissance, p. 117.

– 72 –
The Evolving Tradition

of those potentials. Archetypal awareness brings with each other, and when they are most likely to
greater self-awareness and thus greater personal be activated in the course of each life.
autonomy. Again, this is the basic rationale for But, in addition to the psychological evolution
depth psychology, from Freud and Jung onward: of the modern self with its increased sense of
to release oneself from the bondage of blind action dynamic autonomy and self-reflective interiority,
and unconsciously motivated experience, to recog- perhaps the most significant factor in the emerg-
nize and explore the deeper forces in the human ing emancipatory understanding of astrology is a
psyche and thereby modulate and transform them. deepening grasp of the nature of the archetypal
On the individual level, astrology is valued for its principles themselves.
capacity to articulate which archetypes are espe- •
cially important for each person, how they interact

“If you lift your arm and point upward, you have up there the realm of particular

Thrones, Cherubim, and Seraphim. If you move and again point upward, you would

find other Thrones, Cherubim, and Seraphim above you. . . . Suppose you wanted to

point to some particular Thrones, Cherubim, and Seraphim. They are by no means

identical, like a group of twelve similar soldiers, for instance. They differ considerably

from one another. Each bears its individual stamp, so that as one looks upward from

various points, one sees quite separate beings. In order to locate particular Thrones,

Cherubim, and Seraphim, one denotes them by a particular constellation. It is like a

signpost. In that direction over there are the Thrones, Cherubim, and Seraphim known

as the Twins, over there, the Lion, and so on. The constellations of the zodiac are more

than mere signposts. . . . It is important to realize that, when we refer to the zodiac, we

are speaking of spiritual beings.”

— Rudolf Steiner, Spiritual Hierarchies and the Physical World, April 17, 1909

– 73 –

Kevin Dann

“Everything real must be his lifelong appreciation for and employment of the
understood as a Vortex.” principle of rhythm.
A second document, also of indecisive prove-

I n one of the grey metal filing cabinets at the

Rudolf Steiner Archive in Dornach, there are
among the many thousands of documents two curi-
nance1, seems to extend the third axiom of Docu-
ment NZ 712:

ous undated slips of paper with figures and text

from Rudolf Steiner’s hand.

Notizblatt Archiv-Nr. NZ 685  Notizblatt Archiv-Nr. NZ 712

I.  Die  zehn  oder  neun  machen  in  sich  verschlin- Bild der Entwicklung des Menschengeistes
gend die vollkommene Zahl [The ten or nine make Am Beginn ist der Mensch Gott
the perfect number devouring itself] Am Ende ist der Mensch Gottes Ebenbild
II. Der Mensch ist eine kleine Welt [The human Picture of the development of the human spirit
being is a microcosm]
III.  Alles  Reale  muß  als  Wirbelbewegung  ver- 1 In Start Now! A Book of Soul and Spiritual
Exercises (pp. 168–169), the translated texts of NZ
standen  werden. [Everything real must be under-
685 and NZ 712 are included in material given as
stood as a Vortex.] “Meditations from the Esoteric School,” and stand
Taken alone, this third axiom feels like hyperbole, back-to-back between letters dated Dec. 1903 and
but considered in the light of the preceding two “a letter, 1904.” The recent Vitra Design Museum
traveling exhibition Rudolf Steiner: Alchemy of
axioms—“The ten or nine make the perfect number the Everyday included the NZ 712 document, and
devouring itself” and “The human being is a micro- gave the date as 1921. I queried the Rudolf Steiner
cosm”—and the accompanying diagram, the state- Archive in Dornach but was informed (by email from
Stefan Widmer, Jan. 6, 2014) that the manuscript
ment seems a reasonable declaration from Rudolf had no date. Still, from the contents of the Esoteric
Steiner’s own spiritual research, and a telltale of School lessons, it seems reasonable to date both
these documents to 1904–1905.

– 74 –
Into the Vortex

At the beginning humans are God he was not simply speaking metaphorically, influ-
At the end humans are the image of God” enced by popular linguistic and cultural convention.
Die Welt ist eine Wirbelbewegung “Long Live the Vortex!”
Jede Einrollung muß sich in Ausrollung This fin de siècle period at the close of the Kali
verwandeln. Yuga saw a proliferation of Naturalistic explana-
[Das Leben soll Lection sein] tions for phenomena at both the microcosmic and
Der Mensch soll eine Wirbelbewegung sein. macrocosmic ends of the visible Universe, a sur-
Alles, was im Sinne der Wirbelbewegung prising number of which embraced the form of the
vollbracht ist, ist Magie Vortex. Decades before Modernist British artist and
writer Wyndham Lewis declared—in 1914—“Long
The World is a Vortex. Live the Vortex!” as an artistic call-to-arms, a
Every inward spiral must become an outward variety of 19th century sciences discovered and cel-
spiral [Life must be a lesson] ebrated the vortex. In 1840, New York City steam-
The Human Being must become a Vortex. ship entrepreneur William C. Redfield showed that
All that is brought to completion as a Vortex is tornadoes—as well as larger, less destructive atmo-
magic. spheric movements—had a vortical form. In 1858,
American geologist William B. Rogers described
Each of these axioms is so extraordinary—seem- his experiments on the formation of vortices in
ing to be simultaneously classic “indications” invit- air and liquids, only months after Hermann von
ing deep meditative as well as empirical outward Helmholtz published “Über Integrale der hydrody-
study—and yet also so definitive, so total, as to namischen Gleichungen, welche den Wirbelbewe-
lull one into thinking perhaps that Rudolf Steiner gungen entsprechen, 3” [“On Integrals of the Hydro-
is merely stating the obvious. Why does Rudolf dynamic Equations, That Correspond to Vortex
Steiner give such tremendous significance to the Motions”] which Lord Kelvin, half a century later,
Wirbelbewegung/vortex? These statements were would praise as “one of the most beautiful of all
made within the context of the lessons to the Eso- the beautiful pieces of mathematical work hitherto
teric School; what other statements did he make done in the dynamics of incompressible fluids.”4 In
about the vortex in public lectures or books that 1861, Clerk Maxwell would rest his electromag-
might shed light on these enigmatic axioms? netic theory upon a vortical basis; in 1869, Lord
Rudolf Steiner came of age at the very moment Kelvin (almost two decades after his brother James
when a great deal of speculative cultural work was had patented a vortex turbine for a British paper
swirling around the Vortex model/concept, so per- mill) published his vortex atom theory; in 1875,
haps it is not surprising to find him frequently refer- Lord Kelvin’s smoke-ring studying friend Peter
ring to the Wirbelbewegung in his public lectures Guthrie Tait teamed up with Balfour Stewart to
after 1904. 2 Indeed, one might even say that “the write The Unseen Universe, an attempt at a unified
vortex” was a keyword at the end of the nineteenth theory of science and religion, with the vortex as
century, beginning about a decade before the advent its central motif; in 1884, Cavendish Professor of
of Michael’s latest archangelic regency in 1879, and Experimental Physics at Cambridge University J. J.
lasting until at least 1908, when astronomer George Thomson won the Adams Prize for his Treatise on
Ellery Hale made the first photographs of sunspots, the Motion of Vortex Rings; in 1908, the late James
showing them to be vortices. Clearly however, given
the tone and context of Rudolf Steiner’s statements, 3 Hermann von Helmholtz, “Über Integrale der
hydrodynamischen Gleichungen, welche den
2 The German word for both “vortex” and “vertebra” Wirbelbewegungen entsprechen,” Journal Fur Die
is Wirbel. Wirbelbewegung (“vortex motion”) Reine Und Angewandte Mathematik 1858 (55):
became the standard term in the German scientific 25–55
lexicon for all phenomena (in both fluids and air) of 4 Lord Kelvin, in the preface to Koenigsberger,
a vortical form. Hermann von Helmholtz, iii.

– 75 –
Journal for Star Wisdom 2015

Bell Pettigrew’s posthumous three-volume master-

piece Design in Nature described and portrayed
vortical forms from galaxies to the musculature of
the human heart.
All of these scientific developments testify both
to the era’s spectacular expansion of visionary
capacity into the physical world and to West-
ern science’s proclivity for modeling. In the case
of Hale’s sunspots or Isaac Roberts’ pioneering
photographs of spiral nebulae (aka “galaxies”),
the human eye was for the first time seeing the
macrocosmic manifestations of the vortical form;
at the microcosmic level, physicists were merely
imagining vortical forms and motions, but con-
stantly mistaking their models for reality. Dur-
ing a lecture series he gave in Baltimore in 1884,
Lord Kelvin remarked, “I can never satisfy myself
until I can make a mechanical model of a thing.”
When J. B. Stallo, in his 1882 Concepts and
Theories of Modern Physics wished to dramatize
how easily modern physicists conflated theories
and facts, he pointed directly at the recent substi-
tution for traditional atoms of matter, Lord Kel-
vin’s vortex atom. 5
The vortex model-as-reality error was not It was as if, at the very moment when spiritual
confined to Materialist thinkers: with seemingly scientific knowledge of Nature was about to pour
all of literate Western culture entranced by Kel- into the world, the prominence of the vortex as a
vin’s vortex atom, Mesmeric physician (and meta- universal manifestation of form was finally being
physician!) Edwin D. Babbitt’s 1878 Principles of discovered through the physical senses alone.
Light and Color mixed John Ruskin’s aesthetics,
Baron Karl von Reichenbach’s Odylism, and his A LOST SECRET?
own fanatical rage for system to produce a Mes-
More than two thousand years before Lord Kel-
mero-Spiritualist study of the “finer forces.” A
vin imagined the atom as a vortex, the Greek phi-
considerable portion of the book was devoted to
losopher Empedocles was reported (by Aristotle,
building up an abstract, totally speculative model
who took exception to Empedocles’ theory) to
of the atom. Babbitt’s drawing of his fantasy atom
have demonstrated his vortical theory of cosmic
—with its legend of “VORTEX” prominent at the
creation and evolution by stirring liquid in a glass
top center—yet lives, in dozens of forms, thanks to
amphora, into which he then dropped a handful
Besant and Leadbeater’s Occult Chemistry (1908),
of tea leaves. Magically, the leaves migrated to the
which reproduced Babbitt’s invention as a clair-
center of the miniature whirlwind and were held
voyant perception of the anu, or “occult atom.”6
there as long as he continued to stir. The dancing
5 Stallo, Concepts and Theories of Modern Physics, He reminded readers that the Sanskrit word vritta,
x, xiii. like the English “vortex,” means “whirlpool.” For
6 Another pop occultist work that spread erroneous an excellent review of the blurred boundaries
ideas of the vortex atom was “Yogi Ramacharaka’s” between fin de siècle chemistry and physics and
(pen name of W. W. Atkinson) 1905 Advanced occultism, see Morrisson Modern Alchemy:
Course in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism. Occultism and the Emergence of Atomic Theory.

