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CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………

1.1 Background of the study…………………………………………………………………. 1

1.2 Statement of the problem…………………………………………………………………. 2

1.3 Objectives of the study……………………………………………………………………. 3

1.4 Research questions………………………………………………………………………... 3

1.5 Significance of the study…………………………………………………………………. 3

1.6 Scope of the study………………………………………………………………………… 4

1.7 Operational definition of terms……………………………………………………………4


2.0 Introduction………………………………………………………………………………. 5

2.1 Sources of Literature…………………………………………………………………… 5

2.2. Conceptual Framework………………………………………………………………. 5

2.2.1. History Of Newspaper in Nigeria………………….…………………………… 6 of political cartoons in Newspaper overtime… 7 Review of Selected …………………………………………………… 13

2.3 Theoretical Framework……………………………………………………………… 14

2.3.1 Agenda setting theory…………………………………… 14

2.3.2 ……………………………………………………… 15
2.4 Empirical Framework ………………………………………………………….……. 17
2.5 Summary of the Literature Review…………………………………………………. 19


3.0 Introduction………………………………………………………………………… 20

3.1 Research Design……………………………………………………………………. 20

3.2 Population of the study……………………………………………………………… 21

3.3 Sample Size Determination…………………………………………………………. 21

3.4 Sampling Technique………………………………………………………………… 22

3.5 Measuring Instrument………………………………………………………………. 23

3.6 Validity & Reliability of Measuring Instrument……………………………………. 23

3.7 Method of Collection………………………………………………………………. 24

3.8 Method of Data Analysis……………………………………………………………. 24

Chapter 1

Basically the word ‘cartoon’ is gotten from the Italian word ‘cartone’ which means ‘paper.’ That
word was used by painters for the earliest drawings on paper which were then conveyed, either
through outlining or beating, to a surface which may in any case be a ceiling, or a wall (Nze, 1992
& Adekanmbi, 1997, as cited in Nawmmuo & Amatu, 2015).
From the dawn of time cartoons have been used as political satirical tools , several years
having passed cartoons have become a very important feature in every newspaper and magazine
content in Nigeria a simultaneous observation would come out to show that most daily
newspapers and weekly magazines publish various cartoons for example The Punch Newspaper
publish cartoons and comic strips to reveal or explain trending issues in the country either
socially, economically , financially, government wise of the country and at times illustrations of
some editorial matter .
Generally political cartoons create a form a media text whose verbal and visual elements have
made them an interesting research field across several academic disciplines .Political cartoons
are used to express opinions , create concrete/valuable arguments and provide specific
knowledge on modern-day social issues .Nigerian cartoonists use interjections frequently in the
cartoon written words to create different satirical impressions regarding our political leaders,
government leaders even or president because intermissions are used to express strong
reactions or feelings.
Given the verbal and nonverbal elements contained in the cartoon texts, cartoons could be made
to provide more perceptions on how language is specifically used in media discourse. The
cartoons has been symbolized as a loud medium that cannot be deprived of attention it is known
to combine metaphor, humor , allusion and caricature in order to pass across significant
messages. Newspaper cartoons are especially suitable for disseminating philosophies because it
effortlessly appeals readers’ attention. It’s normally believed that pictures leave permanent
impressions on the minds of audiences, because they last longer in the mind than words read or
The political cartoon is often satirical in nature and so it criticizes the social misdemeanors,
sayings, opinions or events that have to do with vastly positioned individuals. The cartoon is
hence a vivacious tool by the press for its watchdog role in the society, community. Most
newspapers particularly The Punch Newspaper contents are mostly voiced through visual
pictures, political cartoons are best understood through analysis of incorporated visual rhetoric.
basically cartoonists influence violent and affliative humor styles intentionally to create
reproaches made towards political leaders and dictum on current socio-political issues going on
in order to initiate social and political reforms.
These cartoon are hand inscribed graphic illustrations made on a solitary visual frame and
supplemented regularly by written texts or thought bubbles usually in the arrangement of
dialogue usually circulated on the editorial page of a newspaper. The main aim of visual
communication is to form and make you sense something and feel it profoundly, whether it is to
make you giggle, to disgrace you in action, to confound you or to make you feel at ease. Cartoons
basically trace their art to what was known as ‘caricature ‘which is also referred to exaggerated
features in a character with amusing intentions The paper-print cartoons include printed
cartoons like those usually seen in newspapers, magazines or books of comics. Paper-print
cartoons, just like squares or rectangles, are continuously placed in frames. The political cartoon
are often satirical in nature and criticizes the social misdeeds, sayings, views or events that have
to do with highly placed personalities
Words , numbers are mostly placed within frames or at times thought bubbles, but also words
outside of thought bubbles are from time to time adjusted. Editorial cartoons exhibit some
popular characteristics, including current affairs, visibly perceptible political issues, local and
global issues, skillful craftsmanship and snappy graphic. Cartooning has remained the most
significant tools regarding Nigeria's cultural heritage promulgation and elevation. Newspaper
cartoons throughout the history of Nigeria had showed that they have been very supportive for
understanding local and national politics as distinct windows.
The cartoonist uses imagery, metaphor, symbolism and other rhetorical devices to define
political situations and attempts to visually understand them in a way that is amusing and
infuriating. Cartoons have over the years demonstrated to be very vital because while some
certain people might not be literate to read and effectively get the message confined in news
stories, the cartoons are still able to have an understanding of cartoons and the acknowledgment
of the subject in such cartoons. Actually cartoons come in various forms as we all know there is
the one for the electronic media such as [tomand jerry ] and there is the editorial cartoon in
the newspapers and magazines which is what we are focusing on However this study is basically
explaining how cartoons communicate satirically as a tool and how they affect Nigeria
government wise , politically etc.


