Cortiz Eng15 Quiz3

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Name: Cortiz, Leonido Jr.

Course/Program: BSED-ENGLISH
Year: 3
Subject: ENG-15
Instructor: Dr. Maria Lucil H. Dollado
Quiz No: 3
Answer the following:

1. Why is evaluation important in instructional materials development? (5 pts.)

“Materials evaluation is the activity which measures the value of a set of

learning materials by making judgments about the effect of the materials on the
people using them including its measure and appeal to the learners; materials validity;
materials ability to interest the learners; materials potential learning value; delivery
and assessment.” (Tomlinson and Masura, 2004).

“Materials development is a procedure that involves measuring the value (or

potential value) of a set of learning materials. It involves making judgements about
the effect of the materials on the people using them like the appeal, credibility,
validity, reliability and flexibility of materials to learners, teachers and
administrators.” (Dick and Johnson, 2002)

“Materials need to be flexible enough to cater to individual and contextual

differences. In order to use IMs and aid more effectively, they must make learning
more real and meaningful.” (Amadioha, 2009).

When evaluating the quality of a textbook’s exercises or activities, there has to

be considerations on their contribution to language acquisition, balance in format and
varying and challenging exercises.” (Garnier, 2002).

“Clarity of instructions is a useful starting point in materials evaluation. Often

teachers’ books and gives supporting grammar advice but the real workings of
materials lie in students’ instructions hence activities need to be understandable,
achievable and culturally acceptable.” (Ganpatsingh, 2016)

“Evaluation is essential in obtaining data in order to revise instruction to make

it more efficient and effective. This includes enhancement/ revision of the IMs, to
make them as effective as possible. These ideas give you a clearer picture on the need
to assess IMs.” (Dick and Carey).

It is possible to apply the basic principles of materials evaluation to all types

of evaluation but it is not possible to make generalizations about procedures which
apply to all types. Evaluations differ, for example, in purpose, in personnel, in
formality and in timing. You might do an evaluation in order to help a publisher to
make decisions about publication, to help yourself in developing materials for
publication, to select a textbook, to write a review for a journal or as part of a research
project. As an evaluator you might be a learner, a teacher, an editor, a researcher, a
Director of Studies or an Inspector of English.
2. Discuss the importance of the following: (5 pts. Each)
Preuse evaluation
Whilst use
Post evaluation
 Pre-use evaluation- involves making predictions about the potential value of
materials for their users. It involves making predictions about the potential value
of materials on people who use them (Tomlinson 1998, 2003). He indicates that
this type of evaluation is often impressionistic, subjective and unreliable since a
teacher scans a book quickly to gain an impression about its value. This type of
evaluation is very important, particularly, in the process of materials selection.
For instance, McGrath (2002, p. 14) has emphasized the relationship between pre-
emphasis in much that has been written on materials evaluation is therefore
rightly on what we might call pre-use evaluation in relation potential suitability.
In a similar vein, Ellis (1997) and Mukundan (2009) indicate that predictive
evaluation is carried out to determine if the materials are adequate for use (i.e. for
selection purposes). In other words, this type of evaluation may be impressionistic
if it is conducted on the existing materials but it may be effective and useful
predictive evaluation if it is conducted for selection purposes. The related
literature reveals that the attention more or less exclusively focuses on this
category (Ellis 1997).

 Whilst (In)-use evaluation- it measures the value of the material whilst observing
or using them. It is more reliable than pre-use evaluation since it makes use of
measurement rather than prediction (Tomlinson 1998, 2003). Tomlinson maintains
that it observes the performance of learners on exercises, however; it cannot
measure durable and effective learning because of the delayed effect of
instruction. Whilst use evaluation and retrospective evaluation are likely to have
similar purposes (i.e. measuring the effect of the materials or determining the
effectiveness of the existing materials whilst using them). Mukundan (2009), for
example, indicates that retrospective evaluation is the re-evaluation of materials
while they are in-use to decide if the materials work. This category has special
significance since it provides applied linguists/teachers with information that help
them to using the materials again, which activities work and which do not, and
how to modify the materials to make them more effective for future, p. 37).

 Post –use evaluation- it is the most important and valuable because it can measure
the actual effects of the materials on the user and provide reliable information. It
is the most important and valuable type of evaluation because it can measure the
actual effects of the materials on the users and provide reliable information
(Tomlinson 1998, 2003). Tomlinson maintains that it can measure short term
effects such as motivation, impact achievability and instant learning. It can also
measure long term effects such as durable learning and application. This category
may be the most useful evaluation since it is conducted after the participants have
had reasonable time using the materials. The 287 users of the materials can then
give clear and useful opinions and suggestions about the evaluated materials. This
type of evaluation provides applied linguists with valid and reliable information
that help them to develop the target materials. Moreover, this type of evaluation is
helpful and useful for identifying the points of strength and weakness that emerge
over a period of using the coursebooks (Cunningsworth, 1995).

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