– 76 –
Into the Vortex

tealeaves elegantly expressed Empedocles’s cos-

mogony, which held that the Earth hovers in a
primal [Greek letters]—vortex or eddy—set
in motion by Zeus. This vortex separated out the
four elements from which all was made. Pulsing
eternally between (love) and (strife
or hate), the Vortex then created plants, animals,
and humans.
Empedocles’s vortical cosmogony was quickly
enough eclipsed that when Aristophanes’ The
Clouds (423 bc) lampooned pre-Socratic
mechanical philosophy, he did so by having
Socrates declare that “Zeus is now no more, and
Vortex rules.” Empedocles, one of the last real
magician-philosophers of ancient Greece, whose
vortex may well have been a true clairvoyant cos-
mogonic picture, was thus cast as ushering in the
death of the old gods before the new world of
mechanical forces. To bookend this irony, the
vortical cosmos vanished until the pioneer of the
modern mechanistic world-view, René Déscartes,
on November 10, 1619, dreamed of a Universe
made up of tourbillons—vortices. Posthumously
published in 1664 as Le Monde, Descartes’ trip-
tych dream vision inspired his model of space as When, in 1734, Emmanuel Swedenborg pub-
a plenum of fluid, certain portions of which were lished his Principia rerum naturalium, he clearly
in a constant whirling motion. The stars, plan- drew heavily upon Descartes, though he replaced
ets, and other celestial bodies all took form at the the Cartesian fluid with particles in vortical
center of these vortices.7 motion. “No other particles can be better adjusted
to a vortical motion than these, by reason of their
7 William Joseph Jackson, Heaven’s Fractal Net: figure and elasticity. . . . Upon the exercise of the
Retrieving Lost Visions in the Humanities,
(Indiana University Press: 2004) contains a vivid slightest force they naturally flow into a vortical
account of the 1618 dream. Richard Watson’s motion . . . as we can see also in water and every
Cogito Ergo Sum: The Life of René Descartes, element whose phenomena can be observed by
(David R. Godine: 2007) agrees with earlier
authors who suggest that the three-part dream
the senses” (179–180). Oddly enough, as shown
was a retelling of the trio of dreams in The by the nineteenth-century explosion of empiri-
Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz. cal study of the vortex in hydrology, meteorol-
Amir D. Aczel, in Descartes’s Secret Notebook:
ogy, and physics, close observation of eddies in
A True Tale of Mathematics, Mysticism, and the
Quest to Understand the Universe, (Broadway air and water had languished since Leonardo
Books: 2005)—without taking note of the fact DaVinci’s characteristically penetrating descrip-
that November 10 is one day after the fateful tions two centuries before.
Schicksalstag—raises many questions about
Descartes’ dream, particularly the significance Swedenborg advanced his vortex cosmos seven
of the date Nov. 10 in Descartes’ biography. My years before his visionary period began in 1741,
own brief study of this episode suggests that the and it is perhaps worth noting that his later works
“inspiring spirit”—Descartes himself recognized
that it was a malus spiritus—may have been an
Ahrimanic being. At the same time, it is possible 206-7) did—Descartes’ vision as a clairvoyant
to see—as Mme. Blavatsky (Isis Unveiled, I: perception of the akasha.

– 77 –
Journal for Star Wisdom 2015

make no statements about vortical forms of plan- 1. Seven is the Perfect Number.
etary and/or stellar generation or movement. 2. The Microcosm is a Copy of the Macrocosm.
3. All Phenomena have their Origin in Vortices.9
The convergences and divergences of these three
In both her 1877 work Isis Unveiled and more axioms with those given by Rudolf Steiner in NZ
extensively in The Secret Doctrine (1885), H. 685 and 712 are immediately apparent—and call
P. Blavatsky affirmed the occult foundation of out for study. The first two are perhaps the most
knowledge about the vortical dimension of cosmo- widely known and celebrated Hermetic truths; the
genesis. She gives the fifth “Stanza of Dzyan” in third—a clear cognate of Rudolf Steiner’s state-
volume 1 of The Secret Doctrine: ment that “Everything real must be understood as
‘Wheels’. . . are the centers of force, around a Vortex”—is oddly less so, and thus the impera-
which primordial cosmic matter expands, and tive for this brief study.
passing through all the six stages of consoli- The real beauty of Harrison’s lectures is how
dation, becomes spheroidal and ends by being much—like both HPB before him and Rudolf
transformed into spheres or globes. It is one Steiner after him—his discussions of ancient
of the fundamental dogmas of Esoteric cos-
truths are rooted in his own moment in history.
mogony, that during the kalpas (or Aeons) of
His brief review of the first two axioms mainly
life, motion, which, during the periods of rest,
reference contemporary scientific literature and
pulsates and thrills through every slumber-
current political events. Truly, 1879 is as much an
ing atom—assumes an ever growing tendency
to circular movement. ‘The Deity becomes a exoteric as esoteric marker of a pronounced shift
Whirlwind.’ . . . in human consciousness, and the “mountaintop”
The Wheels are also called Rotae—the perspective that shines through in these lectures
moving wheels of the celestial orbs participat- is largely due to the apotheosis—or “exhaustion”
ing in the world’s creation. . . . from a different point of view—of nineteenth-cen-
This law of vortical movement in primor- tury materialistic scientific knowledge.
dial matter is one of the oldest conceptions in When Harrison turns to the third axiom, his
Greek philosophy, whose first historical sages audience, had they been totally unversed in The-
were nearly all initiates of the Mysteries . . . 8 osophy or Christian occultism, would have been
Given Madame Blavatsky’s opening of the flood- easily able to follow. Crookes, Buchner, Butlerof—
gates of esoteric wisdom, it fell to British Chris- though the particular statements of these scien-
tian esotericist C. G. Harrison to comment upon tists to which Harrison drew attention were ones
HPB’s work and life—including the East/West chosen from Blavatsky’s Secret Doctrine—were
occult struggle over her destiny—in a series of six widely quoted by the popular press. But he also
lectures in 1893 to the Berean Society in London. relates contemporary physicists’ conceptions to
Although these lectures cover an extraordinary the Caduceus of Hermes and symbols from other
range of esoteric terrain, a close reading reveals gnostic traditions.
that, after Mme. Blavatsky, the most prominent In Harrison’s parlance, the Caduceus is “the
subject is the vortex! In the second lecture, at double vortex,” and in the final four lectures of
the conclusion of his perceptive discussion of the the series, becomes the leitmotif in his explanation
nature of modern initiation, Harrison gives “The of the many “signs of the times” suggesting his
Three Great Axioms”: 9 C. G. Harrison, The Transcendental Universe,
p. 95. Christopher Bamford, who brought these
8 H. P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, I: 141. HPB lectures into public view at their centenary, muses
goes on to give a thumbnail—and yet magisterial, briefly upon the echo of the vortex in Rudolf
and altogether original—intellectual history of Steiner’s axioms, in a brief footnote on page 199.
the microcosmic vortex, concluding with a nod to The centrality of the vortex image within the work
Swedenborg and Lord Kelvin. is hiding in plain sight, in the book’s cover art.