Newspaper political cartoons being known as rich sources of information and also being very
powerful communication tools they see political points that should be noted much clearer than
usual. Basically journalists communicate the ‘connotation’ of politics by putting the events of the
political life into a storyline framework which then allows the political cartoons to be told as news
stories. By extension, such expression finds their way into making a caricature of major political
issues either subtly or openly, with the final goal which involves the exposure of some political
follies and the teaching of some moral (and legal) compass in politics.
Political cartoon can be used to frame leadership crisis in political parties, communicative failure
in government. Political cartoons and how they put forth political issues using irony, humor,
exaggeration. Political issues are serious issues which affects the governance of any society
negatively or positively. Information that can’t be passed directly to the government or decision
makers are passed in a humorous way
Different online newspaper print and how they use cartoons to frame, formulate , project
political issues in a humorous manner or using satirical forms .
In the midst of these issues, it becomes vital to investigate the various approaches used ,the impact it
has and also approaches used to pass information to decision makers and general public .


The objectives are:

1. To find out the impact of the cartoons on the decision makers and general

2. To find out various approaches being used by selected newspaper outlets to

communicate political issues to the targeted audience .

3. To study the trend of political cartoon in some selected newspaper and

establish whether the trend is pro establishment or anti establishment

4. To examine the most common images used in political cartoons as reflected

in the selected newspapers in Nigeria


1. To what extent does the cartoon have impact on the decision makers and
general public

2. What type of approaches are used by selected newspapers outlets in

communicating political issues to the targeted audience

3. What type of political cartoons are used by selected newspaper and are
they pro establishment or anti establishment

4. What are the most common images used in political cartoons in the
selected newspapers in Nigeria


This study will throw more light on how with the use of a satirical form , a political cartoon
could either make or mar the government and the people. “Frankly speaking in In recent
years, researchers have devoted considerable attention to the general
question of what political cartoons do, or what their functions are” (Skocpol, 1996;
Medhurst & DeSousa, 1981).
In recent years having passed there have been significant studies in literature reviews
which concentrated on the nature and functions of political cartoons. Several studies of
political cartoons looked at their capability to effectively communicate social and political
messages to mass audiences. That is why this study is contributing to the knowledge on the
aspect of political cartoon as a satirical tool in Nigeria ,the different aspects in which
political cartoons are as a satirical tool are being used the effects on the general public and
decision maker.


