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Name: Cortiz, Leonido Jr.

Degree/Program: BSEd 2 English

Research on the following visual impairments and explain how each

affects the learning process.
a. myopia
• Nearsightedness (myopia) is a vision problem in which objects close to you
are plainly seen but objects further away are blurry.
When light rays bend (refract) wrongly due to the structure of your eye, image
s focus in front of your retina rather than on your retina.
• Learners with myopia, or nearsightedness, may find it difficult to read notes
written on the board, which can obstruct their progress.

b. hyperopia
• Hyperopia (farsightedness) is a vision problem in which you can see far obje
cts clearly but nearby items are indistinct.
Your concentration capacity is influenced by how farsighted you are.
• By causing tiredness, tension, and discomfort in the classroom, hyperopia ca
n affect a child's academic development as well as their physical well-being.
Learning can be difficult and frustrating for a child.

c. color deficiency

• Color blindness, often known as weak or defective color vision, is the inabilit
y to distinguish between different colors.
True color blindness, in which everything is viewed in shades of black and whi
te, is uncommon, despite the fact that many people use the phrase "color blin
d" to describe it.
• Because color-blind children are usually denied the support they need in the
school, they typically feel inadequate from an early age, even before learning t
o read and write. Some students lose confidence and struggle to cope, while
others drop out of school or become unwilling to learn, resulting in disruptive b

d. blindness at night

• Nyctalopia (night blindness) is the inability to see clearly at night or in dim lig
ht, such as in a restaurant or a movie theater.
It is frequently linked to a difficulty to swiftly transition from a well-lighted to a d
imly lit environment.
• Students with nyctalopia may find it difficult to attend night school, which is s
omething that some schools are undertaking. They may also struggle to learn
since they have less time to study each day and can only study and visualize t
hings in daylight, as they cannot see in dim or low light.

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