– 78 –
Into the Vortex

era’s position at the center of Time’s vortex.10 Pre- Working strictly from published works in English
saging very much what it will become for Rudolf and lectures available online at the Rudolf Steiner
Steiner (and also, in our time, for “new alchemist” Archive (, I
Dennis Klocek), Harrison’s double vortex veri- have identified 26 instances where Rudolf Steiner
tably controls and directs the balance of his epic speaks of the Wirbelbewegung in the senses con-
exegesis. Implicitly human consciousness is pre- sidered in this article, that is, the vortex as vor-
sented as a Vortex just as much as is the rhyth- tex, rather than as metaphor or figure of speech.
mical unfolding of Time—both as God’s will and Doubtless there are many more, but I believe that
as human struggle. What rings out as Mystery in these are likely both representative and compre-
Rudolf Steiner’s axioms is in these lectures almost hensive, as they cover all but the earliest period
quotidian, in passages like this: “Until the divine of his public teaching, i.e., from 1904 until 1924.
reflection has recovered from the shock produced Most interestingly, in these instances, he never
in its medium by the impact of the two vortices, refers to any of the nineteenth-century scientific
man must continue to manifest as a double vortex work centered on vortex models or empirical
with a center of its own.” study—from von Helmholtz to Lord Kelvin—or
In coming to terms with Harrison’s assertions, to Blavatsky, Harrison, or other esoteric writers.
one confronts the same conundrum that occasion- Rather than present an exhaustive chronologi-
ally presents itself when studying Rudolf Steiner’s cal review, I wish to sketch some impressions that
vortex statements: are these figures of speech (and might serve to stimulate discussion among those
hence, like the 19th century physicists’ parlance, who have more extensive knowledge of the par-
models) or crystal clear clairvoyant perceptions ticular themes and domains in which Rudolf Stein-
of higher realities? The penultimate paragraph of er’s statements about the vortex occur. The out-
Harrison’s tour de force is but one such occasion: standing theme is certainly the vortex as a symbol
of the destruction of old consciousness, lifeways,
The dynamic effects, therefore (if we may use
the expression), of the Christian sacraments races, etc. and inception of the new. Most of the
are involutionary as regards the lower and earliest references that he makes to the vortex are
evolutionary in respect to the higher nature in this sense, and frequently point particularly to
of man. If we apply this idea to the symbol of the time of Atlantis.12 During a
the double vortex, we shall recognize in the number of these earlier lectures,
Sacraments the appointed means whereby the Rudolf Steiner drew on the
opposing forces will ultimately range them- blackboard the typical Cancer
selves around their true center—the person- zodiacal glyph, explaining that
ality (the fifth or human principle)—and the this symbol was a prominent
attraction of the Eighth Sphere be neutralized.
motif in the repertoire of the
The spheroidal vortices will then coalesce and
Rosicrucian (and Freemasonic) occult script.13
become one, first as an elliptical spheroid and
afterward as a true sphere capable of indefinite 12 See for example: Oct. 3, 1905, “Foundations
expansion.11 of Esotericism,” lecture 8; Nov. 11, 1904,
“The Manicheans”; Oct. 20, 1906, Esoteric
“Everything real must be understood as a Vortex” Development, “The Rosicrucian Spiritual Path.”
13 Oct. 23, 1905, The Temple Legend, lecture 17,
“Freemasonry and Human Evolution”; Sept. 4,
1906, Founding a Science of the Spirit, lecture 14,
10 One of the unspoken truisms of a metahistorical “Rosicrucian Schooling”; Oct. 20, 1906, “Esoteric
perspective is that every historical moment can Development, lecture 8, “The Rosicrucian
be reasonably conceived of as “the center of the Spiritual Path”; Mar. 14, 1907, “Who Are the
vortex,” i.e., the microcosmic “still point” or Rosicrucians?”; May 29, 1907, Rosicrucian
pralaya between manvantaras, and simultaneously Wisdom. In addition, Rudolf Steiner drew the
a node on some incipient or manifest manvantara. Cancer glyph in one of the early Esoteric Lessons
11 C. G. Harrison, Transcendental Universe. p. 167 (Köln, Dec. 1, 1906) to denote it as the symbol for

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The second way in which Rudolf Steiner spoke (arrow upwards). The two streams therefore
of the vortex was about vortex-shaped action in flow into one another. Or imagine a wind
the physical world, particularly in the formation whirling with a certain velocity from above
of human organs, the skeleton, embryonic stages, downwards, and another from below upwards,
and—on at least one occasion—of the entire and they whirl into one another. If we take the
difference of velocity between the downward
physical body as having been formed by vortex
and the upward current, relating the latter to
the former in such a way that the a difference
What distinguishes Rudolf Steiner’s treat-
in velocity results bearing the same relation-
ment of the vortex is that he explicitly describes ship as the difference in velocity between stel-
from his own clairvoyance vortical movement lar and solar time, then the vortex created gives
within the supersensible—citing both etheric and rise to a distinct form condensing out of this
astral—realms: movement. One stream whirls downwards and
There is a certain process in the higher worlds because the other whirls upwards, driving with
which also operates in the physical world: the a greater velocity—the lesser velocity would
whirling of a vortex. You can observe this whirl- be that driving downwards—this gives rise
ing of a vortex when you look at a star cluster, as through the collision to a greater density, a cer-
in the constellation of Orion, for example. There tain figure or form. This figure—though here
you see a spiral, only it is on the physical plane. only as a schematic diagram—is a silhouette or
outline of the human heart.16
But you can view this also on all planes. It can
present itself in the form of one vortex entwining Perhaps more than on any other occasion, this
itself into another. This is a figure to be found on description draws upon the analogy with the
the astral plane in all possible forms.15 physical world of air or water currents, and yet the
He also notes vortex movement in the etheric, “currents” or “streams” that Rudolf Steiner speaks
implicitly in his explanations of physical organ of here are non-physical, i.e., etheric.
formation, and occasionally he makes himself “The Human Being must become a Vortex”
more explicit about the “prime movements” in the What, one wonders, did Rudolf Steiner mean
etheric realm, as he does here, speaking of the for- by this statement? Given his emphasis on evolu-
mation of the human heart: tionary movement through time, it suggests that
Here, let us say a certain movement occurs at a the human being must “consume” his own past,
certain speed (arrow pointing downwards), i.e. achieving further development by recapitulating
a flow takes place with a certain velocity; and at a higher level his prior conditions of conscious-
the stream then fuses with another stream—it ness and life. The axiom may also point to a par-
must be assumed that the other flow is going not ticular future condition in which the human being
in the same direction but the opposite direction achieves creative powers akin to those now char-
acteristic of the Hierarchies.
the fifth element, or akashic consciousness.
Though, in his “vortex axioms,” Rudolf Steiner
14 See for example Oct. 26, 1909, “The Higher Senses,
Inner Forces, and Creative Principles in the Human does not say that “Man [the Human Being] is a
Organism”; Oct. 27, 1909, “Supersensible Currents, Vortex,” in at least one lecture contemplating the
Group Soul, and the “I” in Human Beings and working of the four ethers upon the human, he
Animals”; May 14, 1920, Mystery of the Universe,
lecture 14: The Human Being, Image of Creation.”
describes just this.
Also, Rudolf Steiner said that in earlier stages of It is a continual occurrence, a continual inter-
human evolution (both Old Saturn and Old Sun)
play between light and warmth ethers on the
the human “body” (i.e., non-physical form) was
vortical in nature. (Founding a Science of the one hand, pressing centripetally from above
Spirit, lecture 9: “Evolution of the Earth,” Aug. 30, downward, and life and chemical ethers on the
15 Oct. 20, 1906, Esoteric Development, lecture 7, 16 May 14, 1920, Mystery of the Universe, lecture 14,
“The Rosicrucian Spiritual Path.” “The Human Being, Image of Creation.”

– 80 –
Into the Vortex

other hand, pressing centrifugally from below allowing the working into matter of spiritual
upward. By this means the etheric configura- forces. Though this principle is universally opera-
tion of the human being is formed. It is actually tive in Nature, Rudolf Steiner only rarely spoke
a transformation of the vortex formed by the about it directly, as he did in 1921, discussing the
mutual impact of these two kinds of ether. The human embryo:
shape that you encounter must be understood
Anthroposophy is able, in a certain way, to point
then, as a cooperation between these two kinds
out the direction in which to seek what develops
of ether.17
in the mother’s body as germinative cell of the
What seems striking to me is how, despite speak- human embryo. Here we do not come across com-
ing so confidently of a variety of vortex movements plicated chemical combinations, but in reality with
in both the physical and the supersensible worlds, a chaotic state of matter. We do not have before
neither Rudolf Steiner nor, aside from a few excep- us a highly complicated chemical combination or
tions—his students—ever really links the two. It is some molecular structure, but a chaotic condi-
as if that pair of anonymous manuscript pages are tion, a chaotic vortex of the ordered structure that
left as an invitation to the future. exists in a crystal and in a chemical molecule. In
“All that is brought to completion as a Vortex is the germinative cell matter is not developed to a
magic” further organization, but it is pushed down into
Say the word vortex today in anthroposophic chaos, and from the corresponding substance,
company, and it is most likely that it will bring to from the substance which becomes chaotic, then
mind biodynamic agriculture. In the spring of 1924, develops something which can now receive what
just a short while before he traveled to Koberwitz comes down to it from above; the supersensible
to deliver the Agriculture Course, Rudolf Steiner man coming from the spiritual worlds.
demonstrated for Ehrenfried Pfeiffer and Guen-
The development of physical man will only be
ther Wachsmuth the method for turning the sub-
grasped if physical research is brought to the
stances that they had buried over the winter into a point of being able to see how the physical
proper alchemical—i.e., “biodynamic”—spagyric. human germ by leading matter back to chaos,
Stirring with Pfeiffer’s walking stick the cow horn- becomes capable of receiving the soul-spiritual
manure and cow horn-sand preparations that they germ which comes down from pre-existence.19
had just dug up, Rudolf Steiner created the first
The great tragedy of our era, of course, is that
BD 500 and 501 preps. Wachsmuth wrote: “He
despite our increasing ability to see the vorti-
was concerned primarily to stir energetically, form
cal nature of Creation at both ends of the physi-
a vortex and swiftly to reverse the direction of
cal spectrum, we continue to mistake effects for
spin—that is, the vortex formed by this energetic
causes. In the 1920s, Ludwig Graper and Robert
stirring.”18 Could it be that this was the very first
Wetzel pioneered the use of film to study embry-
instance of Rudolf Steiner himself performing
onic tissue development, and were able to clearly
magic via the vortex, two decades after he had
see and show the “Polonaise movement”—two
first written down the axiom?
Certainly this was and is a magical technique, if 19 Nov. 29 1921, “Foundations of Anthroposophy,
one considers magic as a release from the bounds lecture 2: Man in the Light of Anthroposophy.” See
of earthly forces to allow cosmic forces to work Schwenk, Sensitive Chaos, for a clear introduction
to the natural history of vortex movement and
into earthly substance. This is the fundamental
a subtle exploration of vortical expressions in
characteristic of vortex movement; the center of the physical world. Klocek, Sacred Agriculture:
the vortex approaches a condition of chaos, thus The Alchemy of Biodynamics, gives an elegant
introductory to the physics and chemistry of vortex
action in watery solutions; both in that work, and
17 Apr. 12, 1921, Illness and Therapy: Spiritual- in his Seeking Spirit Vision: Essays on Developing
Scientific Aspects of Healing, lecture 2. Imagination, the vortex becomes a central image
18 Peter Selg, The Agriculture Course, p. 38. also for human consciousness.