Cartoon is a wide term that refers to a wide variety of events. For this study in particular
only the political cartoons placed in The Punch, Daily Trust and vanguard Newspapers
Analyzing an amount of images taken from the three selected Nigeria prominent national
newspapers - The Punch, The Daily and Vanguard. From the year 2020 to date was
examined .

1. Newspaper: it’s a publication that contains current news , correspondence ,advertisements

, and articles of special and public interest displayed on sheets of paper

2. Framing : the act ,process or manner of constructing anything . The way I which a story
or report is oriented

3. Cartoon : cartoons are single or multi-framed images that pass across messages both with
word and symbols

4. Satirical: the use of humor , irony , exaggeration , or ridicule to expose and criticize
peoples stupidity or vices , particularly in the context of contemporary and other topical



2.0 Introduction

The literature review of this study covers the conceptual, theoretical and empirical framework
of the study. The first segment of this chapter evaluates related concepts and constructs. The
significant theories of mass communication are then recognized and used. The chapter is then
settled with an empirical analysis of prior related studies by other researchers in the field The
topic, Newspaper Framing of Political Cartoons as Satirical Tools a study of selected dailies ,
is supported by the literature review.

This chapter is organized and discussed in the following order:

2.1Sources of Literature

This chapter strives to review the following:

• Conceptual Review

• Theoretical framework

• Empirical Review

• Summary of literature review

2.2 Conceptual Review

To reach a much clearer understanding of the subject matter of this discourse, the following concepts
need to be reviewed:
2..1History of newspaper in Nigeria

The history of the printing press started at Calabar during the Presbyterian Mission in 1846
.Newspapers emerge in Nigeria during the 19th century when the European missioner from
Presbyterian Church Rev. Henry Townsend established the first printing press in 1854. A couple
of years later, the first newspaper was out, and it was known as “Iwe Irohin Fun Awon Ara Egba
Ati Yoruba.” This new newspaper was issued every 15 days with a movement of 3000 copies as
it costed about 120 cowries, that is equated to one penny.

The major topics that “Iwe Irohin” covered were mainly focused around the church. Later it also
featured advertisements. During the 1860s “Iwe Irohin” was in two languages that is English and
Yoruba. However, by the end of the time due to the dismissal of Europeans from Egbaland, the
newspaper went out of business. Rev. Henry Townsend opened the newspaper for a reason
which was that firstly he wanted to propagate the reading habit among Egba and Yoruba.
Secondly, the media was a dominant tool which helped in spreading religious doctrine. Even
though the newspaper closed in 10 years, it reached its objectives and gave a start for the
advance of the printing press in the region.

Another newspaper popular and influential at that time was “The Anglo-African” established in
Lagos by Robert Campbell in 1863. Its key goal was to upsurge the level of knowledge amongst
the people and population at large. The third Nigerian newspaper was out in 1880 and was so-
called “The Lagos Times and Gold Coast Colony Advertiser.” It was at a cost of 6 pence, and
was published every 15 days. The newspaper covered some main topics and which were the
current issues of that time. And though the paper was quite useful and relevant, it didn’t last long.
It was closed in 1883 and reopened in 1890 with little success.

Nigeria development of newspapers wouldn’t be effectively defined without pointing out the “West
African Pilot” printed press that came about in 1937. This newspapers interest was in its aim to
fight for independence from the British government. It was a dominant media, due to which lots
of different newspapers arose in the 1960s.
Most newspapers well known as of that time had set their aim to fight for independence.
However, till the 1990s most publications were government-owned. Only private papers were
unrelenting in uncovering public and private scandals, notwithstanding governmental
suppression. Among them were: Daily Trust; Nigerian Tribune; The Punch; Vanguard;

