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Chapter 1

1.1 Background of the Study

According to James, R. & Xu, J. (2012), pesticides are more broadly known to affect the

insect humoral and cellular immune responses. In the initial humoral response, pattern

recognition proteins identify invading microbes (or other internal non-self-objects) and initiate

the synthesis of various of antimicrobial proteins (AMPs). Moreover, Mahmood et al. (2016),

pesticides are used to kill the pests and insects which attack on crops and harm them. Different

kinds of pesticides have been used for crop protection for centuries. Pesticides benefit the crops;

however, they also impose a serious negative impact on the environment. Excessive use of

pesticides may lead to the destruction of biodiversity. Furthermore, Aktar, W. (2013), the term

pesticide covers a wide range of compounds including insecticides, fungicides, herbicides,

rodenticides, molluscicides, nematicides, plant growth regulators and others.

According to Alewu, B., & Nosiri, C. (2011), pesticides are those chemicals that are used

to destroy unwanted forms of life or organisms. Moreover, Kishi, M. (2012) we know that

pesticides cause many public health problems, but their true extent remains unknown. There are

several reasons for this. Some health outcomes from pesticide poisoning are not easily

recognized, especially when there is a time lag between exposure and outcomes. Furthermore,

Mahmood, I. (2016), pesticides are used to kill pests and insects that attack and damage

crops.Various types of pesticides have been used for centuries to protect crops. Pesticides benefit

crops ; however, they also have serious negative impacts on the environment.The overuse of
pesticides can lead to the destruction of biodiversity. Lastly, Isenring, R. (2010), pesticides are a

major factor affecting biological diversity, along with habitat loss and climate change. They can

have toxic effects in the short term in directly exposed organisms, or long-term effects by

causing changes in habitat and the food chain.

According to Brookes,G. (2022), the primary technology impacting on pesticide use were

vegetation changed to be tolerant to precise herbicides so that it will facilitate advanced weed

manipulate and vegetation resistant tomore than a few crop insect pests that in any other case

harm vegetation or generally require the utility of pesticides to govern them. Over the 24 12

months duration tested to 2020, the large use of GM insect resistant and herbicide tolerant seed

generation has decreased pesticide utility via way of means of 748.6 million kg (−7.2%)of

energetic aspect and, as a result, reduced the environmental effect related to insecticide and

herbicide use on those vegetation (as measured via way of means of the indicator, the

Environmental Impact Quotient (EIQ)) via way of means of a bigger 17.3�tween 1996 and

2020. The generation that has added the biggest alternate in pesticide use has been insect

resistant cotton, in which a 339 million kg of energetic aspect saving has passed off and

therelated environmental effect (as measured via way of means of the EIQ indicator) has fallen

via way of means of approximately a third.

According to Tambarta, E. et al. (2022) using pesticides is familiar to farmers, especially

in North Aceh Regency. But the use of chemical pesticides continuously is not recommended

because it have negative impacts such as increasing pest resistance, the emergence of new pests,

killing the natural enemies/predators, buildup of chemical residues in crops and causing

environmental pollution. Pesticides are chemical substances and other substances which use to

control various pests. For farmers, the types of pests are mites, nuisance plants, plant diseases
caused by fungi (fungi), bacteria, viruses, nematodes (worms that damage roots), snails, rats,

birds and other animals that are considered harmful to the corps. The sustainable use of chemical

pesticides will certainly damage the environment so that it can harm rural communities who

generally work as farmers. The best solution is to produce organic pesticides independently with

ingredients that are easily available in the surrounding environment. Therefore, State

Universities in Sumatra collaborate with Corporate Social responsibility PT. Pupuk Iskandar

Muda (CSR PT. PIM) as a partner of DUDI (Industrial Side) also contributed to solving this

problem by implementing a training program for making organic pesticides for the women's

farmer group Meugah Raya and the Raseuki Seumula farmer group in North Aceh.

Like for example there is small amount of adult flies flying inside your kitchen you may

use organic pesticide to spray because it is inside your house it will prevent causing harm to your

family specially children. If it's a way to your house if it's to many you may use harmful

insecticide to prevent wide spreading or etc.….

The purpose of studying is to know how to prevent it the most importantly is what kind

of insecticide will be used if its harmful chemicals or an organic pesticide. You must need to

verify also the situation.


Alewu, B., & Nosiri, C. (2011). Pesticides and human health. Pesticides in the modern world–
effects of pesticides exposure. InTech, 231-50.
Aktar, W., Sengupta, D., & Chowdhury, A. (2009). Impact of pesticides use in agriculture: their
benefits and hazards. Interdisciplinary toxicology, 2(1), 1-12.
Brookes, G. (2022). Genetically Modified (GM) Crop Use 1996–2020: Environmental Impacts
Associated with Pesticide Use Change. GM Crops & Food, 13(1), 262-289.
Isenring, R. (2010). Pesticides and the loss of biodiversity. Pesticide Action Network Europe,
London, 26.
James, R. R., & Xu, J. (2012). Mechanisms by which pesticides affect insect immunity. Journal
of invertebrate pathology, 109(2), 175-182.
Kishi, M. (2012). The Health Impacts of Pesticides: What Do We Now Know?. In The pesticide
detox (pp. 45- 60). Routledge.
Kumar, S., Sharma, A. K., Rawat, S. S., Jain, D. K., & Ghosh, S. (2013). Use of pesticides in
agriculture and livestock animals and its impact on environment of India. Asian Journal
of Environmental Science, 8(1), 51-57.
Mahmood, I., Imadi, S. R., Shazadi, K., Gul, A., & Hakeem, K. R. (2016). Effects of pesticides
on environment. In Plant, soil and microbes (pp. 253-269). Springer, Cham.
Mahmood, I., Imadi, S. R., Shazadi, K., Gul, A., & Hakeem, K. R. (2016). Effects of pesticides
on environment. In Plant, soil and microbes (pp. 253-269). Springer, Cham.
Tambarta, E., Ramayana, R., Romano, R., Fadli, F., Syahwier, C. A., & Nura, N. (2022).

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