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Journal for Star Wisdom 2015

large, counter-rotating vortices—of gastrulation If Rudolf Steiner used the word Welt in the
in chick embryos. Today, such picturing goes on at sense of “cosmos” or “galaxy,” then his statement
the “nano-” level, and yet the underlying forma- could merely have been describing the form and/
tive forces, and the beings standing behind them, or movement of our Milky Way. It seems much
go completely unrecognized by science. 20 more likely that he sought with this statement to
encompass both the physical assemblage of stars,
CONCLUSION: “THE WORLD IS A VORTEX” the spiritual beings who dwell there, and the pro-
Just over a century ago, when James Bell Petti- cess by which all of these and more came—and
grew’s three-volume Design in Nature (1908)—a continue to come—into being. In conclusion:
grand “argument from design” aimed squarely In speaking of Saturn, I spoke of a globe of fire
at Darwinian and other materialist conceptions or of a large fiery egg, and then of a revolving
of Nature—was published, the Western public motion. And it was in fact originally a sort of ball
was just becoming acquainted with photographic or egg. Whilst that globe, which corresponds to
images of spiral galaxies. The ubiquitous spiral/ the very first Saturn condition, is revolving, the
vortex form was Pettigrew’s main argument for following is gradually formed; it acquires a sort of
a “First Cause,” and Isaac Roberts’ photographs girdle, which does not surround the whole egg, but
of the spiral nebulae were the very first images which is there as a sort of broad band. And within
in this densely illustrated work. Pettigrew invited that belt these single forms collect which are being
the reader to compare these photographs of the formed all around. This belt formation is a general
great star clusters with his drawings of spiraling cosmic law. This law—which rests on an accumu-
flowers, seeds, fruits, and the spiral apex of the lation in the form of an equator or belt—you can
mammalian heart—a discovery that he himself see exemplified in the cosmos, as far as your sight
had made in the 1860s. He firmly believed that can reach, in the Milky Way, which owes its exis-
this evidence alone would convince the most tence to that law. When you look at the Milky Way,
diehard materialist of the necessity for a Deity stretching like an external belt around the heavens,
behind all the exquisite design. with the stars shining sparsely in between, you
must think of its being the result of that law which
causes things to draw together into a belt as soon
as a rotatory process begins. 21
20 See for example S. A. Sardersius et al., “A
‘chemotactic dipole’ mechanism for large-scale •
vortex motion during primitive streak formation in
the chick embryo,” Physical Biology 8 (2012), and
Percival McCormack, Vortex, Molecular Spin, and 21 Steiner, The Spiritual Hierarchies and the Physical
Nanovorticity. World, lecture of Apr. 18, 1909

“It became clearer and clearer to me—as the outcome of many years of research—
that in our epoch there is really something like a resurrection of the Astrology of
the third epoch [the Egyptian–Babylonian period], but permeated now with the
Christ Impulse. Today, we must search among the stars in a way different from the
old ways. The stellar script must once more become something that speaks to us.”
—Rudolf Steiner (Christ and the Spiritual World
and the Search for the Holy Grail, p. 106)

– 82 –

Nicholas Kollerstrom

The Sun is not a ball of gas; but in that place have no effect. But do we really want to believe
where the Sun is, there is something less than this? Have the axioms gone wrong somehow?
empty space—a sucking, absorbing body. . . . The now-found neutrinos have no mass (or very
Where the Sun is, is emptier than empty space. little) and no charge and travel only at the speed of
This can be said of all parts of the universe light—and while traveling from Sun to Earth they
where we find ether. . . . Ether is sucking,
change into different forms, as they have three dif-
absorbing. . . . The Sun is an absorbing, suck-
ferent forms into which they can metamorphose.
ing sphere, and wherever ether is present, we
Is that the only evidence for solar fusion? Yes, that
have this absorbent force. . . . The Sun pos-
sesses the power of suction only, being noth- is the only evidence for solar fusion. It is hard to
ing but ether, nothing but suction.1 avoid the feeling that this is a rather tortured bit
of logic, held together by an unduly long chain of
“The Cup dipped into the Sun. It scooped up assumptions.
a bit of the flesh of God, the blood of the uni- We here recall Lord Rutherford’s worthy axiom,
verse, the blazing thought, that any scientific theory worth its salt should be
—Ray Bradbury, explicable to a barmaid, although barmaids may
The Golden Apples of the Sun not have such leisure time these days. As a science
historian I’d say that there is a perceived distrust

A stronomers claim to know, why the Sun

shines. There would be some implosion of
credibility, research grants etc. were doubt cast
over the unreality of this new model.
Just about nothing on the surface of the Sun
looks remotely as if produced by thermonuclear
upon this. At this time of writing (March 2014) fire at the core. Indeed, none of the observed fea-
the yearly conference of the Electric Universe peo- tures of the Sun—the corona, chromosphere, spic-
ple is taking place in New Mexico, and they are ules, granulation, sunspots, solar flares, and so
posing such a challenge: an alternative discourse, on—have any business being there
over what makes the Sun shine. All of the stupendous drama we see on the
Sun’s surface looks electrical-magnetic in nature,
Neutrinos found as if the electrical turmoil of the solar surface is
Astronomers generally feel that they can now the source of the light with which the Sun shines.
say what makes the Sun shine, because they have Is not the photosphere a brilliant electrical dis-
at last been able to detect the required “neutri- charge phenomenon? Sunspots are dark instead of
nos” emanating from the center of the Sun. 2 That bright, which is prima facie evidence that heat is
clinches it, in their view. They will now cheerfully not trying to escape from within.
say that trillions of neutrinos pass through you For half a century physicists have been trying
every second, but we don’t notice because they to produce stable fusion power—the much-touted
“Holy Grail” of free energy for a future civiliza-
1 Steiner, Mystery of the Universe, pp. 48–49. tion—and have got absolutely nowhere. They have
2 Frank Close, Neutrino, p.165.

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Journal for Star Wisdom 2015

concerning the image of a sunspot shown here:

“Does this sunspot look like turbulent boiling-hot
gas?”3 He added that there is “virtually no convec-
tion detectable on the Sun.”4
The matter of the Sun is non-atomic; it is in
“plasma” form. Does galactic energy light up stars,
by currents of electrical plasma? The Electric
Universe people have been focusing on this non-
atomic condition of matter as comprising 99.9% of
the universe. The two classic books on the subject
I recommend are The Electric Universe by Thorn-
Close up of a sunspot; image from the La Palma hill and Talbot and The Electric Sky by Donald
Telescope, Canary Islands, Royal Swedish Scott. Both have chapters about the Sun, contest-
Academy of Sciences, 2002. ing the notion that it is powered by nuclear fusion,
whereas its current website www.electricuniverse
always used its alleged occurrence inside the Sun .info/Electric_Sun_theory only has this down as a
to justify their research grants. “speculative theory!”
The one and only thing that really has been This implosion of confidence has (I suggest)
shown about thermonuclear power, is that it goes derived from the apparent resolution of the solar-
bang rather quickly. neutrino dilemma over the last decade. Can the
If I may bring in a bit of science here, the rate whole “Electric Universe” story thereby be cast
of a thermonuclear reaction varies as the fourth as a pseudo-science that temporarily appeared,
power of temperature. The reaction generates heat, during the decades while this missing-neutrino
then the resulting increase in temperature very dilemma flourished? I suggest not.
sharply increases the reaction rate: which is why The ever-more close-up pictures of the solar sur-
the thing always tends to go bang! face are looking ever-less like anything produced
Looking up at the serenity of the night sky, do by thermal energy emanating from the solar inte-
you want to believe the stars are burning from rior. The Solar surface has three different layers
such fusion power, as Hans Bethe averred? Yes interacting: the photosphere, the chromosphere
Fred Hoyle wrote the equations, from hydrogen (“The chromosphere has spicules, long thin fingers
to helium to beryllium, that’s as far as it suppos- of luminous gas which appear like the blades of
edly goes inside the Sun. To explain all the other a huge field of fiery grass growing upwards from
elements in the Sun as shown by its spectrum,
one has to suppose that much bigger stars ear-
lier existed, producing all the heavier elements by 3 Wal Thornhill, The Tipping Point—Electric
fusion, which then blew up and from which our Universe Conference (Albuquerque, NM, Jan. 3–6,
2013). See video of his talk:
solar system condensed…
com/watch?v=HgdJcghkri4 ‘From Cosmic Currents
to the Electric Sun’ (28 minutes into his talk). See
The “Electric Universe” Model
The “Electric Universe” people recently lost for a ‘Time lapse sunspot’ for motion of the
their Wikipedia entry, around the time of their filament lights into the sunspot.
2013 Arizona conference, optimistically entitled 4 Thornhill alluded to a recent article: Shravan M.
Hanasoge, ‘Anomalously weak solar convection,’
“The Tipping Point.” Advocates of the Electric Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Universe model suggest that these magnetic-elec- in the United States of America, vol. 109, no. 30
trical phenomena on the surface do not come from (May 3, 2012), saying that convective velocities
were 20 to 100 times weaker than they should be,
deep inside the Sun—and are what makes the Sun
just below the photosphere. See also the journal
shine. To quote Wal Thornhill at that conference, Science, June 14, 2012.