2..1.1 Development of political cartoons in newspaper overtime

Perhaps one of the severest yet satirical forms of communication in modern times is cartoon .
basically speaking the term cartoon refers to metaphorical codification and also a satirical and
humorous kind over which a reporter informs , educates and entertains his viewers. However
before the burden of colonial rule in Africa, traditional African societies had their own ways and
means of criticizing, satirizing as well as portraying the socio-economic and political portents
through poems , songs and drama. Even when printing press was introduced in the year 1846
and newspapers in 1859 in Nigeria. The use of cartoon in portraying social realism did not gain
currency until the year 1930s when the West African Pilot newspaper set the path and ever
since that moment cartoons has become a powerful instrument of communication and
illustration in Nigeria. Akin Lasekan was renowned as the first cartoonist in Nigeria and as well
as the West African Pilot newspaper for which he worked, cartoon was proven as a vital force
within the political struggle to free Nigeria from British colonization.

2.2.1. The Agenda Setting Theory serve as the theoretical foundation for this investigation. One of the
media effect theories relevant to this study that explains the interaction between the media and the
public is the agenda setting theory. It also illustrates how many media genres, including news,
cartoons, commercials, etc., contribute to the diffusion of information in society. According to agenda
setting theory, there is a link between issues with the media and what viewers consider important.
This theory presupposes that when making decisions, viewers create attitudes based on the most
important factors and is based on memory-oriented information processing models. Due to how
quickly cases or associations can be remembered, such a choice and attitude are related to the
agenda-setting process (Guy, 2016).

The theory which was first put forward by Maxwell McCombs and Donald Shaw in 1972
suggested that the media sets the public agenda, in the sense that they may not exactly tell you
what to think, but they may tell you what to think about (Folarin, 2002). Agenda media theory
provides an explanation on the existing relationship between the extent at which media give
coverage to a particular story and the level of importance people attach to such a story.
Therefore, media reflect upon the news worthiness of stories in framing public agendas.
Agenda setting theory provides clear explanation on the contrivable nature of media contents
that appeal to the intellects of the public by calling their considerable attention to issues and
events in a society through intermittent coverage of such issues and events in different media
channels (Folarin, 2002).


Some approach is from the standpoint of criticism of political leaders, politicians, and political
parties, certain study interests center on the significance of editorial cartoon in influencing socio-
political movement (Steuter, 2004). (Lamb, 2004). But some explore a far more nuanced topic
that takes into account the overall political climate as it is presented, the literary and cultural
allusions used, as well as the individual character attributes and situational motifs (DeSousa,
1981). It's crucial to observe how the media has incorporated political cartoons into their recent
coverage of Nigeria's democratic activities, political actors' actions, government policy
objectives, and citizens' perceptions given that political cartoons' main goals revolve around
criticizing political leaders or political decisions. Due to the fact that there are There are as many
contentious problems as there are democratic political developments in the nation. Not every
government move is approved by the people or the opposition, and neither is every criticism of
the government, democratic institutions, or political parties honestly embraced. In the midst of
all of this, the media occasionally intervenes to voice their opinion, although in a caricatured
manner. Such representations might quicken empirical research and broaden the scope of
political dialogue.



The survey research design was used in carrying out this research work, with the questionnaire as
the instrument for data collection. The population for this study is comprises all citizens that reads
punch and daily post newspapers


The research design is a strategy that aids in the researcher's efficient planning and execution of
the investigation. The research is guided by the research design.

In order to examine the newspaper framing of cartoon as a political satirical tool, this research
project will use a qualitative (survey and content analysis) approach.
In order to collect data for analysis, I will use a survey methodology that involves online delivery
of questionnaires to respondents.


Population is referred to as a group or collection of people who share certain characteristics.

Citizens that reads punch newspaper and daily post newspaper are the targeted group for this study.


The sample size is a chosen percentage of the entire population.


Content evaluation




This study will draw on only primary data to gather information, a well-structured questionnaire,
will be created.


Questionnaire, The instruments for this research would be designed to obtain the necessary
information. The instruments of data collection are considered as good method of data collection
in drawing respondent opinion based on the fact that they are given time to think before giving
their answer or data.


This chapter deals with the presentation, analysis and Interpretation of data. This study will

incorporate three phases of data collection

Data analysis and presentation

Discussion of findings


Summary, conclusion and recommendation


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