– 84 –
Power of the Sun

the photosphere below”5), and the corona. There diffusing outward by convection currents, that
is a rather organic, biological feel about all this, would soon stop, by friction, any such differen-
as tremendous electrical arcs and storm-activity tial rotation. Such convection currents welling up
takes place. from the center—supposedly carrying heat to the
A sunspot is where a magnetic field tube emerges outside where it turns into light—would bring a
from the Sun, which loops round and reenters an stop to any such differential rotation. Au contraire,
adjacent sunspot of opposite polarity. Symmetry one would expect the flow of solar wind coming
above and below the solar equator exists in such a from around the Sun’s equator and rotating round
way that there tends to be a comparable sunspot- at something like a twenty-seven-day period—it
cluster of reverse polarity in the other hemisphere fans out from the Sun in an Archimedes spiral—to
of the Sun, suggesting that tubes of magnetic force exert a retarding torque upon the equatorial rota-
might be going through the Sun. Such a complex tion. So, if anything, we should expect the solar
magnetic inner structure is hardly compatible with equator to be rotating more slowly.
the idea of thermonuclear fire at the center. The solar corona (which becomes visible dur-
Sunspots grow and fade away in an eleven-year ing solar eclipses) lacks this differential rotation
cycle. Nothing on Earth resembles these self- somewhat, and in this respect it does not look as if
reversing magnetic-electrical processes that take the corona is being produced by the solar surface.
place every twenty-two years; it does not look at
all like a phenomenon produced by thermal con- Heartbeat of the Sun
The heartbeat of the Sun every twenty-two
vection currents emanating from the Sun’s center.
years is a self-reversing magnetic field. It’s quite
Two very different paradigms are here involved.
unearthly—i.e., one cannot easily model what
Wrong-Way Temperature Gradient is going on. Long words like magneto-hydro-
The temperature gradient on the Sun is the sin- dynamic appear here. Like everything we see on
gle greatest problem for the fusion-energy heat Sol, it is in no way predicted or expected from the
model. The Sun’s corona mysteriously stays at standard model.
several million degrees centigrade. (NB: the solar Let us meditate upon the glory and majesty of
corona should not exist at all on the standard this phenomenon. In 2013, a rather weak sunspot
model). Then the solar photosphere is about five maximum has been reached, which means that the
to six thousand degrees centigrade. We can see huge North–South magnetic field of the Sun had
below that into the center of a sunspot, and that is faded away. It grows strongest at sunspot mini-
only at three to four thousand degrees centigrade. mum, then it starts to re-form, having reversed its
It appears dark because it is thus cooler. There is magnetic polarity. Thus, the North–South mag-
a huge temperature gradient here, and it is totally netic field of the Sun reverses every eleven years.
the wrong way. Just about everything on the solar surface is
This looks like a fatal flaw in the Standard affected by this huge eleven-year (or twenty-two-
Model. year) cycle. It conditions just about everything
The Sun rotates faster at its equator than at its taking place on the solar surface, whereas there is
poles (twenty-five days compared to thirty-five absolutely no reason for it to exist on the fusion-
days, as seen from Earth). That is a massive thirty- thermal-energy model. At sunspot maximum, the
percent differential in the rate of rotation. Astron- pale-pink chromosphere 6 expands somewhat and
omers have no clue why this is happening and, in becomes more visible, especially at the poles.
fact, keep rather quiet about it because they sus-
pect it’s going to wreck their theory. If there were 6 As pointed out by Ralph Jurgens, “The
a central, thermonuclear heat source, with its heat Photosphere: Is It the Top or the Bottom of the
Phenomenon We Call the Sun?’ Kronos, vol. 4, no.
4 (summer 1979)—available as a PDF from http:
5 See //

– 85 –
Journal for Star Wisdom 2015

One theory of how the eleven-year cycle works around them. The center of the Sun may be quite
concerns the torsional lines of magnetic flux, cool, as Sir William Herschel believed.
which become strained and stressed with the dif- A pioneer of the Electric Universe model for the
ferential rotation of the solar surface, thereby Sun, Ralph Jurgens at Flagstaff, Arizona, wrote:
pulling the sunspots closer to the equator—that “. . . the established theory of stellar energy is
is, they move to lower solar latitude in the “but- embarrassed by the mild behavior of the Sun’s
terfly” pattern, until the whole thing flips over photospheric granules.” Conventionally, the pho-
and starts again. That flip-over of sunspot pattern tospheric granules are supposed to be the tops of
happens at sunspot minimum, in contrast with the vigorous convection cells driven by the Sun’s cen-
big North–South solar magnetic polar field rever- tral nuclear furnace. Internal convection is essen-
sal that happens at the maximum. Sunspots are tial to the Standard Solar Model, because convec-
strongest when the North–South magnetic field tion is “somehow” supposed to generate the Sun’s
is weakest. If astronomers don’t say more about complex magnetic fields. These convection cur-
this heartbeat of a star, which is unlike anything rents as not very evident.
else in the known universe, it is surely because the For what makes the stars shine, there is a fine
entire cycle has no business to be there, according talk by Wal Thornhill at the 2013 EU conference
to the fusion-energy model. “From Cosmic currents to the Electric Sun” (see
Here you might want to meditate upon the four- footnote 2). In “Anomalously Weak Solar Convec-
stage systole–diastole of the human heart. tion,” an article in the journal Science of June 14,
Or, you might want to look at tree-rings on the 2012, Thornhill found that the Sun’s “convective
stump of a tree that has been cut down. One can velocities are 20 to 100 times weaker than cur-
usually see how every eleventh tree ring is the rent theoretical estimates . . . prompting the ques-
thickest. Do you notice how astronomers never tion, what mechanism transports the heat flux
want to talk about this? There is a deep biologi- of a solar luminosity outwards?” He commented,
cal connection between the heartbeat at the cen- “That essentially means that the theory of how the
ter of our solar system and all life on Earth, and Sun works is incorrect.”
astronomers don’t want to mention it because it Isaac Newton wrote in his Principia that “natu-
doesn’t fit their theories. ral phenomena of the same kind should be assigned
The huge North–South magnetic field of the to the same causes,” giving the example, “the light
Sun will have to pass through the center of the of a kitchen fire and of the Sun,” but that didn’t
Sun. Can one really have Sol’s magnetic field pass- work very well. Sol is very unearthly. Sol is some-
ing through a nuclear-fire core at over ten million how able to shine on without exhausting itself;
degrees centigrade? It sounds unlikely. that’s the mystery! Maybe we should just leave it,
as Goethe the German poet wrote:
Paradigm Shift
Stars are too far away for us to be able to tell, The Sun-orb sings, in emulation,
whether any of them has a self-reversing mag- ’Mid brother-spheres, his ancient round:
netic field. Sol is, as far as we know, unique. Does His path predestined through Creation
neutrino flux density vary with the eleven-year He ends with step of thunder-sound.
sunspot cycle—i.e., correlate with the number of The angels from his visage splendid
surface sunspots, as some have suggested? If so, Draw power, whose measure none can say;
that would suggest they are a surface phenome- Thy lofty works, uncomprehended,
non. That would indeed be a testable prediction Are bright as on the earliest day.
between the two theories. On the Electric Uni- —Raphael, prelude to Faust
verse theory, nuclear fusion does take place but •
in the tendrils coming out from the sunspots (see
image, above), which have had helium detected

– 86 –

Brian Keats

A Response and Follow-up to Malcolm Gard-

ner’s Bulletin on Biodynamic Weed Control
eight years. Over longer periods of time the pen-
tagram itself moves anticlockwise (a southern
hemisphere perspective) through the Zodiac so
This is not the case, however, with animal
peppers, which are therefore even more chal- that the points of the pentagram arrive approxi-
lenging to understand and create. But it should mately 2.3 days earlier each eight-year cycle.
be noted in passing that for vertebrate animal (Picture a five-pointed star rotating slowly). If we
pests Steiner recommended ashing their hides take the stars apexes to be superior conjunctions
when Venus is an evening star at “peak con- of Venus; Apex 1 in the diagram below left Scor-
junction” with Scorpius (i.e., in the middle of pio in 1924. Scorpio now lies between two points
the sidereal constellation), and that this event of the star with the left point (Apex 5) very slowly
will occur this fall on October 16th, at which approaching it. Once this apex of the pentagram
time Mercury will also be an evening star (wan- reaches Scorpio there will a superior conjunction
ing) and all the planets except Mercury and the
in Scorpio every eight years for thirteen cycles. In
moon will be descending.
this 2013 year we are on the Pisces series of supe-
There have been varied interpretations in biody- rior conjunctions (Apex 2) as we will be again
namic circles of what Steiner meant by “Venus has eight years hence in 2021.
to be behind the Sun” or the “high conjunction of
Venus” or “peak conjunction with Scorpius” as the
timing for burning the skins of animals that have
become pests. He also mentions that Venus needs
to be in the constellation of Scorpio for this opera-
tion. The understanding of Venus in Scorpius is
straightforward if a decision has been made as to
which zodiac is being used as a frame of reference.
The “peak conjunction” I take to mean that Venus
should be around superior conjunction and I have
discussed this with Malcolm in past years.
What is generally not realized is that Venus is
not always in Scorpio and at or near superior con-
junction each year. It is a rare event to have Venus It seems that the closer Venus is to superior
in Scorpio and exactly at Superior conjunction. conjunction when transiting through Scorpio
An exact alignment took place when the Kolis- the better the effect of the pepper. Some years,
kos did their mice pepper experiment in 1926. Venus is near inferior conjunction below the Sun
This has not occurred again since and will not sphere instead. In the case of Venus being at or
happen until 2190! Venus’s movements through near to inferior conjunction feel Venus’s gesture
the constellations describe a pentagram over would be directed to the Earth rather than being

– 87 –
Journal for Star Wisdom 2015

out beyond the Sun sphere nearer to the stars and our experiment. The planet Venus came to
opening Scorpio’s gates of fertility. the highest effectiveness earlier than we pre-
sumed and the female mice acted under this
Revisiting the Kolisko influence. No other explanation was possible.
Mice Pepper Experiment The constellation of Venus had driven the
Back in the 1990s, I revisited the Kolisko’s exper- female mice to kill their mates in this extraor-
iment with mice peppers and researched when the dinary way.
experiment must have taken place. Rudolf Steiner really knew about all these
Dr. Eugen and Dr. Lilly Kolisko’s observations forces, how they work in the plants, in the
of mice extraordinary behavior were done in 1926, animals and in the human organism. All his
indications are correct. If we burn the seeds
when Venus was in Scorpio (both tropically and
of the plants we interfere with the forces of
sidereally!) and at superior conjunction. Quoting
reproduction in plant life. If we burn the
their book Agriculture of Tomorrow (2nd ed.):
whole insect, we interfere with the reproduc-
Our first experiment carried out in 1926 will tion in animal life, but then we must take the
be described. We began by breeding a large sun into consideration. The sun must stand
number of white mice in order to carry out the at a certain place in the zodiac. If we burn
necessary experiment during the constellation the skins of higher animals, we again inter-
of Venus. The mice were kept in glass cages fere with the force of reproduction—then we
covered with wire mesh in a separate room, must see that the planet Venus stands in a
well equipped for this purpose. Each cage con- certain constellation. That we are interfering
tained a male and a female mouse. with the forces of reproduction is quite obvi-
The day of the constellation came, the ous from the fact that the female mouse killed
exact hour for the experiment was fixed for the male.”
four o’clock in the afternoon. We examined the
The book states that the mice were killed some-
mice every other hour, and found everything in
where between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. (European or
complete order. At two o’clock in the afternoon
we examined them for the last time, when feed- Universal Time with or without daylight savings
ing them. Some minutes before four o’clock we adjustments is a question) at some date in 1926. I
entered the room again and had a real shock. deduced that the experiment must have taken place
In each of the cages one mouse was killed. The on November 21, 1926, because Venus arrived at
female Mouse had killed the male. In all the superior conjunction on that day and Venus had
cages there was the same ghastly spectacle. already arrived in Scorpio. Venus was in Scorpio
The killing was done so, that the female mouse from November 18 to December 12.
had bitten through the throat of the male, then In 2012, I decided to reinvestigate the Kolisko
opened the skull and begun to eat the brain. mice pepper experiment with new findings I had
Some mice must have started earlier or worked from my weather researches.
more quickly, because we found different
I placed a map of the sidereal zodiac onto the
stages of this terrible process. In a few cages
Earth, a so-called geodetic projection. To do that
the female mouse was sitting quietly beside the
0 0 Aries was offset westward 230 from Greenwich
‘victim, looking innocent, as if everything was
all right. Some mice had apparently first eaten in line with the equator. The zodiac band was laid
the brain, and then started to eat the other inner across a map of the Earth to form twelve equal
organs, beginning with the lungs and working division bands at right angles to the equator (NB
downwards to liver and kidneys. Some stopped not to the ecliptic). The following map from my
after having eaten the brain they had bitten off Astro Calendar editions illustrates this.
the four paws and placed them symmetrically
in a square in the sawdust.
We shall never forget this spectacle. Prob-
ably we had not fixed the right moment for

– 88 –
Bulletin on Biodynamic Pest Control

make any difference to the Taurus longitude line

position and little difference to the planetary lines.
Three conjunctions took place in a very short
interval of time when the extraordinary mice
behavior was observed.
In my weather research work I have both
I then took a section of a projection map, placed observed and forecast that extreme weather events
the planets on to it, and noted that Venus, Sun, can occur when multiple lunar or planetary aspects
and Saturn all had a time–space relationship to occur in a short interval of time. In the case of
the area in which the experiment took place as lunar events if two events like that of perigee
per map below. and full moon are concurrent or near concurrent
(within 24 hours) then severe to extreme weather
events are highly likely to take place worldwide.
In the case of planetary events triple conjunctions,
cyclones to Earthquakes have taken place along
the meridian circles (or harmonics of them) indi-
cated on the projection maps. Examples are given
on my website article from www.astro-calendar.
com then Research > Extreme Weather.
In light of these investigations I think it is fair to
say that we are not going to be able to reproduce
the Koliskos experiment and the added Saturn
On the map for the November 21, 1926, 12:35 conjunctions need to be considered when trying
p.m. Universal Time, the time of the Venus supe- to understand the extraordinary events that took
rior conjunction in Scorpio, you will see a verti- place. It was a far greater event than a Venus supe-
cal line where Taurus begins between the symbols rior conjunction in Scorpio. Saturn and the triple
for Taurus. East of that line for the next 30 0 will conjunction had a part to play. I do not think Dr.
come under Taurus. NB. The book states that the Kolisko was correct when the writer stated “No
experiment was planned for 4pm but later states other explanation was possible!”
“...the planet Venus came to the highest effective- Rudolf Steiner excerpts:
ness earlier than we presumed.” It also does not
Now, imagine that you do the following: You
specify when the pepper preparation was made
catch a fairly young mouse and skin it, so as
or applied.
to get the skin. There you have the skin of a
To the east of the Taurus line are three dotted fairly young mouse. (There are always enough
lines. These three lines indicate the lines of lon- mice, albeit they must be field mice if you wish
gitude (meridian lines) that the Sun, Saturn, and to make this experiment). But you must obtain
Venus are on, however they are on the opposite this skin of the field mouse at a time when
side of the Earth in Scorpio and working through Venus is in the sign of Scorpio.
the Earth into this region of Europe. They also
At the time when Venus is in Scorpio, you
indicate that a triple conjunction took place (the obtain the skin of the mouse and burn it. Care-
lines are on top of each other). Not only was there fully collect the ash and the other constituents
a Sun–Venus conjunction (superior conjunction) that remain over from the burning.
on the November 21 at 12:26:35 UT but on the
Provided it has been led through the fire at the
same day Venus was conjunct Saturn at 16:41:27
high conjunction of Venus and Scorpio, you
UT and Sun conjunct Saturn at 17:52:05 UT. Euro-
will find this an excellent remedy.
pean time would be +1 hour to UT and would not

– 89 –

Brian Keats

BIODYNAMIC CALENDAR GUILD moon’s closest distance to the earth in its 27.55-
AND R ESEARCH day cycle.

A n informal international guild of calendar

compilers was formed in February 2012 with
the aim of working collaboratively with Mark
Background to Lunar Perigee Plantings
Maria Thun advocated that planting seeds in the
hours around a lunar perigee was not beneficial to
Moodie to further research into biodynamic plant- subsequent plant growth. Maria Thun based cal-
ing practices. Mark who has set up databases to endars have this period marked as a non-planting
gather and analyze research results through www. time. took advantage of a visit of mine to I am of the opinion this is true for some of the
the UK to organise a face-to-face meeting with perigees but not all of them and more so in some
Nick Kollerstrom, Mark and I as well as having years than in other years. This opinion comes from
Sherry Wildfeuer join us via phone. As a result of my experience in observing the weather, being
this meeting we agreed upon dates and times that familiar with astronomical rhythms, and realizing
could be helpful in the investigation of the effects that the weather and the plants are dancing to the
of 2013 eclipses on seed plantings. These were same tune that is being called by the Sun, Moon,
then published in four calendars: Stella Natura planets, and stars.
(Sherry), Gardening and Planting by the Moon Every perigee is different, as is every full moon,
(Nick) and my Antipodean Astro Calendar and as is every peak declination (ascension or descen-
Northern Hemisphere Astro Calendar. Mark is sion). I have just listed three different lunar
still gathering data from this international experi- rhythms that take place every month. It is impor-
ment and the results will not be known in time for tant to consider them in relationship to each other.
the 2014 calendar editions. You will find that up to twice in every year the
This same guild, in conjunction with Mark, met perigee takes place within twelve hours of the
by phone in June 2013. The feedback was that Full or New Moon—that is, the perigee/apogee
there had been small but significant and encour- rhythm is in synch with the lunar phase rhythm.
aging participation in the experiment from both This beautiful fact comes about as fourteen full-
hemispheres. We then decided upon the following moon cycles takes 413.32 days and fifteen perigee
for 2014: 1) to invite other calendar compilers to cycles takes 413.42 days. When this occurs you
join the guild; 2) to suggest dates for readers to will notice:
continue investigating the question “Does plant-
it is the closest perigee of the year (proxigee)
ing seeds at the time of an eclipse have a negative
around 357,000kms;
effect on the germination and growth of a plant?”;
a fortnight before or after the proxigee is the
3) to offer dates to investigate a second question
most distant apogee around 406,600km;
“Does planting seeds at the time of a lunar peri-
there are very high and very low tides in this
gee have a negative effect on the germination and
growth of a plant?” Lunar perigee is defined as the

– 90 –
Background to Lunar Perigee Plantings

there will be widespread unusual or extreme Moons, the respective lunar rhythms are not in
occurrences of weather (including synch.
earthquakes). I am quite sure our horticultural activities and
future research will be far more fruitful when we
These lunar periods are known as “supermoons,” become more aware of the interplay of the vari-
a term coined by Richard Nolle and defined as “a ous lunar rhythms and carry out our gardening
New or Full Moon that occurs with the Moon and farming, as well as designing our experiments,
within 90% of its closest approach to Earth.” The accordingly.
supermoons are 7.5 lunar months apart, alternat-
ing between New and Full Moons. This half of Why choose 2014 to run a
the 413-day cycle. Sun, Moon and the Earth are Lunar Perigee experiment?
in a straight line on this occasions (syzygy). Lunar I will start by saying why 2013 was not a good
rhythms have a correlation to rhythms in all fluids time to run the experiment!
(including molten lava beneath our tectonic plates I have already mentioned that every 7.5 and 15
and plant sap). The extreme weather tends to be in lunar months the phase cycle synchronizes with
a period three days either side of the the proxigee the perigee/apogee cycle (206.5 and 413 days).
moon. Well, every year, another two lunar rhythms
In 2014 the perigee distances will range between come into phase with each other. Around every
356,900 at the proxigees to 369,800kms. Tidal winter solstice the Full Moon coincides with its
forces are inversely proportional to the cube of the peak ascension. When the Sun is at its weakest the
Moon’s distance and consequently there are huge Moon is at its strongest. These two rhythms are
differences within this range. It is well worth tak- opposite around every summer solstice. When the
ing note of those perigees under 358,000kms each Sun is strong the Full Moon is weak.
year. In 2013, three lunar rhythms came into synch
In my experience of perigees prevailing climatic culminating in the June Full Moon which took
and weather/atmospheric conditions become exag- place on the perigee and at peak ascension. All
gerated. If is tending towards wet, then it will be three have correlations to increasing tide heights.
very wet and if it is a hot period, then it will be All three indicated relationships to seed germina-
very hot! If it was summer I could expect floods tion rates in Ernst Zurcher’s report on research
in the tropics but heat waves in a temperate zone. work into plant rhythms “Chronobiology of Trees:
This could be fine-tuned by consulting a synoptic synthesis of traditional phytopractices and scien-
weather forecast to see where the high and low- tific research, as a tool of future forestry.”
pressure cells are likely to be located (I publish an Having an extra lunar rhythm in synch with the
annual forecast for Australia one year in advance). perigee cycle to contend with in 2013 was not ideal.
With a sense of anticipation of what could hap- The year 2014 does not have that complication
pen weather-wise in a particular month I can and in the table below are the perigee dates with
plan my horticultural activities. If a close perigee distances of the Earth from the Moon. The zodia-
(under 360,000kms) is pending when my prevail- cal element as per Thun is also given to help in the
ing weather conditions have been warm and moist choice of seeds to plant. The closest perigees are
I could expect fungal activity to be rife and take numbered 1 to 4— NB there are two proxigees,
prophylactic actions accordingly. That perigee, one at New Moon and one at Full. The proxigee
under those conditions, would obviously have a New Moon will give the highest tide of the year,
negative effect on seed plantings. However if con- which will be supported by the perihelion that
ditions had been very dry it could well turn out to week. The proxigee Full Moon will give you high
be a favorable time. tides, too, but that month will have the lowest
You will find the more distant perigees are neap tides.
further away, time wise, from the Full and New

– 91 –
The 2014 perigees are all taking place in the a perigee’s influence on seed germination or plant
southern hemisphere. The perigees progress growth.
through the zodiac and hence the hemispheres Dates and Times for the planting trials are given
as 5 zodiacal constellations are over the southern below in three time zone sections:
hemisphere and 5 of the north (Pisces and Virgo NB The times given are the exact times for the
are over the equator). The 2015 proxigee Moon perigees and the central point of the eclipses. The
will be in Pisces and by 2016 it will be in Aries and period of effect is generally considered to be 12
thereby over the northern hemisphere. hours either side of these times.
I suggest that the perigees in 2014 will have a In the Astro Calendars the suggested experimen-
more pronounced effect in the southern hemi- tal planting period is highlighted.
sphere, particularly over the late winter period Mark Moodie’s website
with the proxigee taking place in August. Repeat- /2014planting.html will have more details of the
ing the experiment in 2016 for example, would help research project and helpful suggestions.
to discern if there is a hemispherean difference in •


Jan. 1 21:00 Perigee: 356,921 fruit/seed 2 New Moon: Proxigee

Jan. 30 9:58 Perigee: 357,100 earth root New Moon
Feb. 27 19:52 Perigee: 360,400 earth root
Mar. 27 19:30 Perigee: 365,700 air
Apr. 23 1:27 Perigee: 369,800 earth root
May 18 12:58 Perigee: 367,100 fruit/seed
Jun. 15 4:34 Perigee: 362,100 fruit/seed
Jul. 13 9:27 Perigee: 358,300 earth root 3 Full Moon
Aug. 10 18:43 Perigee: 356,896 earth root 1 Full Moon: Proxigee
Sep. 8 4:29 Perigee: 358,400 air
Oct. 6 10:41 Perigee: 362,500 air 4 Full Moon
Nov. 3 0:21 Perigee: 367,900 air
Nov. 27 23:11 Perigee: 369,800 earth root
Dec. 24 16:43 Perigee: 364,800 earth root

Apr. 15 7:00 Lunar Eclipse earth/air

Apr. 29 6:14 Solar Eclipse fruit/seed
Oct. 8 10:51 Lunar Eclipse air
Oct. 24 9:57 Solar Eclipse air

– 92 –
Background to Lunar Perigee Plantings

Jan. 2 7:00 Perigee: 356,921 fruit/seed 2 New Moon: Proxigee

Jan. 30 19:58 Perigee: 357,100 earth root New Moon
Feb. 28 5:52 Perigee: 360,400 earth root
Mar. 28 5:30 Perigee: 365,700 air
Apr. 23 11:27 Perigee: 369,800 earth root
May 18 22:58 Perigee: 367,100 fruit/seed
Jun. 15 14:34 Perigee: 362,100 fruit/seed
Jul. 13 19:27 Perigee: 358,300 earth root 3 Full Moon
Aug. 11 4:43 Perigee: 356,896 earth root 1 Full Moon: Proxigee
Sep. 8 14:29 Perigee: 358,400 air
Oct. 6 20:41 Perigee: 362,500 air 4 Full Moon
Nov. 3 10:21 Perigee: 367,900 air
Nov. 28 9:11 Perigee: 369,800 earth root
Dec. 25 2:43 Perigee: 364,800 earth root

Apr. 15 17:42 Lunar Eclipse earth/air

Apr. 29 16:14 Solar Eclipse fruit/seed
Oct. 8 20:51 Lunar Eclipse air
Oct. 24 19:57 Solar Eclipse air

Jan. 1 13:00 Perigee: 356,921 fruit/seed 2 New Moon: Proxigee

Jan. 30 1:58 Perigee: 357,100 earth root New Moon
Feb. 27 11:52 Perigee: 360,400 earth root
Mar. 27 11:30 Perigee: 365,700 air
Apr. 22 17:27 Perigee: 369,800 earth root
May 18 4:58 Perigee: 367,100 fruit/seed
Jun. 14 20:34 Perigee: 362,100 fruit/seed
Jul. 13 1:27 Perigee: 358,300 earth root 3 Full Moon
Aug. 11 10:43 Perigee: 356,896 earth root 1 Full Moon: Proxigee
Sep. 8 20:29 Perigee: 358,400 air
Oct. 6 2:41 Perigee: 362,500 air 4 Full Moon
Nov. 3 16:21 Perigee: 367,900 air
Nov. 28 15:11 Perigee: 369,800 earth root
Dec. 25 8:43 Perigee: 364,800 earth root

Apr. 15 23:42 Lunar Eclipse earth/air

Apr. 29 22:14 Solar Eclipse fruit/seed
Oct. 8 2:51 Lunar Eclipse air
Oct. 24 1:57 Solar Eclipse air

– 93 –

Robert Powell, Ph.D.

I n taking note of the astronomical events listed

in the Star Calendar of the Journal for Star Wis-
dom (JSW), it is important to distinguish between
Full Moon, something that one can then impart
further—for example, to help people in need, or
to support Mother Earth in times of catastrophe.
long- and short-term astronomical events. Long- During these two days, it is helpful to hold an atti-
term astronomical events—for example, Pluto tude of dedication and service and try to assume
transiting a particular degree of the zodiac—will an attitude of receptivity that opens to what one’s
have a longer period of meditation than would the soul will receive and subsequently impart—an
five days advocated for short-term astronomical attitude conducive to making one a true servant
events such as the new and Full Moon. The fol- of the spirit.
lowing describes, in relation to meditating on the The day of the Full Moon is itself a day of hold-
Full Moon, a meditative process extending over a ing the sacred space. In doing so, one endeavors
five-day period. to cultivate inner peace and silence, during which
one attempts to contact and consciously hold the
Sanctification of the Full Moon in-streaming blessing of the Full Moon for the rest
As a preliminary remark, let us remind our- of humanity. One can heighten this silent medita-
selves that the great sacrifice of Christ on the tion by visualizing the zodiacal constellation/side-
Cross—the Mystery of Golgotha—took place at real sign in which the Moon becomes full, since
Full Moon. As Christ’s sacrifice took place when the Moon serves to reflect the starry background
the Moon was full in the middle of the sidereal against which it appears.
sign of Libra, the Libra Full Moon assumes spe- If the Moon is full in Virgo, for example, it
cial significance in the sequence of twelve (or thir- reminds us of the night of the birth of the Jesus
teen) Full Moons taking place during the cycle of child visited by the three magi, as described in
the year. In following this sequence, the Mystery the Gospel of St. Matthew. That birth occurred
of Golgotha serves as an archetype for every Full at the Full Moon in the middle of the sidereal
Moon, since each Full Moon imparts a particular
sign of Virgo, and the three magi, who gazed up
spiritual blessing. Hence the practice described that evening to behold the Full Moon against the
here of Sanctification of the Full Moon applies background of the stars of the Virgin, witnessed
to every Full Moon. Similarly, there is also the the soul of Jesus emerge from the disk of the
practice of Sanctification of the New Moon, as Full Moon and descend toward Earth. They par-
described in Hermetic Astrology, Volume 2: ticipated from afar, via the starry heavens, in the
Astrological Biography, chapter 10. Grail Mystery of the holy birth.
During the two days prior to the Full Moon, In meditating upon the Full Moon and opening
we can consider the focus of one’s meditation to oneself to receive the in-streaming blessing from
extend over these two days as preparatory days the starry heavens, we can exercise restraint by
immediately preceding the day of the Full Moon. avoiding the formulation of what will happen or
These two days can be dedicated to spiritual what one might receive from the Full Moon. More-
reflection and detachment from everyday con- over, we can also refrain from seeking tangible
cerns, as one prepares to become a vessel for the results or effects connected with our attunement
in-streaming light and love one will receive at the to the Full Moon. Even if we observe only the date

– 94 –
Working with the Star Calendar

but not the exact moment when the Moon is full, It is a time of spiritual retreat and contact with
it is helpful to find quiet time to reflect alone or the spiritual world, of holding in one’s conscious-
to use the opportunity for deep meditation on the ness the archetype of the Mystery of Golgotha as
day of the full moon. a great outpouring of Divine Love that bridges
We can think of the two days following the full Heaven and Earth. Prior to the day of the full
moon as a time of imparting what we have received moon, the two preceding days prepare the sacred
from the in-streaming of the full disk of the Moon space as a vessel to receive the heavenly blessing.
against the background of the stars. It is now pos- The two days following the day of the full moon
sible to turn our attention toward humanity and are a time to assimilate and distribute the spiri-
the world and endeavor to pass on any spiritual tual transmission received into the sacred space we
blessing we have received from the starry heavens. have prepared.
Thereby we can assist in the work of the spiritual One can apply the process described here as a
world by transforming what we have received into meditative practice in relation to the full moon to
goodwill and allowing it to flow wherever the any of the astronomical events listed in the JSW,
greatest need exists. especially as most of these remember significant
It is a matter of holding a sacred space through- Christ Events. Take note, however, whether an
out the day of the full moon. This is an important event is long-term or short-term and adjust the
time to still the mind and maintain inner peace. period of meditative practice accordingly.

“The shadow intellect that is characteristic of all modern culture has fettered
human beings to the Earth. They have eyes only for earthly things, particularly
when they allow themselves to be influenced by the claims of modern science. In
our age it never occurs to someone that their being belongs not to the Earth alone
but to the cosmos beyond the Earth. Knowledge of our connection with the cos-
mos beyond the Earth—that is what we need above all to make our own. . . . When
someone says ‘I’ to themselves, they experience a force that is working within,
and the [ancient] Greek, in feeling the working of this inner force, related it to
the Sun; . . . the Sun and the ‘I’ are the outer and inner aspects of one being. The
Sun out there in space is the cosmic ‘I.’ What lives within me is the human ‘I’. . . .
Human beings are not primarily a creation of Earth. Human beings receive their
shape and form from the cosmos. The human being is an offspring of the world
of stars, above all of the Sun and Moon. . . . The Moon forces stream out from a
center in the metabolic system. . . . [The] Moon stimulates reproduction. . . . Sat-
urn works chiefly in the upper part of the astral body. . . . Jupiter has to do with
thinking . . . Mars [has] to do with speech. . . . The Mercury forces work in the part
of the human organism that lies below the region of the heart . . . in the breathing
and circulatory functions. . . . Venus works preeminently in the etheric body of the
human being.”
— Rudolf Steiner, Offspring of the World of Stars, May 5, 1921

– 95 –


‰ Earth a Aries (Ram) q Conjunction 0º

Q Sun s Taurus (Bull) t Sextile 60º

W Moon d Gemini (Twins) r Square 90º

E Mercury f Cancer (Crab) e Trine 120º

R Venus g Leo (Lion) w Opposition 180º

T Mars h Virgo (Virgin)

Y Jupiter j Libra (Scales)

U Saturn k Scorpio (Scorpion)

‚ Uranus l Sagittarius (Archer)

O Neptune v Capricorn (Goat)

P Pluto x Aquarius (Water Carrier)

c Pisces (Fishes)

‹ Ascending (North) Node p Sun Eclipse
ΠDescending (South) Node Moon Eclipse
P Perihelion/Perigee Inferior Conjunction
A Aphelion/Apogee Superior Conjunction
Maximum Latitude Chiron
Minimum Latitude

– 96 –

T o help readers work with the information

given in the ephemerides, we are adding new
information to last year’s text—see “New.”
This subtraction will often change the date of an
astronomical occurrence, shifting it back one day.
Consequently, since most of the readers of this cal-
The information relating to daily geocentric and endar live on the American Continent, astronomi-
heliocentric planetary positions in the sidereal cal occurrences during the early hours of day x are
zodiac is tabulated in the form of an ephemeris sometimes listed in the Commentaries as occur-
for each month, in which the planetary positions ring on days x–1/x. For example, an eclipse occur-
are given at 0 hours Universal Time (UT) each day. ring at 03:00 UT on the 12th is listed as occurring
Beneath the geocentric and heliocentric ephem- on the 11/12th since in America it takes place on
eris for each month, the information relating to the 11th.1
planetary aspects is given in the form of an aspec-
tarian, which lists the most important aspects— NEW
geocentric and heliocentric/hermetic—between The preceding procedure can be greatly simplified.
the planets for the month in question. The day and Here is an example for someone wishing to know
the time of occurrence of the aspect on that day the zodiacal locations of the planets on Christmas
are indicated, all times being given in Universal Day, December 25, 2014. Looking at the Decem-
Time (UT), which is identical to Greenwich Mean ber ephemeris, it can be seen that Christmas Day
Time (GMT). For example, zero hours Universal falls on a Thursday. In the upper tabulation, the
Time is midnight GMT. This time system applies geocentric planetary positions are given, with that
in Britain; however, when summer time is in effect, of the Sun indicated in the first column, that of the
one hour must be added to all times. Moon in the second column, and so on. The posi-
** In other time zones, the time has to be adjusted tion of the Sun is listed as 8 09’ Sagittarius.
according to whether it is ahead of or behind Brit- For someone living in London, 8 09’ Sagittarius
ain. For example, in Germany, where the time is is the Sun’s position at midnight, December 24/25,
one hour ahead of British time, an hour must be 2014—noting that in London and all of the United
added; when summer time is in effect in Germany, Kingdom, the Time Zone applying there is that
two hours have to be added to all times. of Universal Time/Greenwich Mean Time—UT/
Using the calendar in the United States, do the GMT.
following subtraction from all time indications For someone living in Sydney, Australia, which
according to time zone: on Christmas Day is eleven hours ahead of UT/
GMT, 8 09’ Sagittarius is the Sun’s position at 11
• Pacific Time subtract 8 hours
a.m. on December 25.
(7 hours for daylight saving time);
For someone living in California, which is
• Mountain Time subtract 7 hours
eight hours behind UT/GMT on Christmas Day,
(6 hours for daylight saving time);
• Central Time subtract 6 hours
(5 hours for daylight saving time); 1 See General Introduction to the Christian Star
• Eastern Time subtract 5 hours Calendar: A Key to Understanding for an in-depth
clarification of the features of the calendar in the
(4 hours for daylight saving time). Journal for Star Wisdom, including indications as
to how to work with it.

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Journal for Star Wisdom 2015

8 09’ Sagittarius is the Sun’s position at 4 p.m. on CANADA, USA, CENTRAL A MERICA,
For the person living in California, therefore, WITH TIME ZONES WEST OF GREENWICH
in order to know the positions of the planets on
December 25, it is necessary to look at the entries Look at what is given alongside December 26—
for December 26. The result is: these entries indicate the planetary positions at
For someone living in California, which is eight these times:
hours behind UT/GMT on Christmas Day, the
• 7:00 p.m. in New York (EASTERN
Sun’s position at 4 p.m. on December 25 is 9 10’
STANDARD TIME, which is five hours
Sagittarius and by the same token, the Moon’s
behind UT/GMT)
position on Christmas Day at 4 p.m. on Decem-
• 6:00 p.m. in Chicago (CENTRAL STAN-
ber 25 is 2 34’ Aquarius—these are the positions
DARD TIME, which is six hours behind
alongside December 26 at midnight UT/GMT—
and eight hours earlier equates with 4 p.m. on
• 5:00 p.m. in Denver (MOUNTAIN
December 25 in California.
STANDARD TIME, which is seven
From these examples it emerges that the plan-
hours behind UT/GMT)
etary positions as given in the ephemeris can be
• 4:00 p.m. in San Francisco (PACIFIC
utilized, but that according to the Time Zone one
STANDARD TIME, which is eight
is in, the time of day is different and also for loca-
hours behind UT/GMT)
tions West of the United Kingdom the date changes
(look at the date following the actual date).
Here is a tabulation in relation to the foregoing
• 8:00 p.m. in New York (EASTERN
example of December 25 (Christmas Day).
DAYLIGHT TIME, which is four hours
A ND A LL LOCATIONS WITH • 7:00 p.m. in Chicago (CENTRAL DAY-
TIME ZONES EAST OF GREENWICH LIGHT TIME, which is five hours behind
Look at what is given alongside December 25— • 6:00 p.m. in Denver (MOUNTAIN DAY-
these entries indicate the planetary positions at LIGHT TIME, which is six hours behind
these times: UT/GMT)
• 5:00 p.m. in San Francisco (PACIFIC
• 12:00 a.m. (midnight December 24/25) in
DAYLIGHT TIME, which is seven hours
London (UT/GMT)
behind UT/GMT)
• 01:00 a.m. in Berlin (CENTRAL EURO-
PEAN TIME, which is one hour ahead of Note that in the preceding tabulation, the time
UT/GMT) given in Sydney on Christmas Day, December 25,
• 11:00 a.m. in Sydney (AUSTRALIAN is in terms of Daylight Time. Six months earlier,
EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME, which is on June 25, for someone in Sydney they would
eleven hours ahead of UT/GMT) look alongside the entry in the ephemeris for June
25 and would know that this applies (for them)
to . . .

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• 10:00 a.m. in Sydney (AUSTRALIAN The advantage of using the method described
EASTERN TIME, which is ten hours here is that it greatly simplifies reference to the
ahead of UT/GMT). ephemeris when studying the zodiacal positions
of the planets. However, for applying the time
In these examples, it is not just the position of indications listed under “Ingresses” or “Aspects”
the Sun that is referred to. The same applies to it is still necessary to add or subtract the time dif-
the zodiacal locations given in the ephemeris for ference from UT/GMT as described in the above
all the planets, whether geocentric (upper tabula- paragraph denoted **.
tion) or heliocentric (lower tabulation). All that
is necessary to apply this method of reading the •
ephemeris is to know the Time Zone in which
one is and to apply the number of hours differ-
ence from UT/GMT.

“Why does a feeling of grandeur, of reverent awe, come over us when we look up into

the starry heavens? It is because without our knowing it the feeling of our soul’s home

awakens in us. The feeling awakens: Before you came down to earth to a new incarna-

tion, you yourself were in those stars, and out of the stars have come the highest forces

that are within you. Your moral law was imparted to you when you were dwelling in

the world of stars. When you practice self-knowledge, you can behold what the starry

heaven bestowed upon you between death and a new birth—the best and finest powers

of your soul. What we behold in the starry heavens is the moral law that is given to us

from the spiritual worlds, for between death and a new birth we live in these starry

heavens. One should contemplate the starry heavens with feelings such as these. . . . If

we then raise our eyes to the starry heavens, we will be filled with a feeling of reverence

and will know that this is the memory of the human being’s eternal home.”

—Rudolf Steiner (Life Between Death and Rebirth, Nov. 18, 1912)

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JA N UA RY– DE C E M B E R 2 015
Claudia McLaren Lainson and Sally Nurney

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Commentaries and Ephemerides:

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Journal for Star Wisdom 2014

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